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Terminology & Abbreviation A

酒店专业术语 & 缩写

Adjoining Rooms Two (2) separate rooms with a common wall.

Advance Deposit Payment in advance on an account prior to the guest’s arrival in order to assure a room being held after 6:00pm and guarantee reservation.

Allowance A reduction in the guest’s bill (folio) resulting from either unsatisfactory service or a posting error.

Ambulatory Room Room especially equipped for wheelchair patients.

Average Room Rate The average number of dollars derived from the sale of rooms. This is calculated by dividing total room revenue by the number of room sold. The rate should be net rate exclusive breakfast and room surcharges.

Availability Denotes a conditional status of rooms. “Space available” means a room can be obtained through reservation or registration.

ABF: American Breakfast 美式早餐 AC: Account 帐/财务部

AD: Advance Deposit 预收定金

A&G: Administration & General Office (Executive Office – EO) 行政办公室 A/R: Accounting Receivable 应收部 AUTH: Authorization 授权

A/E (AX): American Express 美国运通卡 B

Back To Back This is when one group is brought into the hotel just as another group is ready to depart.


A reservation for which a specific room has been reserved.

Booked Reservations can only be accepted for a group or convention still holding open room blocks.

Bucket Check Verification that information on registration cards is identical to information of the computer.

BBQ: Barbeque 烧烤 BQT: Banquet 宴会 C

Call Accounting Computer system that tracks guest telephone calls. Check In Time Hotel standard check in time is 14:00. Check Out Time Hotel standard check out time is 12:00noon. Only Priority Club Reward

member entitled late check out till 14:00. the latest check out time is 16:00 which should approved by the hotel management. An late check out is approved, must be noted in the departure time field.

Commissioned Sales Sales made by a travel agent to which the hotel must pay a commission for the booking.

Complimentary Rate A room provided to the guest at no charge. This is normally done as a promotion of business or good will.

Confirmed Reservation A reservation request that is confirmed by telephone or mail prior to the guest’s arrival at the hotel.

Confirmation Record of reservation information mailed to a guest.

Connecting Room Two (2) rooms with a common door other than the hallway door.

COT Baby’s bed. CAS: Cash 现金

CBF: Continental Breakfast 欧陆式早餐 C/C: Credit Card 信用卡 Cc: Carbon Copy 抄送

CHBF: Chinese Breakfast 中式早餐 CHQ: Cheque 支票 CHRG: Charge 收费 CO.: Company 公司 C/O: Check Out 退房

COMP: Complimentary 免费

CTA: Charge To Agency 挂旅行社帐 CTC: Charge To Company 挂公司帐 D

Daily Count Records the number or arrivals and departures and the total number of rooms to sell.

Day Rate A room rate for less than an overnight accommodation. Normally 50% off the rack rate. For the cooperate day rate will be offered by Director of Sales.

Data Link Enables two (2) computer systems to talk to one another.

Departure Date The date the guest is scheduled to check out of the hotel.

Deposit A cashier’s net receipts for the day.

Direct Bill

An account with a debit that is sent to the Accounting department for billing. These must be approved in advance by the Credit Manager.

DNA A guest with a time arrival reservation (6:00pm) who does not arrive. (Do Not Arrive)

Double Room Two (2) people in a room.

DC: Diners Club 大来卡

DDD: Domestic Direct Dialing 国内直拨长途 DEP: Departure 离店 DLX: Deluxe 豪华

DNC: Do Not Change 请勿更改 Dr.: Doctor 博士 D/O: Due Out 预退房 E

Early Arrival This term refers to the guest who arrives at the hotel before the scheduled check in time. Depending upon the availability of rooms of the guest will either be assigned a room or asked to check any bags and return at a later time when rooms are ready.

EDC: Electronic Data Capture 信用卡读卡机 EDP: Electronic Data Processing 电脑部 EOD: End of Day 系统换天

ETA: Estimated (Expected) Arrival 预抵 ETD: Estimated (Expected) Departure 预离 F

F.I.T Free Individual Traveler. A guest who comes to the hotel as a non-affiliated group member.


