
更新时间:2024-02-12 16:41:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载




1、I won't let her go without a fight! 我不会轻易放过她的

2、It could happen to anyone./ It happens to anybody./ That happens.谁都可能会遇到这种情况

3、I'm a laundry virgin.(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活)

4、I hear you. 我知道你要说什么。/ 我懂你的意思了

、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看!

6、Hello? Were we at the same table? 有没有搞错?(注意hello的用法,用疑问语气表示“有没有搞错?”)

7、You are so sweet/ that's so sweet. 你真好。

8、I think it works for me. (work为口语中极其重要的小词)

9、Rachel, you are out of my league(等级,范畴). 你跟我不是同一类人

10、You are so cute. 你真好/真可爱

11、Given your situation, the options with the greatest chances forsuccess would be surrogacy. (given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用)

12、Let's get the exam rolling. 现在开始考试了( get……rolling的用法)

13、Why don't we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢

14、Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思)

15、My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵)

16、I planed to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意something just came up这个搭配)

17、That's not the point.这不是关键/问题所在

18、(If) he shows up, we stick with him. 他一出现,我们就跟着他走(着重比较书面英语和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略)

19、My life flashes before my eyes. 我的过往在我眼前浮现。

20、I have no idea what you have said不知道你在说什么(I don't have the slightest

idea……)“我不知道”不要总说I don't know,太土了,可以说I have no idea或者I don't have a clue……

21、Just follow my lead. 听我指挥好了。

22、Good for you!你真不错/好!(老友记中极其常见的赞扬、表扬句型)

23、Let me put it this way, we're having sex whether you're here or not. (主要是前半句中put的用法,这里put等于say;极其标准的口语说法)

24、The more I worried about it, the more I couldn't sleep.(the more……the more……越什么……就什么……;多学点这样的句型举一反三不论对口语还是写作都有帮助)

25、We're more than happy to give you recommendations.(more han happy等于非常高兴)

26、Rachel, Can you pass me the TV guide? 能把电视报递给我吗?(非常实用的口语句型,叫别人递东西可以引用)

27、Not that it's your business, but we did go out. (倒不是……不过……典型的绕弯子式美国思维模式)

28、We have to cut our trip short! 我们不得不中断旅行.(cut sth short打断话语;中断某事;)

29、This party stinks/ sucks! (sth sucks意思是什么事情很糟糕)

30、You do the math.你自己来算一下

31、I'm with you 我同意你的观点

32、I was/will be there for you.我支持(过)你!(还记得老友记主题曲最后一句吗)

33、I'm all yours!我全听你的

34、I'll take care of it. 我会搞定的

35、I would like to propose a toast.(英美电影宴会婚礼场景经典句型;提议为什么事情举杯祝福时用:)

36、Lucky me! 我真走运/幸运!(诺丁山里面出现)

37、Storage rooms give me creeps. 储藏室让我全身冒鸡皮疙瘩。

38、What is with that guy? 那个家伙到底怎么了?

39、Plus, I'm gonna take you out a lot for free dinner. (plus除此之外)

40、we've talked about the relationship and stuff.(And stuff诸如此类)

41、Too bad we must return them. 很不幸,我们必须退还它们。(too bad开头来描述一件糟糕的事情)

42、Take my word for it. 相信我

43、Here's to a lousy Christmas!(here's to……为……而干杯)

44、I made a fool of myself.

45、To hell with that bitch! 让那婊子见鬼去吧!(咒骂别人的时候,to hell with)

46、The worst part is……最糟糕的是

47、I think I should give it a shot/go!我觉得应该尝试一下!

48、Now you tell me she's not a knock-out! 你该不会说她不是个美人儿吧!

49、Be good!/be a man/be cool! 要听话/像个男人的样子/冷静点

50、Nice save!好扑救!/打圆场避免失态(来源于足球)

51、Man, you scared the shoot/crap out of me!你把我吓坏了! Beat the crap out of sb(crap等于shoot,不过要稍微文雅一些;)

52、You did it!你做到了!(或者还可以说I made it! 口语中要注意make, do等小词的运用)

53、Let's make a deal!我们做笔交易吧。

54、That was close!/close one 好险

55、What if I had the guts to quit my job.(have the guts有种,有勇气)

56、How did it go with Ceria?和Ceria怎么样了?

57、How's it going?/ how are you doing?你好

58、It's not like (I did this on purpose).并不是……(又是典型的绕弯子式美国思维了!这句话还可以换成Not that I did this on purpose)

59、How come you are working here? 你怎么在这里工作?(how come=why)

60、I'll fix it! 我去搞定!

