新标准大学英语_视听说教程3 (听力原文及翻译)

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Unit 1 Inside View Conversation 1

Janet: Hi, it‘s me again, Janet Li. I‘m still a student at the University of

Oxford in England. But I‘m not in Oxford right now. And I haven‘t gone back home to China either. It‘s the long vacation now, and believe it or not, it‘s the middle of summer. I‘m spending my summer in one of the world‘s greatest cities. I‘m in London, home to the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge…and the double-decker bus. I want to find out what it‘s like to live in this busy, lively city. So I‘m working for London Time Off, a website about what‘s on in London. This is Joe…, he‘s my boss, and this is Andy, who is a reporter. And what‘s my job? Well, I don‘t know yet, because it‘s my first day. But I‘m meant to be shadowing Andy, oh, what I mean is, I‘m going to be helping him. So can you tell me something about London, Andy? Andy: It‘s the greatest city in the world. . Joe: Except for New York!

Andy: New York? Don‘t make me laugh! Joe: And your point is…?

Andy: Look, if you want my opinion, London is greater than New York… Joe: No, I don‘t want your opinion, thank you very much. It‘s a fact.

Andy: A fact! Are you serious?

\\Janet: And here we are in London, probably the greatest city in the


Andy: What? Probably? Excuse me, I prefer to deal with this myself… Joe: Ah, dream on, Andy………



安 迪: 伦敦是世界上最棒的城市。 乔 : 除了纽约以外! 安 迪: 纽约?别逗我笑了! 乔 : 那你的观点是… ?

安 迪: 注意,如果你真的需要我的观点,伦敦确实比纽约棒…

乔 : 不,我不需要你的观点,非常感谢!这是事实! 安 迪: 事实!你是当真的吗?

珍妮特:我们现在在伦敦,或许是世界上最棒的城市。 安 迪: 什么?或许?对不起,我宁可自己处理这个… 乔 : 啊,安迪,继续做你的美梦吧...

Conversation 2

Janet:So when did you start working at London Time Off? Andy: About a year ago.

Janet: And I hope you don‘t mind my asking ,but do you like working here?

Andy: Yes, I love it. I mean, Joe and I get along quite well. He drives me

crazy sometimes, because he‘s my boss, and I wish I earned a bit more money, but…I think my job is really cool, because I get to see everything that‘s happening in London. And I didn‘t want to join the rat race.

Janet: What do you mean by the rat race?

Andy: You know, doing the same thing day in day out, and not doing

anything creative, or having any time to enjoy life. It‘s the last thing I want to do.

Janet: So do you mind telling me what you do exactly?

Andy: Basically, we check out new events on the London music scene,

you know, new clubs, the latest plays and films, as well as exhibitions in galleries and museums. Then we go and film interviews with the musicians or the actors, or anyone who has anything to do with the event. Janet: Ok, then what happens?

Andy: We edit the interviews, and then we upload it all onto the website.

We get 200,000 hits a week. We‘re London‘s biggest listings site. Janet: Can I ask you something else? Andy: Fire away.

Janet: What are we going to do now?

Andy: I need to go back to my flat, and get my research. Then we‘ve got

an interview to do. Let‘s get the tube back to my place. Janet: And what about Joe?

Andy: Well, he‘s supposed to be on his way to the National Theatre, to do

an interview with the director of a new play. But I kind of hope he gets lost on the way. Then he‘ll discover what a great place London is. Janet: I don‘t understand.

Andy: I‘m joking! Come on, let‘s go!


安 迪: 大约一年前。

珍妮特:我希望你不要介意我的发问,你喜欢在这里工作吗? 安 迪: 是,我非常喜欢。我的意思是,乔跟我相处得挺好的。虽然



安 迪: 你知道,日复一日地做着同样的事情并且不做任何有创意的



安 迪: 基本上,除了新的俱乐部、最新的戏剧和电影,还有美术馆



安 迪: 我们编辑这些采访然后将它们全部都上传到网站上。我们一


珍妮特:我能问你其他事情吗? 安 迪: 尽管问吧。

to learn,so wo can become teachers,doctors,or engineers,and be like normal students.\Taliban,police







school.Today,children are happy to be in school.\morning I had some









notebooks ,pencils,erasers,and friends,and fun here.―UNICEF is helping rebuild the educational system in Afghanistan in many ways.UNICEF is helping to train teachers.They're rebuilding schools,they're printing textbooks,and delivering books and other supplies to schools.This girls school was closed under the Taliban.Now,it's opening again.It has room for 960 students.These girls are happy to be back to school.\very disappointed and sad that I wasted six years.There was no education then.I tried to study then with my parents,but it's not the same.It wasn't so bad,but now I'm much happier because the schools are reopening.\plan to open the schools,and get these children enrolled,and back in school,and to give them back their education so they can read and write.\the Taliban came to power and closed the schools,girls stayed at home.Now there's an opportunity for them to continue their education.We are very happy about this.We can be proud of our girls,our young people.They can go back to school.UNICEF is working on its mission to bring food,medinine and education to the children of Afganistan.In the process,they're also bringing hope.


