My attitude

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My attitude (态度) to Pursuit (追求) of fashion in School 第1.2段:

Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is ― my Attitude to pursuit of Fashion in School‖.

Now in our school there is a hot pursuit of Fashion . Some students live a very expensive life. They have hairstyles like those of famous stars and wear top/ high-end brand of clothes and shoes. Some use expensive mobile phones 第三段:

Personally, I understand why they are pursuing fashion. Firstly, they hope to look smart and special. Secondly, they highly value (看重) other‘s respect and recognition (认可) . In addition, it makes them feel cool. 第四段:

In my opinion, we students should hold the right values(持有正确的人生观) . It is how we behave rather than how we appear that makes us cool and lovable. It is what we achieve rather than what brand we are wearing that makes us respectable. It is how we care for (关心) others rather than how much we spend on gifts and luxuries (奢侈品) that make us charming. I think it makes great sense (有意义) to save the money to help those who still can‘t make end meets(收支相抵) / keep body and soul together (维持生活) . Thank you for listening!

1/ In pursuit of our dreams , we are in for (必定遭受) many challenges.


1/ My attitude (态度) to Pursuit (追求) of fashion 我对追求时尚的态度

2/ live a very expensive life 过高消费的生活 3/ wear top/ high-end brand 穿高端品牌 4/ Personally / in my opinion 在我看来 5/ pursuing fashion 追求时尚

6/ they highly value (看重) other‘s respect and recognition (认可) . 他们看重别人的尊重和认可

7/ we students should hold the right values 我们学生应该持有正确的人生观 .

8/ It is how we behave rather than how we appear that makes us cool and lovable. 使我们酷和可爱的不是我们的外表而是举止

9/ It is what we achieve rather than what brand we are wearing that makes us respectable.

使我们值得尊敬的不是我们穿什么品牌而是成就 10/ It is how we care for (关心) others rather than how much we spend on gifts and luxuries (奢侈品) that make us charming. 使我们有魅力的不是我们花多少钱买礼物和奢侈品而是我们如何关心别人。

11/ it makes great sense (有意义) to save the money to help those who still can‘t make end meets(收支相抵) / keep body and soul together (维持生活) . 省钱来帮助难以维持生计的人有意义。

12/ In pursuit of our dreams , we are in for (必定遭受) many challenges. 在我们追求梦想的过程中, 我们必然会 经受挑战。

作文背诵: (15分钟)

A fire drill 防火演练

This morning, our school held a fire drill.

We were listening to the teacher attentively ( 专心地) when the fire alarm went off/ rang. On hearing it , the teacher stopped teaching immediately and organized / instructed (指导) us to exit (离开) the classroom in order (有序地) . When we got into the passageway. We found the passageway was filled with choking (令人窒息的) smoke. So we students bent down, covered our mouth with wet handkerchiefs and rushed downstairs into the open air (露天; 户外) on the playground, just as we had been taught before.

When we came back to our classroom, we students made a summary of / summarized (总结) the fire drill. As we all know, fire disasters are often reported on TV and in the newspapers. Therefore, for the sake of our safety (为了我们的安全) , we should learn the basic survival skills (生存技能) to escape from the fire in case of an emergency.


Dear Ms Smith,

I‘m Li Hua, Chairman of the Student Union (学生会主席) of Yucai Middle School, which is close to your university. I am writing to invite you to be a judge (裁判) at our English speech contest (演讲比赛) ,to be held in Room 501 in our school on June 15. It will start at 2:00 pm and last (持续) for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches (发表演说) on the given (确定的) topic ― man and nature‖. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please contact (联系) me at 44876655 if you have any questions.

I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours xxx

分句背诵: Dear Ms Smith,

1/ I‘m Li Hua, Chairman of the Student Union (学生 会主席) of Yucai Middle School, which is close to your university.

2/ I am writing to invite you to be a judge (裁判) at our English speech

contest (演讲比赛) to be held in Room 501 in our school on June 15. 3/ It will start at 2:00 pm and last (持续) for about three hours.

4/ Ten students will deliver their speeches (发表演说) on the given (确定的) topic ― man and nature‖.

5/ We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. 6/ Please contact (联系) me at 44876655 if you have any questions. 7/ I am looking forward to your reply.


1/ Chairman of the Student Union 学生会主席

2/ I am writing to invite you to be a judge (裁判) at our English speech contest (演讲比赛) to be held in Room 501 in our school on June 15.

我写信是要邀请您当我们演讲比赛的裁判, 比赛将于6月15日在我们学校501室举行

3/ The contest will last (持续) for about three hours. 比赛将持续3 小时 4/ deliver their speeches (发表演说) on the given (确定的) topic. 就特定的话题发表演说

5/ Please accept our invitation if it is convenient to you. 方便的话请接受我们的邀请。

6/ Please contact (联系) me at 44876655 . 请拨打44876655联系我们。

7/ I am looking forward to your reply. 期盼着你的答复.

8/ I would highly appreciate it if you could reply to me at your earliest convenience.


作文系列背诵1:关联词和句型 I. 表示时间,顺序的过渡词:

1/ first, next ;then, later on; finally/ in the end/

at last / eventually (最后), shortly after that (…之后不 久) , shortly (不久) (叙事文体)

2/ Meanwhile = at the same time = in the meantime

= in the mean while (同时),

3/ to begin / start with = first of all = for a start (第一, 首先), in the first place (首先;起初),

in the second place (其次),

4/ so far / up to now / to date / to this day (到目前为止) 例句背诵:

1/ He will be back shortly. 他不久就回来

2/ Why did you choose English as your major in the first place ? 当初为什么选英语作为你的专业?

1. It goes without saying that … ―不言而喻, 根本不用说‖

eg. It goes without saying that taking part-time jobs will benefit you a lot in your future career.

不言而喻, 打工有益于你未来的事业

2. I hate /dislike / highly appreciate it + if / when … ―讨厌/ 欣赏;感激…‖

eg. I really hate / dislike it when people litter in public . 我讨厌人们在公共场合乱丢垃圾。

eg. I would highly appreciate it if you could reply to me at your earliest convenience. 如果你能尽快给我答复我将不胜感激。

3. As with …. = As is the case with …和… 一样 eg. As with hiking, you should watch out for danger when rafting. 和远足一样,漂流时要当心危险。 eg. As is often the case with most teenagers , he couldn‘t relate to (理解) his parents. 和大多数年轻人一样, 他不能理解父母.

4. The reason why …. is/ was that … ―…的原因是…‖

eg. The main reason why teenagers commit crimes is that social environment is becoming worse.

青少年犯罪的主要原因是社会环境的日益恶化 5.Nothing is + adj.比较级 + than to do… 没有比……更……的了

eg. When it comes to killing our spare time , nothing is better than to travel to the countryside, getting closer to nature . 说到消磨时间, 没有比来到乡下, 接近自然更好的了。

6. Just As an old saying goes, 正如谚语所说的那样 eg. As an old saying goes, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

正如谚语所说: 只用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 作文系列背诵2:关联词和句型 2. 表示递进的过渡词:

① 一方面; 另一方面:

for one thing, for another / besides ②另外: Besides,furthermore, what’s more, in addition, moreover, 除…之外: apart from… ; in addition to… ③ 使事情更糟糕的是:worse still, to make

things/matters worse, what’s worse. 例句背诵:

1/ I am not so crazy about computer games. For one thing, as a senior 3 student, I can‘t spare (挤出) any time to play the games, for another, I think it is a waste of time and money to some degree / extent (在一定程度上) .

2/ He was laid off (下岗; 解雇) by his company. To make things/ matters worse, his wife was diagnosed with (被诊断出)cancer. It is really difficult for him to keep body and soul together (维持生计)

7. There is a great / small chance that…= chances are great/ small that … 很有可能… / 可能性很小

eg. Chances are small (= there is a small chance ) that we all have the opportunity to live in English-speaking countries. 我们都有机会去说英语的国家居住的可能性很小. 8. do more than do… ―不单单干…‖

eg. As students, we do more than study,we also participate in all kinds of activities. 作为学生, 我们不单单学习, 我们也参加各种各样的活动。

9/ It‘s up to sb (to do…) ―由…来决定…; 靠…来做…‖

eg. Whether our planet will have a bright future or will be destroyed, it‘s up to our human beings.