Record of guest charges and transactions.


A weekly report that forecasts the next two (2) weeks percentage of occupancy.

Full House All rooms occupied; no rooms left for sale.

FAQ: Frequent Asked Questions 常问问题 F.I.T: Free Individual Traveler 散客 FOC: Free of Charge 不收费 G

Grand Master Key Key that will open all hotel doors and pin out locks.

Gross Revenue Report Reconciliation of all activity in the hotel based in statistics and dollars. This is done daily by the accounts departments.

Group Business Room reservation booked through the Sales Department, ten (10) rooms or more.

Group Room Block Specially assigned group of rooms for a Sales Department group.

GTD Guaranteed.

GTD No Show A guest with a guaranteed reservation who does not arrive.

Guaranteed Reservation A reservation whose payment is guaranteed is the event of a no show. These are made by approved companies or credit card information.

GNR Guest name record

GH: Guest History 客史资料 G/L: Guest Ledger 客帐 GRP: Group 团队 GTD: Guarantee 担保

GW: Great Wall Card 长城卡 H

House Use

Room is occupied by the hotel senior management who is staying in the hotel and room with no rate.

HFA: Hold For Arrival 等候抵店 HFC: Hold For Check In 等候入住 HSE: House Use 酒店自用房 HSKP: Housekeeping 管家部 I

INCL: Include 包括 IOU: I Owe You 欠条 L

Late Charge A hotel charge that arrives at the front desk for billing after the guests have checked out.

Late Arrival A guest with a reservation who expects to arrive after the cut-off hour and so notifies the hotel accordingly.

Letter Of Credit A letter submitted on company stationery to the hotel Credit Manager requesting billing procedures. When approved by the Accounts department, the Front Desk is given guest’s name and information so that the account will be handled properly at check out.

Long Staying Guest A guest stays in the hotel continuously and exceeds 15days.

L/O: Late Check Out 延迟退房 LDY: Laundry 洗衣 M

Market Code Codes established for different markets using our hotel.

Master Account (Master Folio) One folio prepared for group on which all group charges are accumulated.

Master Key Will open almost all doors in the hotel but will not open pin out locks.

Multiple Room with more than two (2) occupants.

MC: Master Card 万事达卡 M/C: Morning Call 叫早服务 N

No Show A reservation which is not honored and the hotel was not notified to cancel.

NA: No Answer 无应答 NB: No Baggage 没行李

NDP: No Deposit 无须押金 N/S: No Show 未到的预定 O

Off Market Room A room that is out of order, or out of service.

OOO Out Of Order room.

OOS Out Of Service room.

Occupancy The ratio of occupied rooms to the total number of available rooms.

Overbooking The practice of committing more guest rooms than are available as hedge against no shows.

OCC: Occupied 占用

OBF: Oriental Breakfast 亚洲式早餐 OJ: Orange Juice 澄汁 OPR: Operator 总机房 P

Package Loosely, an advertised tour. This includes plans for honeymoons, Escape Weekends, tours to a single destination which includes prepaid transportation, accommodation, and some combination of other tour elements, etc.

PAF Personnel Action Form.

Paid In Advance


toilet paper卫生纸 crisp酥脆的 tap水龙头 sponge海绵 socket插座

telephone directory电话号码本 elevator (or lift)电梯 stairway楼梯

service desk服务台

service direction服务指南 writing paper信纸 envelope信封 sewing kit针线包 central heating暖气 vacuum cleaner吸尘器 tea canister茶叶罐 fruit tray果盘 mirror镜子 vase花瓶 spittoon痰盂 blinds百叶窗 ceiling lamp吊灯 wall lamp壁灯 desk lamp台灯 balcony阳台

Recreation center康乐中心 Gymnasium健身房 Swimming pool游泳池 Sauna桑拿浴

Video games游戏机 Discotheque的士高 Tennis court网球场 Tantalizing诱人的 Dining hall餐厅 Banquet hall宴会厅 黄油 butter

