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全国卷高考作文字数为100左右,一般分三段: 也要运用总分总结构,总共7-8个句子就行,切忌太长。 写作五部曲:

1. 审:认真审题,把握主题 2. 抓:抓住要点,勾勒大纲 3. 扩:紧扣要点,扩展成文 4. 连:添加过渡,确保连贯

5 . 查:查漏补缺,修饰文章

书信类写作注意的问题:也请孩子们背上这些用的句子吧(至少每部分背下一句 ) 开门见山表目的 应聘类开头

1. I’d like to apply to become a volunteer in…

2. I’m writing to tell you I’d like to work as a volunteer at … 3. I’m writing to apply for the job as…. 帮忙解决问题类开头:

I’m sorry to hear that you are having trouble with sth/in doing sth. Don’t worry. I’d like to help you out. Here are some suggestions for you. Q其它开头:

I’m happy that you will give us a lecture about… next week and we are so expecting it .I’m so happy to hear from you. Now I’d like to introduce myself.(自我介绍) How is everything going(with you) ? 你一切都好吗? 要点要全面 应聘类结尾常用句

1. I would be grateful if you could consider my application/ I would be grateful if you …. =I would appreciate if you could consider my application. / I would be grateful if you could ….. 2.I’m looking forward to your reply soon. 过渡自然

4. First,… .second,Most importantly… .Besides, …. Therefore/ in a word… 5. 另起话题:to be honest,… As a matter of fact,…., By the way, … 6. When it comes to (doing) sth, … .当说到…时, 结尾总结,照应开头 建议类结尾

7.In a word, I hope my suggestions can be helpful to you. I’m looking forward to seeing you getting better soon.


注意:好作文标准 1. 要点全面 2. 语言运用高级词汇,句式变化多样,几乎无错误 3. 结构上段落清晰,过渡自然,结构紧凑 4. 书写干净整洁。 8.There is no doubt that everybody should do their part in protecting the environment. 毫无疑问,每个人都应该为保护环境尽一己之力

7. To be honest, volunteering can produce us a good opportunity to learn how to get on with others, which surely will

be of great help to our development.

说实话做志愿者能为我们提供一个学会与他人相处的机会,这肯定对我们个人的发展很有益处。 9.Obviously, the Internet is playing a very important role/part in our life.很显然网络在我们生活中起着重要作用 10.at interests me most is to do shopping online, which can really help me save a lot of time . 使我最感兴趣的是网购,这能帮我节约很多时间和钱

11. matter of fact, spending more time reading is of great importance /value to the development of one l. 事实上,多花时间读书对于个人的发展很重要/很有价值。

12. As a matter of fact/ Obviously, extensive reading / reading widely plays an important role/part in children’s

development. 事实上/很明显,广泛阅读在孩子们的发展方面起着重要的作用。 再分类背些句子吧 一. 我喜欢…

1. I like taking sports because it is good for my health. , which can make me more energetic.

2.I enjoy listening to music because it can make me relaxed and happy. 3.I’m fond of collecting stamps ,which helps me learn a lot.

4.I’m interested in reading because I can benefit a lot from it /it can enrich my knowledge. 5. I have a passion for music which always can calm me down every time I am restless / unsettled. 我酷爱音乐,每当我心绪不宁的时候,它总能是我平静下来。 二.表示建议 t would be a good idea to communicate more with your friends. 1.You should improve your English by practicing speaking more.

2.You’d better do a lot of reading in order to improve your English/ if you want to improve your English.

3. It is very important/necessary/helpful to take exercise every day.

4. It is a good idea to turn to our teacher for some advice on how to improve our English. 5. Taking sports every day does great good to you /can benefit you a lot. 三. 表达个人观点

1. I think/believe/ am convinced that we can get a lot of useful information quickly by getting online. 2.In my opinion, it is good/helpful/ of great help for us to answer questions actively in class.

3.Personally(speaking)/ As far as I’m concerned, we’d better follow the teacher’s advice about English study. 四.表示感谢

1.Thank you for helping me so much./Thanks for your help.

2.Thanks to your help, I have made great progress in learning English.


3. .I’m thankful / grateful to get so much help from you, which surely can encourage me to make every effort to he 五很高兴…

1. I’m glad /happy to see you have got rid of your problem.

to know you are going to visit /pay a visit to our school.

2.I’m happy that you will give us a lecture about… next week and we are so expecting it. 六.希望…

1.We are expecting/hoping to see you again.

2 .We are looking forward to seeing you soon/ your coming/ your reply/ to hearing from you often.. 七. 如果你想…, 就请….

1.If you want to keep healthy, please take more exercise instead of sitting in front of the computer for long.

2.If you hope to do well in your schoolwork, it is of great importance to form a good habit of living and studying, which can even have a great/good effect on your future development.

3.If you are interested in my plan, please call me back as soon as possible/when /if convenient. 八.正如….

1. As you know, English is becoming more and more important /English is playing an important role in international communication now.

2.As is known to everybody, every coin has its two sides. On the one hand,…. On the other hand,… 3. It is known to everybody that … 九.陈述写信目的

1.I’m writing to tell you about…

to apply for the job as a babysitter/ the position as … to apply to volunteer in your center as …

to tell you that I’m interested in the position/the job you advertised in the newspaper. 2.I’m happy to hear from you. Now I’d like to introduce myself. 十.常用连接性表达

1.列举并列项 First, …. Second,…. Besides/What’s more/Moreover…. And/Also….

2.总结结论 In a word,…/All in all,…. So we can draw the conclusion that / conclude that…

4.转换话题 By the way,… As a matter of fact,… On the other hand,… When it comes to (doing) sth, …. 5.肯定事实或道理 Undoubtedly,/There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问…

Obviously, / It is obvious that depending too much on the smart phone can have a bad effect on your life as well as your work/study.很显然,过分依赖手机会给你的生活带来不良的影响。

It is common that some people are looking at the smart phone while walking, which is really very dangerous for themselves.常常见到有些人边走边看手机,这真的对他们自己是很危险的 。 6.表遗憾 Unfortunately,… It is a great pity that …