我们的星球是前途光明还是走向毁灭, 这要由我们人类来决定.

eg. There is no substitute (替代品) for our earth. It is up to us to save the endangered planets. 我们的地球不可替代. 要靠我们来拯救我们濒危的星球. 10. be up to sth ―胜任… , 从事…; 忙于… ‖ eg. Michael is not up to that job. 迈克不胜任那项工作。 eg. What have you been up to recently ? 你最近在忙什么? 11. of + n = adj

eg. The house is of large size. 房子很宽敞。 eg. The input of language should be of high quality. 语言输入应该是高质量的

eg. We are of an age . 我们是同年龄的

eg. The soup tastes of chicken . 汤是鸡肉味的 eg. The reform is of great significance. 改革的意义重大

12 . When it comes to sth/ doing sth ... 当涉及到, 当谈到… eg. When it comes to resume writing. You should take culture factors into consideration. 说到写简历, 你应该考虑到文化因数。 作文系列背诵3:关联词和句型

3. 表达个人观点的过渡词:

1/ 在我看来: In my opinion / view /eyes;

from the point of my view;

Personally = as far as I’m concerned; to the best of my belief (我深信) 2/ 据我所知: To the best of my knowledge; as far as I know 3/ 换言之: In other words = to put it differently = to put it another way

13/ Too……..for…, ―太…而不适合/ 符合…‖ eg. The weather today is too warm for winter.

相对于冬天, 今天的天气太暖和.

eg. The work is too much for me. 这个工作我干不了。 14/ what/how about + sth / doing sth …

―…怎么样/ 如何‖, 表示建议

eg. How about signing up for the speech contest? 报名参加演讲比赛如何?

eg. --- What about the two of us going picnicking this Sunday? 我们俩周日去野餐如何? --- Good idea! 好主意。

15.As far as ―远至…‖ ―在…范围内‖ ―就...而言‖ eg. Can I hitch a lift (搭便车) with you as far as the station? 我可以搭乘你的便车到车站吗? eg. As far as I‘m concerned, Chatting online all day long is a waste of time and money in a way/ sense.

在我看来, 整天上网聊天从某种意义上说是对金钱和时间的浪费。

eg. As far as my income is concerned, I can‘t make both ends meet. 就我的收入而言, 我入不敷出.

eg. I will help you as far as I can. 我将尽力帮助你

eg. As far as I can remember, my hometown was a small mountain village with beautiful scenery.

在我的记忆中,我的家乡是一个风景美丽的小山村. 16/ Not… until 句型

eg. He didn‘t stop working until he was tired out. 他直到筋疲力尽才停止工作.

→It was not until he was tired out that he stopped working .(强调句)

→Not until he was tired out that he stopped working. (倒装句)

17/ 1/ It was at 4 o‘clock that I arrived in New York. 我是在下午4点到达纽约的 (强调句) 2/ It was 4 o‘clock when I arrived in New York

= When I arrived in New York , it was 4 o‘clock . 当我到达纽约时, 时间是下午4点 18/ It was because he neglected his duty that he was dismissed. 他是因为玩忽职守而被解雇的. 作文系列背诵4:关联词和句型 4. 表示强调的过渡词

above all (首要的,最为重要的), last but not least 最后但同样重要的一点 5. 表示转折的过渡词:

however, nevertheless (虽然如此,然而), despite = in spite of (虽然) otherwise = or = or else (否则) 例句背诵:

1/ Despite the rain, he went on working.

2/ Work hard, otherwise / or / or else , we will fall behind (落后) others

19/ 强调句: 对疑问词的强调:

疑问词 + was / is it + that + 剩余部分 ( 陈述句) eg. When will you set out for Beijing? 你什么时候出发去北京?

→When is it that you will set out for Beijing ? 你到底时候出发去北京?

eg. How did he get promoted? 他是如何得到晋升的? →How was it that he got promoted ? 他究竟是如何得到晋升的?

→I don‘t know how it was that he got promoted ?

20/ There is no point / sense (in) doing … 做…毫无意义

eg. There is no point/ sense arguing further. What really matters is action. 继续争辩下去没有意义, 真正重要的是行动。

21/ There + 系动词 + no doing sth

= It‘s impossible to do…, ―做…是不可能的‖

eg. There is no denying the fact that human beings should answer for (负责; 承担责任) the present situation of the earth.


eg. There‘s no telling what the future may have in store for us . 很难说清楚未来等待我们的会是什么

23. It/ this is the + 序数词 + time + that + 现在完成时态

It / that was the + 序数词 + time + that + 过去完成时态 eg. This is the first time that I have attended a concert . 这是我第一次听音乐会。

eg. That was the second time that he had been to Beijing. 那是我第二次去北京。

24. how come … 为什么会…? 怎么会这样? 要求对发生的事情解释或说


eg. How come (that) He is dismissed again? 他怎么又被解雇了?


Hunting jobs online

Nowadays many people would rather hunt jobs online than in the ads of newspapers or in a job market. There are many reasons for their preference (偏好) , one of which is that a job hunter can find a job conveniently without bothering to get recommendations (费心得到推荐)from relatives or friends, or registering (登记注册) at an employment exchange (职业介绍所). Besides, a job hunter can get a job by simply browsing (浏览)among the want ads (招

聘广告) online and sending resumes (简历)by an E-mail. Finally, the success rate (成功率)is very high. Even if one fails to find a job , it can spare (免去) him the embarrassment of being rejected (被驳回的尴尬).

All in all, I believe, with the increasing popularity (普及;流行)of the internet, this new way will win favor (喜爱)among more and more jobless people and laid-off workers (下岗工人) for its convenience, efficiency (高效) and high success rate.

分句背诵: 网上求职:

Hunting jobs online


1/ Nowadays many people would rather hunt jobs online than in the ads of newspapers or in a job market.

2/ There are many reasons for their preference (偏好) , one of which is that a job hunter can find a job conveniently without bothering to get recommendations (费心得到推荐)from relatives or friends, or registering (登记注册) at an employment exchange (职业介绍所).

3/ Besides, a job hunter can get a job by simply browsing (浏览)among the want ads (招聘广告) online and sending resumes (简历)by an E-mail. 4/ Finally, the success rate (成功率)is very high.

5/ Even if one fails to find a job , it can spare (免去) him the embarrassment of being rejected (被驳回的尴尬). 第二段:

1/ All in all, I believe, with the increasing popularity (普及;流行)of the internet, this new way will win favor (喜爱)among more and more jobless people and laid-off workers (下岗工人) for its convenience, efficiency (高效) and high success rate. 重点记忆:

1/ Hunting jobs online 网上求职

2/ Nowadays many people would rather hunt jobs online than in the ads of newspapers or in a job market. 当今社会,人们更愿意网上找工作而不愿意通过报纸广告和人才市场。 3/ preference 偏好

4/ bother to get recommendations 费心得到推荐 5/ register at an employment exchange 在职业介绍所登记注册. 6/ Besides 另外,

7/ a job hunter 求职者

8/ browsing among the want ads online 浏览网上招聘广告 9/ send resumes by an E-mail. 通过邮箱发送简历 10/ the success rate is very high. 成功率很高

11/ Even if one fails to find a job , hunting job online can spare (免去) him the embarrassment of being rejected (被驳回的尴尬). 即使一个人没有能够找到

工作,网上求职可以免去他被驳回的尴尬。 12/ All in all, with the increasing popularity (普及;流行)of the internet, this new way will win favor (喜爱)among more and more jobless people and laid-off workers (下岗工人) for its convenience, efficiency (高效) and high success rate. 总之,随着网络的普及,这种方法会因为它的方便、高效、和高成功率而赢得越来越多的无业人员和下岗工人的喜爱。

.3 P203. writing 3

希望参加辅导英语活动,写封申请信 Dear Sir or Madam:

I‘m Li Hua from Class One, Senior two. Your plan to help the students

in Chenxi Hope School impressed me deeply(使我印象深刻) Personally, the activity is of great help and benefit(有益的) to the students as well as myself. Besides, it will have a positive influence on the development of a harmonious society(和谐社会).

When it comes to / as for / in terms of my experience, I am now in

charge of (负责管理) the English Corner in our school, which allows / enables me to teach them well. What‘s more, as an easy-going and warm-hearted student, I am more than willing (非常乐意) to share my knowledge with them.

If offered the opportunity, not only will I teach them knowledge but also

the methods to have a knowledge of English.

I will highly appreciate it if you give me a reply at your earliest

convenience! 重点背诵:

1. Your plan to help the students in Chenxi Hope School impressed me deeply.


2. Personally, the activity is of great help and benefit to the students as well as

和 myself. 我个人认为,这一活动对学生和我本人都有帮助和好处。

3. Besides, it will have a positive influence on the development of a

harmonious society. 此外,这对和谐社会的建设也有着积极的影响。 4. When it comes to my experience, I am now in charge of 管理the English

Corner in our school, which allows me to teach them well. 当提到我的经验,我现在负责管理学校的英语角,这使得我能够教好他们。

5. I am more than willing to share my knowledge with them. 我非常愿意和他


6. If (I am) offered the opportunity, not only will I teach them knowledge but

also the methods to have a knowledge of English. 如果拥有这一机会,我不仅会教他们知识还会交给他们掌握英语的方法。

7. I will highly appreciate it if you give me a reply at your earliest convenience!


5.3 P206. writing 15 针对夏令营广告写自荐信 Dear Sir:

I‘m Li Hua from Fujian. Upon reading the advertisement, I was deeply attracted by this activity. I think it instructive (有教育意义的) and rewarding(有

回报的; 有益的) to learn to live together by living together. It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together. Therefore, I recommend myself to you without hesitation.

