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篇一:Life of pi影评11111

Life of pi影评

英美影视课上,老师放了一部电影,life of pi 其给我感触颇深 。

李安的作品总是隐隐含着某种深刻的思想,既不收得过紧,也不放的特开,把握的非常好,而《life of pi》也一样,这是他继2D

以来拍的第一部3D电影 ,可是却取得了非常大成功。 Pi从小心地善良,有多重信仰。而海上那只老虎,却是另一个自己(或者说是自己心中邪恶、暴力的一面)。当那只母猩猩(在第二个故事中,那代表Pi的母亲)被咬死的时候,那个暴力的自己,就像老虎突然地出场一样,一下子被激发了出来,并且将豪猪杀死了。然后,在茫茫大海上,善良的Pi与暴力邪恶的另一个自己老虎展开了一段生死之旅。Pi从最开始惧怕老虎,到希望去控制老虎,一直到最后两者相安无事,体现了人性多面的对决和融合。海洋上那些唯美的画面,如镜面的海中泛起的小舟和木筏,两者的沉默与宁静,这种唯美画面正好隐射人性多面的融合和和谐。我们必须认识自己的每一面,因为这不同的特质让我们适应不同的环境。正如奇幻瑰丽的漂浮岛,有光艳祥和的白日,也有宁静邪恶的夜晚。事物都有两面,我们享受其美好,也不可忽视其邪恶,只是我们要学会选择,要充满勇气去战胜恶获得美。





全影片印象最为深刻的画面。一个是Pi在新学期介绍自己的时候,在数学课上默写π的时候,那种小孩子的持着和信念让我感动。另一个就是茫茫大海,如镜面平静的大海上,无数散发着光芒的水母将浩淼烟海繁星闪烁。画面美轮美奂。让人感受到一种纯净的心灵的涤荡。 “我心里有猛虎,在细嗅着蔷薇,审视我的心灵吧,亲爱的朋友,你应战栗,因为那里才是你本来的面目。”——西格夫里?萨松

篇二:Life of Pi读后感

After watching Life of Pi

I have seen Life of Pi several days ago,but I can’t forget Pi and his incredible story,and the movie was really a big shock to me.

The storyline revolves around a 16-year old boy named Piscine Molitor "Pi" Patel, who survives a shipwreck in which his family dies, and is stranded in the Pacific Ocean on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.

When Pi is 16, his father decides to move the family to Winnipeg , Canada, where he intends to settle and sell the zoo animals. They book passage on a Japanese freighter named Tzimtzum. One night there is a storm, and Pi asks his brother Ravi to come up on deck to watch. However, Ravi refuses, and Pi goes alone. The ship begins to founder while Pi is on deck. He tries to find his family, but a crew member throws him into a lifeboat. After the storm, Pi finds himself in the lifeboat with an injured zebra, and is joined by an orangutan. The hyena kills the zebra and then the orangutan. Suddenly the tiger Richard Parker emerges from under the tarp, killing the hyena. After many days at sea, Pi trains the tiger to accept him in the boat. He also realizes that caring for the tiger is keeping him alive.Weeks later and half dead, they reach a floating island,Both Pi and Richard Parker eat and drink freely and regain strength. But at night the island transforms into a hostile environment: the fresh water turns acidic digesting all the dead fish that died in the pools,. Pi discovers the island's secrets when he finds a human tooth. The next day, Pi and the tiger leave the island.The lifeboat eventually reaches the coast of Mexico and Pi is rescued and carried to a hospital.Insurance agents for the Japanese freighter come to interview him. They do not believe his story and ask what "really" happened. He tells a less fantastic account of sharing the lifeboat with his mother, a sailor , and the cook. The cook kills the sailor in order to eat him and use him as bait. In a later struggle, Pi's mother pushes him to safety on a smaller raft, and the cook stabs her as she falls overboard. Later, Pi returns, takes the knife and kills the cook.

I think there are three stories in the movie ,and the director Ang Lee maybe wanted to let us audience to guess the meaning of the story,and there were many metaphors in this movie.

This is not just a movie, it is a real masterpiece. It is what a film should be. We can understand the beauty of life through Life of Pi,and we also can seek for our life of Pi.If every unfolding we experience takes us further along in life, then, we are truly experiencing what life is offering...

篇三:life of pi 英文读后感

The power of faith

——impression of Life of Pi

Life of Pi, one of my favorite books, is what I’m going to introduce in my article today. I read it two years ago, just after watching its movie version which is directed by Ann Lee. Until now, my mind has still kept flashing back this fantastic story. The story itself is extremely attractive, the words of it are full of wisdom and the ending which is the best part of it is really thought provoking.

First of all, it tells a life story of the main character——Pi, an India boy grew up in a zoo and affected by three religions. At first, he decides to become an adherent of all three religions. And the most wonderful part is during a trip to Canada, when all his family died in a shipwreck, he drifted in the Pacific Ocean on a life boat with 4 animals included a tiger. In this incredible journey, he realized that what he had believed can’t save his life and the only thing he needed to trust was himself.

The story makes me know that the most important thing is not to despair. If every unfolding we experience takes us further along in life, then, we are truly experiencing what life is offering. I really the

sentences in this book, for example, I must say a word about fear, it is life's only true opponent, only fear can defeat life. It says that fear is a clever, treacherous adversary, it has no decency, respects no law or convention, shows no mercy, It goes for your weakest spot, which

It finds with unerring ease.

Like I said before, the ending is the best part of this novel. At the end of the story, Pi survived and was sent to a hospital. When asked what happened on the Pacific Ocean, Pi told them the version that has those animals. But people didn’t buy it, and made him tell the truth. So, Pi then offers them a second story in which he is adrift on a lifeboat not with zoo animals, but with the ship′s cook, a Taiwanese sailor with a broken leg, and his own mother. The cook amputates the sailor′s leg for use as fishing bait, then kills the sailor and Pi′s mother for food, and soon he is killed by Pi, who dines on him. Pi points out that neither story can be proven and neither explains the cause of the shipwreck, so he asks the officials which story they prefer: the one without animals or the one with animals. They choose the story with the animals. Pi thanks them and says: ″And so it goes with God.″

I must say the ending is really a punchline. Without it, the novel is just a normal fantasy fiction. It gives readers a lot of thinking about which one we should believe. Although I am not a adherent of any

religion, but this story makes me believe in god. I guess that’s why I love it so much.


