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英语精读笔记 1/20/2014

Winston S .Churchill

Unit5 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R. 1. U.S.S.R.: the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the Soviet Union, Russia) 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟

When I awoke on the morning of Sunday, the 22nd, the news was brought to me of about Hitler's invasion of Russia. This changed conviction into certainty. 二十二日星期天早晨,我一醒来便接到了希特勒入侵苏联的消息。这就使原先意料中的事变成了无可怀疑的事实。 3. This changed conviction into certainty:

If you have conviction you have great confidence in your belief or opinion. 同义释句:In the past it was just my belief that Hitler would soon attack the Soviet Union; but now it was no longer a belief, it had become a fact. conviction: a very firm and sincere belief 确信 certainty: clearly established fact确实 板上钉钉的事实

I had not the slightest doubt I was sure without any doubt/ beyond any doubt where our duty and our policy lay. Nor indeed what to say. 我完全清楚我们对此应该承担何种义务,采取何种政策。知道我该说些什么。

4. where our duty and our policy lay: what we should do and how we should do it

lie (lay, lain): exist, be found, reside

There only remained the task of composing it. 尚待完成的只不过是将这

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一切形成文字而已。 5. There only remained:

Besides to be, some other verbs can be used with “there”, especially in a formal or literary style.

6. compose: work out the statement

I asked that notice should immediately be given that I would broadcast at 9 o' clock that night. Presently General Dill, who had hastened down from London, came into my bedroom with detailed news. 于是,我吩咐有关部门立即发表通告,我将于当晚九点钟发表广播讲话。不一会儿,匆匆从伦敦赶到的迪尔将军走进我的卧室,为我带来了详细情报。 7. notice should immediately be given: give the notice=inform 8. presently: before long, shortly, soon不久,一会儿

The Germans had invaded Russia on an enormous front, had surprised a large portion of the Soviet Air Force grounded on the airfields, and seemed to be driving forward with great rapidity and violence. 德国人已大规模入侵苏联,苏联空军部队有很大一部分飞机都没来得及起飞便遭到德军的突袭。德军目前似乎正以凌厉的攻势极为迅猛地向前推进。 11. invade: 入侵

attack and spread into so as to take control of a country; to enter a country with armed forces in order to attack

12. surprise: attack sb suddenly and without warning and unexpectedly 突袭 13. portion: a part of a whole一部分

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14. ground: vt.&vi. (of pilot or plane) (cause to) stay on the ground 着陆;搁浅 vt. have to stay on the ground and unable to fly

grounded on the airfield: lying stationary, not moving, standing still on the airfield停飞的机场

15. driving forward: advancing, making advancement, go / driving forward very fast

16. rapidity: with great speed

The Chief of the Imperial General Staff added, \they will be rounded up in hordes.\这位皇家军队总参谋长报告完毕后又补了一句,―我估计他们将会大批地被包围。‖

17. …they will be rounded up in hordes: 【Metaphor暗喻①】

同义释句:I think the Red Army men will be surrounded and captured in

large numbers.

round up: cause sb/sth to gather in one place驱集,使集拢

I spent the day composing my statement. There was not time to consult the War Cabinet, nor was it necessary. I knew that we all felt the same on this issue. Mr. Eden, Lord Beaverbrook, and Sir Stafford Cripps – he had left Moscow on the 10th – were also with me during the day. 一整天我都在写讲稿,根本没有时间去找战时内阁进行磋商,也没有必要这样做。我知道我们大家在这个问题上的立场是完全一致的。艾登先生、比弗布鲁克勋爵,还有斯塔福德?克里普斯爵士——他是十号离开莫斯科回国的——那天也同我在一起。

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20. I knew that we all felt the same on this issue.

