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5. Exercises:

1) Which of the following is not true? A

a. A word is the smallest form of a language. b. A word is a sound unity.

c. A word has a given meaning. d. A word can be used freely in a sentence. 2) The differences between sound and form are due to D

a. the fact of more phonemes than letters in English b. stabilization of spelling by printing

c. influence of the work of scribes d. innovations made by linguists 3) Complete the following sentences:

a. There is no intrinsic relat


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l.微生物 2.微生物学 3.医学微生物学 4.条件性病原微生物 二、填空题

和 共6类微生物。

2.能够引起人类和动植物病害的微生物称 微生物。 1.鞭毛 2.芽孢 3.荚膜 4.性菌毛 5.质粒 6.菌毛 7.细胞壁 8.中介体 二、填空题

1.细菌的特殊结构中,具有抗吞噬作用的是 ,具有黏是 。

2.细菌形态学检查中最常用的染色方法是 。 1.原核细胞型微生物包括细菌、支原体、立克次体、 、 附作用的是 ,能传递遗传物质的是 ,运动器官

3.法国学者 通过实验证明有机物的发酵与腐败都是由 3 . 革兰阴性菌细胞壁的脂多糖即内毒素包括类脂A、 和


4.首先发现烟草花叶病毒的是 国学者 。


1.下列病原体中属于非细胞型微生物的是( ) A.衣原体 B.病毒 C.支原体

D.螺旋体 E.细菌

2.属于真核细胞型微生物的是( )

A.噬菌体 B.霍乱弧菌 C.皮肤癣菌 D.肉毒梭菌 E.

lexicology exercise

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Chapter 1: Test

I.Multiple choices

1. A word is _______ of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.

A. a minimal free form B. a smallest meaningful unit C. an element which can not be further analyzed D. a grammatically minimal form

2. Which of the following statements is Not correct? A. A word can be formed by two free morphemes

B. A word can be formed by

Translation Exercise 3 译文

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1.请先阅读下面的2个程序,写出程序运行的结果,然后再上机运行程序,验证自己分析的结果是否正确。 程序1:

#include //包含头文件命令 using namespace std; //使用名字空间std int main() { cout


#include //包含头文件命令 using namespace std; //使用名字空间std int main()

{ int a,b,c; //定义三个变量a、b、c cout<<\//输出提示信息到屏幕 cin>>a>>b; //等待用户从键盘输入数据 c=a+b; cout<< \



#include //包含头文件命令 using namespace std; //使用名字空间std int main()

{ int a,b; //定义两个变量a和b cout<<\//输出提示信息

english grammar exercise

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1. His ethics never (allow) him to betray a friend. allows 2. What (be) your politics? is

3. Over one- half of the employees in this town (commute). 4. The scissors (be) very sharp. are

5. The audience (be) dressed in a variety of ways, some in suits and dresses, some in jeans. are

6. They had some pleasant (authority) on their honeymoon trip. –ies 7. Police have the (authority) to fine speeding drivers. 8. Some (power) held a peace conference last month. –s

9. Please wrap up the present i

Exercise for Unit 3

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Exercise for Unit 3 New Horizon English Book 3

Exercise for Unit 3

Major__________Student No.____________ Name____________Score_________ Ⅰ. Fill in each of the blanks with a correct preposition(介词) or adverb. (20%) 1. His frequent questions were seen interrupting the class.

2. People often complain about the mental strain associated modern life. 3. The nurse gave the boy an injection his protest.

4. Success in teaching has everything to do a strong sense of responsibility. 5. When we

CUFE - Exercise answer

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1. Explain each of the following statements using supply-and-demand diagrams for goods mention in each part of the question.

a. When a cold snap hits Florida, the price of orange juice rises in supermarkets throughout the United States. (Orange trees are cultivated in the state of Florida)

b. When the weather turns warm in New England every summer, the price of hotel rooms in Caribbean resorts plummets.

c. When a war breaks out in the Middle East, the price of gasoline rises, and the price of a used car e.g., a Cadillac fa

Graded Exercise Testing

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Graded Exercise Testing

Grade EdexrciseT setngiGudieinels nd aroPecudresIn

Graded Exercise Testing

idatconi sfr Tesoitn:g– ClniialcTest nig :Pst oMI, CBAGS ,ect .na diDagnsoict sUaull ydneo n meiicad lettings–F ucntioalnT stenig U sualy donel in laorabtor/ryesarech o or HraltehF/tnies facsliiyt

Graded Exercise Testing

Gideuinlse forEx recis Teetsig nT pye osf esTts –Mxaimal s.v Sumaxbmai – Clhioec edendpso nc ielns ate,grsi strkatiifctiao, nraesos for ndingo teh est

t odMse f oTetisn:g– Treamdlli –Bi ycle Ecrgmoter e– rm ArgEme

Exercise for Unit 8

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Exercise for Unit 8, Book 3

Part I. Translation of expressions and phrases (30 Points)

Translate the following phrases into English. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. 克隆的利和弊 2. 充分利用技术 3. 在某种程度上 4. 巨大的可能性 5.从科学的角度 6. 适当的法规 7. 献血 8. 不超过一两分钟 9. 达到目的 10. 去世 11. 集中于(某事物) 12. 一位卓越的教育家 13. 劝阻一些科学家克隆人 14. 绝大多数细胞 15. 科学界

Part II. Sentence Completion (30 Points)

Complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate word or phrase chosen from the box below. Change the form when necessary.