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I. Reading Comprehension

Passage One

We typically think of folkways and mores as having considerable durability, as being relatively fixed and slow to change. Yet we often yearn for something new, for variety and novelty. At first it may seem impossible that this desire could be satisfied through norms, since norms emphasize conformity. Yet curiously, we mange to be conformists even when we seek change. We achieve this strange outcome by a set of norms that demand some measure of conformity while they endure, but that last only a short time. These norms are termed fashions and fads.

A fashion is a folkway that lasts for a short time and enjoys widespread acceptance within society. Fashion finds expression in such things as styles of clothing, auto design, and home architecture. By virtue of fashion, the suit that was in vogue five years ago often seems out of place today. The automobile of three years past that appeared so beautiful and appropriate looks outdated and even somewhat odd now. and “gingerbread” and brown stone houses no longer suit most of our tastes.

A fad is a folkway that lasts for a short time and enjoys acceptance among only a segment of the population. Indeed, the behavior is often scorned by most members of society. Fads appears in amusements, new games, popular tunes, dance steps, health practices, movie idols, and slang. Adolescents seem to be particularly fascinated by fads. Since clothing and gestures can arbitrarily serve as signs of in-group or out-group status, fads provide young people with a sense of identity and belonging.

Fashions and fads are found in all spheres and walks of life. Intellectuals who often scorn the “ridiculous” behavior of the youngsters themselves follow the latest plays, books, foods, and scholarly theories currently in vogue in their social worlds. 1. The strange outcome refers to ________.

A) being relatively fixed and slow to change B) yearning for something new C) conforming to norms while seeking change D) desiring novelty and variety 2. Fashions and fads are norms that ________. A) last for a long time B) last for a short time C) enjoy great popularity D) are accepted by the minority of people 3. In terms of fashion, ________.

A) people’s taste changes with time passing by B) youngsters are more loyal followers C) adults are more conservative D) only scholars appreciate the value 4. According to the passage, youngsters are often drawn together ________. A) if they are from the same neighborhood B) if they follow the same fads C) when they study in the same school D) when they follow the same fashions 5. Scholars ________.

A) will not follow the fashion and fad B) often help the youngsters to choose proper fads C) will study the phenomenon of fashion and fad

D) tend to criticize the youngsters for their fad-fallowing

Passage Two

It’s an age-old dispute: Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Males and females show different behaviors almost from birth. Researchers say these behaviors are due to basic differences in brain structure and activity. Studies show men are better at hitting targets and solving math problems while women are better at memorizing words and recognizing faces. Why the differences?

A test of the brain’s electrical activity shows that women commonly use both sides of their brain while men rely more on one. Scientists already know that the two sides of the brain control different functions – one controlling the sense of space, for example, the other controlling language. Some researchers believe that the different ways men and women use their brains evolved from ancient times, when cave men hunted and women cared for the children. Men had to have good aim. Women had to talk to the kids.

Whatever be the explanation, the battle of the sexes continues. And although their brains are constructed slightly differently, men and women may be equally capable. They may simply rely on different abilities. Take a couple arguing over the location of their car in a parking lot. The man might use his sense of space to find it, while the woman relies on her recognition of landmarks. They both find the car. But chances are that they’ll still argue about who’s the better driver and who’s better at finding the way home.

6. The first sentence means people have different ideas about whether ________.

A) men and women are from different planets B) men and women don’t like each other C) there is any association between the behaviors of men and women D) there are any differences between the behaviors of men and women 7. Women ________.

A) use both sides of the brain B) only use one side of the brain C) are more rational D) are more capable than men 8. The brains of men and women ________. A) are distinctively different in structure B) evolve from ancient times C) have different functions D) change with the passage of time 9. Men and women ________. A) have the same brains B) can be equally capable C) are equally capable of everything D) often have quarrels with each other 10. The example given at the end shows that ________.

