《What time is it? 》试讲稿

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《What time is it? 》试讲稿

Good morning,distinguished judges.

I’m***candidate,applying for primary school English teacher. My topic is What time is it? Now I’m ready. Class begins.

Ⅰ. Warming-up

T:Morning,children. Let’s enjoy a song first. This song is about number. I’ll sing it first. You listen. OK?Here it goes.

One,two, / Buckle my shoe; / Three,four, / Knock at the door; / Five,six, / Pick up sticks; / Seven,eight, / Lay them straight; / Nine,ten, / A big fat hen; / Eleven,twelve, / Dig and delve.

T:I’ll sing it once more,see if anybody can repeat it.

T:Very good! This song refers ten numbers. Let’s count from 1 to 12 together.

T:Excellent! I really appreciate your effort!

Ⅱ. Lead in

T:Now let’s have a riddle. I have a big round face. I have no legs or feet,but I can walk. I have no mouth,but I can say“tick—tock”“tick—tock”. What am I? Who can tell me what it is? Jack,come on! Give it a try!

T:You made it. Good try. It is a clock. C-l-o-c-k spells clock. Please read after me,clock.

Ⅲ. Presentation

T:If you have a clock,you can tell the time. Look,what time is it? Who would like to answer the question?Hands up if you can. Jess,don’t be shy,have a try.

T:Jess says five. Yes,very good. It’s 5 o’clock. You can answer the question with the sentence“It’s…o’clock”when someone asks you the time. Watch the clock again. What time is it? Bob,It’s your turn.

T:That’s a fantastic answer,isn’t it? Yes,it’s eleven o’clock.

Ⅳ. Practice

T:Here comes the game time of our lesson. It’s called Touch and Say. You see,there’re two clocks on my hand. I’ll invite a student to come to the front and he / she will ask me“What time is it. ”When I answer the questionthe student should touch the right clock. Ready? Who wants to play the game with me? Jack,please.

T:That was very good. Jack,you can go back to your seat. Now all of you can draw two clocks on the paper,and act it out with your partner. One acts as what I do,and the other does as what Jack does.

T:I’d like a group to act it out in front of us. Who wants to come to the front? Any volunteers? Annie and Tom,please.

T:Nice work! I really enjoy it! I’d like another group to act it out again.

Ⅴ. Production

T:Boys and girls,all eyes on the slides please. We are going to read about David’ s day. For example,it’s seven o’clock. It’s time to get up. But the sentences are in the wrong order. Would you please put them into the

correct order? Don’t forgot to number the sentences in the correct order.

T:Nike,have you finished your work yet? Would you like someone to help you? OK,Mark,please.

T:Anyone with a different answer?

T:Let’s see who is correct here. Did you get it right? Please put up your hand if you’ve got a full mark.

Ⅵ. Summary and homework

T:Today,we learned“It is…o’clock”to describe time. Let’s go through the dialogue. What time is it? It’s 5o’clock.

T:Choose one of the following tasks and finish it after school:

a. Review David’s day and ask your parents about their time,such as when to go to work,and go to bed.

Remember how to describe it. And I will ask you tomorrow morning.

b. Learn the two sayings by heart:Time flies. Time and tide wait for no man.