61、Hats off to phoebe. I'd say that you're a very good competitor. (hats off to向谁脱帽致敬)

62、How long has it been since (you had sex with your gf)? 有多久没做……

63、Forget it!/skip it!/I don't wanna talk about this any more. 别提了

64、I mean it! 我是认真的!

65、I'm totally over her! 我早就忘了她了!

66、I'm gonna pay for it tonight. 今晚我要付出代价。

67、Where were we?刚才我们谈/做到哪里了?

68、Leave me alone! 别管我/别惹我

69、You have to pick your moments/timing. 你说话得选时机。

70、You started it!你先挑衅的(选自 The Incredibles)

71、Will he know what this is in reference to?他知道是谁打来的吗?

72、Make it three/two.再来一杯/份(和老外一起到酒吧,餐厅点同样东西时的经典用语,言简意赅)

73、That makes two of us. 所见略同

74、Two coffee to go. 两杯咖啡打包。

75、I was trying to reach you all night. 我找了你一晚上。

76、I was wondering/thinking if after work we could grab a cup of coffee?我在想……

77、You bet!当然

78、I've been through this!我有经验/我也经历过

79、Did it ever occur to you that I might be that stupid!

80、You really need to hate Julie's guts.(hate sb''s guts 恨透……)

81、What do you say I buy you a cup of coffee/we go take a walk? 我请你喝杯咖啡怎么样?(what do you say加从句,可用与征求别人意见)

82、Hold it! 打住!

83、Up yours! 去你的

84、I don't have a clue!我不知道

85、Come on, cut it out! 别闹了~

86、You are nothing like us.你一点都不象我们。It's nothing likeHobbit/You guys, this cat is nothing like my grandma's cat.(nothing like sth表示一点都不像)

87、If you want kids, then kids it is! 如果你想要孩子,那就要吧 Art it is/ two it is !!/ a hundred it is (名词加it is 表示一种不耐烦语气)

88、Mind if I see some identification? 介意我看看证件吗? Mind if I come downstairs with you?

89、It's between Ross and me. 是我和ross之间的事情

90、I''ll give you a call if anything comes up.

91、I don't give a/an damn / f*k / shoot / ass... 表示不在乎.

92、The judging stuff has taken a lot out of me.(take a lot out of sb=making sb tired)

93、I asked around. Word is, he deals primarily in arms. (Ocean Eleven)

94、I bet you 20 bucks I can get her to have breakfast with me?

95、Do not rush/push me. 别催我96、Call it even. 扯平了

97、Not that I know of. 据我所知没有

98、Part of me thinks the kid's right. 一方面我觉得这孩子没错but another part of me thinks……(选自拯救大兵瑞恩)

99、You fall for it every time. 你每次都要上当

100、Thanks, man! I'm not really into sports.!/ I'm really not into guys.我不太喜欢体育




话题一 个人情况(Personal information)

能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况(姓名、年龄、出生日期、家庭成员、电话号码、爱好、邮箱地址、外貌、特征和自己的生活情况等),并能够写出自己简单的基本情况。话题二 朋友(Friends)



话题三 饮食(Food and drink)






话题四 天气(Weather)



能够根据天气情况,设计自己的活动计划(合适的着装、活动去向、活动目的等)。话题五 家庭(Family and home)








话题六 学校(School life)




Can we make a reservation at your restaurant in advance?

我想预订餐位。I’d like to make a reservation。


I’d like to reserve a table for six


I’d like to book a private room for tomorrow evening。

我想订张靠窗户的桌子。I want to book a table by the window。请以沃森的名义订下。Please book it under the name of Watson。

我在你们餐厅预订了餐位。I’ve made a reservation at your restaurant。我打算六点到。I’d like to come at 6.













讲义“mini-presentation”部分的sample answers


A. There are many factors to consider when planning presentation. The most important thing is to find out about the audience. We need to get the information about the number of audience, where they are from and they reason why they attend the presentation. These kinds of information will help to tailor the presentation to their needs. Another important aspect to consider is to research the topic. For example, what topic interests them most, what are the latest news about the topic, what are the best examples about the topic and so on. Therefore, we can make the presentation very useful and very interesting.

B. XXX Training is the best way to get more knowledge of products, master more practical skills and understand more about service. Therefore, training helps staff to do a better a job and makes customers happier. XX is important because we need to know how the customers feel about our service. We need to listen to their opinions, get feedback from them about the standard of our service, and ask them what they need. Customer Satisfaction Survey

C. the most important things is encouraging teamwork. Most projects can not be completed by a single person, the success of a project relies on the close cooperation between team members. Teamwork guarantees high efficiency and good communication. Another important aspect is to keep to schedule. Every team member should finish his task before the deadline according to the schedule, so that the whole project can be finished on time. Consequences of delay can be too great: a heavy fine, client refusing to accept the goods, losing profit, or even losing clients.


