2019届高考英语(人教版)一轮复习必修4精选作业 Unit 5 高考拆组训练

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必修四Unit 5 高考拆组训练




It was a sunny day when my dad and I were arriving at his company. We __1__ the car and got out of it. I __2__ and saw a gray thing on the ground. I thought it was a __3__,but it started to move. As we approached we __4__ that it was a small wounded dog.

We were so moved by the __5__ that we decided to help the __6__ dog. We bought some dog food in the store across the street and got some __7__ water for the dog in order to help him regain __8__.

He was desperate __9__ while we were giving him the food and water he almost __10__ his head in them. Once he had eaten we encouraged him to move; __11__,he could not. My dad tried to take him in his arms, but he started barking due to a wounded bleeding paw. __12__,we made a decision to carry him on a small stretcher (担架) to our __13__.

Rapidly, we took him to the vet's for him to receive __14__ treatment. The vet told us that he had a broken leg and that he had been __15__ for days. He got out of the vet's office after 5 days of __16__,and we decided to look for a __17__ for him.

He was finally __18__ by one of my dad's workers and is living __19__. In conclusion, I learned from this that everybody can do an act of kindness. Everyone __20__ a second chance to be happy.

C.drove D.boarded

解析:选B根据上文中的“were arriving at his company”及下文中的“got out of it”可知,作者和父亲把车停(parked)好后下了车。

2.A.looked around B.came up

C.passed by D.went away

解析:选A作者环顾(looked around)四周,看见地面上有一个灰色的东西。pass by“路过,经过”;go away “走开,离开”。

3.A.plastic box B.rubbish bin

C.garbage bag D.metal can

解析:选C作者以为它是一个垃圾袋,但是它开始移动了。根据上文的“saw a gray thing on the ground”和下文的“it was a small wounded dog”可知,只有garbage bag和gray thing, dog能联系起来。

4.A.remembered B.admitted

C.expected D.realized


5.A.scene B.view

C.condition D.situation


6.A.lucky B.missing

C.poor D.lovely


7.A.pure B.salty

C.sweet D.delicious


8.A.power B.strength

C.energy D.spirit


9.A.even if B.as if

C.so that D.in that

解析:选C前后句之间是原因和结果的关系,故用so that“因此,结果”引导结果状语从句。in that“因为”,引导原因状语从句。

10.A.hurt B.abandoned

C.shook D.buried

解析:选D根据上文中的“He was desperate”可知,小狗非常需要食物和水,因此当作者和父亲提供给它食物和水时,它差点儿把它的头埋(buried)在其中。

11.A.therefore B.besides

C.instead D.however


12.A.In the end B.At first

C.In fact D.At one time

解析:选A最后,作者和父亲决定用小担架把狗带到他们的车上。in the end“最后”;at first“起初”;in fact“事实上”;at one time“一度”。

13.A.car B.company

C.home D.office


14.A.affordable B.free

C.immediate D.available


15.A.continuing B.struggling

C.surviving D.starving

解析:选D根据常识可知,兽医应是对狗的身体状况作评论,故此处应表示“兽医告诉我们它腿受伤了,而且饿了好几天”,故选starving“挨饿”。上文的“He was desperate”也是暗示。

16.A.operation B.recovery

C.exercise D.adjustment


17.A.hospital B.unit

C.market D.family


18.A.supported B.adapted

C.received D.adopted


19.A.happily B.positively

C.easily D.simply

解析:选A结合全文来考虑,这只受伤的狗被作者和父亲救助,然后又被好心人收养,问题最终被圆满地解决,故happily最契合全文主旨。下文中的“to be happy”亦是提示。

20.A.demands B.deserves

C.allows D.shares



Now, I'd like to share what I __1__ (learn) through Tra v elling Guide a few weeks ago.

Thousands of visitors each year enjoy Haleakala National Park, one of the __2__ (unusual) national parks in the United States, on the island of Maui. Ships stop at the island and buses take __3__ (group) of visitors to see the huge volcano there. Visitors also may take a walk in the rain forest __4__ (create) by the volcano thousands of years ago.

