Key to Exercises

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Exercises for Unit 1

Part I Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center.

注意 : 此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。 1. A. She is working in the city. B. Life in the suburbs is lonely. C. Jobs are easier to find in the city. D. It's less expensive living in .the city. 2. A. In a printing shop.

B. At a publishing house. C. At a bookstore. D. In a library.

3. A. The woman be more careful next time. B. They try to think of a solution. C. The woman find a spare key. D. They come downstairs. 4. A. Sending an e-mail. B. Working in an office. C. Talking on the phone. D. Doing spelling practice. 5. A. Buy something for the picnic. B. Go for a ride around town. C. Go shopping with the man. D. Have a picnic.

6. A. The woman misplaced her class permit for biology. B. The woman arrived for registration too early.

C. The woman missed registration for the- biology course. D. The woman got a wrong class permit.

7. A. The woman likes the weather in New York very much. B. The woman will stay in New York for a long time. C. The man is planning to visit New York. D. It's quite cold in New York now.

8. A. The old lady sitting next to the couple likes toys very much.

B. An old lady took the couple's suitcase for her own. C. The couple's suitcase was stolen in the restaurant. D. The man forgot to put the toys in their suitcase.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just hear d.. 9. A. The teacher didn't tell the truth.

B. The math teacher calculated wrong score.

C. She is on the honorable roll. D. The calculator made a mistake. 10. A. Go to the teacher directly.

B. Accept the \C. Never let others know about the mistake. D. Don't take score too seriously. 11. A. Classmates.

B. A student and a teacher. C. A daughter and a father. D. A TV host and a guest.

Questions 12 to 15 α re based on the conversation you have just heard. 12. A. Having the ability to speak at least three languages.

B. Being able to work at night. C. Being over 20 years old.

D. Being able to work five days a week. 13. A. She cannot work on weekends.

B. She has difficulty finding references. C. She doesn't know how to write a resume. D. She can't attend the interview. 14. A. Personal data.

B. Educational background. C. Working experience.

D. The names of four references.

15. A. To ask a couple she lives with to write a letter.

B. To ask her teachers to write some recommendation letters. C. To ask her old bosses to write several letters. D. To use her old references.

Section B

Directions: I n this section, you will hear three short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. 注意 : 此部分试题请在答题卡 2 上作答。

Passage One

Questions 16 to 19 α re based on the passage you have just heard. 16. A. They hire only retired workers.

B. They each do jobs they are good at.

C. They close the hotel during low seasons. D. They employ as few workers as possible. 17. A. Staff training.

B. Book-keeping.

C. Cleaning and washing up.

D. Gardening and flower arranging.

18. A. They have their hotel beautifully decorated.

B. They provide delicious food.

C. They make their guests feel at home.

D. They give parties regularly for their visitors.

Passage Two

Questions 20 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard. 19. A. To withdraw his deposit. B. To cash a cheek. C. To rob the bank. D. To get his prize. 20. A. A radio announcer. B. A bank employee. C. A car mechanic. D. A movie actor. 21. A. They let him do what he wanted to.

B. They helped him find large bills. C. They pressed the alarm. D. They called the police.

22. A. He was afraid that he would be caught on the spot.

B. Large bills were not within his reach. C. The maximum sum allowed was $ 5,000.

D. He was limited by time and the size of his pockets.

Passage Three

Questions 23 to 25 α re based on the passage you have just heard. 23. A. A rescuer on the Golden Gate Bridge.

B. A professional diver. C. A telephone operator.

D. A guard on the Golden Bridge. 24. A. Someone has fallen off the bridge.

B. Someone on the bridge is being attacked. C. Someone is threatening to destroy the bridge.

D. Someone on the bridge is attempting to kill himself. 25. A. Call the mother to come right away. B. Try to communicate with them first. C. Help them to get out of their misery.

D. Remind them that they have children to take care of.

Section C

Direction: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 26 to 33 with the exact words as you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 34 to 36 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you are either use exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Mobility has always been one of the main (26)_________ of the Us civilization. Such geographic, sociological and (27)________ mobility was best (28)________ in the winning of the west and is still true today; the US citizen, unlike most Europeans, does not (29)________ to

change jobs or cities.

The (30)________of the automobile made this easier and in the late 1920’s, during the Great (31)________, whole families took to roads, looking for jobs.

Today, recent (32)_________ show a trend toward stabilization with the (33)_______ of recent immigrants-----but the pioneer and frontier spirit is still very much alive, (34)_________________________________________. On the outskirts(郊区) of big cities, (35)_____________________________________, but also satisfy a taste to change and novelty which is a basic characteristic of the US social fabric. This wandering (36)__________________________________ and is often pictured as necessary to the fulfillment of an individual’s fate or of a people’s destiny.