A) men are all too dominating B) women always nag about everything C) men are better at finding their cars in the parking lot

D) men and women rely on different abilities to do the same thing

II. Vocabulary and Structure

11. Although the international situation has _____ many changes, China will adhere to the path of

building socialism with Chinese characteristics. A) undergone B) designated C) brightened D) fluttered 12. Come on, it’s time to _____ these toys _____. A) turn / over B) take / off C) let / loose D) put / away 13. Despite his father’s _____ she was still frightened of the dark. A) testimony B) reassurances C) management D) objection

14. AIDS, acquired _____ deficiency syndrome (综合症), is a disease which destroys the natural

method the body uses to protect against other diseases. A) curative B) weary C) immune D) humble

15. The council has operated much more effectively since _____ replaced political dogma. A) pragmatism B) reassurance C) management D) humanity 16. Eammon was plump and _____ but very attractive to women. A) humble B) slender C) balding D) fatty 17. They made it perfectly clear that it was _____ to go on. A) useless B) dreary C) persistent D) sincere

18. Jane glanced at the clock. “Oh dear, I’m late! I have to run or I’ll be late for my first

appointment.” She kissed her husband quickly, picked up her _____, and started for the door. A) checkbook B) briefcase C) shoeshine D) champagne 19. We’ve spent so much money on our new house, we can’t afford to _____ it. A) scrawl B) furnish C) retail D) criticize

20. After perhaps a seventh attempt the moth slipped from the wooden ledge and fell, _____ his

wings, on to his back on the windowsill. A) snatching B) fluttering C) enhancing D) inheriting

21. People often say “I’ll put the _____ on” when they are going to make tea or coffee. A) spice B) rack C) kettle D) oven 22. It’s a good school, but it’s just not part of the _____ League. A) Literature B) Icy C) Chicory D) Ivy 23. His ideas are _____ with the spirit of his age. A) in essence B) in tune C) in time D) in principle

24. The dramatic contrast in progress since then between the Internet, which has shown explosive

growth, and the space program, which has shrunk, bears eloquent _____ to the value of private-sector competition. A) definition B) testimony C) statement D) stationery 25. That music always _____ happy memories. A) comes down to B) takes on C) brings back D) pops out

26. Particularly easy to identify is the sound every citizen knows, the _____, sliding clatter of a

wagon turning off the car track so that a trolley can pass it. A) sprinkling B) opposing C) rasping D) balding

27. What’s _____ in your mind just before a race when you’re waiting for the starter’s signal? A) odd B) marvelous C) merciless D) uppermost 28. Please accept my _____ apologies. A) hypothetical B) heartfelt C) limitless D) fierce

29. Coalition aircraft patrolling the no-fly zone in southern Iraq attacked an Iraqi military _____

command and control center near Al Kut, about 95 miles southeast of Baghdad, U.S. Central Command said. A) mobile B) scarce C) successive D) considerate

30. The Chinese people of all ethnic groups are firmly opposed to any attempt to split the Chinese

_____ and sovereignty. A) campus B) section C) territory D) lantern

III. Cloze

It is the policy of keeping Africans inferior and separate from Europeans.

They are to be kept separate by not being allowed to live as citizens with rights in _31_ towns. They may go to European towns to work, but they may not have their families _32_; they must live in “Bantustans”, the native areas. They are not to _33_ with Europeans by sitting in the _34 cafe, waiting-room, compartment of trains, seats in parks. They are not to _35 from the same beach, go to the same cinema, play _36 the same game field or in the same _37.

