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Unit 1 Sports

Part A

Listening Strategy

Identifying Numbers

Numbers appear very often in every kind of listening material. The ability to catch the exact numbers spoken in English is an important but difficult skill for a Chinese learner. A good way is to practice over and over again the pronunciation of the numbers, particularly the different ways to say thirteen and thirty, fourteen and forty, etc. It also helps to practice writing down the numbers you hear quickly in numerical forms, without translating them into Chinese.

You’re going to hear a passage about Michael Jordan, a retired American professional basketball player. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing numbers.

Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. He was born on Feb. 1) 17, 2) 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. He is 3) 1.98 meters tall and weighs 4) 216 pounds. Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls team for the 5) 1984 season. In the 6) 1986 season he shot 7) 3041 points, the 8) third highest score ever. He was named NBA Slam Dunk Champion (扣篮冠军) in 9) 1987 and won the Most Valuable Player Award in 10) 1988, an honor repeated 11) four times in the next 12) ten years to 13)

1998. Jordan guided his team to win 14) six NBA championships during the 15) 1990s, scoring 16) 45 points during the 17) sixth and last game of the 18) 1998 NBA finals. In 19) 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century.

Jordan left the NBA at the beginning of the 1993-1994 NBA season to pursue a career in baseball. Since his baseball game wasn’t quite as good as his basketball games, he finally gave it up to rejoin the Bulls in 1995. Yet, after playing for 20) five more years, he once again announced his retirement in 21) 1999. But he returned for two more NBA games in 22) 2001 as a member of the Washington Wizards. Part B

Pre-listening Task

Questions for Discussion

You are going to talk about sports. Read the following questions and discuss them with your partner. 1. Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? 2. What sports do most young people go in for? 3. What sports are suitable for old people? 4. Do you like jogging? Why or why not? 5. Why do people need to play sports?


2. What sports do most young people go in for?

Well, people in different parts of the world may prefer different kinds of sports. For example, many Chinese people play ping-pong or table tennis, and it is considered to be our national sport. Chinese ping-pong players have won numerous championships in world competitions, which boosts the enthusiasm for the game among young people in China. However, in North America, many young people like playing American football and basketball. Almost every teenager has his or her own idol in these games. For example, Michael Jordan has a lot of fans in the US.

Additional Question for Discussion

What do you know about the Olympic Games? Demo:

The Olympic Games are one of the most important international events in the world today. The modern Olympic Games are named for athletic contests held in ancient Greece for almost 12 centuries. They were banned in AD 394 but were revived and made international in 1896. The Winter Games were added in 1924. World War I and World War II forced cancellation of the Olympics in 1916, 1940, and 1944, but they resumed in 1948 and are held every four years. After 1992 the Winter and Summer Games were no longer held within the same calendar year.

Winter Games were scheduled for 1994, after only a two-year interval, and every four years thereafter. The Summer Games were scheduled for 1996, and every four years thereafter. Beijing successfully hosted the 2008 Olympics.

Language Focus

Here are some sentences and structures that you might find useful in discussing the above questions. ? ? ? ? ?

I like sports a lot / very much.

I enjoy / am keen on / am fond of playing sports. I like swimming / jogging / fishing / tennis, etc.

My favorite sport is basketball / volleyball / football, etc.

Young people go in for such sports as running / playing basketball / tennis / football, etc. ? ?

Jogging / Walking / Fishing is good for old people.

Jogging is considered a healthy sport for both the young and the old / people of all ages. ?

Many people begin jogging because they believe it is a very good form of exercise / can make their hearts stronger / can help them lose weight. ? ? ? ?

Jogging against the cold wind is also a test of one’s will power. Playing sports can help us to relax.

Sitting in a chair all day has made me very lazy. I can get my figure back if I play a sport.

? ? ?

I can make new friends when I play sports.

People play sports because they want to keep fit / live an active life. Playing a sport we like is an essential part of our life.

Listening Tasks

Why Don’t You Join Me at the Gym Sometime?