As for me, I believe that I meet the requirements (满足了要求) for the camp volunteers. I am an outgoing boy aged 17 with a good knowledge of English. In addition, I once worked as / served as (充当) a volunteer in a summer camp for children and I have experience of working well with children aged from 7 to 12. Given my qualification (鉴于我的资格) , I am convinced (我相信)that I am qualified (胜任) for the job.

I am more than willing (非常乐意) to take part in / participate in this win-win activity (双赢活动). For one thing, I can help take care of the children. For another, I can improve my English, make more friends and enrich my life (丰富我的生活) during the summer vacation.

I am looking forward to your early reply! 分句背诵: 第一段: Dear Sir:

1/ I‘m Li Hua from Fujian.

2/ Upon reading the advertisement, I was greatly attracted by this activity.

3/ I think it instructive (有教育意义的) and rewarding(有回报的; 有益的) to learn to live together by living together.

4/ It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together.

5/ Therefore, I recommend myself to you without hesitation. 第二段:

6/ As for me, I believe that I meet the requirements (满足了要求) for the camp volunteers.

7/ I am an outgoing boy aged 17 with a good knowledge of English.

8/ In addition, I once worked as / served as (充当) a volunteer in a summer camp for children and I have experience of working well with children aged from 7 to 12.

9/ Given my qualification (鉴于我的资格) , I am convinced (我相信)that I am qualified (胜任) for the job. 第三段:

10/ I am more than willing (非常乐意) to take part in / participate in (参加) this win-win activity (双赢活动).

11/ For one thing, I can help take care of the children.

12/ For another, I can improve my English, make more friends and enrich my life (丰富我的生活) during the summer vacation. 13/ I am looking forward to your early reply! 重点背诵:

2/ Upon reading the advertisement, I was greatly attracted by this activity. 一读到这则广告,我被这次活动深深吸引。

3/ I think it instructive (有教育意义的) and rewarding(有回报的; 有益的) to

learn to live together by living together.


4/ It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together.


5/ Therefore, I recommend myself to you without hesitation. 因此,我毫不犹豫的向你们推荐自己。

6/ meet the requirements for the volunteers. 满足对志愿者的要求

7/ I am an outgoing boy aged 17 with a good knowledge of English. 我是一个17岁外向的男生,精通英语。

8/ worked as / served as a volunteer 充当志愿者

9/ I have experience of working well with children aged from 7 to 12. 我有和7-12岁的孩子打交道的经验

10/ Given my qualification , I am convinced that I am qualified for the job. 鉴于我的资格,我相信我胜任这份工作。

11/ I am more than willing (非常乐意) to take part in / participate in (参加) this win-win activity (双赢活动). 我非常乐意参加这一双赢的活动 12/ For one thing, I can help take care of the children. 一方面,我可以帮忙照顾孩子

13/ For another, I can improve my English and enrich my life 另一方面,我可以提高英语水平、丰富我的生活 作文系列背诵 5:关联词和句型 6. 文章结尾常用的过渡词: 1/ 总之,总而言之:

in a word; in conclusion; on balance; all in all; ; in a nutshell , to sum up; 2/ 简言之:to put it simply;

in short = to be short = in brief

3/ 总的来讲: in general = generally speaking; on the whole 25/ it‘s just a matter of doing…

―…是关乎…的问题; …在于做… ‖

eg. Bringing up a child is just a matter of feeding, clothing and sheltering him.

养育孩子不单单是为他提供衣食住. eg. This is a matter of life and death . 这是一个关乎生死的问题 26/ ―Be about doing … 在于干…‖

eg. Business is not only about making money and profits. 商业不单单在于挣钱和赢利.

eg. The key to education is about motivating the students to think for themselves .


27/ It occurred to me that …―我突然想到… ‖

It occurred to me to do… ―我突然想到要…‖

eg. It occurred to me to turn to the police foe help. 我突然想到要求助警察。

eg. It occurred to me that my ―regret trip ‖ could have been cancelled. I should value today .

我突然想到,我的‖后悔之旅‖ 本可以取消的. 我应该珍惜今天. 28/ There is no need to do ...没有必要……

eg. There is no need to occupy yourself with making money .You should set aside some time for your family.没有必要一心只想着挣钱; 留出点时间陪陪家人.

29.It's one‘s turn to do ... ― 轮到… 干… ‖ eg. It‘s your turn to make a few remarks here 该你发言了.

eg. ---Whose turn is it to be on duty today ? 今天谁值日? --- It‘s my turn.

30.It‘s time to do… 该是做…的时候了

eg. Now we are on the point of leaving school and setting food in society. It‘s time for us to meet challenges and to prove our abilities.

我们即将离开学校踏入社会。迎接考验、证明自我能 力的时刻到了。

作文系列背诵 6:关联词和句型 7、表示因果关系的词

1/ 由于;因为:owing to ; due to;

because of; on account of ; as a result of ; as a consequence (结果, 后果) of . 2/ 多亏了: thanks to

3/ 结果: as a result; as a consequence; in consequence 例句背诵: 1. He neglected (疏忽) his duty while working. As a result / as a consequence / in consequence (结果), he was fired.

2/ Owing to / Due to / On account of / Because of (由于) human beings‘ activities and greed, many animals are endangered.

3/ Thanks to (多亏了) the government‘s good policies , farmers can enjoy the same welfare (福利) as citizens .

4/ His absence was due to (因为) the heavy rain 31/ What‘s … like…? ―……如何/ 怎么样?‖ 用于问事物的外表特征和内在品质。

What does … look like? ―…长得怎样?‖ 强调外表 eg --- What‘s the weather like today? 今天天气如何? eg. --- What‘s his father like? 他父亲这人如何?

--- His father is easy-going. 它的父亲很平易近人。 32/ What do you think of … = How do you like …. = How do you find … = How do you feel about 你认为… 怎么样?

eg. What do you think of you school life ? 你认为你的学校生活如何?

eg. How do you find/ like the car? 你认为这辆车如何? 33/ as soon as … ―一… 就…; 刚刚…就…‖ = directly / immediately / instantly …

= the moment/ the second /the minute/ / the instant…

eg. They informed us of the result of admission immediately / directly / instantly they got it .


34/ no sooner…than… = hardly…when… ―一…就…‖ no sooner/ hardly + 过去完成时; than/ when + 一般过去时;

如果no sooner, hardly 位于句首,主句要倒装.

eg. No sooner had he taken office than he got down to carrying out reforms to the company .


35/ On/ Upon + n / doing…―一…就…,刚刚…就…‖

eg. Upon his return to his country, he was appointed president of a university. 他刚一回国,就被任命为一所大学的校长。

eg. On hearing the sad news , he broke down and wept

in the presence of all the guests. 一听到那个悲伤的消息, 他再也控制不住自己,当着客人的面失声痛哭。

eg.He set about working upon arrival . 他一到就开始工作。 36/ As it is = as things are/ stand ― 照现在的情形看 as it is 按原来的样子

eg. He promised to study hard, but as it is, he does no better than before. 他原答应要努力学习。但照现在 的情形看,他和以前没什么两样。

eg. Life is difficult as it is. 生活本来就不容易。 eg. Leave nature as it is. 保持自然的原貌. 作文系列背诵 7:关联词和句型 8. 表示情绪的过渡词:

to one?s heart‘s content 使…心满意足的是 much to one‘s satisfaction 使…满意的是 to one‘s surprise / astonishment 使…惊讶的是 to one‘s amazement 使…惊叹的是

to one‘s joy / delight / entertainment 使…高兴的是 to one‘s fright / horror使…非常害怕的是

to one‘s great relief 使…非常欣慰的是

to one‘s belief 使…深信不疑的是

to one‘s sorrow/ grief / sadness使…悲哀的是 to one‘s disappointment 使…失望的是 to one‘s excitement使…激动的是 例句背诵:

1. To the passers-by‘s amazement, kid ranging 5-11 could volunteer to help others.

2. To my great relief, he has got over the shock of losing his beloved. 37. before 特殊用法(1) ―没来得及/尚未… 就…‖ 从句中常出现― had time to do / could do‖ .

eg. The flood water was upon us before we could think

twice. 我们还没有来得及细想,大水已经汹涌而至。 eg. His father died before he was born. 他尚未出世他父亲就去世了。

38. Before 特殊用法(2) ―过了多久才怎么样‖ 或―动 作进行到什么程度才怎么样‖。

eg. They worked day and night about three days before everything returned to normal.