A. The most important thing is to offer financial benefits to the staff. Needless to say, money is important because it helps to pay the bills. The best way to motivate staff is to offer financial incentives according to the results of their work. Better performance, better paid. Another important aspect is offering staff career development opportunities. Besides salary it’s important that a staff knows his or her job is leading somewhere, that he or she has a bright future in this company. If a staff can see a good career path in this company, he is willing to stay and work hard to achieve the goal.


C. The most important thing is to choose right topics. Health and safety training includes lots of topics and it’s just impossible for us to cover all of them at one time. Therefore, we must choose the most needed topics for us to make the training highly effective. Another important aspect is to select the right staff to attend. Staff from different departments have different needs, and we must put those who have common interests and needs in one group to make the training efficient, cost-effective and time-effective.


A. The most important thing is price and discounts. Every penny we spend on office equipment ultimately goes into cost of the product or service. Therefore we should try to get the lowest possible price. And, don’t forget every brand offers discounts from time to time. Another important aspect is brands names. Big brands are usually associated with high quality and reliable after-sales services. It’s wise to list several big brands and then choose one from them which offers a lower price or a special discount.

B. The most important thing is to consider the venue of entertainment. Every client has his own expectations when coming to a foreign country, for example, some clients may be interested in a city tour and some others may be more interested in a traditional Chinese meal. What we should do is to ask them about their expectations and take them to the places they desire. Another important thing is to be aware of the cultural differences. Foreign clients may have different cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs from us, and the foods or gestures we take for granted may be very offensive to them. For example it’s very offensive to offer a Muslim pork and an Indian beef. Understanding these cultural differences will make the clients feel valued.

C. 略。


A. 第一个点略。Another important aspect is length of the course. We want the courts to fit into our schedule. If it’s too long, it might interrupt our normal business or even make us lose business. If it’s too short it won’t achieve the results we desire.

B. The most important things is if enough local workforce is available. Payment of workers are usually a major part of production costs so all business owners want the lowest possible labor cost. If there is a shortage of workforce we have to pay more to hire skilled workers. In serious cases, we may find it hard to find enough skilled workers even if we pay a high price. Another important aspect is that the location of the site is ideal. It should have a convenient transportation network, therefore it’s convenient for the staff to go to work, and less expensive to transport raw materials and goods. It would be great if the site is closer to the target market, so that it’s more quickly and less expensive for us to deliver the products to the markets.



A. the most important thing is to learn the knowledge of the company procedures, for example, what is your job duty, how to use the email system, how to use other facilities, how the business is operated and so on. Getting these hands-on knowledge (切实可用的) enables a new comer to start a new job quickly. Another important aspect is to get help from existing staff. The old hands must have accumulated lots of experiences about their work and most of them are willing to share. What a new comer should do is to get up the nerve and ask “Could you help me out, please?”

B. the most important thing is to consider the position of the staff in the company. The staff must be above a certain rank to be able to represent the company very well and make quick decisions when needed. Another important aspect is previous experience of other countries. If a staff has been to the country before he will be comfortable with the environment and will start the work quickly. Having some experiences about the market and the culture will also make the staff work more efficiently.

C. the most important thing is to improve the efficiency of the production line. The best way to reduce production costs is to produce more products more quickly, which means the unit cost is lower. Another important aspect is to reduce the cost or raw materials. The cost of raw materials is usually a major part of production costs. If we can get a lower price of raw materials or get some special discounts, we can greatly reduce the productions costs.


A. There are many factors to consider when choosing people to work in teams. The most important thing is variety of experience. If the people in one team have different educational backgrounds and work experiences, the team leader can delegate the right task to the right person, then everyone gets to do what he is familiar with and can work most efficiently. Another important aspect is personal qualities. I think a good team member is honest, open-minded and supportive. He can communicate with others honestly and openly. When others are under pressure, he offers help.

B. … the most important thing is time management. When we have more than one task in hands, we must set priorities to the tasks, and do the most important thing first. Therefore, time management skills are essential. Another important aspect is sharing tasks. When we can’t finish a task before the deadline, we must report to the manager and ask for help. I think the worst thing is to wait until the last minute to say I can’t finish it. So, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

C. The most important thing is market research. Through market research we identify customer wants and needs, analyze their needs and then determine our marketing strategies and sales strategies. Secondly, pricing is always an important element in marketing mix. Customers want the lowest possible price and the highest possible quality. Low price may get

more trial users for a new product.