快餐部 snack bar 果酱 jam

快餐台 quick lunch counter 盐 salt 酒吧 bar 糖 sugar

小吃部、食堂 cafeteria 牛肉 beef

食堂 dining room 牛排 beef steak

午餐会 luncheon party 小牛肉 veal 咖啡馆 cafe 牛肚 fripe

茶馆 teahouse 羊肉 mutton 菜单 menu 猪肉 pork

回民菜馆 moslem 猪排 pork chop 面包 bread

猪肘子 pork shoulder 米饭 rice 火腿 ham 炒饭 fried rice 咸肉 bacon

馒头 steamed bun; steamed bread 香肠 sausage 面条 noodles 鸡肉 chicken

汉堡包 hamburger 烤鸭 roast duck

三明治、夹肉面包 sandwich 鹅 goose 奶酪 cheese 海味 seafood 蛋糕 cake 大虾 prawn

奶油蛋糕 cream cake 鱼 fish

布丁 pudding 鲤鱼 carp

沙丁鱼 sardine 旅馆 hotel, inn 蛋 egg

接待处 reception

炒鸡蛋 scrambled egg 问讯处 information

什锦小吃 assorted appetizers 电梯 lift; elevator 沙拉 salad

衣帽间 cloak room 水果沙拉 fruit salad

意大利面条 spaghetti汤 soup 清汤 clear soup 肉汤 broth

罗宋汤 russian soup 洗衣房 laundry

西红柿汤 tomato soup 洗衣袋 laundry bag 苹果 apple

洗衣液 shampoo 梨 pear

橘子 orange

搬运行李工 porter 蜜橘 mandarin orange 香蕉 banana

购物中心 shopping center 西瓜 water melon 商店 store 桃 peach

理发(女) hair-dressing 咖啡 coffee 理发(男) hair cut 葡萄 grape

无奶咖啡 black coffee 路 road 茶 tea 街 street

加奶咖啡 white coffee 大道 avenue 红茶 black tea 小巷 lane 牛奶 milk 斑马线 zebra 绿茶 green tea 人行道 side walk 矿泉水 mineral water

此路不通 no thorough fare 橘子水 orangeade 公共汽车 bus 果汁 fruit juice 公共车站 bus stop 电车 tram

冰激凌 ice cream 电车站 tram stop 啤酒 beer

出租车 taxicab 生啤 draught beer 地铁 subway, tube 葡萄酒、甜酒 wine 火车 rail, railway 香槟 champagne

火车站 railway station 烈酒 liquor,spirits

售票处 ticket office, booking office 胡椒 pepper

单(双)程票 single (return)ticket 辣椒 chilli 候车室 waiting room 站台票 platform ticket 寄包裹处 parcel service 餐车 dining car

汇款处 remittance counter 邮局 post office

打电报处 telegraph counter 邮票 stamp 邮箱 mail box 信件 letter 电话 telephone Platform站台

Make out the bill结帐 Itinerary旅程安排

Historical sites历史遗迹 Splendid scene壮丽景观 Sight景色 Catch弄清 Noisy 吵闹

lend sb. Ears注意听 Turn back回去 Tour观光

The main gate正门 Waltz华尔兹 Oblige赏光

Don voyage一路顺风 Happy landing顺利到达

Have a wonderful journey旅途愉快 Keep in touch保持联系 Drop sb line写信 Once in a while有空

Someday有朝一日 Consideration关怀备致 Quick-fry爆炒 Shower淋浴 Corridor走廊 Luggage行李

Be located on位于…… Be far from离……远 It’s just near在……附近 Calm oneself冷静点 Menu菜单 Chef主厨 Dozen一打 Size型号


A size larger大一些型号的 Drive车程

Safety belt安全带 Fasten系


Shave off one’s beard刮胡子Trim削发

Out short理短

Wear one’s parting分发 Hair set头发定型 Cold-wave冷烫 Ordinary perm热烫 Cut理发 Appendix 2 Japan日本