当今世界,很多儿童生活在贫困中。他们生存在充满战争的国家。很多孩子食不果腹。他们中的一些人甚至营养不良。他们不能上学。UNICEF是一个帮助这些孩子们的组织,是各个国家联合帮助儿童的机构。现有700人在这里工作,157个国家联合帮助这些儿童。 其中需要做最多工作的国家是阿富汗。这里的孩子们甚至从不了解和平,直到不久前。现在UNICEF为营养不良的儿童们带来了食物和药。医疗队骑马为遥远山村里的人们送去药物。并且,他们还帮助孩子们重获教育。―在塔利班时期,我们在40000孩子中做了调查。他们都说最渴望的事情是和平,然后是教育。‖塔利班摧毁了将近2000个校园。在这形式下,女孩们根本不允许上学。―多于一半的学校被完全摧毁,另一半的,则需要重修。我们正努力使孩子们都能上学。‖一些学校设在人们家里。这是一个在喀布尔的家庭学校。这位教师Habiba Kilwati,已经管理这家学校12年了。她像这样同时主管其他26所学校。―我们想学习,这样我们可以成为教师,医生,或者工程师,就像其他正常的学生一样。‖孩子们上学其实是很危险的。在塔利班控制下,警方会惩罚那些有孩子上学的家庭。现在,孩子们因为能上学而高兴。



Listening in Passage1

One of the strangest feelings I‘ve ever had was when I returned by chance to a place where I‘d been happy as a child. My husband and I were visiting some friends for the weekend-----they lived about 200 kilometers away. We were driving along when I suddenly saw a church in the distance that I recognized. My favorite aunt had lived very near it on a farm that my brother and I used to visit once a year with our parents. We were city kids, brought up in the middle of London, and this was a working farm-----the real thing-----with cows in cowsheds, fields with

ponds and a muddy yard full of smelly pigs-----we had the run of the whole place-----it was just paradise for us.

And then-----there was the food-----home-made jam and bread and cakes, milk fresh from the cow. And my aunt Lottie-----a farmer‘s wife-----and her husband, uncle George and their kids, Katie and Ben, our two cousins who my brother and I really got on with. It was heaven that week we used to spend there. They moved from the farm when I was… how old? ----- about 14. So I‘d never been back or seen it again.

Anyway, there we were, and I‘d just seen the church-----, so we turned off and drove down this really narrow lane. And before I knew it we were in front of Aunt Lottie‘s farm. The extraordinary thing was that it hadn‘t changed------ not one tiny bit.

It was a lovely old place with a typical country cottage garden, full of flowers. There were lots of barns and sheds-----they were next to-----next to the farm. And you know, I can‘t even begin to describe the feeling I had standing there. It was-----oh, what was it? an incredibly powerful feeling of longing-----nostalgia for the past-----for times I‘d been very very happy. But it was the past. I hadn‘t been there for 20 years and I couldn‘t go back, so also I had a feeling of huge sadness, that I couldn‘t have those times again. And-----at the same time-----great sweetness, because those times had been so happy, so innocent-----because I was a child. So there was this extraordinary mix-----of longing, sadness and

sweetness, all at the same time. It was the strangest feeling I‘ve ever had. 译文:





out Joe, we‘ll be there.

(Andy hung up the phone)

Andy: Anyway, come on, we‘d better get a move on. Janet: How far is it from here?

Andy: It‘s not far. Maybe five minutes‘ walk. Joe gets cross if I‘m late. Joe: Hello Janet, hello Andy. Late as usual. Andy: Actually, by my watch, I‘m bang on time.

Joe: Well let‘s get on with it. This is Toby Jenkins, the theatre critic. Toby: Nice to meet you, are you ready to start?

Andy: Hang on a minute! Janet, can you check the sound level? Can you

hear me ok ,Janet?Janet?

Janet: Hi Andy, I can‘t hear you. What‘s up? Andy: Can you hear me now? Janet: Ouch! Yes, that‘s much louder.

Joe: Let‘s stop wasting time please. Just get on with the interview, will you?

Janet: 那么,我们现在在哪?

Andy: 这是伦敦西区, 他因影院、戏院而出名.。我曾在这附近的一家戏院里工作过。.

Janet: 真的?你当时做什么?