Twelve percent of the land is _38 for the Africans to live and farm on, and this is mostly dry, _39, mountainous land. Yet the Africans are three quarters of the people. They are _40 to go and work for the Europeans, not only because their lands do not 41 enough food to keep them, but also _42 they must earn money to pay their taxes. Each _43 African man has to pay £1 a year poll-tax, and ten shillings a year tax for his hut. _44 they go into European areas to work, they are not _45 to do skilled work; they are hewers of wood and drawers of water, and their wage is about one-seventh of _46 a European would earn for the same kind of work. If a European _47 an African to do skilled work of the same kind _48 for Europeans, such as carpentry, both the European and his African employee my be _49 £100. Any African who takes part in a strike may be fined £500, and / or sent to _50 for three years. 31 A) European B) British C) African D) American 32 A) working B) there C) at home D) either 33 A) deal B) combine C) cope D) mix 34 A) other B) black C) same D) luxurious 35 A) walk B) bathe C) drink D) cook 36 A) with B) on C) in D) around 37 A) team B) sport C) activity D) right 38 A) amounted B) counted C) left D) utilized 39 A) rich B) cultivated C) well-designed D) poor 40 A) determined B) about C) expected D) forced 41 A) rise B) possess C) store D) grow 42 A) for B) as C) because D) perhaps 43 A) adult B) young C) old D) child 44 A) Since B) When C) Unless D) After 45 A) allowed B) assumed C) encouraged D) returned 46 A) which B) how C) what D) that 47 A) employs B) hire C) forces D) obliged 48 A) checked B) reversed C) done D) decided 49 A) wasted B) lost C) contributed D) fined 50 A) countryside B) army C) prison D) isolation





Video Games

Nowadays, video games can be seen in many recreational centers and they have also found their way into families. Both adults and children find video games a convenient and cheap entertainment and even believe it can help them to become quick in response.

However, some people argue against video games. They exclaim that many video enthusiasts play the games for nothing but to kill time. They stare at the TV screen for many hours each day. As a matter of fact, video games are occupying too much of a game-player’s life and making him lazy, not to mention its harmful effect on his eyes and his physical and mental health.

Different people see the same thing in different lights. I think that video games, like anything else in the world, have both advantages and disadvantage. Their value depends on how you take advantage of them. But when you find yourself hopelessly addicted to them, your only way out is to throw them away.

The Advantages and the Disadvantages of Traveling

People have good reasons to enjoy traveling. They claim that traveling broadens their horizons, especially I geographical and historical learning. They go on to argue that traveling helps people understand each other better and makes their life more colorful. It offers them more chances to taste different foods and try on different clothes. Without traveling people will possibly fail to interpret other cultures.

Those who hold opposite idea have their reason, too. They emphasize that traveling means a considerable amount of money and energy. While traveling, tourists are often ripped off or even cheated in an unfamiliar or strange place and don’t know where to make a complaint. As a result, they will be fatigued after all these walking, shopping, quarrelling, and trafficking or even feel getting hurt.

In reality, I think traveling can benefit us a lot. If we do some traveling from time to time, we will make many new friends all over the world, and come up with new ideas frequently. We can get familiar with new places that are better than our hometowns, which we always think to be the best in the world.


Discovery is not a mysterious word for explorers and scientists to enjoy only. In fact, all people make new discoveries as they grow up. For instance, a baby will eventually find out he can float on water if he is given enough time to play in a bathtub.

Sometimes a discovery brings you a great joy. When you find what you have been looking for, you will feel very happy. When you one day realize that you have learned and mastered a skill or a method, you will certainly be delighted.

A discovery is likely to mean regret or even pain to you. If you find that the person you love cheats you occasionally, you will feel greatly betrayed. If you realize that you failed the exam you care so much, you will surely be discouraged. Whether you like it or not, discovery is a part of your life.

High Rise Flats

Blocks of “high-rise” flats have been erected in large numbers in many cities. They are the inevitable product of the rapid growth of cities. Since a lot of people have immigrated from rural areas to urban ones, the population of cities is growing larger and larger.

To relieve this pressure, architects have been designing plenty of high-rise flats. They say

that high-rise flats are the ideal solution to the dual problem of acute housing shortage and lack of space in urban areas. However, many inhabitants are suffering quite a lot from the inconveniences caused by these tall buildings. Sociologists are much concerned over severe loneliness and deep depression brought about by life within these great towers.

In many metropolitan areas, I think, constructing more tall buildings is the only answer to continuous growth of urban population. It should not be rejected because of its dehumanizing effect. Great efforts should also be made to improve the high-rise building environment and its living conditions.

