为您找到与 Based相关的结果共 116 个

The Digital Game-Based Learning

增强现实 虚拟现实 人机交互From Digital Game-Based Learning (McGraw-Hill, 2001) by Marc Prensky Chapter 1 The Digital Game-Based LearningRevolution Fun at Last! Th


State Based Visualization of PVM Applications

Abstract. Understanding the dynamic behavior of parallel programs is a critical issue both for debugging and for optimization. A visualization tool di


Problem-based Learning in Mathematics

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) describes a learning environment where problems drive the learning. That is, learning begins with a problem to be solved,


Problem-based Learning in Mathematics

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) describes a learning environment where problems drive the learning. That is, learning begins with a problem to be solved,


Information flow based event distribution middleware

Event distribution middleware supports the integration of distributed applications by accepting events from information producers and disseminating ap


Unsupervised Video Segmentation Based on Watersheds and Temp

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY,VOL.8,NO.5,SEPTEMBER1998539 Unsupervised Video Segmentation Basedon Watersheds and Tem


Signature schemes based on the strong RSA assumption

We describe and analyze a new digital signature scheme. The new scheme is quite efficient, does not require the the signer to maintain any state, and


Information flow based event distribution middleware

Event distribution middleware supports the integration of distributed applications by accepting events from information producers and disseminating ap


Friction analysis based on integral quadratic constraints

One of the most important nonlinearities in mechanical control systems is friction. The effects of friction can be manifested in many different ways.


XNA Based Game Design Report - 图文

XNA Based Game Design Report Member: Member ——Dive Fast Experiment environment 1. Visual Studio 2013 2. XNA game framework


Signature schemes based on the strong RSA assumption

We describe and analyze a new digital signature scheme. The new scheme is quite efficient, does not require the the signer to maintain any state, and


Open Framework for Collaborative Model Based Engineering

Open Frameworkfor CollaborativeModel Based EngineeringC omputed A ided E ngineeringby SAM TECHAnna Selvi, Didier Granville, Ghislaine Malherbe-SAM



This article discusses a method of wafer-to-wafer bonding using metallic copper as the bonding medium. This method is commonly known as thermo-compres


Cosmic emergy based ecological systems modelling

Cosmic emergy based ecological systems modellingH.Chen a ,G.Q.Chen a,*,X.Ji b,*a State Key Laboratory of Turbulence and Complex Systems,Department o


A Decomposition-Based Implementation of Search Strategies

Search strategies, that is, strategies that describe how to explore search trees, have raised much interest for constraint satisfaction in recent year


行为安全观察 Behavior based Safety

行为安全观察Behaviour-Based Safety 行为安全观察2013.7行为安全观察人永远是第一位的No. 1行为安全观察机料 法 环No. 2行为安全观察No. 3行为安全观察将告诉你以下内容 什么是行为安全观察 为什么要进行行为安全观察 如何进行行为安全观察 行为安全观察的瓶颈及对策


Abstract Attribute-Based Prediction of File Properties

We present evidence that attributes that are known to the file system when a file is created, such as its name, permission mode, and owner, are often


Formally Verifying Dynamic Properties of Knowledge Based Systems

Abstract. In this paper we study dynamic properties of knowledge-based systems. We argue the importance of such dynamic properties for the constructio


Theme-based Reading for College Success 1

Theme-based Reading for College Success Course goals (1) apply some fundamental reading skills and strategies automatically and proficiently for un



Activity Based LearningEffectiveness of ABL under SSAA report of the baseline and year-end surveys by SchoolScape, Centre for Educators andSarva S