Hong Kong香港 Macao澳门

Singapore新加坡 Thailand泰国

Malaysia马来西亚 Philippines菲律宾 Korea韩国

Indonesia印度尼西亚 India印度

Australia澳大利亚 New Zealand新西兰 Belgium比利时 Turkey土耳其 France法国 Germany德国 Italy意大利 Russia俄罗斯 Britain (UK)英国 Spain西班牙 Sweden瑞典 Switzerland瑞士

Netherlands (Holland)荷兰 Norway挪威 Canada加拿大 U.S.A.美国 Burma缅甸 Mexico墨西哥 Sri lanka斯里兰卡 Poland波兰 Iran伊朗

Morocco莫洛哥 Romania罗马尼亚 Brazil巴西 Israel以色列 Lebanon黎巴嫩 Greece希腊

Afghanistan阿富汗 Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚 Vietnam越南 Zaire扎伊尔 Zambia赞比亚 Libya利比亚 Angolan安哥拉 Albania阿尔巴尼亚 Czech捷克

Bangladesh孟加拉 Algeria阿尔及利亚 Kuwaiti科威特 Portugal葡萄牙 Chile智利

Guatemala危地马拉 Egypt埃及 Ireland爱尔兰 Finland芬兰

Venezuela委内瑞拉 Iraq伊拉克 Denmark丹麦 Argentina阿根廷

South Africa南非 Pakistan巴基斯坦 Palestine巴勒斯坦 Nigeria尼日利亚 Namibia纳米比亚 Jordan约旦

Cambodia柬埔寨 Cameroon喀麦隆 Colombia哥伦比亚 Uruguay乌拉圭 Togo从哥 Haiti海地

Guinea几内亚 Laos老挝 Congo刚果 Cuba古巴 Ghana加纳

Ugandan乌干达 Syria叙利亚 Somalia索马里 Saudi Arabia沙特 Panama巴拿马 Tanzania坦桑尼亚 Peruvian秘鲁 Sudan苏丹

pouring cup 口杯 toilet mirror 梳妆镜 music stool 琴凳

electric kettle 电热水壶 floor lamp 落地灯

TV turntable 电视机转盘 armchair 圈椅

Toilet Paper Carton厕纸盒 door key 门钥匙 door chain 防盗链

bathroom cabinet 卫生间镜箱 lobby carpet 走廊地毯 woollen carpet 纯毛提花毯 synthetic fibre carpet化纤地毯Wardrobe 衣橱 Shoes shine 鞋油 Cloth Brush 衣刷

Adjust handler 调节器 Stirrer 搅拌棒 Ventilator 通风口 Key insert 钥匙缝 Outlet 电源插座 Closet 壁橱

Transformer 变压器 Switch 开关 Adaptor 插座 Ceiling 凳子

Lamp shade 灯罩 Waste bin 垃圾桶 Scissors 剪刀 Slipper 拖鞋 Shoes horn 鞋拔 Hanger 衣架 Pajama 睡衣 Hair drier 吹风机 Scent, Perfume 香水

Shaver, Razor 剃须刀,剃刀Cotton Swob 棉花棒 Bath foam 沐浴液 Facial tissue 面巾纸 Napkin 餐巾纸 Scale 秤 Blade 刀片

Detergent 洗衣粉 Lotion 润肤露 Faush 水箱 Plug 橡皮塞 Spray 喷头

Faucet tap 水龙头 Shower cap 浴帽 Sponger 海绵刷 Toothpaste 牙膏 Sanitary 卫生袋 Towel rail 毛巾架 Floor towel 脚巾 Body towel 浴巾 Soap dish 皂缸 Bath mat 垫巾 Bath tub 浴缸 Monitor 监控器