Word Bank

gym n. a special hall or room with equipment for doing physical exercise 体



v. to go to 到……去

cycle v. to ride a bicycle 骑自行车 stay in shape to keep a good figure 保持体形

work out to exercise to improve physical fitness 进行健身锻炼

guest pass a card or permit giving authorization for the holder’s friend (a

guest) to enter or have access to a place 贵宾卡


Peter: Hi Laura. Where are you heading with that big bag?

Laura: Hi, Peter. I’m off to the gym. I’ve got to stay in shape, you know. I try to

go three times a week, but I’m busy so I can’t always make it.

Peter: I know more women who work out than men. What’s the main reason you

work out? For your health, or to look good?

Laura: To be honest, for both. With women, good looks are always a very important


Peter: If they were honest, most men who work out would admit that they also do

it to look better, and not merely for health reasons.

Laura: How about you? Do you get any regular exercise?

Peter: I do a lot of walking, for exercise and enjoyment — sometimes ten to

twenty kilometers at a time — but I never go to the gym like you do.

Laura: Well, walking is good exercise. How about sports?

Peter: Not since my school days. I used to love playing baseball, but it’s

impossible to get enough people together for a game now. Mostly I just watch sports on TV.

Laura: I play tennis fairly regularly with my friends, and sometimes go swimming

and cycling by myself.

Peter: Oh, I forgot about that. I go cycling sometimes too. And I often go

swimming on vacation, but only recreational swimming.

Laura: Why don’t you join me at the gym sometime? I can get you a guest pass. Peter: Well, maybe someday, but I’m pretty lazy about things like that.

Language and Culture Notes 1. Background information

Nowadays many people work in offices, spending most of their time indoors. In the evening they usually sit watching TV or reading newspapers. Their daily activities do not provide them with the exercise needed to keep them fit and healthy. Therefore, many of them devote part of their spare time to doing regular physical exercises and playing some sports. Some people go to the gym for a workout three times a week in the evening. The exercises they do there can help them stay in shape and feel relaxed. 2. I’m off to the gym. I’m going to the gym. 3. I can’t always make it Sometimes I can’t go to the gym for exercise (probably because I have no time). 4. recreational swimming

swimming for exercise rather than for competition 5. guest pass

You need to pay for a membership pass to go and work out in a gym. But sometimes the gym will allow you to invite a friend to go with you. A free guest pass will be issued for your friend.

Exercise 1

Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions. 1. What do you know about Peter?

a. He is an active sportsman. b. He is a keen cyclist.

c. He enjoys playing baseball. d. He exercises regularly. 2. Where might the two speakers be having this conversation? a. In Peter’s home. c. In the gym.

Exercise 2

b. In the street.

d. On their way to the gym.

Listen again and write down answers to the following questions. 1. Why is Laura so keen on sports?

Because she wants to enjoy good health. She also wants to stay in shape and look good.

2. What sports do Peter and Laura go in for?

Both Peter and Laura like cycling and swimming. Laura also plays tennis regularly.

Speaking Tasks

Communicative Function: Inquiring About Future Activities Inquiring About Future Activities Responding to Inquiries About Future Activities What are you doing this weekend? I’m thinking of going to the gym . / I haven’t decided yet, but I think I’ll go and play tennis with my roommate. Do you have any plans for tomorrow? Not really. I’ll probably just stay home and watch some sports programs on TV. Are you doing anything special this evening? What’s your plan for this weekend? I’m going to do some cycling. / I’d like to go to the volleyball match at the big stadium, but I can’t get a ticket. I wonder if you’re going to the gym after class. If I feel like it, I’ll go. No. Why do you ask? Is it your intention to join the school Yes. Football is my favorite sport and fI’ve always wanted to play in the oschool team. otball team? Are you going to watch the Olympic Games on TV? Would you care for a game of tennis? Well, I’d like to, but you have to teach me how to play it first. Are you planning to enter for the annual Of course. I always do. What about you? cycling competition? / No. I’m no good at cycling. Sure. I can’t wait to watch them. Do you plan to be a professional athlete No, I don’t think so. I don’t think I ohave what it takes to be a professional nathlete. e day?