他们日夜不停地连续工作了3天才使一切恢复正常。 eg. I spent all the money with me before I knew it. 不知不觉我已经花光了我身上所有的钱。 eg. He had not gone a mile before he felt tired. 还没走一英里路,他就觉得累了。 对比:

1/ We waited a long time before the train arrived. 我们等了很长时间火车才到 2/ We waited until the train arrived. 我们一直等到火车到达。

39. It was + 时间段+ before… ―过了多久才怎么样…‖ It was not long before … ―不久就怎么样了…‖ It will be + 时间段 +before … ―要过多久…才…‖ It will not be long before 不久就要……

eg. It was not long before he sensed the danger. 不久他就意识到危险。

eg. It will not be long before we set foot in society. 不久我们将踏上社会。

eg. It will be half a year before you graduate from this school. 要过半年你才能毕业 对比:

1/ We waited a long time before the train arrived. 我们等了很长时间火车才到 2/ We waited until the train arrived. 我们一直等到火车到达。

39. It was + 时间段+ before… ―过了多久才怎么样…‖ It was not long before … ―不久就怎么样了…‖ It will be + 时间段 +before … ―要过多久…才…‖ It will not be long before 不久就要……

eg. It was not long before he sensed the danger. 不久他就意识到危险。

eg. It will not be long before we set foot in society. 不久我们将踏上社会。

eg. It will be half a year before you graduate from this school. 要过半年你才能毕业

40/ before 特殊用法(3)―趁着还不…‖ ―趁还没有…‖ eg. Buy the house before the prices go up. 趁房价未涨时把房子买下来。

eg. Inform him of the news before I forget. 趁着还没忘记,我要赶快告知他这个消息。 eg. Take action before it is too late / things get worse. 趁着为时不晚 (趁情况未恶化) 赶快采取行动

41. It is (has been )+ 时间段 + since + 过去式―从 …发生过/ 结束 到现在 多久了‖

eg. It is /has been two years since he went abroad to further his studies. 他出国深造已经两年。

eg. It is / has been long since I enjoyed myself . 好久没有这么高兴过了. 作文系列背诵 8:句型 42/ once ― 一旦…‖

eg. Once you have decided to do something, you should do it well. 一旦决定了做什么事情, 就应该把它做好.

eg. Once published, your book will be a best-seller. 一经发表, 你的书将是一本畅销书。 43. once 曾经, 多用于省略句 (高考考点)

eg. Once an outstanding student, he now is addicted to computer games.

曾经是最出色的学生, 现在他却对网络游戏上瘾。 eg. __________ in the United States, St.Louis has now become the 24th largest city. A. Once the fourth biggest city B. The fourth biggest city it was C. Being the fourth biggest city D. It was once the fourth biggest city

44.… when … = and just at that moment 引导并列, 强调另一件事情的突然发生。

eg. We were listening to the teacher attentively when the fire alarm went off .


eg. I was about to set off when he called me , telling me the meeting was cancelled. 我正准备离开, 突然接到 他的电话, 告诉我会议取消了。

eg. I had just finished my exam paper when the bell rang, announcing class was over.


45.While ―在…期间‖,主语和be动词可以省略。 eg. While in University, she took part-time jobs to make money 在大学期间, 她打工挣钱. 46. while = although ―尽管‖

eg. While I admit that he is inexperienced, I do believe he is suited to the job.

虽然我承认他缺乏经验, 我确实相信他胜任这份工作. eg. While I was angry with her, I didn‘t lose my temper. 虽然很生气, 但我当时并没有对她发脾气。 47. While … , ―趁着…‖

eg. Sell the car while it still can run. 趁着车还能跑,赶快出手。

eg. Enrich yourself and do something meaningful while you are still young. 趁着年轻多丰富自己,做一些有意义的事情。 作文系列背诵 9:句型 48. where… 地点状语

eg. Persistent people begin their success where others end in failure. 不屈不挠者从他人失败的地方获取成功。

eg. Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成. eg. where men are greedy , there is never peace. 人类贪欲不止,世界和平无望。 eg. Young people should go where they are most needed . 年轻人应该到最需要他们的地方去。 49. when= since / now that 既然

eg. How can he get good grade when he won‘t study 既然他不愿意学习, 他如何的高分. 50.As/so long as ― 只要… ‖

eg. As long as you stick to your plans for your study, you are sure to make great progress.

只要你坚持自己的学习计划, 你肯定会进步的。

51.疑问词 + ever = no matter + 疑问词, 引导让步状语从句。 eg. Whatever (= No matter what ) happens , we shall not lose heart . 无论发生什么我们都不会失去信心。 eg. Whoever/no matter who comes , he will be welcome . = Whoever comes will be welcome. (名词性从句) 无论谁来都受欢迎。

eg. However / no matter how hard I have tried , I can‘t argue my father into giving up smoking.

无论我多么的努力, 我都不能说服父亲放弃抽烟。 52/ unless ―除非,如果不‖(=if …not)

eg . I won‘t attend his birthday party unless invited (= unless I am invited ) . 除非受到邀请,我不会参加他的生日聚会。

53. whether …or ―不管….还是‖

eg. Any person , whether young or old, has his worth. 任何人, 不论老少,都有他的个人价值,

eg. Whether the weather is good or bad , they will set off as they planned . 无论天气好坏. 他们都要按计划出发

第三节 书面表达(满分30分)

最近几年,高中生考驾照的人数不断攀升。假如你是李华,最近你校学生正在参加某英文报组织的讨论,其中一个话题; 高中生是否有必要考驾照?请根据下表提供的信息给报社写一封信,客观的介绍讨论的情况。 75% 没有必要

1/ 浪费金钱与时间

2/ 学生考了驾照暂时也没机会开车, 以后再开车易出现事故。

25% 有必要

1/ 社会竞争激烈,多一项技能多一份 机会

2/ 生活水平提高,买私家车成为必然 趋势。

你自己的观点 分句背诵: 第一段 Dear editor,

1/As we all know, in the past few years , an increasing number of high school students are taking driving lessons (学习驾驶课程) to get a driving license (驾驶证).

2/Recently we held a discussion as to (关于) whether it is necessary for high school students to do so .

3/ Opinions differ / vary (不同) among the students


4/ 75%of the students think that it is not necessary to get a driving license。 5/ In their view, as high school students, we should seize every minute to study, taking driving lessons is a waste of money and time (对时间和金钱的浪费) in a sense (从某种意义上讲) .

6/ What‘s more , they may lose the skills they have learnt by the time they can afford a car , resulting in (导致) more accidents. 7/ However, 25% think it better to do so.

8/ for one thing (一方面), having a license means more opportunities in job - hunting .

9/ For another, our life are improving and the private car will be a necessity (生活必需品) in the future . 第二段:

10/ As far as I am concerned (在我看来) , as high students , we should put our studies in the first place (把学习放在第一位).

11/ it‘s better to take driving lessons after we graduate from high school. 重点记忆:

1/In the past few years , an increasing number of high school students are taking driving lessons (学习驾驶课程) to get a driving license (驾驶证). 近几年来,越来越多的高中生学习驾驶课程以获得驾 照。

3/ Opinions differ / vary (不同) among the students.


4/ it is not necessary to get a driving license。 获得驾照没有必要

5/ we should seize every minute to study. 我们应该抓住每一分钟学习。

6/ taking driving lessons is a waste of money and time (对时间和金钱的浪费) in a sense (从某种意义上讲) .


8/ for one thing (一方面), having a license means more opportunities in job - hunting .


9/ For another, our life are improving and the private car will be a necessity (生活必需品) .

另一方面, 生活在改善,私家车将成为生活必需品。

10/ As far as I am concerned , we should put our studies in the first place.

在我看来. 我们应该把学习放在第一位. 11/ it’s better to take driving lessons after we graduate from high school. 高中毕业学习驾驶课程会更好。



1/ Our school has a history of one hundred years。 我们学校有100年的历史。

2/ Our school is a beautiful school with a history of over 100 years 介绍地理位置和环境:

3/ It lies / is located / is situated at the foot of a woody hill with a clear river winding its way / running through the campus .

4/ Our school is a beautiful school with trees and flowers everywhere.


5/ It covers an area of 500 acres 介绍教学软硬件

6/ Our school consists of / is made up of 48 classes.

7/ Over 300 excellent / devoted teachers are working here.

8/ Our school is equipped with all kinds of modern facilities such as a computer network, a language lab, a gym, which will enable you to study well here and live a colorful life.

9/ Given the excellent teaching and living conditions, I am sure you‘ll enjoy your life here.


