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为了丰富学生的第二课堂,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,七年级英语备课组的教师和级的全体教师组织七年级的学生参加丰富多彩的校园英语活动。 二、活动内容

英语猜谜语,字谜,智力选择题,字母代码游戏。 三、参与对象

初一级全体学生 四、活动安排 1、准备阶段








(2)答对的题目,老师将把它回收,每题一次机会。 (3)扰乱秩序的同学将严肃处理,并且在德育考核上扣5分。 3、实施阶段







英语谜语 一、猜物体

1. Give me food and I live. Give me water and I die. What am I? (猜物体) (Fire) 2. I have a face and two hands. I have no feet, but I can go. I can wake you up though I can’t talk. What am I? (猜物体) (A alarm clock)

3. I have legs, but I can’t walk. What am I? (猜物体) (desk or bed or table) 4. I’m white in your hand. I walk on the blackboard and make a line or a word. (猜物体) (chalk)

5. I look like a tiger, but I’m much smaller. I like to eat fish, and the rats are very afraid of me. Who am I? (猜物体) (cat)

6. My first letter is in “class” but not in “glass”. My second letter is in “hand” and also in “ask”. My third letter is not in “cake” but in “take”. I am an animal. (猜物体) (cat)

7. I’m green or yellow. I like a little boat. Everyone likes to eat me, but never eats my coat. (猜物体) (banana)

8. I am white. I have red eyes. I have a short tail and long ears. I like carrots. What am I? (猜物体)(A rabbit)

9. Little fellow, stands in the middle. Without it, you can’t smell. (猜物体) (Nose)

10. Two little brothers, live near each other. One lives on one side. They hear what you say, but they don’t see each other. (猜物体) (ears) 11. What always travels on foot? (猜物体) (A shoe) 12. I have two legs, but I can’t walk. (猜物体) (trousers)

13. I have no arms and no hands. I have four legs. You can sit on me. I can’t walk. Guess what am I? (猜物体) (chair)

14. I have no eyes or nose. I can’t come or go. I stand on the wall. On my face teachers write and draw. (猜物体) (blackboard)

15. When I come down from the sky, I make everything wet. What am I ? (猜物体) (Rain)


16. Where does a person stay for the longest time in his life? (猜物体) (In bed.) 二、谜英语单词或字母

1. “If” is between us. Can you guess what English word it is? (猜英语单词) (wife) 2. What do you call a bear with no ear? (猜字母) ( Bear-ear=B) 3. What letter(字母)is an insect? (猜英语单词)(B-bee) 4. What is it when you put one and three together? (猜字母) (B) 5. What letter(字母) is a drink? (猜英语单词) (T-tea) 6. What is in the center of China? (猜字母) (the letter “i”) 7. What letter(字母) has too much water? (猜英语单词) (C-sea) 8. What letter(字母) is not he or I? (猜英语单词) (U-you) 9. What letter(字母) is a part of the head? (猜英语单词) (I-eye) 10. What is the end of anything? (猜字母) (g) 三、智力选择题

1. Vacation in the open are fine for health. ( D )

A. 开放型 B.敞开型 C.在露天 D.在户外 2. The boy was black and blue. ( B )

A. 又黑又蓝 B.遍体鳞伤 C.不幸遭遇 D.疼痛难忍 3. John is the black sheep of his family. (A) A. 败家子 B.害群之马 C.顶梁柱 D.掌柜 4. I’d like to have you out for dinner next week. ( C ) A. 赶你出去 B.你出去 C.请你去 D.要你出去 5. The boy ran and ran until he was blue in the face. ( B ) A.满头大汗 B.筋疲力尽 C.精神焕发 D.满面春风 6. Do you see any green in your eye? ( C) A.心灰意冷 B.碧绿 C.幼稚可欺 D.荒唐可笑 7. It was a red-letter day in the history of our factory. ( C ) A.辉煌之日 B.接待日 C.值得记念得日子 D.信件最多的日子 8. The cow is in milk. ( B) A.在牛奶里 B.在产奶期中 C. 喝奶 D.在奶牛 9. We’ll soon be out of the red. ( D )