Additional Vocabulary Ball Games Track and Field skating boxing Others football / soccer (AmE) running basketball volleyball tennis table tennis badminton (羽毛球) rugby (橄榄球) baseball softball golf cricket (板球)

jogging discus (铁饼) throwing bowling high jump swimming long jump skiing pole jump mountain climbing relay (接力赛跑) rock climbing javelin (标枪) throwing diving surfing (冲浪) fishing boating Listen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner. Conversation 1

A: What’s your plan for this evening?

B: Well, there’s a good game at the stadium but I haven’t got a ticket yet. A: I’m going to the gym. Would you like to come along? I can get a guest pass

for you.

B: That’s wonderful. I’d always wanted to work out in the new gym. Thank you

very much.

Conversation 2

A: Hi, Xiao Wang. Fancy meeting you here! How are you doing?

B: Can’t complain. I’m busy with my experiments in the lab. But after work I

often play some sports. A: Like what?

B: Like swimming, running and sometimes tennis.

A: Tennis? That’s my favorite game. Say, what’re you doing this weekend? B: Nothing particular. I guess I’ll probably just work in the lab. A: Come on. You need to relax. What about a game of tennis? B: OK.

Conversation 3

A: Are you doing anything special tomorrow, Bob? B: Not really. Why do you ask?

A: Some of us are going motorcycling. Would you like to join us? B: Motorcycling? I’ve never done that. Isn’t it a bit dangerous? A: Maybe, but it’s really exciting. B: I enjoy jogging. It’s more relaxing.

A: That’s a good form of exercise. It can help you stay in shape.

B: Yes, it’s also safer.


Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions above in your conversations where appropriate. 1. Ask your friend about his/her plans for the weekend. Then suggest playing a certain kind of sport.

2. Ask your partner whether he/she intends to go to the basketball game in the city stadium. Say that you’ve got an extra ticket. Part C

Test Your Listening

Short Conversations

You’re going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 1. a. Basketball. b. Volleyball. c. Table tennis. d. Tennis.

2. a. Boxing is one of his favorite sports. b. Boxing is the only kind of sport he likes. c. He doesn’t like boxing at all. d. He doesn’t like boxing very much.

3. a. He finds it too long.

b. He thinks it could be more exciting. c. He doesn’t like it at all. d. He likes it, but not very much. 4. a. He doesn’t know how to play chess. b. He doesn’t like playing chess very much. c. He can’t play chess well. d. He’s a good chess player.

5. a. He was a good football player in high school.

b. He kept track of the football players and games when he was in high school. c. He shows no interest in football now.

d. He’s busy playing golf as well as football now. Script:

1. W: I like playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. What about you? M: Well, tennis is my favorite sport. Q: Which sport does the man like?

2. W: You don’t like boxing very much, do you? M: It’s far from being my kind of sport. Q: What does the man mean?

3. W: I think yesterday’s football game was quite exciting. What about you, John? M: You said it. But it was a bit long.

Q: What does the man think about the football game? 4. W: Do you like to play chess?

M: I like the game, but I don’t play it often enough. I’m afraid I’m not a very

good chess player. Q: What does the man mean?

5. M: I knew the names of all the football players and the dates of all the games in

my high school days. But recently I have failed to keep up with football. W: Now you’re busy with your golf games.

Q: What do you know about the man from the conversation?

Unit 2 Food and Drinks

Part A

Listening Strategy

Listening “Between the Lines”

People do not always say directly what they mean. Very often, we have to listen “between the lines”. The English language offers many ways for people to imply, rather than directly state, their meaning. To find out what a speaker really means, we can rely on such things as the context, the meaning of an idiom, and the intonation used. For example, if someone says “I have an essay to write” in answer to an invitation to go somewhere, we can infer from the context that he

cannot accept the invitation. And if someone says “Andrew passed with flying colors” in reply to an inquiry about how Andrew did on a test, we can infer from the meaning of the idiom “to pass with flying colors” that Andrew did very well on the test. Often, intonation also helps to reveal the real meaning of a message. For example, “He is very clever” said with an ironic tone means just the opposite.

