为您找到与 female相关的结果共 8 个

Melatonin anterior pituitary of the female Wistar rat

FOLIAHISTOCHEMICAETCYTOBIOLOGICAVol. 48, No. 2, 2010pp. 278-283Melatonin modulates the effects of diethylstilbestrol(DES) on the anteriorpituitary of


I’d Rather Be Black than Female

高级英语Lesson 5: I’d Rather Be Black than FemaleBeing the first black woman elected to Congress has made me some kind of phenomenon. There are nine other


Melatonin anterior pituitary of the female Wistar rat

FOLIAHISTOCHEMICAETCYTOBIOLOGICAVol. 48, No. 2, 2010pp. 278-283Melatonin modulates the effects of diethylstilbestrol(DES) on the anteriorpituitary of


American literature produced only one female poet during the

英语专业八级人文知识题--美国文学部分 1. _______ usually was regarded as the first American writer. a. Willian Bradford b. Anne Bradstreet c. Emily Dickinson


Some female graduates experience sex discrimination in applying for jobs

女性歧视Some female graduates experience sex discrimination in applying for jobs Nowadays many female graduates faced up with such anannoying phenomenon t


American literature produced only one female poet during the 19 th century

英语专业八级人文知识题--美国文学部分 1. _______ usually was regarded as the first American writer. a. Willian Bradford b. Anne Bradstreet c. Emily Dickinson


雅思口语真题之人际交往(Female)-Position of woman in China - 雅思口语

智课网IELTS备考资料 雅思口语真题之人际交往(Female):Position of woman in China_雅思口语 重点单词 查看全部解释 rural [ru:r?l] 想一想再看 adj. 农村的


Unit 7 I&39;d Rather Be Black than Female 课文翻译

Unit 7I’d Rather Be Black than FemaleShirley Chisholm1. Being the first black woman elected to Congress has made me some kind of phenomenon. There are


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