同义释句:I knew we all had the same attitude on the issue of Hitler’s

invasion of the Soviet Union.

be at issue: of importance, under consideration争论中的,待裁决的

issue: important topic for discussion

The following account description of this Sunday at Chequers by my Private Secretary, Mr. Colville, who was on duty this weekend, may be of interest: 那个周末值班的是我的私人秘书科维尔先生。由他执笔记述的下面这段关于那个星期天里切克尔斯首相官邸发生的情况的文字,也许值得一提: \and Mrs. Winant, Mr. and Mrs. Eden, and Edward Bridges were staying. During dinner Mr. Churchill said that a German attack on Russia was now certain, and he thought that Hitler was counting on enlisting capitalist and Right Wing sympathies in this country and the U. S. A. Hitler was, however, wrong and we should go all out to help Russia. Winant said the same would be true of the U. S. A.. ―六月二十一日,星期六。晚饭前我来到切克尔斯首相官邸。怀南特夫妇、艾登夫妇和爱德华?布里奇斯等几位均在那儿。晚饭席上,邱吉尔先生说,德国人人侵苏联已是确凿无疑的了。他认为希特勒是想指望博取英美两国的资本家和右冀势力的同情和支持。不过,希特勒的如意算盘打错了。我们英国将会全力以赴援助苏联。维南特表示美国也会采取同样的态度。

23. Hitler was counting on enlisting capitalist and Right Wing sympathies in

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this country and the U. S. A.:

同义释句:Hitler was hoping that if he attacked Russia, he would win in Britain and the U.S. the support of those who were enemies of communism. 24. count on: depend on/rely on sb/sth. with confidence依靠,信赖,指望 27. go all out: to spare no effort, to make one’s utmost effort

try to do everything you can try in every way全力以赴

(do one’s utmost,spare no efforts全力以赴)

After dinner, when I was walking on the croquet lawn with Mr. Churchill, he reverted to this theme, and ⑴I asked whether for him, the arch anti-Communist, this was not bowing down in the House of Rimmon. Mr. Churchill replied, \Not at all. 晚饭后,当我同邱吉尔先生在槌球场上散步时,他又一次谈到了这一话题。我当时问他,对于他这个头号反共大将来说,这种态度是否意味着改变自己的政治立场。?绝非如此。 30. revert to: turn to, talk about again回复到,恢复为,还原成

31. ▲ ⑴(修辞:Allusion典故)I asked whether for him this was not bowing down in the House of Rimmon.

bowing down in the House of Rimmon:逢场作戏,为了应景或为了面子


32. 【Pleonastic Negation双重否定】 ([,pli:?'n?stik]重复的) ([ni'gei??n]否定)

In a clause introduced by “if” or “whether”, “not” can often be omitted

without changing the meaning of the clause. This “not” is a Pleonastic

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①【I have only one purpose, the destruction of Hitler, and my life is much simplified thereby.】 ②【If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons. '】我现在的目标只有一个,即消灭希特勒。这使我的生活单纯多了。假使希特勒入侵地狱,我至少会在下议院替魔鬼说几句好话的。‘

35. Difficult Sentences: ②If Hitler invaded Hell I would make at least a

favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons. 【Metaphor暗喻②】

同义释句:(1)If Hitler attacked Hell, a place ruled by the Devil, I would still say a word in favor of the Devil in the House of Commons, since Hitler is worse, more Hideous than the Devil.

(2)If Hitler should attack Hell, a most hated place, I would still say a word in favor of the Devil, the foe of mankind, in the House of Commons. (3)I would say a word in favor of anyone who is attacked by Hitler, no matter how bad, how wicked or evil he had been in the past.

I was awoken at 4 a. m. the following morning by a telephone message


from the F. O. to the effect that Germany had attacked Russia. The P.