You are going to hear eight short conversations between two speakers. Listen carefully and write down “Yes” or “No” to each of the following questions.

1. Q: Does the woman enjoy the food in that restaurant?


2. Q: Is the man satisfied with the restaurant’s service? No 3. Q: Do the children like the cake? 4. Q: Does the man like chicken best? 5. Q: Does the woman like the wine? 6. Q: Does John want a soda? 7. Q: Does the man like the fish?

No No

Yes No Yes

8. Q: Will Sue eat out with the man tonight? No Script:

1. M: Have you ever been to that big restaurant opposite the school gate? W: Yes, many times. Whenever my friends come to visit me, I’ll take them there to eat.

2. W: Is there something wrong, sir?

M: My wife and I have been kept waiting for nearly an hour for our meal. 3. W: Where is the cake I made this morning?

M: We ate it, mom. Can you make another one for us? 4. W: I hear you like chicken very much. M: Next to beef.

5. M: Have you tried this wine before?

W: No, never. It’s my first time, but it’s really to my taste. 6. M: John, do you want a soda?

W: Soda? I think it tastes like medicine. 7. W: Why, the fish is left almost untouched. M: Well, it would be good if it were less salty. 8. M: Hi, Sue, would you like to eat out tonight?

W: Oh, I’d really like to, but my sister may come to visit me this evening. Part B

Pre-listening Task

Questions for Discussion

You are going to talk about food and drinks. Read the following questions and discuss them with your partner. 1. Where do you usually have your meals? What do you think of the food there?

2. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and supper?

3. Do you sometimes eat out? What kind of place do you like to go to? 4. What is your favorite food / dish / drink? 5. How do you like health food? Demo:

4. What is your favorite food? (Why do you like it?)

I am not picky about food and it is hard for me to decide which food I like most. Meat, bread, vegetables, fruit, fish …, I like them all. It can be said that my favorites change with the season. For example, in spring, my favorite food includes vegetables and fruit. I like them because they are tasty, nutritious and easy to digest.

Additional Question for Discussion

Are there any differences or similarities between Chinese table manners and Western table manners? Demo:

Chinese table manners are different from Western table manners in several aspects. One example is that, to show kindness and hospitality (好客), many Chinese would put food with their own chopsticks (筷子) onto their guests’ bowls or plates even though the guests indicate they do not want the food or so much of it.

However, very few Westerners would do this. They would ask their guests to help themselves to the food they like.

Language Focus

Here are some sentences and structures that you might find useful in discussing the above questions. ? I usually have meals at the school canteen. The food there is not expensive /

good / delicious / not bad.

? There is always a variety of things to choose from / little choice. ? I sometimes eat out at a fast food restaurant / snack bar for a change. ? Hamburgers and French fries are my favorites.

? I don’t like fast food. It’s junk food and has little body-building nutrition. ? I like fast food a lot. I know it’s not very nutritious but it tastes good. ? I prefer health food, which is rich in vitamins and minerals and low in calories. ? I’d prefer to go to a restaurant where the food is good, even though it costs


? I like / fancy / crave for / can’t stand / hate hot and spicy food / sweet and

sour dishes.

? This dish is delicious / tasteless / too salty / awful.

? For breakfast, I usually have meat stuffed buns (肉包) and soybean milk (豆奶) /

milk and two slices of whole-wheat bread / porridge and pancakes / instant noodles.

? For lunch, I have rice with one meat dish and one vegetable dish or vegetable


? I occasionally have dumplings / noodles / fried rice for lunch / supper. ? I’m a vegetarian (素食者) and I like many kinds of vegetables, especially

greens and mushrooms.

Listening Tasks

What about Dining Out?

Word Bank

heavy a. (of food) rather solid and difficult to digest 难以消化的 skip

v. to intentionally miss 故意略去;有意不去

sushi n. a Japanese dish consisting of small balls or rolls of vinegar-flavored

cold rice served with a garnish of vegetables, egg, or raw seafood 寿司(做成丸状或卷状的冷米饭,拌有醋,常配以蔬菜、鸡蛋、生海鲜等菜肴)


Peter: Hi, Kate.