10 As is often the case with other exchange students, I guess you‘ll have difficulty adapting to the life here at first due to the culture shock and the obstacles / barrier in language.

11/ Being far way from home, you‘ll suffer from homesickness.


12/ To help yourself get accustomed/ used to the life here, you may as well read some books and surf online to learn something about China in advance / before setting off for China.

13/ You needn‘t worry about your life here.

14/ During your stay, you can turn to me and our teachers whenever you are in trouble,

15/ We are always ready to help others in need.

16/ Besides, I will help you to make friends with our peers (同龄人).

17/By playing with them, you can get over your homesickness and pick up Chinese quickly. 结尾:

18/ Wish you all the best

19/ Looking forward to your coming.

Yours sincerely,

重点背诵: 介绍历史

1/ Our school has a history of one hundred years。 我们学校有100年的历史。 介绍地理位置和环境:

3/ It lies / is located / is situated at the foot of a woody hill with a clear river winding its way / running through the campus .

我们学校坐落在树木葱郁的小山脚下,一条小河从校园穿过。 4/ Our school is a beautiful school with trees and flowers everywhere. 我们学校是个美丽的学校,到处都是红花绿草。


5/ Our school covers an area of 500 acres. 我们学校占地面积500亩。 介绍教学软硬件

6/ Our school consists of / is made up of 48 classes with a staff of 300 excellent teachers and about 2500 students . 我们学校由48个班组成, 有300位优秀的教学员工和2500个学生。

8/ Our school is equipped with all kinds of modern facilities such as a computer network, a language lab, a gym, which will enable you to study well here and live a colorful life.

我们学校配备有各种各样的现代化的教学设施, 譬如:电脑网络、语音室、体育馆, 这一切将使你能够很好地学习并过多彩的生活。

9/ Given the excellent teaching and living conditions, I am sure you‘ll enjoy your life here.

鉴于良好的教学和生活条件, 我确信你会生活的很愉快。 介绍可能的困难:

10 As is often the case with other exchange students, you‘ll have difficulty

adapting to the life here at first due to the culture shock and the obstacles / barrier in language.

和其他交换生的情况一样,开始时, 由于文化冲击和语言障碍,在适应这里的生活方面你会有困难。

11/ Being far way from home, you‘ll suffer from homesickness. 远离家乡, 你会饱受思乡之苦。 建议和解决方案:

12/ To help yourself get accustomed/ used to the life here, you may as well read some books and surf online to learn something about China in advance / before setting off for China.

13/ You needn‘t worry about your life here.

14/ During your stay, you can turn to me and our teachers whenever you are in trouble,

15/ We are always ready to help others in need.

16/ Besides, I will help you to make friends with our peers (同龄人).

17/By playing with them, you can get over your homesickness and pick up Chinese quickly. 结尾:

18/ Wish you all the best

19/ Looking forward to your coming.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

2. 咨询信息 假定你是李华,正在英国牛津参加短期语言培训,计划星期天去伦敦旅游。互联网上一则广告引起了你的注意,但一些具体情况不明确(箭头所指内容)。请给该旅行社发一封电子邮件,询问有关情况。 参考词汇:牛津——Oxford 费用——fee A Truly Exciting Day Tour Places to visit: Big Ben, London Eye, Buckingham Palace →shopping time? Transport: Bus Price: 45 →prices for students? Entrance fees? Lunch? Start-time: 6:30am →time to return? Pick-up: Anywhere in Oxford For more information, contact: Tel: 01865-783279 E-mail:

高考范文:应用文体,要求条理清晰, 语言简洁、地道、得体,内容要符合日常情景, 直奔主题 Dear Sir / Madam 第一段:

1/ I am writing for some detailed / further information

about the day tour to London. (直奔主题;时态好). 第二段:

2/ As a student at Oxford University, I‘d like to know if you have any special price (特价) for students.

3/ As for (至于) the money you charge (索要), Does it cover the entrance fees (门票费) for visiting all the places of interest listed (所列举的名胜) ? 4/ What about lunch? Is it included? Or do I need to bring along my own food? 第三段:

5/ How long will the tour last (持续)?

6/ Since I need to prepare my lessons (预习功课) for the next day, I‘d like to know the time to return.

7/ Besides, apart from / in addition to (除了)visiting the places of interest , is there any time set aside (留出) for shopping? 8/ I really desire (渴望) to have a look at the big stores and buy some souvenirs ['su:v?ni?] (纪念品) in London. 第四段:

9/ I can‘t wait (迫不及待)for the exciting tour, so I am eagerly looking forward to your reply soon..

其他好的表达: 1. Dear Sir / Madam 第一段:

1/ I am a Chinese student attending / taking a short-term language training course (学习短期语言课程) in Oxford University.

2/ Much interested in the cultural relics (文化遗迹)of The Great Britain, I am eager to go sightseeing (观光) in London.

3/ Your ads online have caught my eyes (吸引我的眼球) , and your plan suits me (适合我) well .

4/ So I am planning (计划) to take part in the tour organized by your travel agency (旅行社).

5/ However, I still need to get some detailed / further information about the day tour to London. 第二段:

6/ First, I hope to make clear (弄清楚) if the entrance fees and lunch are included in the given price $45, and whether you can give some discount (折扣) for us students . …

7/ a package trip 全包式旅行 重点记忆:

1/ I am writing for detailed / further information

about the tour to London.

我写信是要了解关于伦敦之行的详细信息。 2/ special price (特价) / discount (折扣) 3/ As for (至于) the money you charge (索要),

Does it cover the entrance fees (门票费) for visiting all the places of interest listed ?

至于你们的收费, 所有名胜的门票含盖在内吗?

4/ prepare my lessons (预习功课)

5/ apart from / in addition to (除了) places of interest , 除了参观名胜。 6/ set aside (留出) time for shopping 留出购物时间 7/ souvenirs ['su:v?ni?] (纪念品) 8/ can‘t wait for / to do… (迫不及待)

9/ attend/ take a short-term language training course 学习短期语言课程) 10/ cultural relics (文化遗迹)

11/ I am eager to go sightseeing (观光) . 我急切地想去观光。

12/ catch one‘s eyes 吸引…的眼球) ,

13/ your plan suits me well . 你们的计划非常适合我 14/ travel agency (旅行社). 15/ make clear (弄清楚)

16/ a package trip 全包式旅行

每年高考时,学生及学生家长都会纠结地面对同一个问题 —— 关于填报志愿时到底首先考虑专业还是学校。请你根据下面所给的要点提示,用英语写一篇短文,描述普遍存在的两种想法,并谈谈你自己的看法。

观点 1. 首先选择专业 2. 3. 首先选择大学 4. 理由 可以学习自己感兴趣的东西; 便于将来从事自己喜爱的工作。 学习环境对人的成长很重要; 名牌大学的毕业生在求职时常会受到青睐。 你 自 己 的 看 法 要求:1.可根据需要适当增加细节, 以使文意通顺; 2.词数120左右。 第一段

Every year, almost all students in senior three and their parents will be bothered with a common trouble ---- whether to choose a key university first or to focus on a popular major instead 第二段 Actually, some students have the idea that choosing favorite major means enjoying their study and school life in the following four years or even the rest of life. Because nobody will be bored of their preference, from which they will in turn benefit much. However, some others worry that it is not worthwhile to decide on furthering their study in a normal college, even though they can be with what they like to learn. In their point of view, it is the remarkable atmosphere of the university that definitely counts. In addition, there is no doubt that the graduates from those key universities are always preferred in job-hunting. As far as I’m concerned, I’d rather put my favorite major in the first place. Whatever we choose means some kind of loss on the other hand. However, to some extent, we can make up by studying hard with our passion and enthusiasm. 重点背诵

1. Almost all students in senior three and their parents will be bothered with a

common trouble。几乎所有的高三学生和他们的家长都被一个共同的问题困扰。

2. Actually, some students have the idea that choosing favorite major means

enjoying their study and school life in the following four years or even the rest of life.事实上,一些学生认为选择喜欢的专业意味着在随后的四年大学甚至以后的人生中享受学习和生活。

3. Because nobody will be bored of their preference, from which they will in turn

benefit much.因为没有人会厌倦自己的偏爱;反而,他们会从中获益匪浅。 4. it is not worthwhile to decide on furthering their study in a normal college, even

though they can be with what they like to learn.即使能学自己想学的专业,决定


5. In their point of view, it is the remarkable atmosphere of the university that

definitely counts.在他们看来,重要的是大学里非凡的学习氛围。

6. there is no doubt that the graduates from those key universities are always

preferred in job-hunting.毫无疑问,重点大学的毕业生在找工作时也更抢手。 7. As far as I’m concerned, I’d rather put my favorite major in the first place.就我


8. To some extent, we can make up by studying hard with our passion and enthusiasm.在某种程度上,我们可以通过全身心地投入学习来弥补。

According to the survey carried out by Research Horizon, students hold different opinions as to (关于) when to choose one‘s major or university.