M. had always said that he was never to be woken up for anything but Invasion (of England). I therefore postponed telling him till 8 am. His only comment was, 'Tell the B.B.C. I will broadcast at 9 to – night. 'He began to prepare the speech at 11a. m., and except for apart from luncheon, at which Sir 修辞句 难句同义释句


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Stafford Cripps, Lord Cranborne, and Lord Beaverbrook were present, he devoted the whole day to it spend the whole day in working out the statement… The speech was only ready at twenty minutes to nine.\次日清晨四点钟,我被电话铃惊醒,原来是外交部来的电话,内容是报告德国已开始进攻俄国的消息。首相一向吩咐,只有当英国遭到入侵时才可以叫醒他。因此,我等到八点钟才向他报告这一消息。他听完消息后只说了一句话:?通知英国广播电台,我今晚九点要发表广播讲话。‘他从上午十一点开始撰写讲稿,中间除与斯塔福德.克里普斯爵士、克兰伯恩勋爵和比弗布鲁克勋爵共进午餐外,这一天的全部时间都花在写讲稿上了……讲稿直到九点差二十分才写好。‖ 36. to the effect that: with the general meaning that大意是……,总结来说是……

37. postpone: to delay until a future time; put off.延期、缓办、延迟 (后接动词-ing形式)

In this broadcast I said: 在这次广播讲话中,我说道:

③【the nazi regimen is devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination control .】除了贪欲和种族统治外,它没有任何指导思想和行动准则。

43. devoid of: completely lacking in 44. theme: a theme of recurring, unifying idea

④【It excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression.】它在残酷压迫和疯狂侵略过程中所犯下的滔天罪行在人类历史上可谓空前绝后。

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45. Difficult Sentences: ④It excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression.

同义释句:(1)The Nazi regime is more wicked than any other known forms of military organizations in history, since it can invade and occupy other countries and crush the resistance of their people by using the cruelest (最残酷的) and most savage means.

(2)The Nazi regime is extremely cruel and it has invaded other countries in a most savage way. It can carry out its cruel invasions so efficiently that it surpasses any action of this kind in human history.

(3)The Nazi regime is very effective in savage attack on other countries, in this respect it is worse than any other known form of evil. 49. ferocious: fierce, cruel and violent 凶猛的、残忍的

⑵I see the Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of their native land, guarding


the fields which their fathers have tilled from time immemorial. 此刻我眼前看到的是俄国的士兵昂然挺立于自己的国土,英勇地捍卫着他们祖祖辈辈自古以来一直辛勤耕耘着的土地。 60. ▲ ⑵(修辞:Metaphor暗喻③) 62. till: work the soil for the productions and crops

64. 【Anaphora句首重复】 <本段六个I see开头的句子>

I see them guarding their homes where mothers and wives pray - ah, yes, for there are times when all pray – ⑶for the safety of their loved ones, the return of the bread-winner, of their champion, of their protector. 我看到

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ah, yes, for there are times when all pray 【irony 讽刺】 65. ▲ ⑶修辞:Synecdoche提喻①、Repetition重复①)

They pray for the safety of their loved ones, the return of the bread-winner, of their champion, of their protector.

bread-winner: the person who keep the family going

I see the ten thousand villages of Russia where the means of existence is wrung so hardly from the soil, but where there are still primordial human joys, where maidens laugh and children play. 我看见成千上万的俄国村庄,那儿的人们虽然要靠在土地上辛勤耕作才能勉强维持生计,却依然能够享受到天伦之乐,那儿的姑娘在欢笑,儿童在嬉戏。 66. 本句:【Metaphor暗喻④、Hyperbole夸张】

同义释句:I see the ten thousand villages of Russia where people have to

work very hard on the land in order to keep the family going (or: where people have to do back-breaking work to wring a little food out of the poor soil). Life is very hard, but people still enjoy basic human pleasures. 68. wring / wrung: twist and squeeze sth in order to remove liquid from it 69. hardly: extract or obtain sth from sb/sp with effort or difficulty 70. primordial: primitive and primitive/basic 原始的、最初的、根本的 I see advancing upon all this in hideous onslaught the Nazi war machine,

