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Lecture 3 Diction

Better late than the late. (原文为美国高速公路上矗立的安全警示牌) Tension is building up.

(l This war is becoming the most important story of this generation. (2 It is quite another story now.

(3 Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story.

(4 He’ll be very happy if that story holds up. (5 The Rita Haywoth’s story is one of the saddest.

(6 A young man came to Scotti’s office with a story.

(7 Last Dec. the Post first reported that probes were being made in each of those cities, but officials refused to confirm the story. (8 The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American TV. 3.1 Methods to Discriminate the Original Meaning of an English Word

3.1.1 Judging from the Word Formation pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

3.1.2Judging from the Part of Speech

Right,open your mouth,let me have a look. He hoped to be absolutely right about this issue.

I must answer that phone,but I’ll be back right away.

The ship righted itself after the big wave had passed.

In England,we drive on the left side of the road,not the right side.

He exercised his legal right as President to halt the investigation.

3.1.3 Judging from the References

1. I hate blue shirt; white shirt suits me but gray is the most preferable.

3.1.4 Judging from the Context and Collocation

1.Symptoms of SARS developed. 2.We had hopes of developing light industry on quite a large scale.

3.Land animals are thought to have developed from sea animals.

4.The local government is planning to develop the western areas.

5.The photographer develops all his films.

6.I’d like to develop this idea a little more fully before I go on to my next point. 7.Scientists have succeeded in developing many new plants.

Another example “as luck would have it”. 1.As luck would have it,no one was in the hotel when the explosion took place.

2.As luck would have it,there was rain on the day of the camp.

Try to translate the following sentences 1. observe the behavior of birds.

2. Do they observe Christmas Day in that country?

3. He observed that we should probably have rain.

4. The law obliges parents to send their children to school.

5. They were obliged to sell their house in order to pay their debts. 6. I’m much obliged to you. 如:please ~ me by closing the door. Obliging neighbor delicate skin

delicate porcelain delicate upbringing delicate living delicate health delicate stomach delicate vase

delicate diplomatic question delicate difference delicate surgical operation delicate ear for music delicate sense of smell

delicate touch delicate food raise fears raise vegetables raise a family raise the dead raise a fleet raise a monument raise an embargo

3.1.5 Judging from Different Branches of Learning and Specialties

1. The lathe should be set on a firm base. 2. As we all know,a base reacts with an acid to form a salt.

3. A transistor has three electrodes, the emitter, the base and the collector.

4. Line AB is the base of the triangle ABC. 5. He is on the second base. 3.2 Some Techniques Employed in Translating a Given English Word 3.2.1 Deduction Stopout community

challenge 3.2.2 Transplant

·Microwave ·Supermarket ·Splashdown ·dataphone

3.2.8 Transliteration ·Wall Street ·The Times ·Pentium 奔腾 ·Citroen 雪铁龙 ·clone ·Internet

·hacker 黑客 3.2.3 Extension ·bottleneck ·brain trust ·brain drain

·It is more than transient everydayness. 3.2.4 Substitution ·to kill sb. as an example ·Please withhold the handout. ·He was indeed a good riddance.

·The same is not true with a mortal illness.

3.2.5 Explanation ·mindlessness ·togetherness ·swan song

·a throwaway society 3.2.6 Combination

·so subtle and careful an observer ·his mendacity and dishonesty ·a grim and tragic Christmas

·the body and mind cramped by noxious work 身心困顿

3.2.7 Pictographic Translation ·H-beam 工字梁 ·O-ring 环形圈 ·U-steel 槽钢 ·V-belt 三角带 ·X-brace 交叉支撑 ·Y-curve 叉形曲线

3.3 Extension of Word Meaning 3.3.1 Conversion of Meaning

1. The factors which are likely to influence investment spending do not stop here.

2. Whether you like it or not, globalization is here to stay. We are not going to reverse the trend.

3. Our products, if maintained properly and regularly, can at least see twenty years’ service.

3.3.2 Abstract Extension of Meaning 1. Everybody has his smiles and tears. 2. The technological process was then a newcomer in the U.S., so application was not numerous.

3. He was a man to let his heart rule his head.

4. The matter was finally settled under the table.

5. He Hamleted at a chance and regretted for it.

6. The canoe Titanicked on the rock in the river.

3.3.2 Concrete Extension of Meaning 1. The interest rates have see-sawed between 10 and 15 percent.

2. Brain drain has been Kangding’s No.1 concern; as a matter of fact, it has been an epidemic in this area.

3. There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists. 4. He was a tough proposition.

3.3.3 Extension According to Idiomatic Way in Chinese

1. So the swallow flew round and round her,touching the water with his wings,and making silver ripples.






他当过办事员,当过乡村邮递员,当过测量员;经过这一系列艰苦奋斗之后,他成功地通过了律师资格考试,在伊利诺斯州普林菲尔得市当上了律师。 1846年,林肯被选入国会。


但这些辩论却使他名闻全国,也成了他在1860年当选总统的先导。 林肯当选不久,南方某些州脱离了联邦政府,引发了内战。