Kate: Hi, Peter. How have you been? Peter: Oh, OK, I guess. And you? Kate:

Not too bad. We haven’t seen each other for a while, have we?

Peter: No, we haven’t. So that makes me ask. Do you have any plan for this Saturday?

Kate: No, not yet, I don’t think so. Why?

Peter: What do you think about getting together and going out to dinner this weekend?

Kate: That would be great. Do you have any particular place in mind?

Peter: Well, I think I’d like to eat something that’s not too heavy. I’ve been

eating a little too much lately.

Kate: Me too.

Peter: I love Italian food, but maybe we should skip that this time. They always

seem to serve so much food in Italian restaurants, and you end up eating more than you wanted to.

Kate: Chinese food would be good.

Peter: Yes, or maybe some Japanese sushi. That style uses a lot of natural flavors,

and not much oil or cream or heavy sauces.

Kate: Yes, either of those choices would be good. Let’s just meet on Saturday

night, and decide then where to eat.

Peter: That’s fine by me.

Language and Culture Notes 1. Background information

In large cities such as New York and London, you can always find different styles of cuisine. And you have a variety of choices as to what to eat, from French food, Italian food, Chinese food, Japanese food, and Mexican food, to Malaysian

or Thai food. Italian cuisine uses a lot of tomato sauce, cheese, and cream, and its food is more on the heavy side. Pizza and pasta (for example, spaghetti and macaroni) are popular with diners. Our own Chinese cuisine is noted for its combination of color, flavor and smell, and Sichuan-style spicy food and Chinese snacks are much favored by foreigners for their delicious taste. Japanese cuisine lays great emphasis on artistic presentation of its dishes. Compared to Italian and Chinese cuisine, the Japanese style of cooking is probably lighter. It uses a lot of raw food, especially raw fish, all kinds of seafood, and soy sauce with less oil and fat.

2. for a while for quite some time

3. Do you have any particular place in mind?

Do you want to go to any particular restaurant to eat? “Do you have any particular … in mind?” can be used for various situations. For example, “Do you have any particular place / movie / idea / plan / book, etc. in mind?” 4. natural flavors

the original tastes of food, without being altered by sauces or seasonings 5. That’s fine by me.

This is an informal way to show agreement to some suggestion, meaning “I like that” or “I have no objection to that”. Exercise 1

Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences. 1. Peter and Kate haven’t seen each other for a while. 2. Kate doesn’t have any plans for this Saturday.

3. Peter suggests to Kate that they have dinner together during the weekend. 4. Peter loves Italian food, but he thinks they serve too much food in Italian restaurants.

5. Both Peter and Kate like Chinese food and Japanese food.

Exercise 2

Listen to the conversation again and write down answers to the following questions. 1. What does Peter say about Japanese food?

It uses natural flavors, not much oil or cream or heavy sauces. 2. When and where will Peter and Kate have dinner together?

They will have dinner on Saturday either at a Chinese or a Japanese restaurant.

Speaking Tasks

Communicative Function: Ordering a Meal at a Restaurant Inquiries Waiter / Waitress Would you like to order now? Responses Customer Yes. I’d like / I’ll have … May I take your order? Are you ready to order? How would you like it cooked? Rare, medium or well done? Would you care for a drink before dinner? Would you like something to drink? Anything to drink? Customer Can you bring us the menu? Can we see the menu? Do you have any recommendations? What are your specials?

Medium, please. A glass of red wine, please. Pepsi, please. A large Coke, please. Waiter / Waitress Yes, I’ll be right with you. Yes, here you are. Yes. Today’s specials are … Communicative Function: Buying a Meal at a School Canteen or a Fast Food Restaurant Counter Hand Can I help you? What do you want? What are you going to have? What can I get you? Customer I’d like a cheeseburger, an order of fries and a chocolate shake. I’ll have poached eggs and pancakes. I’ll try a chicken sandwich. A bowl of dumplings. To eat here or to go? I’ll eat here. For here or to go? Do you want something to drink? Anything else? That’ll be 16.50. To go. A small Coke / Orange juice, please. That’s all. How much is that? Here’s 20 yuan. Here’s your change. Thank you.