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⑷with its clanking , heel-clicking, dandified Prussian officers, its crafty expert agents fresh from the cowing and tying down of a dozen countries. 我看到这一切正面临着凶暴的袭击,正杀气腾腾地扑向他们的是纳粹的战争机器同它的那些全副武装、刀剑当当有声、皮靴咚咚作响的普鲁士军官以及它的那些奸诈无比、刚刚帮它征服并奴役了十多个国家的帮凶爪牙。 73. hideous: very ugly 可憎的,丑陋的 74. onslaught: a fierce attack突击、猛攻 75. ▲ ⑷(修辞:Onomatopoeia拟声)

clank: metallic sound made by the swords and sabres (军刀) 剑和军刀做的金属撞击似的声音

clicking: the noise made by the boots of the officers dandified: dressed like a dandy

77. fresh from: recently arrived/returned from

79. tie down: tie down=enslave束缚、约束,捆绑起来

I see also the dull, drilled, docile , brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on ⑸like a swarm of crawling locusts. 我还看到那些呆头呆脑、训练有素、既驯服听话又凶残野蛮的德国士兵像一群蝗虫般地向前蠕动着。 81. dull,drilled,docile: 【Alliteration头韵①】头韵指词首重复 85. ▲ ⑸(修辞:Simile明喻)

I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky, ⑹【still smarting from many a British whipping, delighted to find what they believe is an easier and a safer prey.】我看见天空中那些屡遭英军痛击、余悸未消的德

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86. Difficult Sentences: ⑥Still smarting from many a British whipping,

delighted to find what they believe is an easier and a safer prey.

同义释句:I see the Nazi air force, which has suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Britain (England), Now they feel happy now because they think they can easily beat the Russians without heavy losses. Smart from


: feel acute pain

87. ▲ ⑹(修辞:Metaphor暗喻⑤)

⑺\villainous men who plan, organise, and launch this cataract of horrors upon mankind... ―在这些刀光剑影、腥风血雨的场面背后,我看到一小撮恶棍在那里策划、组织,并犯下了这惨绝人寰的滔天罪行…… 88. ▲ ⑺(修辞:Metaphor暗喻⑥、Parallelism排比①)

同义释句:Behind all this hostility and fighting, I see that small group of wicked men (Nazi officers of high rank) who make the world suffer untold miseries and unparalleled disasters. 89. glare: very hash bright 90. storm: dazzling light

92. cataract: military assault= fight

\His Majesty's Government - and I feel sure it is a decision in which the great Dominions will in due course concur

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– for we must speak out now at once, without a day's delay. ―我不得不在此宣布大英帝国政府的决定——我相信大英帝国各自治领对这一决定会适时地表示一致赞同——因为我们必须立即表明自己的态度,一天也不应拖延。 96. His Majesty's Government: the national (British) Government 98. in due course: in due time: in/at the suitable / proper time在适当的时候 99. concur: agree, have the same opinion同意、赞成

100. speak out: make (the decision) widely known; declare声明、表明 ⑻I have to make the declaration, but can you doubt what our policy will be?

101. ▲ ⑻(修辞:Rhetorical question反问<不需回答>)

同义释句: ……everybody will be certain about our policy.

We have but one aim and one single, irrevocable purpose. We are resolved to destroy wipe off Hitler and every vestige of the Nazi regime. From this nothing will turn us – nothing. 我必须发表正式宣言,难道还会有人不清楚我们将会采取何种政策吗?我们只有一个目标,一个唯一的、不可改变的目标——我们决心消灭希特勒及纳粹政权的一切痕迹。无论什么都不能使我们离开这一目标。

102. We have but one aim and one single【Repetition重复②】 103. irrevocable: that can not be changed不可挽回的、不可撤销的

106. vestige: trace/mark/sign that shows the previous existence of sth. 遗迹、残余

107. From this nothing will turn us – nothing: 【Inversion 倒装①】

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正常语序:Nothing will avert our attention from this.

We will never parley; we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang. We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air, until, with God's help, we have rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its peoples from his yoke. 我们决不妥协,我们绝不与希特勒及其帮凶谈判议和。我们将对他实施地面打击,我们将对他实施海上打击,我们将对他实施空中打击,直到在主的帮助下,将他的魔影从地球上消除,将纳粹统治下的人民从他所设的枷锁中解放出来。

108. We will never parley; we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang: 【Repetition重复③、Parallelism排比②】 109. parley:=negotiate会谈、谈判

111. We shall fight him by land, we shall fight him by sea, we shall fight him in the air,… from his yoke. 【Metaphor暗喻⑦、Parallelism排比③】 rid: make free of除去

112. shadow: the very strong influence of sb.

⑼Any man or state who fights on against Nazidom will have our aid. Any man or state who marches with Hitler is our foe... 任何坚持同纳粹集团作战的个人和国家都将得到我们的援助,任何与希特勒同流合污的个人和国家都是我们的敌人……

115. ▲ ⑼(修辞:Antithesis对照、Repetition重复④)

A figure of speech to show the contrast or opposition by the balancing

of connected clauses with parallel grammatical constructions.

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Any man or state who fights on against Nazidom will have our aid. 【Periodic sentence圆周句②】 116.on: continually

That is our policy and that is our declaration. It follows therefore that

we shall give whatever help we can


to Russia and the Russian

people. We shall appeal to all our friends and allies in every part of the world to take the same course and pursue it, as we shall faithfully and steadfastly to the end....这就是我们的政策,这就是我们的宣言。因此,我们将竭尽全力援助俄国政府和俄国人民。我们还将呼吁世界各地的朋友和盟国与我们同心协力,坚定不移地战斗到底……

117. That is our policy and that is our declaration: 【Repetition重复⑤】 119. appeal to: make a strong request for help 向……呼吁;求助于 121. course: line of a conduct

123. as we shall faithfully and steadfastly to the end... 【Repetition重复⑥】(faithfully和steadfastly同义)

\Commonwealth of Nations is engaged, without distinction of race, creed, or party. ―这绝不是一场阶级战争,而是一场大英帝国和英联邦共同参加的、不分种族、宗教信仰或政党派别的全民战争。 125. Commonwealth of Nations:英联邦

It is not for me to speak of the action of the United States, but this I will say:⑦【if Hitler imagines that his attack on Soviet Russia will cause the

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slightest divergence of aims or slackening of effort in the great democracies who are resolved upon his doom, he is woefully mistaken.】至于美国方面的行动,我无权代作宣言,但我要声明一点:如果希特勒认为他对苏维埃俄国的进攻会使那些决心埋葬他的伟大的民主国家稍稍转移目标或松懈斗志的话,那他就大错特错了。

128. It is not for me to speak of the action of the United States…

同义释句: I’m not in a position to say what action the United States should take…

but this I will say: 【Inversion 倒装②】 正确语序:I will say but this.

129. Difficult Sentences: ⑦【Periodic sentence圆周句③】(起强调作用) 同义释句:(1)If Hitler thinks that since he is attacking the communist Soviet Union the West will in the slightest degree change their aim of destroying him, or make less effort to achieve their aim, he is seriously wrong. (2)Hitler is entirely wrong of he thinks that since he is attacking the communist Soviet Union which the West will become less resolved to fight him finally destroy him.

(3)Hitler will realize that he is deplorably wrong in thinking that since he is fighting communism, the West will side with him and let him destroy the Soviet Union and will not fight him as hard as they are now doing. (4)Hitler may think that since he is fighting the Soviet Union which the West opposed in the past, the West will not be determined in fighting and

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destroying Nazi Germany. If he had that assumption in mind when he attacked the Soviet Union, he will find that he is deplorably wrong and will have to pay for it.

130. divergence: depart from a set course 131. slackening: slack up 懒散

On the contrary, we shall be fortified and encouraged support in our efforts to rescue mankind from his tyranny. We shall be strengthened and not weakened in determination and in resources.恰恰相反,我们将会更加坚强、更加勇敢地为将人类从他的暴政下解救出来而奋斗,我们将加强而不是削弱自己的决心和力量。 136. fortify: strengthened

139. We shall be strengthened and not weakened in determination and in resources: 【Repetition重复⑦】

同义释句: (1)We will have greater determination to fight Nazi Germany and we will have greater military and economic power.

(2)We shall be more determined and shall make better and fuller use of our resources.

(3)We shall not relax our efforts; we shall bring our resources into fuller play.)

<本段两个We shall开头的句子>【Parallelism排比④】

\ time has not come for us to do to moralise on the follies of countries and Governments which have allowed themselves to be struck down conquer

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英语精读笔记 1/20/2014

one by one, when by united action they could have saved themselves and saved the world from this catastrophe. ―那些让自己遭到各个击破的国家和政府,当初若是采取联合一致的行动,本来是可以使自己和全世界免遭这场劫难的。现在当然不是对他们的愚蠢行为发表评论的时候。 142. moralise on: talk critically about the writer or behaviors说教

143. ……which have allowed themselves to be struck down one by one: 【Personification拟人】

But when I spoke a few minutes ago of about Hitler's blood-lust


and his the hateful appetites which have impelled urge or lured him on


Russian adventure I said there was one deeper motive behind his outrage. 但在几分钟前,当我谈到希特勒受其嗜血成性、邪恶贪婪的驱使或引诱,贸然发动了这次对俄国的侵略冒险时,我还说过在他的疯狂行为的背后隐藏着一个深谋远虑的动机。 151. outrage: crueity

He wishes to destroy the Russian power strength because he hopes that if he succeeds in this manages to achieve this end he will be able to bring back the main strength power might of his Army and Air Force from the East and hurl it upon this Island, which he knows he must conquer or suffer the penalty of his crimes. 他之所以想摧毁俄国,乃是因为他期望着一旦这一行动顺利得手,他便可以将其陆、空军主力从东线调回,投入对英伦三岛的进攻。他清楚地知道,他必须征服英国,否则,他将因其犯下的种种罪行而受到惩罚。 His invasion of Russia is no more than a prelude to an attempted

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英语精读笔记 1/20/2014

invasion of the British Isles. 入侵俄国的行动只不过是他蓄谋已久的对英伦三岛的入侵行动的序幕而已。

He hopes, no doubt, that all this end his R. campaign may be accomplished before the winter comes, and that he can overwhelm Great Britain before the Fleet and air-power of the United States may intervene. 毫无疑问,他期望这一切能在冬季到来之前全部完成,期望在美国的海空军来不及插手干预之前即能征服大不列颠。 158. overwhelm: crush

He hopes that he may once again repeat, upon a greater scale than ever before, that process of destroying his enemies one by one by which he has so long thrived and prospered, and that then the scene will be clear for the final act, without which all his conquests would be in vain – namely, the subjugation of the Western Hemisphere to his will and to his system.他期望能以空前的规模再度重演他长期以来赖以发迹的将敌手各个击破的故伎,然后便可以腾出场地来演出最后的一幕——将整个西半球置于他的控制和统治之下。他知道,如果做不到这一点,他的全部战果都将化为泡影。 163. he has so long thrived and prospered: 【Repetition重复⑧】

同义释句:He has so far been very successful in employing this tactic/strategy.

164. scene: stage/setting场景,(舞台)布景 168. subjugation: conquest制服、征服

\Russian danger is therefore our danger, and the danger of the

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英语精读笔记 1/20/2014

United States, just as ⑽the cause of any Russian fighting for his hearth and home is the cause of free men and free peoples in every quarter of the globe. ―由此可知,俄国现在所面临的危险就是我们自己的危险,同样也是美国的危险;俄国人民保家卫国的事业就是全世界一切自由的人民和自由的民族的事业。

169. ▲ ⑽(修辞:Alliteration头韵)

The cause of any Russian fighting for his hearth and home is the cause of free men.

hearth and home: (poetic) home and its comforts家庭和其舒适的生活条件 Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience. \让我们从过去的残酷的历史经验中汲取教训吧。

Let us redouble our exertions, and strike with united strength while life and power remain.让我们趁着生命未息、力量尚存之时,加倍努力,团结奋斗吧。‖

176. exertions: great efforts努力、费力

178. 【Parallelism排比⑤】<本段两个Let us开头的句子>

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