Distilled water 蒸馏水 Mineral water 矿泉水 Tariff 价目表

Toilet bowl 马桶 detector 烟雾报警器 Leaking 漏水

Bed side table 床头柜 Head board 床头板 Bed cover 床罩

Pillow (case) 枕头 (套) Blanket 羊毛毯 Mattress 床垫

Remote control 遥控器 Freezer 冰箱 Door latch 门闩 Knob 门把手

Fire escapes 逃生图 Peep hole 猫眼

Dressing table 梳妆台 Curtain 窗帘 Stationery 文具 Cushion 椅垫 Screen 屏风

Hot water flask 热水瓶 Comb 梳子

venetian blind 百叶窗帘 curtain 窗帘

wastebasket 字纸篓 tea trolley 活动茶几 night table 床头柜 hanger 挂钩 衣架rack

厕纸盒toilet paper boxes 座便器vanities 毛巾架Towel racks 吹风机hair dryer

日用品盒daily necessities box

Foundation 床垫架 Quilt 被子

Feather quilt 鸭绒被 Rug 小地毯 Spring 弹簧床

Fabric sofa 布沙发 Desk lamp 台灯 Floor lamp 落地灯 Carpet 地毯 plug 插头

wall_plate 壁上挂盘 Chinese painting 国画 drawer 抽屉

cushion 靠垫,垫子 socket 插座,插口 voltage 电压 floor 楼层,地板 carpentry (总称)木器 tea table 茶几

bedclothes 床上用品 quilt 被子 mattress 床垫 thermos 热水瓶 transformer 变压器 琴凳piano stool, 卫生桶(室内用的装垃圾的小塑料桶)health barrels (indoor use with a small plastic garbage barrels)

Centrally located overlooking a park with free parking. 市区中心,紧靠公园,免费停车。 Conference facilities. 会议设施

Easy access to… Close to city center. 紧靠市中心,去……交通便利,。 Extremely well equipped. 设施配备精良。

Friendly family guest house near city center and railway station. 家庭式客房,紧靠市中心和火车站。

Full central heating with house provided hot water 24 hours 中央暖气系统,房间24小时提供热水。

Fully centrally heated.中央暖气全部开放。 Indoor swimming pool 室内游泳池 Laundry service. 提供洗熨服务

Night porter on duty. 夜间有行李搬运服务生。

Shave pins in all bedrooms 所有卧室备有刮脸刀/脱发器插头

Warm, friendly service in a comfortable home. 热情友好的服务,舒适温馨的家。 尽享阳光下炽热的服务… Soak up the most Sizzling service under the sun… 实用面积48.6-56.8平方米 Room Area of 48.6-56.8sqm 贵宾酒廊的所有特权 Privileges of Executive Club Lounge

快速登记入住及快速退房 Express Check-in & Express Check-out 免费使用贵宾酒廊私人包间 Free Usage of the Lounge Private Room 贵宾酒廊的免费下午茶 Complimentary High Tea at the Lounge 欢迎水果篮 Welcome Fruit Basket

一大瓶矿泉水 One big Bottle of Mineral Water

贵宾夜床服务及晚安赠品 Turndown Service and Souvenir of Executive Club 免费使用健身设施(设施有限) Free Use of Gym ( Limited Facilities ) 以上房价已含15%的服务费 Above rate is inclusive of 15% surcharge. 上述房价对单/双人居住均有效,有效期至2001年8月31日 Above rate is valid until August 31, 2001

If you have any,please just leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door. 如果您有衣服要洗,请放在浴室门后的洗衣袋里。

Please tell us or notify in the list whether you need your clothes ironed,washed,dry-cleaned or mended and also what time you want to get them back.


What if there is any laundry damage? 如果你们洗衣时损坏了衣服怎么办?

Could you send someone up for my laundry,please? 请问,你们能派人来收要洗的衣服吗? A valet will be up in a few minutes. 洗熨工马上就到。

Will the color run in the wash? 洗衣时会掉色吗?

We'll dry-clean the dress. 我们将干洗这条裙子。

We'll stitch it before washing.


When can I have my laundry back? 我何时能取回洗的衣服呢?

But would you like express service or same-day? 不过,您是要快洗服务还是当日取?