Additional Vocabulary shrimp and fresh mushroom (蘑菇虾仁) home-style bean curd (家常豆腐) sliced pork with green pepper (青椒肉片) scrambled eggs with tomato (番茄炒蛋) deep fried beef steak (炸牛排) Beijing duck (北京烤鸭) mixed fried noodles (什锦炒面) spring rolls (春卷) shrimp dumplings (虾仁饺子) beef noodles (牛肉面) rice noodles (米粉) rice served with meat and vegetables (盖浇饭) (chicken / beef) hamburger (strawberry / chocolate / vanilla) ice cream milk shake (奶昔)

fruit sundae (水果圣代冰淇淋) French fries (法式炸土豆条) mashed potato (土豆泥) salad apple pie chicken nuggets (鸡块) chicken wing chicken leg fruit juice Coca-Cola (black / green / iced) tea coffee Pepsi (百事可乐) 7 Up (七喜) Sprite (雪碧)

Listen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner. Conversation 1

(At the school canteen) A: What a crowd!

B: This is the worst time. The morning classes are just over. Everybody is hungry

and rushes here to have lunch.

A: That’s true. I’m starving and I can’t wait. I’d rather not stand in a long line. B: Why don’t we have some fried noodles?

A: Noodles are sold at No. 2 Box. No queue there, you see. B: That’s great.

(At No. 2 Box) Counter hand: What can I get you? A: B:

One plate of fried noodles, please. Make it two.

Counter hand: OK. Two plates of fried noodles. Anything else? A:

How much is the tomato soup?

Counter hand: It’s free. It goes with the noodles. A: B:

I see. (To B) Do you want any soup? Yes.

A: (To Counter hand) Two bowls of soup, please.

Conversation 2

(At a fast food restaurant) Counter hand: What can I do for you?

Customer: I’ll have one order of chicken nuggets and a chicken sandwich.

Counter hand: Anything to drink?

Customer: A small Sprite. No ice, please. Counter hand: Okay. For here or to go? Customer: For here.

Conversation 3

(At a Chinese restaurant) Waitress: Are you ready to order?

A: Do you have any recommendations?

Waitress: Yes. The Sichuan-style crispy whole fish is very good. It’s today’s special. A: B:

Mary, would you like to try that? I hear it’s very good.

Why not? And I’d like shrimp in black bean sauce, too. It’s my favorite.

Waitress: Okay. Anything else?

A: What about some vegetables, Mary? B: Yes. How about spinach? A:

Spinach is fine with me.

Waitress: Anything to drink? A: B:

Yes. I’d like one Bud Light, please. What’ll you have, Mary? Orange juice, please.

Waitress: One Bud Light and one orange juice. Is that right? A:



Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions above in your conversations where appropriate. 1. It is noontime. You are at the school canteen. Practice buying and selling a meal at the canteen with your partner.

2. You and your friend are at a Chinese restaurant / an American fast food restaurant. Practice ordering / getting a meal. One will be the waiter / waitress and the other the customer. Part C

Test Your Listening

A Conversation

Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions. 1. What is the relationship between the two speakers? a. Classmates. b. Co-workers. c. Waiter and diner. d. Strangers.

2. Where does the conversation take place? a. At McDonald’s.

b. At Kentucky Fried Chicken. c. At an Italian restaurant. d. At Pizza Hut. 3. What will they order? a. Pizza, salad and iced water. b. Soup, hamburger and coffee. c. Sandwich, spaghetti and red wine.

d. Spaghetti, salad, coffee, Coke and iced water. Script:

A: Well, here we are, not too crowded.

B: Great! Let’s order quickly so we can chat a little. A: OK. What are you in the mood for?

B: Something light. I had a huge breakfast and I’m still full. A: There are three salads. Or you could have soup and a sandwich. B: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.

A: No, actually I ate out last night. We had pizza at Pizza Hut, then a late snack at

Kentucky Fried Chicken.

B: Oh, dear. Well, maybe you should have a salad.