Task Card 16

A. When an applicant is interviewed for a job, it is extremely important to have information about the company. It is necessary to do some research before the interview about the history of the company, the line of business, the core business, the slogan and so on, which is easy to access on internet. Being familiar with this sort of information proves your interest in the company and the position. Secondly, personal appearance is also important. Being well dressed shows your respect to the interviewer, and actually makes you more confident. The interviewer might also judge you by your body language, eye contact, gestures and so on. Personal appearance is particularly important for some positions like receptionist, account manager. So, it’s always a good idea to look tidy and professional.

B. When exhibiting at trade fair, quality of display is extremely important. At the trade fair you might be exhibiting your products right next to your competitors. The display has to be visually attractive so that the visitors might notice your products and become interested in them. And, good design of display proves your creativeness and makes the visitors fell very good about your company. The second important consideration is selecting the most suitable staff for the exhibition stand. Experienced staff might present your products very nicely to potential customers and answer any inquiries about the products. An experienced staff might sell much more than a new hand. What’s more, when a staff is working at the exhibition stand, he is representing the image of the company and he is regarded to be the spokesman for your products. Needless to say, attractive staff can add up to the attractiveness of your company.

C. When introducing a reward system for staff, the most important thing is to introduce the purpose of this reward system, because the staff need to know what is expected of them from the company so that they will improve and adjust their way of work to try to get the reward. Secondly, introduce the types of reward offered very clearly. They staff can only be motivated when they find the reward very attractive. If the reward is just what they want, they might be immediately interested in the reward system and try their best to win the award. To sum it up, when introducing a reward system, it is important to give every simple detail.

Task Card 17

A. When entertaining client, it’s important to choose suitable activities. Make sure we know the interests and expectation of the clients first. The activities that are just what the clients want can make them feel valued and make them like you much better. If you organize some activities they dislike they wouldn’t refuse your invitation any way because of politeness, but the whole entertainment can be counterproductive. The entertainment feels very much like hard work for them and makes the clients exhausted. The second consideration is cost. Choosing the cost-effective types of entertainment not only makes your boss happy, but very possibly makes your clients feel better about you because we all like those people who spend money wisely.

B. When choosing retail premises to rent, location is the first consideration. It must be easy to access for your target customers. In addition, being located at CBD or along the main business street is a very good way of advertising your brand and attracting new customers. Secondly, the contract of rent is very important. A large amount of money is usually invested on a new P.O.S and it is just impossible for most of the retail business to get all the money back within the first several years. So the contract must be long enough to allow for cost-recovering.

C. When deciding on packaging for products the first consideration is image because packaging is an effective way of advertising. The packaging has to be visually attractive to make the customers notice it. If the product is fast moving consumables like juice or shampoo, packaging is particularly important because one product is always displaced right next to the competitor’s products. The product has to present a good image to arouse the interest of customers. Secondly, production process should be taken into consideration. A simple production process is required for cost-effectiveness and environment friendliness. So the design of packaging is a balance between image and production process.

Task Card 18

A. When selecting staff for promotion the first consideration is attitude to work, because when we promote a staff we aim to encourage him to work harder and have a long term development in our company. So we can only promote those staff who are very loyal to the company and intend to grow with the company. Secondly, current performance is very very important. Result is everything in business. Promotion is the best incentive to reward those staff who are highly productive and contribute most to the growth of the company. Promoting the staff with good performance is the ideal way of encouraging other staff to achieve good performance. So, this is a combination of both attitude and performance.

B. when considering a career change, there are several important considerations. Further study of training is an important one. In modern society changes come must faster than before, each employee needs to be well trained to do the job well. We need to develop a range of skills for a long term career development. Also, opportunities for future promotion need to be considered. Different types of companies provide us with different promotion opportunites so we must assess the possibility of us being promoted. Assess if our qualification is a good match with the expectation of the company. So career change is a tough decision that requires careful planning.

C. when planning an advertising campaign, market research is essential. Though effective market research we can know the customer wants and needs, their likes and dislikes. So we may be able to tailor the advertising to their expectation. Secondly, appropriate media is the key to effective advertising. We must find out the key media for our target customers so that the advertising will be highly effective.

Task 19

A: … the most important thing is convenience. Convenient transport means our staff will spend less time on the road and arrive at the destination more quickly. What’s more, they won’t feel exhausted, because we all know how tiring long trips are. Therefore, convenient transport ensures that our staff feel energetic when they do their work after arrival. Another important aspect is cost-effectiveness. Traveling expenses are an major part of operation costs (运营成本) and ultimately (最终)add to the unit cost of the product and service. As a result, the profit we earn is greatly reduced. Therefore, it would be great if we can make savings when traveling.