Among the 1871 students surveyed [s?:'veid] , 82% of the students prefer to take the college entrance examination first, and then make choices about their major or universities after being informed of their exact scores, while12% are in favor of taking the college entrance examination first and then choose their major or universities on the basis of (根据) the estimated ['estimeitid] (估计的) scores. Meanwhile the rest 6% would rather make choices before sitting (参加) the state examination.

? As for(至于) me, I agree with / approve [?'pru:v] of the opinion of the

majority [m?'d??:riti]. For one thing, making choices after knowing the exact scores will ensure [in'?u?(确保)] us students more chances of going to our favorite universities and will contribute to a more fair result, for another, we don‘t have to pray for good luck.

? As with most things, every way has its advantages and

disadvantages. No matter when we choose our major or university, selecting majors and universities based on our interests and needs of society will be the best policy (上上策)

1/ Mt Sanqing lies / is located [l?u'keitid] / is situated ['sitjueitid] in the northeast of Jiangxi Province and is a famous state-level scenic ['si:nik] area (国家级风景区).

2/ It covers an area of more than 756 square kilometers and is divided into seven scenic spots.

3/ The highest mountain reaches as high as 1817 meters.

4/ What impresses / strikes people most here is its breathtaking (令人惊叹的) scenery , including perilous [peril?s] (险峻的)mountains. curiously –shaped (形状奇特的) stones and clear waters.

5/ Besides / In addition , 80% of this area is covered by trees, giving people fresh air to breathe.

6/ As a famous place of interest , the transportation here is so convenient that it is quite easy for visitors to arrive here.

7/ Travelling here , you can get close to nature and feast (款宴) your eyes on (尽情欣赏) beautiful landscape [l?ndskeip] (山水风景)

8/ Welcome to Mt Sanqing, it is well worth visiting and no one will leave feeling disappointed. 其他好的表达:

1/ Mt Sanqing is an attractive tourist destination that you can‘t afford to miss. 2/ It has been granted (授予) as a AAAA tourist attraction. 3/ The scenery of Mt Sanqing is really a feast for the eyes 4/ You will fall in love with this place at first glance / sight 5/ It is a paradise for tourist and is an natural oxygen bar

6/ If you want to experience a natural life , nothing is better than to pay a visit here.

作文系列背诵 10:句型

54/For fear that…. 唯恐; 以免 for fear of 唯恐; 以免 eg. For fear that we might / should be fired , he worked hard . 惟恐/ 以免被解雇, 他努力工作. eg. He left an hour early for fear of missing the train。 他提早一小时离开,惟恐/ 以免错过那次火车 55. In case that… ―万一;以防; 以免‖ in case of + n 万一; 以防, 以免

In case that… 从句用一般现在时态, 或should + v 原形, should不能省略 eg. Please remind me of the date for the meeting in case I forget/ should forget .


eg. In case of an emergency, every second counts . 紧急情况下,分分秒秒都重要

eg. In case (that) John comes/ should come , please tell him to wait for a while. 万一约翰来了,请告诉他稍等. eg. When travelling, take more money just in case 旅行时, 多带些钱以防万一

56. 祈使句(条件)+ or else /or/ Otherwise +主句 (结果)

eg. We must take measures to protect the endangered animals , otherwise/ or else/ or , we human beings will

be in danger. 我们必须采取措施来保护濒危动物,不然我们人类自身难保。

eg. Hurry up, or we will not be in time for the interview. 快点, 不然我们就赶不上采访了。 57. 祈使句 (表条件) + and + 主句 (表结果) eg. Be united and cooperate , and only in this way can we save our earth. 团结合作,我们才能够拯救地球

58. can‘t/ can never 和 too, enough , over- 搭配表示 ― 无论怎样…都不过分; 越…越好‖

eg. When driving, you can‘t be careful enough. 开车时, 越小心越好。

eg. He has made such great sacrifice for our country that that we can‘t praise him too much. 他为国家作出如此大的牺牲,我们无论怎样赞扬他都不过分。 eg. We can‘t overemphasize the importance of education. 教育的重要性无论怎么强调都不过分。

eg. Now that it‘s a good thing, we can‘t do it too soon. 既然是好事, 越早开始做越好。

eg. In a relay race, a player can‘t run fast enough. eg. Trees are good for us. We can‘t plant them too many.

作文系列背诵 11:句型

60.There be 句型变式1: seem to be , appear to be, happen to be , used to be,be likely to be 等

eg. There seems/ appears to be no hope of our team winning the match. 我们队似乎很有希望赢得比赛。

eg. There is likely to be more difficulty than expected while carrying out the reform .

在推行改革的过程中,困难可能会比预计的多。 eg. The thief broke in, to his delight, there happened to be nobody in the room。

小偷闯进房间,令他高兴的是, 房间里碰巧没有人 eg. There used to be a temple here . 过去这里有个庙。 61.there be 句型变市式2:There be句型中的be 动词,

可以替换成其他词, 常见的有live, remain, come, stand, lie, occur, exist, follow等动词。

eg. There lived dinosaurs here millions and millions of years ago. 数亿年前, 这里曾经生活有恐龙。

eg. There stands many skyscrapers (摩天大楼) in modern cities. 现代城市,高楼林立。

g. There lies a railway through our city.铁路贯穿我们城市。

eg. There came a time when people demanded freedom and equality . 人们追求自由平等的时代到来了

eg. There occurred human beings about 5,000 years ago. 大约5,000年以前出现了人.

eg. There followed a thunder after the lightning. 闪电之后是可怕的雷声。

eg. There exist many serious issues in the world . 世界上现在存在很多的问题。 62.there be 句型难点3:There be 句型的独立主格形式作状语:

there being … there having been …

eg. There being no time left , we must hurry = Because there was no time left , we must hurry. 没有时间了, 我们必须快点。 eg. There having been no rain for a long time, people are suffering from drought

= Because there had been no rain for a long time, people are suffering from drought.

久旱无雨, 人们饱受干旱之苦。

63.there be 句型难点4:There be 句型的非谓语形式

eg. I don‘t want/ wish there to be any misunderstandings between us. 我不想我们之间有什么误会。

eg. The chances of there being life on the moon are small . 月球上有生命的可能性很小。

eg. It‘s usual for there to be a generation gap between parents and students. 学生和家长间有代沟很正常。 作文系列背诵 12:句型…that…句型难点1:

当名词被many/much/few/little修饰时,用 so many/much/few/little + n + that…结构。

eg. There were so many people in the street that firefighters couldn‘t get close to the building.

这么多人在街上, 消防队员很难靠近大楼。

eg. The Westerners eat so much fat and sugar that they put on weight easily. 西方人脂肪和糖摄入如此多,因此他们很容易发胖。…that…句型难点2: such + a/an + adj + n + that = so + adj. + a/an + n + that

eg. He is such an honest person (= so honest a person) that you can count on him whenever you‘re in trouble.

他是如此诚实的一个人,无论何时遇到麻烦都可以指望他。…that和 such…that 句型的倒装。

so + adj/ adv,such+ n 放在句首时,主句倒装。

eg. So hard did it rain that we couldn‘t continue our work. 雨下的如此大,我们不能继续工作。

eg. Such great progress has he made in his studies that we all admire him. 在学业方面他取得了如此大的进步,我们都很佩服他 68. such…that 句型的特殊性:

such后可以不出现 adj 和 n, 也可以倒装.

eg. The force of the earthquake was such that many places fell into ruins →Such was the force of the earthquake that many places fell into ruins. 地震的威力如此大,许多地方沦为废墟。 69. so + adj/ adv + as to …―如此…以致于…‖ :

eg. Would you be so kind as to give me a hand with my housework. 你能帮我做家务吗?

eg. He was so generous as to give away all his money. 他如此愚蠢以至于相信了这样一个人. 70. Such … as to ―如此…以致于…‖ 注意:such 后可以什么也不加

eg. He is such a vain man as to think that he is somebody and can influence others.

他自负地认为他是个了不起的大人物, 可以影响其他人.

eg. My English teacher‘s humor is such as to make students burst into laughter . 我们英语老师如此幽默,使得学生们开怀大笑。 ?

作文系列背诵 13: 句型

71. only to do 表示未曾料到的愉快或不愉快的结果:

eg. He hurried to the airport only to find the flight cancelled due to the strike. 他匆忙赶到机场, 结果发现航班因为罢工被取消了. eg. I tried to help only to be in the way of others.