A.走出红区 B.十分镇静 C.收支平衡 D.扭亏为盈 10. Her brother John is a lucky dog. ( A) A.幸运儿 B.倒霉蛋 C.运气狗 D.可怜人 11. The World Hotel is a five-star hotel in Hongkong. ( B ) A.五星级 B.一流的 C.热情服务的 D.中国式的 12. The students walked out of the school in three and four. ( B ) A.三四成群 B.三五成群 C.三三两两 D.有次序的 13. That stranger made trouble for a thousand times. ( D ) A.上千次 B.一千次 C.多次 D.三番五次 14. The factory is closed, because it is in red. ( C ) A.天热 B.天冷 C.负债 D.警告 15. She is in a wet hen. ( C ) A.湿母鸡 B.干公鸡 C.泼妇 D.母老虎 16. Someone spied on us in secret all the time. ( A) A.暗地里 B.公开地 C.有目的的 D.十分野蛮的 17. The chairman ended the meeting in one or two words. ( C ) A.两言一语 B.一言两语 C.三言两语 D.一两句话 18. Bill is a green hand. ( D ) A. 新手 B.老手 C.有经验的人 D.没有经验的 19. John’s bedroom is at sixes and sevens. ( A) A.乱七八糟 B.六神无主 C.七上八下 D.整整齐齐 20. Are you in the secret about the matter? ( D ) A.有小秘密 B.一无所有 C.暗地里 D.知道内情 21. The leaves browned slowly. ( B ) A.绿 B. 枯 C.黄 D. 落 22. Did he run out of the money? ( D ) A.跑去取 B.取出 C.跑出去 D.用完 23. He isn’t really ill. He is only putting on. ( A ) A.假装 B.上演 C.挂上 D.穿上


24. The total(总共) age of the two boys is now seventeen, when will it be in six year’s time? (B)

A. Twenty-three B. Twenty-nine C. thirty-four C. Twenty-six

25. If two cats are before a cat, and two cats are behind a cat, and a cat is in the middle, how many cats are there in all(一共)? (B)

A. Two cats B. Three cats C. Six cats D. Seven cats 26. The bad boy beats the man black and blue. What does “black and blue” mean here? Please choose the answer from the following? (C)

A. 黑与蓝 B.黑一块,蓝一块 C.青一块,紫一块 D.全身黑血 27. You can play with John. He is not in the same class. ( C ) A. 不在一个班 B.不好相处 C.不是对手 28. They go to school in ones or twos. ( C)

A. 一个一个地 B.一对一对地 C.三三两两地 29. You can go and ask him. He knows from A to Z. (B) A. 从A到Z B.完成地 C.遥远的

30. Don’t go out. It’s raining cats and dogs and you will get wet. (A) A. 下大雨 B. 有猫和狗 C. 猫狗咬人

31. English is very hard. But he thinks it’s a piece of cake. (C ) A. 一块蛋糕 B.吃块蛋糕 C. 轻松的事

32. There are two Americans. The little American is the son of the big one, but the big American is not the father of the little one. Who is the big American? (Mother) 33. I’m ten. My brother is twice as old as I am. How old will my brother be ten year’s later? (Thirty)

34. My first is in snow but not in ice, my second is in rose and also in ice, my third is not in pencil but in paper, my whole is in a place where there is a lot of water. What am I ? (Sea)

35. If a train doesn’t have tea, what will it become? (It will become rain)

36. If two cats are before a cat, and two cats behind a cat, and a cat is in the middle, how many cats are there in all? (Three)


37. If three cats can kill three rats in three minutes, how long will it take six cats to kill six rats? (Three minutes)

38. A frog is at the bottom of a 20-feet-deep well. Everyday it jumps two feet high in the air. How soon will it jump out of the well? (It can’t jump out.)

39. Three boys sit in a row. Tom sits on the right end. Ted sits on the right of Sam. Who sits on the left end? (Sam)

40. Two fathers and two sons are fishing. Everyone catches one fish. But they only take home three fish. Why? ( Three are only three people. Grandfather, father and son) 四、字母代码游戏

数字变单词:如果把英文字母同数字对应起来,即A:1;B:2;,C:3…Z:26,那么这些数字串起来代表那个单词? 1. 20-5-1-3-8-5-18 (teacher) 2. 8-5-12-12-15 (hello) 3. 6-18-9-5-14-4 (friend) 4. 19-20-21-4-5-14-20 (student) 5. 16-1-16-5-18 (paper) 6. 10-15-11-5 (joke) 7. 19-21-16-16-15-18-20 (support) 8. 16-1-20-9-5-14-20 (patient) 9. 18-5-13-1-9-14 (remain) 10. 16-18-5-6-5-18 (prefer) 11. 2-12-9-14-4 (blind) 12. 6-9-14-9-19-8 (finish) 13. 1-4-4-18-5-19-19 (address) 14. 20-15-23-5-18 (tower) 15. 19-13-1-18-20 (smart) 16. 12-1-21-7-8 (laugh) 17. 1-14-25-23-8-5-18-5 (anywhere) 18. 23-1-11-5 (wake)


19. 6-9-14-1-12-12-25 (finally) 20. 8-5-12-16-6-21-12 (helpful)


