
更新时间:2024-04-01 09:45:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


雅思写作63个高分句型 1. profit from

People the world over have profited enormously from the co-operation across national borders, in terms of both efficiency and flexibility (the range of choices).

2. A is an indispensable/integral part of B The Internet has become an indispensable part of modern life as it profoundly influences the way we live, work, co-operate and compete. 3. is the cornerstone of

In most modern countries, the family unit is still the cornerstone of society. 4. enable sb. to do sth. Computerisation substantially.

5. get accustomed to sth.

Due to the different cultural backgrounds, some international business people have a hard time getting accustomed to the local way of marketing. 6. sb. can utilise sth.




factories to cut their production costs

The current problem for the government is how best to utilise the resources it has now rather than how to increase its resources. 7. strike a balance between A and B

Due to the increasing stress and the rising demand for their time at work, most married adults need to learn to strike a balance between their work and their family.

8. assume/shoulder the responsibility for Educators should assume the responsibility for ensuring that their students do not go astray academically, psychologically or socially. 9. sth. has been consolidating its status as the ...

English has been consolidating its status as the dominant language in the world, which has left many languages endangered. 10. draw on

Those who have spent some time travelling to other places have a broader view of life and better personal resources to draw on. 11. get a clear perspective of

That is the best way for students to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why.

12. afford people a sense of belonging / a sense of fulfillment / a sense of achievement / a sense of security / job satisfaction

The sense of belonging to a team or a working community also contributes to job satisfaction because colleagues help each other to enjoy their working lives.

13. acquire knowledge/skills

The role of school is not just to provide students with opportunities to acquire knowledge, but also to give students chances to learn about values and to make reasoned choices. 14. put into practice

Putting new ideas into practice is more difficult than having them.

15. strengthen family ties

Instead of strengthening family ties, modern technology seems to have prevented people from keeping in touch with their family far away from

them by keeping them constantly busy. 16. be interrelated and interdependent

Nations are increasingly interrelated and interdependent in this age of economic and cultural globalization ,which means no matter how far away it may be geographically, no country is really isolated. 17. is accompanied by

The staggering advancement of technology is accompanied by severe pollution of the ecosystem. 18. sth. is unwarranted / unjustified

The amount of money super stars can earn in a short time cannot possibly be justified by the amount of work they do. 19. be afflicted with

A host of African countries are being afflicted with chronic poverty and lasting war. 20. deprive someone of sth.

Modern cities deprive city-dwellers of fresh air and the comfortable pace of life. 21. sth. impel sb to

It is the increasing peer pressure that impels

many youngsters to start smoking or drinking at an early age.

22. A has rendered B + adjective

The upgrade in the IT industry has rendered millions of old computers obsolete. 23. sth. is the root cause of

The population explosion is the root cause of water scarcity.

24. be confronted with sth.

We will be confronted with this question at some point, no matter how unpleasant it can be. 25. be inundated with sth.

International trade has rendered many markets in developing countries inundated with foreign products that they do not really need. 26. if ..., sth. will ensue

If parents neglect their offspring, lack of discipline and respect will ensue. 27. distract sb. from

There are educational video games that, instead of distracting students from the classes, actually make students more academically


28. be addicted to sth. / be preoccupied with sth. At the extreme, children may even become addicted to computers as much as some of them become dependent on drugs.

29. copy sth. mechanically / apply sth. indiscriminately

It is highly disturbing that many architects today are copying traditional architectural styles mechanically in their building designs. 30. increase the government expenditure on sth. The massive layoffs will markedly increase the government expenditure in training the citizens who have lost their jobs and yet do not have the skills required by the new jobs. 31.





Their suggestion runs contrary to the overwhelming evidence that techonology boosts humans efficiency.

32. erode the national identity / national pride The indiscriminate worship of the traditional

culture is seriously eroding the national identity of the young country. 33. at the expense of

The infrastructure should not be upgraded at the expense of taxpayers' wellbeing. 34. it is wrong to equate ... with ...

It is wrong to equate happiness with making more money and living in a spacious house.

35. support(oppose) ... on the grounds that ... Some people continue to oppose animal experiments on the grounds that they are inhumane. 36. abide by the rules/law/regulations

To prevent children from going astray, parents should help their children to learn to respect others and to abide by the rules.

37. A prevail over / outweigh / outbalance / override B

The advantages of stiffer punishment for driving offenders prevail over its disadvantages. 38. A create / bring about / generate / cause / breed / engender / spawn / induce B

Technological innovations have brought about

fundamental changes to various political, economic and cultural arenas. 39. A is a key determinant of B

In an individual's career, tenacity is a key determinant of success.

40. are, by nature, + adjective

Children are, by nature, underdeveloped morally, emotionally, as well as physically.

41. it is standard practice for someone to do sth. At present, it is not standard practice for scientists to release their data or research models which may lead to research that is detrimental to human beings. 42. A is best characterised by ...

Excellent journalists are best characterised by self-discipline, determination and insights. 43. Given the choice

Given the choice, most adults would find human friends preferable to pets.

44. someone would be well-advised to do sth. Parents would be well-advised to spend more time with their offspring.

45. ..., and there seems to be plenty of research findings to confirm this

Teaching students in groups helps them to grow into social, responsible individuals, and there seems to be plenty of research findings to confirm this.

46. in all likelihood

In all likelihood, these decisions would be made by government officials who tend to have wrong understanding of the problems.

47. This trend is not restricted to ... This trend is not restricted to wealthy students who have the money to do this, but is also evident among poorer students. 48. tend to ...

1 Youngsters tend to be more impulsive and more likely to go astray socially.

2 These are electronic games that tend to be very intense and rather violent. 49. hinge on

Success of such efforts hinges on contribution from the authorities.

50. A reflect/embody B

Feelings about one's job must reflect how an individual feels about his or her life as a whole. 51. The proportion of ... is very high. The proportion of their lives spent doing such jobs is very high.

52. in this respect / regard

Positive feedback from superiors is very important in this respect.

53. is a frequent topic of discussion

The comparative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discussion. 54. give priority to sth.

The government should give priority to the optimization of its financial resources. 55. dedicate money/time/energy to ...

The government should dedicate itself to protecting the rights of the old, the sick and the homeless.

56. be vulnerable to ...

Without proper parental guidance, children would be vulnerable to the violent or pornographic

content of those TV shows.

57. sth. should be condemned rather than condoned Indiscriminate




architectural style today should be condemned rather than condoned.

58. it is imperative/essential that (or Something is of paramount/overriding importance.) To the newly arrived immigrants, it is imperative that they adapt to the local culture promptly. 59. sth. requires ...

Any child can be taught particular skills, but to be really good in areas such as music, art or sport, then some natural talent is required. 60. distinguish between A and B

Many youngsters lack the capacity to distinguish between right and wrong. 61. take ... into account

The circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.

62. is an important element of ...

Job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing.

63. are not mutually exclusive

Good training and natural talent are not mutually exclusive.

