
更新时间:2023-10-13 06:26:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Education to Stateless Children from Burma

Ralston Nasal, educator of stateless children from Burma. Making a difference in your world.

Ralston Nasal said she never planned to open a school for the stateless children from Burma. But when she saw children late at night in the streets of Chiang Mai who had no access to education, she decided to teach them herself.

Words spread about the free classes and as more students showed up and Nasal enlisted volunteers, hired a small bus and used her own money to turn her house into a school.

―So, it’s really time to get them into regular schools and they just……. They wouldn’t take them even if I offered to sponsor them the fees…….. Most of Ralston Nasal’s students are children of migrate workers from Chi state of Burma and do not have Tai citizenship or language skills, making it difficult for them to enroll in Thai schools. Also many of her students do not have the time or money for regular schools, because they have to work to support their families.‖

―Some of them market noodle shops, maybe from like streets, er, from 5 p.m. to 2 o’clock in the morning .So they can’t go to school at 7 o’clock in the morning.‖ Nasal says in the last few years her school----- Thai Freedom House--- has taught about 200 children English, Tai and


Art. The school also teaches the Shan language because most of children didn’t receive good education in Burma. Nasal also arranges for craft makers to teach the children how to make things they can sell to help support their families.

―They don’t have country, you know. They don’t have their family structure here to support them. But if you can’t give them education, language and ways to express themselves, which is why we focus on the arts. That’s the case…… That’s another kind of freedom that otherwise they wouldn’t have.‖

14 –year—old Mango said when she moved into Thailand 3 years ago, her parents tried to enroll her in a Thai school. But because she didn’t have a birth certificate, she was rejected.

―I want to say thank you to the teachers and Thai Freedom House. If there was no home like this, I would have no place to go to continue my education. Thank you for Freedom House.‖

Ralston Nasal has spent most of her savings to keep the school open, although she selects donations for the schools, but Nasal says that they are never enough. Still she says also educating her students is worth the struggle.

I am Daniel Shalff for VOA Make a Difference in Chiang Mai, Thailand.



Voice-over In this corner, standing three meters tall, and weighing in at 4,000 kilograms, the strong vegetarian Triceratops. And in this corner, at 12 meters tall, and 6,400 kilograms the frightening meat-eater Tyrnnosaurus Rex. Vegetarian against meat-eater. The world can never decide.

Speaker1 I am not vegetarian. I like meat. Speaker2 I absolutely love meat. Speaker3 I am mostly a vegetarian . Speaker4 I like eating fish more than meat.

Speaker5 I eat lots of fruit and vegetables. I eat lots of raw food. Speaker6 I think red meat is bad for you.

Speaker7 I kind of like vegetables, some vegetables, But I could never stay away from meat.

Voice-over This is Helen Herita who is a cook and author who writes about vegetarian cooking. Helen is shopping to prepare a vegetarian meal. This is Tom Loftus. Tom also works as a chef. He also teaches college students about cooking. Tom mainly cooks meals using meat. There are good things about being a vegetarian.

Helen: I think there are five main reasons why I’m a vegetarian. One would be the environmental ecological impact. That means soil


conservation or wise use of our lands. Two would be personal health. We know that, um, vegetarianism promotes health and meat eating creates disease. Third would be finances. It’s much cheaper. And the fourth reason would be the ethics because it’s really a loving way to exist. And the fifth would be for spiritual growth so, you know, you’re not killing. It’s non-violent.

Voice-over There are also good reasons to eat meat.

Tom: Meat in the diet is, uh, very nutritious, um, and, and one of the reasons for that is that the proteins that occur in meat products are very similar to the proteins in the human body. Most people, myself included, find meat to be very tasty. Uh, one of the contributing factors to that is the fat content, uh that is, uh in most meat products.

Helen My meat eating friends think they can’t get a good tasting vegetarian meat, but on the contrary, I use all the freshest ingredients, all the great spices and herbs, and together that gives the palate the satisfaction that people are looking for. And, at the same time, I’m not relying on the fat in meat for flavor.

Voice-over Vegetarian or meat –eater? The battle continues.


Fado Music in Lisbon

You’ve certainly seen how charming Lisbon is, but this city has a dark side, when that is marked by betrayal, jealousy and gut-wrenching heartache. It's expressed in a musical style distinctive to Lisbon known as fado, and fado is heard throughout Lisbon. But make sure you go to an authentic place, because you are listening and hearing this country's soul.

I was told that clube de fado, located in the dark narrow streets of the Afarma is an excellent choice. Both women and men sing fado. It's accompanied by special Portuguese twelve-string guitar. The musical style is extremely expressive. It's an eye shut, mouth open, bare your soul kind of music.

First of all, you should listen to fado no earlier than 10PM; second, you want the perfect atmosphere like this one, it's a cavernous like space. It's intimate, yet, unpretentious. And do you see how lively it is here? A lot of loud talking, everyone is having a good time. When the singers begin to sing, nothing, everyone listens to the music. So, if you're hungry, eat up now.

外研社教材光盘所显示文件名: Unit 4

Clip 3 Christmas market opens vts-28-1 (CD 1)


Clip 4 NBA finds fans in China vts-29-1 (CD 1) Unit 7

Clip 3 the power of faces vts- 16-1 (CD 2) Clip 6 did you spot it? Vts- 19-1 (CD 2) Unit 8

Clip 5 Senator Kennedy’s memorial vts- 24-1 (CD 2) 自编教材上复习视频请查看课件。