The park offers visitors a sight of nature at __5__ majorities of people never have the chance to take a look. At the top of Haleakala, __6__ (look) down inside what is the most active part of the volcano, we can see that the volcano has left thousands of different shapes of lava (熔岩) stone ever since. Hundreds of years __7__ rain and bright sun have cut long paths in the stone. There are mainly 3 stone areas. One big area seems __8__ (be) deep and dark red. __9__ two areas seem almost yellow and green. It looks as if someone spilled (泼洒) many colors of paint over the huge areas. The lava stone areas are __10__ (color) because the lava is rich in many kinds of minerals.

1.learned/learnt考查动词时态。根据本句中的时间状语“a few weeks ago”可知,该


2.most unusual考查形容词最高级。此处表示“美国最不同寻常的国家公园之一”,这里应用形容词的最高级修饰national parks,故该空填most unusual。

3.groups考查名词复数。根据上文中的“Thousands of visitors”可知游客很多,又因group是可数名词,这里表示“成群的游客”,故用group的复数形式。

4.created考查非谓语动词。分析该句结构可知,forest后面的部分作定语修饰rain forest,且rain forest与动词create之间在逻辑上是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。

5.which考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,且在定语从句中作at的宾语,代指a sight of nature,故填which。


7.of考查介词。of用于month, year等名词后以表示某状态或活动持续的时长。

8.to be 考查非谓语动词。seem to do sth.为固定用法。

9.Another考查代词。根据上文中的3 stone areas 和One big area可知,这里用Another。Another two areas表示“另外两个地区”。

10.colorful考查形容词。该空作表语,说明主语的性质、状态,故用形容词。colorful 表示“色彩丰富的”。










Many high schools allow for clubs.However, how to balance study and club activities has always been a concern for students.Here are my tips.

Firstly, put study in the first place, because our first responsibility is learning all we can from classes.Then draw up a schedule.When making a schedule, be sure to leave enough studying time.Finally, select a club carefully.We should choose wisely among clubs we are truly interested in and those that will help on our way to success.

Only when we balance them well can we have great high school years!



For years, humans have made war with the dandelion (蒲公英). Most people consider dandelions annoying weeds, and try to get rid of them. They usually pull them up by the roots, or use chemicals to kill the plants. But our war with the dandelion may soon be over.

Although dandelions are considered weeds, it's no secret that dandelions have their uses. Y oung dandelion leaves make a delicious salad. Dandelion plants have a long, thin root called

a taproot, which grows deep into the soil. The taproot creates paths in the soil, which allow water and air to mix in and keep soil healthy. Dandelion flowers also attract ladybugs, which can help kill small insect pests in gardens. However, most people still think of dandelions as simple weeds. It's the sap(汁液), though, that just might change their minds.

If you've ever picked a dandelion, you've probably noticed the milky sap that comes out from the stem. Dandelion sap is a natural source of rubber (橡胶). Around 30,000 different products are made from rubber today. Most of these products are made from rubber that comes from the rubber trees. But there are problems with these products. Some people have a serious allergy (过敏症) to this kind of rubber. And for some reason, many of the rubber trees on our planet are now dying off. These trees take years to grow, so they are not easy to replace.

Scientists are starting to look at dandelion sap as a possible good source of rubber for the future. Dandelions are easy to plant and they grow quickly. People who are allergic to rubber products made from rubber trees are not likely to be allergic to dandelion rubber. Still, scientists have some questions to answer before we can make dandelions our main

source of rubber. Some scientists believe that in less than five years, we will have those answers and will finally end the war with this so-called weed. When we make peace with the dandelion, at long last, we'll be planting it, instead of pulling it!


Dandelions, which have long been considered annoying weeds, are actually useful plants. (要点1) Young dandelion leaves make a delicious salad. (要点2) Dandelion roots keep the soil healthy. (要点3) Dandelion flowers attract ladybugs. (要点4) And dandelion sap is a natural source of rubber, which has many advantages over the rubber that comes from rubber trees. (要点5) Although some problems about making dandelions our main source of rubber remain unsolved, we will finally solve them. (要点6)