A: Yes, I think so. Look, the daily special is spaghetti. That sounds good. B: Oh, the prices are great too. I’ll have that as well. A: Now let’s decide on drinks.

B: I’ll just have coffee and a glass of iced water. A: Italian food needs red wine, you know. B: But we have to go back to work. A: OK, a Coke for me then.

B: Here comes the waitress. Let me order first.

Unit 3 Weather

Part A

Listening Strategy

Listening for Important Details

Besides understanding the main idea of a listening text, we often find it necessary to grasp the important details as well. What counts as important details depends on the kind of information we want. Generally speaking, if we are listening to the narration of an event, we need to sharpen our ears not only for what happened, but also when and where, how and why it happened. In listening to a weather report, on the other hand, the important details we should watch out for are the current weather conditions, temperature, and weather outlook.

You’re going to hear two short passages about weather. While listening, pay attention to such details as the weather conditions, temperature, weather outlook, damage caused by bad weather and so on, and write them down in note form. Then complete the exercises in your book.

1. a. General weather conditions for today: Fine and pleasant. b. Temperature: High: 18 °C (64 °F) c. Weather outlook:

Mostly cloudy with heavy showers moving in from the west. 2. a. When did the storm start and how long did it last? It started around 8 p.m. and lasted for about three hours. b. How damaging was the storm?

It caused four deaths and serious damage including a widespread power failure. Script:

1. The weather today: a fine day is in store nearly everywhere, with the best of the sunshine in southern and central areas of Britain. A pleasant day, then, with long sunny periods developing. There will be light winds with a maximum temperature of 18 degrees Celsius, 64 degrees Fahrenheit.

Look at the outlook for the next few days: it will become mostly cloudy with heavy showers moving in from the west.

2. A storm in Changchun, capital of Northeast China’s Jilin Province, claimed four lives on Sunday. The storm lasted about three hours from around 8 p.m. The winds reached speeds of over a hundred miles an hour, causing serious damage and a widespread power failure. Part B

Pre-listening Task

Questions for Discussion

You are going to talk about weather and weather forecasts. Read the following questions and discuss them with your partner. 1. What’s the weather like now?

2. What’s the weather forecast for today? 3. How do you get weather information?

4. What kind of climate do you like or dislike? 5. Which season do you like best? Why? Demo:

4. What kind of climate do you like or dislike?

I like the climate of Shenyang City in the northern part of China. In spring it’s neither too hot nor too cold, with the temperature between 40-50 degrees Fahrenheit. The summer there is cool and pleasant. In the fall the leaves change

colors with the temperature around 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit. Perhaps the winter there is the best time, for the scenery is gorgeous. The snow is like powder covering the ground everywhere and that makes it an amazing place for skiing and snowboarding.

Additional Question for Discussion

Do you think it is possible or impossible to give accurate weather forecasts? Demo:

I think it is too much to ask for accurate weather forecasts at present. There are still quite a few things about the weather that we just don’t understand. We have to further develop meteorological (气象的) science and related technologies. There is a long way to go before we can hope to have very accurate weather forecasts.

Language Focus

Here are some sentences and structures that you might find useful in discussing the above questions. ? It’s fine / sunny / warm / rainy / cloudy / snowy / windy / freezing / foggy /

dry / chilly today.

? The air is close / oppressive.

? A storm is coming up / building up / in the making. ? It’s raining off and on / cats and dogs.

? The rain / snow has stopped / let up. ? It’s going to cloud over.

? It’s going to be a cold day with damaging northwesterly winds / hot and

humid day with a high of 36 degrees Centigrade. ? It seems to be clearing up.

? The weather forecast says it’s going to be clear and sunny / muggy and

humid / cold and wet.

? The high will be … and the low will be …

? The temperature will reach a high of ... in the afternoon / drop to a low of … at


? I often tune in to the radio or TV / read newspapers /go online to check on

weather conditions.

? I like mild / warm / cool / dry climate.

? I dislike / cannot stand hot / humid / wet / very dry / bitterly cold climate. ? I like spring best. In spring the weather is mild and pleasant, and nature is at its


? Summer is my favorite season because I like swimming / enjoy watching the

glorious sunrise and sunset on a summer day.