Andy: 我在一出剧中的幕间移动布景,如果我没搞错的话,我参与的


Janet: 如果我没记错的话。它被改编成了一部歌舞片,不是吗?——

《窈窕淑女》,我记得在电视上看过这片。 (电话响了) Andy: 噢,Joe打来的。

(Andy 接起电话)

Andy: 嗨…对,我们已经在路上了。我不觉得我们真的像你说的那么

晚.。别紧张Joe, 我们会到那的。 (Andy挂了电话)

Andy: 不管怎样,快点把,我们最好动身了。 Janet: 这里离目的地多远?

Andy: 不远,可能走五分钟就到了,我们迟到的话,Joe会生气的。 Joe: Janet、Andy你们好啊,你们还是像往常一样迟到了。 Andy: 事实上,照我的表来看,我们到的正准时。 Joe: 算了,我们别说这个了。这位是剧评家Toby Jenkin Toby: 很高兴见到你,你准备好开始采访了吗?

Andy: 等一下,Janet,你能检查一下音量吗?你听得请我说话吗Janet?Janet?

Janet: 嗨Andy, 我听不见你说话,怎么回事? Andy: 现在听得见吗? Janet: 哎呀…听见了,清楚多了

Joe: 拜托,咱们别浪费时间了。快点开始采访,行不?


Andy: And we‘ve got Toby Jenkins here with us today, who has just been to see the latest show at The Hippodrome La Clique. So La Clique is slightly different from the usual shows we see here in the West End these days. Can you tell me something about it, Toby?

Toby: Yes, It‘s a kind of cabaret, with a series of variety acts set in a kind

of circus, but it‘s very contemporary, extremely well produced and huge fun..

Andy: Tell me more about the acts.

Toby: Well, there are stunts performed on a high wire, and puppets.

There‘s a sword swallower and juggler, and a rubber man who manages to pass his whole body through a tennis racquet. Andy: It sounds very unusual.

Toby: Yes, for the West End today, but not so unusual for 30 or more years ago.

Andy: So, It‘s family entertainment then?

Toby: Ah, no. I‘m afraid it‘s pretty adult, but very funny and stylish. Andy: Did you get that ok, Janet? Joe: Let me have a listen…

Janet: Oh no, did I do some thing wrong?

Joe: Well, It‘s just that I can‘t hear anything. Let‘s try again…

Andy: Did you remember to keep an eye on the sound levels? That meter,


Janet: Oh no, I clean forgot.

Andy: It‘s Ok. We‘ll just do another take. Joe: Come on you two. Hurry up! Janet: I‘m so sorry. It slipped my mind.

Joe: You‘ll forget your own head one day. Sorry about this, Toby. From the top, please.

Andy: And we‘ve got Toby Jenkins here with us today…

Andy: 今天我们很荣幸地邀请到Toby Jenkins接受我们的采访, 他刚

刚在The Hippodrome剧院看了最新公演的La Clique。那么,La Clique和我们近期在伦敦西区看的表演略微有点不同,能就这一点和我们谈谈吗?

Toby: 好的,这算是一种余兴节目,在某种马戏表演中穿插一系列演出,

但这些演出都是非常有时代性的,制作精良,而且很有趣。. Andy: 能更多地谈谈那些演出吗?

Toby: 好的,其中有杂耍演员在高空钢丝上的表演、有木偶表演、吞

剑表演、魔术表演、还有个柔韧性很好的人从一个网球拍中成功地钻了过去。 Andy: 听起来确实很特别。

Toby: 是的,对于现在的伦敦西区来说是很特别, 但对于三十多年前来说,就没那么特别了。

Andy: 所以说,这是老少咸宜的娱乐形式喽?

Toby: 不,恐怕这更适合成年人,但确实很流行、也很有趣。. Andy: Janet,这些你都录好了吗? Joe: 让我听听看

Janet: 哦不,我做错什么了吗?

Joe: 问题是,我什么都听不见啊。我们再试一次. Andy: 你有留心音量控制器吗? 就是那个表。 Janet: 哦不,我忘得一干二净 Andy: 没事,我们再录一次就行了 Joe: 快呀你们两个!快点! Janet: 太抱歉了,我一不小心忘了.

Joe: 没准哪天你连自己的脑袋都忘了。Toby,我们对此感到很抱歉,请从头开始。.

Andy: 今天我们很荣幸地邀请到Toby Jenkins接受我们的采访??

Outside View

The Mona Lisa, the most famous painting in the world, was trully revolutionary even in its time. While he was painting the Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci broke all the rules, even his own. In spite of the fact that Leonardo and other aritists believed that women should only be portrayed with eyes gazing slightly down. Leonodo painted the Mona Lisa looking directly at the viewer. The positon of her body is another innovation. While her face looks straight ahead, her body is slight turned,