对比: 现在分词做状语, 表示主句动作所造成的结果:

eg. The earthquake struck Japan, leaving many places in ruins . 地震袭击了日本,使许多地方沦为废墟。

72. to do作结果状语: (表示不愉快或意外结果)

eg. She went abroad never to return to his hometown. 他出国结果再也没有回到他的家乡.

eg. What have we said to make you so annoyed ? 我们到底说了什么让你如此生气?

eg. My grandfather lived to see his grand-grandson. 我的祖父活到四世同堂。

73. enough… to…―足够…, 可以…‖ , 作结果状语

eg. Child as he is , he is capable enough to build up his won business . 他虽然只是个孩子, 却有足够的能力扩大自己的生意.

eg. We are old enough to make a great difference to the world. 我们不小了, 可以对这个世界有所影响了.

74. Too…to …结果状语, ― 太…而不能… ‖ eg. We are too shy to speak English in public. 我们太羞于在公共场合说英语.

② too…to 结构和not , never 连用, 表肯定意义. eg. We are never too old to learn. 活到老学到老 eg. The police officer is too clever not to read our tricks 那位警官非常聪明完全可以识破我们的诡计

too…to 和表好心情的词: ready / glad / surprised / happy / willing/ eager / kind 等连用, too = very , 表肯定意义

eg. I am too glad to see you here. 很高兴见到你。 eg. He was too ready to talk. 他太爱说话.


90后出生的学生行为方式和价值观令人担忧。你是90后出生的学生,请根据下表中所提供的信息以―Do trust us—a generation born in the 90s‖为题写一篇英语演讲稿,以消除人们的忧虑。


面临更多的升学和就业烦恼,所处环境竞争更加激烈。 1、注重自我,轻视合作,…… 2、缺乏毅力,容易气馁,…… 3、盲目追求,渴望成名,…… 敢于挑战,……






3、演讲稿中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。 分段背诵: 第一段:

Good afternoon, everyone!

1/ The topic of my speech today is ―Do trust (务必相信) us — a generation born in the 90s‖

2/ Living in an environment full of fierce competition (激烈的竞争), We, as a generation born in the 90s, are faced with (面临) more problems in entering higher schools and getting employed (就业) .

3/ Under these circumstances (在这样的情况下) , we are developing our special manners and values (形成我们特殊的行为方式和价值观) , which has raised people‘s concern(引起了人们的担心).

4/ They worry that we care too much about ourselves and are unwilling to

cooperate (合作) with others, which makes it hard for us to achieve success (取得成功) in whatever we do.


5/ Besides, they consider us as lacking in (determination缺乏决心), and determination is what it takes to do any job well. 6/ Without it, we may easily give up in time of difficulty.

7/ They are also concerned (担忧) that we are so eager to win instant fame (即刻成名) that we follow fashion blindly(盲目追求时尚), which will in turn (反过来) ruin our values and future. 第二段:

8/ However, we, a generation born in the 90s, have our own advantages despite some weaknesses.

9/ Firstly, we have the courage to meet challenges (迎接挑战) and take risks (冒险) , which helps realize our dreams.

10/ In addition, we are quick-minded (思维敏锐) and creative. We can do our work more efficiently (高效率).

11/ Yet, we still need to learn more from those experienced. Please do trust us! Thank you for your listening! 重点背诵:

2/ Living in an environment full of fierce competition (激烈的竞争), We, a generation born in the 90s, are faced with (面临) more problems in entering higher schools and getting employed (就业) .

生活在充满激烈竞争的环境下, 我们90后面临更多的升学和就业烦恼。 3/ Under these circumstances (在这样的情况下) , we are developing our special manners and values , which has raised people‘s concern.


4/ we care too much about ourselves and are unwilling to cooperate (合作) with others, which makes it hard for us to achieve success (取得成功) in whatever we do. 他们担心我们太关注自己不愿意和别人合作,这会使我们做任何事情都很难获得成功。

5/ Besides, they consider us as lacking in determination(缺乏决心), and determination is what it takes to do any job well.

此外,他们认为我们缺乏决心,而决心正好是我们做好任何工作所需要的品质。 6/ Without it, we may well easily give up in time of difficulty. 没有决心, 我们很可能在困难时轻易放弃。

7/ They are also concerned (担忧) that we are so eager to win instant fame (即刻成名) that we follow fashion blindly(盲目追求时尚), which will in turn (反过来) ruin our values and future.


8/ However, we, a generation born in the 90s, have our own advantages despite some weaknesses.

然而,尽管我们有一些缺点, 我们九零后有自己的优势

9/ Firstly, we have the courage to meet challenges (迎接挑战) and take risks (冒险) , which helps realize our dreams. 首先,我们有勇气面对挑战和冒险,这会帮助我们实现梦想。

10/ In addition, we are well-informed (见多识广) ,quick-minded (思维敏锐) and creative. We can do our work more efficiently (高效率). 另外, 我们见多识广、思维敏锐、有创造力, 工作高效率。

作文 2: 请按以下提示,写一篇短文,介绍―三清山游览区‖的基本情况。所写内容须包括下面表格中的相关信息。

地理位置/风景区级别 三清山位于江西省东北部,是国家级风景名胜区 景区总面积 七百五十六余平方公里 景区数量 七个景区 最高峰海拔高度 1,817米 自然景观 峰险、石奇、水秀 森林覆盖面积 80%以上 交通情况 畅通、便利 欢迎广大游客来三清山观光旅游 分段整体背诵 1/ Mt Sanqing lies / is located / is situated in the northeast of Jiangxi Province and is a famous state- level tourist destination . 三清山位于江西省东北部,是国家级风景名胜区

2/ It covers an area of more than 756 square kilometers and is divided into seven scenic spots.

占地面积七百五十六余平方公里, 分成七个景区

3/ The highest mountain peak (山峰)reaches as high as 1817 meters. 最高峰海拔高度1,817米

4/ What impresses / strikes people most is its breathtaking (令人惊叹的,壮观的) scenery , including perilous ['peril?s] (危险的)mountains. curiously –shaped (形状奇特的) stones and clear waters. 给人印象最深的是它的令人惊叹的风景, 包括险峰、奇石、水秀

5/ Besides / In addition , 80% of this area is covered by trees, giving people fresh air to breath.

6/ As a famous place of interest (名胜), the transportation here is so convenient that it is quite easy for you to arrive here. 作为一处名胜,这里交通便利,易于到达。

7/ Travelling here , you can get close to nature and feast your eyes on (尽情欣赏) beautiful landscape (山水风景). 在这里旅行, 你可以接近自然,尽情欣赏山水风景.

8/ Welcome to Mt Sanqing, it is well worth visiting and no one will leave feeling disappointed.

这里非常值得参观, 没有人会失望而归。 其他好的表达:

1. It has been granted (批准) as an AAAAA tourist destination. 它已经被批准为5A 风景区。

2. The scenery of Mt Sanqing is really a feast for the eyes (视觉盛宴会)

3. You will fall in love with this place at first glance / sight . 这个地方你会一见倾心。

4. It is a paradise for tourists and is an natural oxygen bar 它是游客天堂,自然氧吧。

5. If you feel like experiencing a natural life, nothing is better than to pay a visit here.

如果你想体验自然生活, 没有比参观这里更好的了


1/ Mt Sanqing lies / is located / is situated in the northeast of Jiangxi Province and is a famous state- level tourist destination . 三清山位于江西省东北部,是国家级风景名胜区

2/ It covers an area of more than 756 square kilometers and is divided into seven scenic spots.

占地面积七百五十六余平方公里, 分成七个景区 3/ The highest mountain peak (山峰)reaches as high as 1817 meters. 最高峰海拔高度1,817米

4/ What impresses / strikes people most is its breathtaking (令人惊叹的,壮观的) scenery , including perilous ['peril?s] (危险的)mountains. curiously –shaped (形状奇特的) stones and clear waters. 给人印象最深的是它的令人惊叹的风景, 包括险峰、奇石、水秀

5/ Besides / In addition , 80% of this area is covered by trees, giving people fresh air to breath.