? I like autumn very much because I love watching the change of color in leaves /

the weather is just right, neither cold nor hot / it is the season of harvest. ? Winter is the season of snow and ice. In snowy weather I can go skiing in the

mountains / like to play throwing snowballs with my friends.

to be in for a thunderstorm / heavy rain / snow, etc.

Listen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner. Conversation 1

A: What lovely weather we’re having! Nice and cool. B: Yeah, I really like this kind of weather. A: What’s the temperature today?

B: The high is 26 and the low is 20. The weather forecast says the good weather is

likely to last, too. A: I hope so.

Conversation 2

A: It seems to be clearing up. All the dark clouds are gone and the sun is coming out.

B: Yes. Let’s just hope it stays this way. I hate rainy days.

A: I think it will continue to be fine for the next few days. Anyhow, that’s what the

weatherman says.

B: That’s great. Let’s go for a walk, shall we? A: All right.

Conversation 3

A: It’s hot and humid, isn’t it? I can hardly breathe. B: Yeah. I feel suffocating too.

A: Are summers always this hot here? It’s almost like in the desert. B: Yes, especially in July and August. A: Well, what did the weatherman say? B: He said another heat wave is on the way. A: Oh no! I hope not.

B: How about going out to the beach to cool off?

A: Good idea. Maybe it’s the only place for this sort of weather.


Now make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions above in your conversations where appropriate. 1. Ask your friend about today’s weather forecast. Then say something about what kind of weather you like.

2. Tell your friend that you hope the good weather will last. Then suggest going somewhere to enjoy yourselves. Part C

Test Your Listening

Short Conversations

You’re going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 1. a. Snowy and windy. b. Cold and rainy. c. Snowy and icy. d. Windy and rainy. 2. a. It will get warmer soon. b. It may get even colder. c. This is the coldest winter ever.

d. The weather has never been so bad before. 3. a. The man is sure the weather will be fine soon.

b. According to the forecast the weather will be fine soon.

c. If it keeps raining, they will cancel what they have planned to do. d. If it rains hard, they will postpone what they have planned to do. 4. a. It’s cold in New York now. b. It’s very hot in New York now.

c. The woman thinks New York and Beijing have similar weather. d. The man is going to visit New York.

5. a. They’d better change their mind about playing tennis tomorrow. b. They shouldn’t change their plan. c. They can play tennis in the morning. d. They won’t play tennis long.


1. W: It’s been freezing for the last few days.

M: Yes. And the forecast says there will be more snow next week, accompanied

by strong winds.

Q: What will the weather be like next week?

2. M: We haven’t had such a severe winter for a long time, have we? W: No, and the forecast says it’s going to get worse before it warms up. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 3. W: What if it rains hard? What are we going to do?

M: I think it will clear up soon. But if it keeps raining, the whole thing will have to

be cancelled.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 4. M: How was the weather when you left New York?

W: It was very much like the weather in Beijing. You don’t have to take a lot of clothes.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

5. W: If it is this hot tomorrow, we may have to give up the idea of playing tennis in

the afternoon.

M: The weather forecast says it will cloud over by noon. Q: What does the man mean?

Unit 4 Music

Part A

Listening Strategy

Listening for Signal Words

The ability to identify signal words can help us follow the thread of the speaker’s thought. People often use signal words or phrases like “but”, “yet”, “on the contrary”, “however”, “because”, “therefore” and “as a result” to add a comment that contrasts with what has just been said or to signal what they are about to say is the result or cause of their previous remarks. Similarly, words and phrases like “for example”, “most importantly”, “first”, “second”, “finally” and “then” usually signal that the speaker is going to provide an illustration or emphasize a certain point or discuss several aspects of a certain topic. So we should pay attention to signal words in listening as they will prepare us for what is going to be said.

You’re going to hear four short passages. Listen carefully and write down the signal word(s) in each passage. Then choose a, b, c or d to indicate the function of the signal word(s) used in each of the passages.

The signal words in the passages you have heard may perform the following functions:

