
更新时间:2024-02-15 13:19:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载





Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on innovation/creation/invention. Your essay should include the importance of innovation and measures to be taken to encourage innovation/creation/invention. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

范文1( innovation)

In today's highly competitive world, innovation matters enormously to an organization or a country. It is the driving force behind increased competitiveness.

Take growing a successful business as an example. In this day and age, social media are gaining popularity among the general public. A company that only relies on traditional media doing its marketing is more likely to get eliminated in the digital era. Put in another way, a company with its focus on social media to boost its brand recognition stands a better chance of standing out from the crowd. Clearly, innovation is a vital contributing factor to business success.

What can be done to encourage innovation? To name only a few: Above all, a business or a country should strive to build a corporate culture or a social climate that values innovation. Second, anyone who participates in the innovation process should be rewarded. Third, we are in urgent need of an education system that stresses innovation over mechanical learning. Simply put, innovation is an important force that pushes our society forward.

范文2( creation)

Nowadays it is common to encounter a scene when people want to see things happen but can‘t make things happen for various reasons. The most important reason is that they just refuse to create and innovate. With the accelerated pace of our society, more and more people recognize the importance of creation that is bound to make a difference in social productivity.

As far as I am concerned, we should all have the notion of being the participants of supporting creation. First of all, creation is the most vital factor to improve the inner competitiveness of our nation. For another, it is certain that creation is so essential that enables many people to find their positions in the company and careers in their lives. Measures are also needed to encourage creation. First and foremost, the government should establish certain rules to sweep up the obstacles of invention. Some people have already complained much about complicated procedure of patent applications or high fees to do experiments of inventions. Additionally, high schools and universities can provide students with scholarships or overseas learning opportunities, which will stimulate more youngsters to join the group of invention and innovation.



With China’s booming economy, the number of people who learn Chinese grows rapidly. It makes Chinese become one of the favorite languages that people would like to learn. Recently, Chinese universities rise

significantly in world university rankings. Since the significant progress made in Chinese education, it is no wonder that China has been one of the most favored places for overseas students. In 2015, nearly 40,0000 international students swarmed into the Chinese market. Not confined to Chinese language and culture, the subjects they choose to learn also include science and engineering. Although the global market is still dominated by US and UK, China is striving to catch up.



With the improvement of living standards, vacation plays a more important role in the Chinese life. In the past, they had spent most of their time making a living and barely had a chance to travel. However, China’s tourism industry flourishes in recent years. Economic prosperity and the emergence of the affluent middle class leads to an unprecedented tourism boom. Chinese people like to travel both at home and abroad, and overseas trips have become increasingly common among them. During the National Day holiday in 2016, tourism spending totaled more than 400 billion yuan. World Trade Organization estimates that China will become the world’s largest tourist country by 2020, and it will also become one of the fastest-growing countries on outbound tourism spending in the next few years.




有机农业可以同时服务于多种目的,包括食品安全,大众健康和可持续发展。 Agriculture is

one of the most important industries in China which embraces more than 300 million workers. China ‘s agriculture output ranks the first all over the word, and it mainly produce rice, wheat and beans. China provides 20 percent of the world food, though its agriculture land only accounts for 10% of the world’s total.

China’s history of planting rice dates back as early as 7700 B.C. Long before the use of machinery and fertilizers, industrious and creative farmers had already used different kinds of methods to increase crop yields. The latest trend of the agriculture

development in China is to promote organic agriculture. And the organic agriculture can serve a variety of purposes, which

including food safety, public health and sustainable




Section A Conversation

1. [C] It links the science of climate change to economic and policy issues.

2. [B] It would be more costly to deal with its consequences than to avoid it.

3. [A] The transition to low-carbon energy systems.

4. [C] Plan well in advance.

5. [B] What determines success.

6. [D] It means being good at seizing opportunities.

7. [D] Practice is essential to becoming good at something.

8. [C] Being passionate about work can make one wealthy.

Section B Passage

9. [A] To stump of a giant tree.

10. [B] Wind and water.

11. [D] It was created by supernatural powers.

12. [C] By lifting them well above the ground.

13. [A] They will buy something from the convenience stores.

14. [A] They can bring only temporary pleasures.

15. [D] Small daily savings an make a big difference in one's life.

Section C Lecture

16. [B] They are necessary in our lives.

17. [B] They feel too overwhelmed to deal with life's problem.

18. [A] They expand our mind.

19. [B] It came from a 3D printer.

20. [C] When she was studying at a fashion design school.

21. [C] It was hard and breakable.

22. [D] It marks a breakthrough in printing material.

23. [A] They arise from the advances in technology.

24. [D] It is intensively competitive.

25. [D] Sharing of costs with each other.






1. B. The dressing makes themixed salad very inviting.

2. B. He is opening a new consulting firm.

3. B. The man may find the supplies in the cabinet.

4. D. He has to use a magnifying glass to see clearly.

5. C. redecoratingher office.

6. A. Shortage of containerships.

7. A. A colleague.

8. C. Hold the banquet at a different place.

长对话 Conversation One 9. D. He often goes back home late for dinner. 10. B. To discuss an urgent problem. 11. C. There is a sharp increase in India's balance of payment deficit. Conversation Two 12. D. They have uealistic expectations about the other half. 13. A. He is lucky to be able to do what he loves. 14. B. It is all glamour. 15. A.Amazed. 短文答案 Passage One 16. B. Follow closely the fast development of technology. 17. B. What type of personnel the team should be composed of. 18. D. A team manager should develop a certain set skills. Passage Two 19. A. It is a program allowing people to share information on the Web. 20. B. He met with an entrepreneur named Jim Clark. 21. B. They had confidence in his new ideas. Passage Three 22. A. Word-of-mouth advertising. 23. D. To build up their reputation. 24. D. By using the services of large advertising agencies. 25. C. Pre-test alternative ads or commercials in certain regions. 短文听写答案 26. Eternal 27. Diminishing 28. Absolute 29. Succeed 30. on a vast scale 31. As regards 32. used up

33. Disposing

34. Modification

35. Magnitude


36. B. caters

37. M. recommended

38. D. debated

39. F. ideal

40. C. chronically

41. G. improvements

42. E. deprivation

43. L. ready

44. H. necessarily

45. O. target


46. When people find they are powerless to change a situation, they tend to live with it.

47. To be effective, environmental messages should be carefully framed.

48. It is the government's responsibility to persuade people into making environment-friendly decisions.

49. Politicians are beginning to realize the importance of enlisting psychologists' help in fighting climate change.

50. To find effective solutions to climate change, it is necessary to understand what motivates people to make change.

51. In their evolution, humans have learned to pay attention to the most urgent issues instead of long-term concerns.

52. One study shows that our neighbors' actions are influential unchanging our behavior.

53. Despite clear signs of global warming, it is not easy for most people to believe climate change will affect their own lives.

54. We would take our future into consideration in making decisions concerning climate change before it is too late.

55. Existing social networks can be more effective in creating change in people's behaviour.答案:CLGPH DJBFO



61. It has aroused public attention to safety issues.

62. It has sent half a dozen passengers into space.

63. To promote the space tourism industry.

64. Suspend Virgin Galactic's Lisence to take passengers into space.

65. It is worth promoting despite the risks involved.



Parents in China are always trying to help their children, even to make the most important decision for them, regardless of what the children really want, because parents believe it's all for the benefit of their children。 This has led to the result that the children's growth and education tend to give way to their parents’ wishes。 Once the parents decide to sign up an afterschool class for their children in order to increase their chance of being admitted to a good school, they will stick on their decision, even their children have no interest in it at all. In America, however, parents tend to respect their children, especially when making decisions。 Perhaps it is commendable that Chinese parents lay much importance on education, but Chinese parents still need to keep the balance between the parents and children in the perspective of education as the American parents do。




The picture vividly depicts that a group of people are holding a meeting in an office. They are facing a difficult problem that although they have lots of advanced information technology, they still fail to acquire useful information.

In fact, the phenomenon conveyed in the picture does not surprise us, because as the science and technology develops, the topic concerning the side effects of technological advancement increasingly arouses people’s attention. Undoubtedly, the drawer of the picture aims at reminding us that advanced technology cannot replace useful information, and in effect it is still difficult to get the useful information despite of information technology. What we should do is to be capable of telling the goof information from the bad. Put it another way, technology can only provide us a way to obtain the information, but to get the knowledge, we desired, we must pay out efforts instead of over-depending on the technology.

It is well known that thanks to the development of human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things come into reality. But, while enjoying the convenience produced by tech, we should alert that there is no shortcut to helpful information; we should bear in mind that advanced technology cannot be the substitute of human endeavors in getting useful information. In addition, it is wise for human beings to learn how to obtain and distinguish the information they would like by themselves.



Part I Writing (30 minutes)


Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on happiness by referring to the saying“Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.”You can cite examples to illustrate your point and then explain how you can develop your ability to deal with problems and be happy. You should write at least words but no more than words.

Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At theend of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1 上作答。

1. A) The rock band needs more hours of practice.

B) The rock band is going to play here for a month.

C) Their hard work has resulted in a big success.

D) He appreciates the woman?s help with the band.

2. A) Go on a diving tour in Europe. C) Travel overseas on his own.

B) Add 300 dollars to his budget. D) Join a package tour to Mexico.

3. A) In case some problem should occur.C) To avoid more work later on.

B) Something unexpected has happened.D) To make better preparations.

4. A) The woman asked for a free pass to try out the facilities.

B) The man is going to renew his membership in a fitness center.

C) The woman can give the man a discount if he joins the club now.

D) The man can try out the facilities before he becomes a member.

5. A) He is not afraid of challenge.

B) He is not fit to study science.

C) He is worried about the test.

D) He is going to drop the physics course

6. A) Pay for part of the picnic food. C) Buy something special for Gary.

B) Invite Gary?s family to dinner. D) Take some food to the picnic.

7. A) Bus drivers? working conditions. C)Public transportation.

B) A labor dispute at a bus company. D) A corporate takeover.

8. A) The bank statement.C) The payment for an order.

B) Their sales overseas.D) The check just deposited.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

9. A) A hotel receptionist.C) A shop assistant.

B) A private secretary.D) A sales manager.

10. A) Voice.C) Appearance.

B) Intelligence. D) Manners.

11. A) Arrange one more interview. C) Report the matter to their boss.

B) Offer the job to David Wallace. D) Hire Barbara Jones on a trial basis.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) He invented the refrigerator. C) He got a degree in Mathematics.

B) He patented his first invention. D) He was admitted to university.

13. A) He distinguished himself in low temperature physics.

B) He fell in love with Natasha Willoughby.

C) He became a professor of Mathematics.

D) He started to work on refrigeration.

14. A) Finding the true nature of subatomic particles.

B) Their work on very high frequency radio waves.

C) Laying the foundations of modem mathematics.

D) Their discovery of the laws of cause and effect.

15. A) To teach at a university. C) To spend his remaining years.

B) To patent his inventions. D) To have a three-week holiday.

Section B

Directions:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will he spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。

Passage One

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A) They have fallen prey to wolves.

B) They have become a tourist attraction.

C) They have caused lots of damage to crops.

D) They have become a headache to the community.

17. A) To celebrate their victory. C) To scare the wolves.

B) To cheer up the hunters. D) To alert the deer.

18. A) They would help to spread a fatal disease.

B) They would pose a threat to the children.

C) They would endanger domestic animals.

D) They would eventually kill off the deer.

Passage Two

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A) She is an interpreter.C) She is a domestic servant.

B) She is a tourist guide.D) She is from the royal family.

20. A) It was used by the family to hold dinner parties.

B) It is situated at the foot of a beautiful mountain.

C) It was frequently visited by heads of state.

D) It is furnished like one in a royal palace.

21. A) It is elaborately decorated.

B) It has survived some 2,000 years.

C) It is very big, with only six slim legs.

D) It is shaped like an ancient Spanish boat.

22. A) They are uncomfortable to sit in for long.

B) They do not match the oval table at all.

C) They have lost some of their legs.

D) They are interesting to look at.

Passage Three

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

23. A) It in an uncommon infectious disease.

B) It destroys the patient?s ability to think.

C) It is a disease very difficult to diagnose.

D) It is the biggest crippler of young adults.

24. A) Search for the best cure. C) Write a book about her life.

B) Hurry up and live life.D) Exercise more and work harder.

25. A) Aggressive. C) Sophisticated.

B) Adventurous. D) Self-centered.

Section C

Directions:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read fort the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words youhave just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you shouldcheck what you have written.


It?s difficult to estimate the number of youngsters involved in home schooling, where childrenare not sent to school and receive their formal education from one or both parents.

(26)_______ and court decisions have made it legally possible in most states for parents to educate their children at home, and each year more people take advantage of that opportunity. Some states require parents or a home tutor to meet teacher certification standards, and many require parents to completelegal forms to verify that their children are receiving (27) _______ in state-approved curricula.

Supports of home education claim that it?s less expensive and far more (28)_______ thanmass public education. Moreover, they cite several advantages: alleviation of school overcrowding, strengthened family relationships, lower (29) _______ rates, the fact that students

are allowed to learn at their own rate, increased (30) _______, higher standardized test scores, and reduced (31) _______ problems.

Critics of the home schooling movement (32) _______ that it creates as many problems as it solves. They acknowledge that, in a few cases, home schooling offers educational opportunities superior to those found in most public schools, but few parents can provide such educational advantages. Some parents who withdraw their children from the schools (33) _______ homeschooling have an inadequate educational background and insufficient formal training to provide a satisfactory education for their children. Typically, parents have fewertechnological resources (34) _______ than do schools. However, the relatively inexpensivecomputer technology that is readily available today is causing some to challenge the notion that home schooling is in any way (35) _______ more highly structured classroom education.

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.

Some performance evaluations require supervisors to take action. Employees who receive a very favorable evaluation may deserve some type of recognition or even a promotion. If Supervisors should acknowledge high performance so that the employee will continue to perform well in the future.

Employees who receive unfavorable evaluations must also be given attention. Supervisors must the reasons for poor performance. Some reasons, such as a family illness, may have a may not be temporary. When supervisors give employees an unfavorable evaluation, they must the unfavorable evaluation can pinpoint(指出) the deficiencies that employees must correct. In this case, the supervisor may simply need to monitor the employees and ensure that the deficiencies are corrected.

If the employees were already aware of their deficiencies before the evaluation period, however, they may be unable or unwilling to correct them. This situation is more serious, and the with the firm?s guidelines and may include reassigning the employees to new jobs, them temporarily, or firing them. A supervisor?s action toward a poorly performing worker can their productivity as well.


Section B

Directions:In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

The College Essay: Why Those 500 Words Drive Us Crazy

A) Meg is a lawyer-mom in suburban Washington, D.C., where lawyer-moms are thick on the ground. Her son Doug is one of several hundred thousand high-school seniors who had a painful fall. The deadline for applying to his favorite college was Nov. 1,and by early October he had yet to fill out the application. More to the point, he had yet to settle on a subject for the personal essay accompanying the application. According to college folklore, a well-turned essay has the power to seduce (诱惑) an admissions committee. “He wanted to do one thing at a time,” Meg says, explaining her son?s delay. “But really, my son is a huge procrastinator (拖延者). The essay is the hardest thing to do, so he?s put it off the longest.” Friends and other veterans of the process have warned Meg that the back and forth between editing parent and writing student can be traumatic (痛苦的).

B) Back in the good old days—say, two years ago, when the last of my children suffered the ordeal (折磨)—a high-school student applying to college could procrastinate all the way to New Year?s Day of their senior year, assuming they could withstand the parental pestering (烦扰).But things change fast in the nail-biting world of college admissions.The recent trend toward early decision and early action among selective colleges and universities has pushed the traditional deadline of January up to Nov. 1 or early December for many students.

C) If the time for heel-dragging has been shortened, the true source of the anxiety and panic remains what it has always been. And it?s not the application itself. A college application is a relatively straightforward questionnaire asking for the basics: name, address, family history employment history. It would all be innocent enough—20 minutes of busy work—except it comes attached to a personal essay.

D) “There are good reasons it causes such anxiety,” says Lisa Sohmer, director of college counseling at the Garden School in Jackson Heights, N.Y. “It?s not just the actual writing. By noweverything else is already set. Your course load is set, your grades are set, your test scores are set. But the essay is something you can still control, and it?s open-ended. So the temptation is to write and rewrite and rewrite.” Or stall and stall and stall.

E) The application essay, along with its mythical importance, is a recent invention. In the 1930s,when only one in 10 Americans had a degree from a four-year college, an admissionscommittee was content to ask for a sample of applicants? school papers to assess