B: When aiming for promotion, there are many important things we should do. Firstly, we should try our best to have an excellent performance. Result is everything in business environment, and nothing is more persuasive than the best sales figures or the most important marketing promotion and so on. Secondly, we must be loyal to our employer. If an employer promotes someone, he wants this staff to work with the company for a long time. So, if you wish to be promoted, show to your employer that you are willing to work here as long as you can.

C: when exporting goods services for the first time, personal contacts are important. If we have personal contacts in target market we may easily get to know the customers and the competition we have. We might avoid terrible mistakes which usually come up in first export. Secondly, if personal contacts are unavailable or not enough, we might seek help from professional experts. Their advice is usually valuable because they have lots of experiences of the market including failures and successful stories. All in all, it is not an easy job to export services for the first time, we need to be well prepared and be ready to listen, and ask for help.

Task 20

A: ……. The first thing we should do is to offer an apology. We must apologize very sincerely to the client for the inconvenience caused or for the loss that has occurred. So, in front of an angry client, don’t try to defend for yourself, the first thing we should say is always, “we are terribly sorry for this, please give me some time to solve the problem for you.” The second step to deal with complaints is of course suggesting a solution to the problem. If we want to stop a customer from complaining any more, the only thing we should say is “hi, we will give you a refund!” or “we will exchange the product” or “we will compensate you for the loss” or etc..

B: …… The most important thing is to calculate the production costs. Price = cost + profit (price equals to cost plus

profit), so, before setting price, we must carefully calculate the unit production cost of the product. Another important aspect is to consider our competitors’ product price. We should offer the same price or even lower price than the competitors, because lower price can get more trials users for our product. When we have more users we can manufacture products on large scale, as a result, the unit cost can be much lower. This is the reason why many companies set a very low price for their new product, which might be even lower than the production cost! The answer is mass production, that is, producing products on large scale to lower the cost.

C: when aiming to reduce staff turnover, financial incentives are highly effective. Needless to say, everyone works for money. Financial incentives can make the staff really really happy and make them feel valued by the company, so they will be willing to have long term development. Secondly a career structure is also important factor to reduce staff turnover. When staff reach certain age like 30 years old, they all desire for a higher level job, which not only gives them a decent salary, but more importantly, gives them a chance to shoulder important responsibilities so that they will feel more satisfied. It is important to have a career structure for employees so they will know where to go and how to get there.

Task 21

A: When planning the layout of a new store, the most important factor is attractiveness. Effective merchandising is an effective way of P.O.S advertising and has been proved to be able to increase the sales. Visually attractive P.O.P will arouse the interest of customers and make them feel like having our products. Secondly, security of goods is an important factor. Nowadays most of the products are sold in an open space and will easily get stolen. When we plan the layout of the store we must consider the security factor. For example, using some mirrors might effectively reduce shoplifting.

B: ….. Firstly, we should look at the experience of the agent. An experienced agent knows the market very well, has a strong team of sales, understands the products or services so that they will sell more of our products. Secondly, we should consider if the sales agent has a large number of contacts. A contact can be easily turned into sales, the more contacts an agent has, the more products he can sell.

C: …… the most important thing is to get feedback from customers, because it is them whom we are serving, and they know if our service is good or bad. We should ask our customers “How do you feel about our products?” “What do you like most about our service?” “What do you dislike most?” “Do you have any suggestions?” Another important thing we should do is to check sales figures. If our customers like our services they will buy more of our products, otherwise, they go to our competitors! So sales figures are a indicator (指示) of customer satisfaction. When sales figures go down, we should immediately link the problem with customer service or do something to make them happier. (这客户也太难伺侯)

讲义“discussion”部分的sample answers

Task 22 (Page 19)

1. 张三:Firstly we should introduce a New Staff Orientation, which covers such topics as history and structure of our

company and so on.

2. 李四:You are right, the Orientation should also cover general policies and procedures, what’s more, we should

introduce our benefits and motivation schemes!

3. 张三:Exactly! Our motivation scheme usually can “motivate” new staff to work harder!

4. 李四:Also, I think we should give them some health and safety training, especially the DOs and DON’Ts in


5. 张三:I see, we must warm them of the possible dangers in workshop, for example, always wear protection cap, don’t

approach the running machines and so on.

6. 李四:Yes, and then, we need to explain the production process of our products, they have to know how our products

are made.

7. 张三:You are right. I guess that’s it, of course a new staff still needs to receive training specific to his own job. (和他