6/ As a famous place of interest (名胜), the transportation here is so convenient

(可用于虚拟,也可表真实情况;虚拟时,动词套用 if 虚拟条件句的形式)

eg. What if he doesn‘t turn up? 要是他不出现怎么办? eg. What if you were laid off / should be laid off ? 万一你下岗了,你将怎么办? 96. 虚拟语气句型6

if it were not for …( = were it not for…) (虚拟现在)

if it hadn‘t been for…( = had it not been for…) (虚拟过去) ―要不是因为有…; ‖ eg. If it hadn‘t been for (= Had it not been for) the determined captain , all the passengers on board wouldn‘t have been saved. 要不是因为有意志坚定的船长, 船上的旅客就不会得救。

eg. If it were not for your rich parents, we couldn‘t live so easy a life . 要不是因为你有钱的父母, 你的生活不会如此安逸 97. 虚拟语气句型7: but for, but that,

but for + 名词; but that + 从句 (从句为真实存在的事实), 意为 ―倘若不是,要不是…‖, 主句用虚拟语气

eg. But for the rain (= If it hadn‘t been for the rain = But that it rained (过去的事实) we would have had a nice

holiday. 要不是因为下雨, 我们的假日一定过得很惬意

eg. But for music = (But that there is music = If it were not for music) , life would be dull. 假如没有音乐,生活会很乏味。


定义: if 条件句和主句虚拟假设的不是同一时间. 主句和从句要根据时间分别取不同的动词形式.

eg. If you had finished your homework last night, you could go shopping with us now. 99. 含蓄条件句: if条件句不出现,暗含在上下文中或用短语体现出来. eg. Without your help / But for your help, we wouldn‘t have achieved so much. 没有你的帮助,我们不会取得如此多的成就。

eg. Given the opportunity, he might have become a famous singer. 果有机遇, 他会是一位有名的歌手。

作文系列背诵 19: 句型

100. 虚拟语气句型8: 在suggest (建议), propose [ (提议) , recommend (建议,劝告), insist (坚决主张), demand, required, request, order, desire 等表示建议、要求、 命令、愿望的这些词后的名词性从句中需用虚拟语气, 基本句型: 主语+(should)+动词原形。Should 可 省略, 但不能用其他词替代.

eg. The headmaster insisted that the students caught cheating in the exam be dismissed (开除).


eg. It is required that children aged 6 plus be sent to school when they reach the age for school.


eg. His desire that he should go abroad to further his studies is difficult to satisfy.

他到国外学习深造的愿望很难得到满足. 必记难点:

1/ insist: ―坚持已存在和已发生的事情‖ ,从句该用 什么时态就用什么时态.

―坚决主张要干…‖, 从句用 ― should + v 原形‖. eg. He insisted that he had done nothing wrong and (should) be set free at once.


eg. He insisted that he was right. 他坚持认为他是对的.

2/ suggest: ① 表―暗示; 表明‖, 从句该用什么时态就用什么时态 ② 表示 ―建议‖ , 从句用 ― should + v 原形‖ 1/ What he said suggested(暗示; 表明) that he was satisfied with our work.

他的话表明,他对我们的工作很满意. 101. 虚拟语气句型9

it‘s necessary/ important / essential (必要的,重要的) / natural (很自然的) + that sb should do…, should 可以省略

eg. It is natural that safety come first when we are on a journey. 人在旅途, 安全第一, 这是自然的.

eg. With the society developing very fast, it‘s quite necessary /important that we (should) have a good knowledge of English and computer. 随着社会的快速发展, 我们有必要精通英语和电脑。 102. 虚拟语气句型10

it‘s strange / a pity / surprising that sb should do…, should 表示―竟然‖, 但不可以省略.

eg. It‘s a pity that she should miss the chance of going abroad. 很遗憾她竟然错过了出国的机会。

eg. It‘s strange / comes as a surprise that such an outstanding student should not be admitted .

奇怪的是如此优秀的一个学生竟然没有被录取。 103. 虚拟语气句型12

It‘s (high /about) time that sb did /should do… 早就该…, should 不可以略 eg. It‘s high time that we took action (= should take action) to improve our environment.

eg. It‘s high time that we took measures to help the left-behind children 我们早就该采取措施来帮助留守儿童。 作文系列背诵 20: 句型 104. 虚拟语气句型11:

wish+宾语从句, 表示不大可能实现的愿望 ? 表示现在的愿望 : 主语+过去时; ? 表示过去的愿望: 主语+had+done ;

? 表示未来的愿望: 主语+would(could)+动词原形

eg. How I wish we students had more free time to relax ourselves! 多希望我们学生有更多的时间来放松自己.

eg. I failed in the maths exam. How I wish I hadn‘t wasted so much time playing! 我考试不及格.我以前没有浪费时间该多好.

eg. How I wish I could go to the party in your company (在你的陪伴下. 真希望你能陪我参加晚会. 105. 虚拟语气句型13

would rather that sb did… ―宁愿…; 更愿意…‖ , 表现在或将来的愿望

would rather that sb had done… ―宁愿…; 更愿意…‖ , 表示对过去的遗憾 eg. I‘d rather you didn‘t take fame and wealth too seriously. 我倒宁愿你不那么看重名利

eg. I‘d rather that you hadn‘t told him off . 我到更希望我没有训斥他.

eg. I‘d rather you _________ smoking right now. A. to give up B. gave up C. will give up 注释: 不能说: would rather sb to do … ; 106. 虚拟语气句型14

as if(though)+主语 + did/ had done…

1/ 假设?先于谓语而发生的事― 从句用had done; 2/ 假设与主句谓语同步发生的事, 从句用过去时; 3/ 如果谈论真的可能发生的事, 不用虚拟语气。

eg. All too often, people treat AIDS patients as if they were bad or dangerous. 通常情况下, 人们对待爱滋病人就好象他们是坏人或高危人群. eg. He passed by me as if I didn‘t exist. (同步)

eg. Although they just met for the first time , they talked as if they had been friends for years . (虚拟)

eg. There are many black clouds in the sky. It looks as if it is going to rain. (真实)

107. 虚拟语气句型15

even if =even though ―即使…..也; 即便…也‖, 可以接虚拟语气(与事实相反的假设) ,

也可以不接虚拟语气 (真的有可能发生)

eg. Even if /though I have to sell my house , I‘ll keep my business going . (真实) 即使卖房子,我也要把生意维持下去。

eg. He is quick in mind . Even though/ if he were slow in learning , you shouldn‘t give him up . 他头脑反映快. 即使他在学习上反应慢, 你也不应该放弃他. eg. The boy was badly injured and died at last. Even if he had been attended without delay, he couldn‘t have been saved. 即使孩子得到了及时的照顾, 也不会得救.

作文系列背诵 21: 句型

108. In order that 和 so that ―为了…; 以便…‖ 引导目的状语从句

eg. We study hard in order to go to a famous university and get a well-paid job. = We study hard with the intention of going to a famous university and getting a well-paid job

= We study hard with the purpose of going to a famous university and getting a

well-paid job

= We study hard in hopes of going to a famous university and getting a well-paid job. 我们努力学习, 目的是上名牌大学,将来找到一份好的职业。

eg. He closed all the windows while driving so that he shouldn‘t catch cold. 开车时他关上所有的窗户 以免感冒. ( so that 否定句要用shouldn‘t ) so that 也可以引导结果状语. 对比:

1/ He set off early, so that he caught the first bus. 他很早出发,结果赶上了头班车

2/He set off early so that he could / might catch the first bus. 为了赶上头班车,他很早就出发了.

109 . so as to / in order to ―为了‖ , 目的状语 注意:to do/ in order to do可以放在句首, so as to 不可以放在句首。

注意: 只有不定式 to do / in order to do / so as to do 可以作目的状语。

eg. In order to pay for his tuition , he took several jobs anf worked day and night.

? 为了还请债务,他同时打着几份工,不分昼夜地工作。 ? eg. John hurried up so as not to be late for the party. ? 我们匆忙往前赶目的是参加晚会不迟到。

? eg. Modern equipment is fitted in our classroom for all the students to

study well.

? 教室里安装现代化的设备为的是让学生更好地学习。 ? eg. Do whatever we could to help the people in need. ? 尽你所能帮助需要帮助的人。 ? 98.It + be + adj/n + for sb to do sth …

? 在本句型中, 形容词或名词描述的是for sb to do sth所代表的整个事情 ? eg. it’s important for us to have a good knowledge of English. ? 精通英语对我们很重要。

? eg. It‘s our duty to help others. 帮助别人是我们的义务。

? eg. It’s bad manners to attend a wedding without bringing a gift. ? 不带礼物参加婚礼是不礼貌的。

? eg. It’s challenging to do import or export business. ? 做进出口贸易很有挑战性。

? eg. It has always been her dream to study abroad. 去国外学习是他一贯


? eg. It’s a pity for there to be so many students to be crazy about

computer games = It is a pity that there are so many students to be crazy about computer games

? 很遗憾有这么多学生玩游戏上瘾。

? (there be 句型用于此句型时的形式)

? 99: It + 系动词 + adj + (of sb) + to do sth. ( adj 表示人物的品质


? eg. It’s honest of him to return all the money to the loser.

? ? ? ? ?


eg. It’s considerate of him to put us up for the night. 他非常体谅人,安排我们夜间住宿。 表示人物的品质特征的词: foolish/ stupid / silly (愚蠢); clever / bright / wise; kind/ nice / good (善良的);cruel (残忍的);selfish(自私的);greedy(贪婪的) ;thoughtful(考虑周全的); considerate(体谅人的);inconsiderate (不体谅人的) ; rude(粗鲁的); brave;