Part II. Vocabulary and Strcture

1. Although their ________ had been cut off, the men fought on to the bitter end.

A. menace B. drawback C. retreat D.danger 2. Here is the glove for my left hand, but where is the ________.

A. similarity B. same C. others D. companion 3. Poverty, disease and crime are common in the ________.

A. slums B. huts C. shelters D.cottages 4. ________ cabbage, the only other vegetables in the shop are eggplants and celery. A. Apart from B. Excluding C. Except D. Including

5. Ruth used to like Dick very much, but she ________ with him over some trifle and she hasn’t

spoken to him since then.

A. fell in B. fell out C. fell upon D. fell to

6. This misunderstanding can be avoided ________ everyone remembers that cheating is a

culturally relative matter.

A. only if B. if only C. as if D. even if 7. ________ his telephone number, so she didn’t know how to get in touch with him. A. She had forgotten B. Having forgotten C. Forgotten D. Forgetting

8. Confucianism emphasizes family ties, ________ Protestantism teaches individual responsibility. A. furthermore B. however C. whereas D. moreover 9. As a football player, he reached the ________ of his career in his early 20s. A. extreme B. glamour C. success D. peak 10. Many ________ involve promises to pay sums of money in the future.

A. contexts B. concepts C. contacts D. contracts

11. A serious lack of workers led factory owners to ________ the idea of employing women. A. exclude B. revive C. survive D. motivate 12. Passengers are required not to ________ the driver’s attention while the bus is moving. A. distract B. convert C. retreat D. attract

13. The jean company’s latest advertising ________ involves photographs of animals dressed up

as men.

A. priority B. sketch C. campaign D. obligation 14. We certainly hope that the program will ________ its difficulties and fulfill its aims. A. overwhelm B. overcome C. transcend D. abandon 15. In a(n) ________ outburst he accused me of dishonesty, disloyalty and indifference. A. critical B. emotional C. destructive D. occasional 16. He had been in the ocean for ten hours with waves ________ 133 feet more.

A. surging B. labeling C. excelling D. converging 17. At first we planted the flowers indoors and then ________ them to the garden.

A. transcended B. transferred C. transformed D. transplanted 18. This sort of music is too old-fashioned to ________ any longer.

A. appear B. applaud C. appease D. appeal 19. The system is ________, but it prepares children for the real society.

A. requesting B. demanding C. questioning D. defending 20. To succeed in a difficult task, ________.

A. persistence is needed B. you need a persistent nature C. one needs to be persistent D. persistence is what you need

Part III: Reading in Depth

If the salinity(含盐量)of ocean waters is analyzed,it is found to vary only slightly from place to place.Nevertheless,some of these small changes are impotant.There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity.One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation—conversion of liquid water to water vapour.In this manner,the salinity is increased,since the salts stay behind.If this is carried to the extreme,of course,white crystals of salt would be left behind; this, by the way,is how much of the table salt we use is actually obtained. The opposite of evaporation is precipitation(降水),such as rain,by which water is added to the ocean.Here the ocean is being diluted(冲淡)so that the salinity is decreased.This may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions whererivers flow into the ocean.Thus salinity may be increased by the substraction of the water by evaporation,or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation or runoff. Normally,in tropical regions where the sun is very strong,the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation.Similarly,in coastal regions where rivers dilute the sea,salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas. A third process by which salinity may be altered is associated with the formation and melting of sea ice.When seawater is frozen,the dissolved materials are left behind.In this manner,seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared.Of course,when this ice melts,it will tend to decrease the salinity of the surrounding water. In the Weddell Sea,of America,the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process,which increases the salinity of cold water.This heavy water sinks and is found in the deeper portions of the oceans of the world. 1. All of the following are processes that decrease salinity except ____. A.runoff B.evaporation C.melting D.precipitation 2. The salinity of the oceanic water is generally higher in ____.  A.tropical areas B.coastal regions  C.turbulent areas D.rainy regions

3. The Weddell Sea is mentioned in the passage to ____.

 A.give an example of coldwater salinity B.point out the location of deep waters  Antarctic waters with Arctic waters D.indicate that this body of water has salinity variations 4. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE,according to the passage?  A.Various factors combine to cause variations in the salinity of water.  B.As a result of the formation of ocean ice water salinity decreases. C.The salinity of the water near the bottom of the oceans is relatively high.  D.In coastal areas the ocean is diluted by rivers. 5. The major points discussed in the passage is ____. A.the subtraction of water B.the conversion of liquid water to water vapour C.the salinity of ocean water D.the effect of precipitation on the salinity of ocean water

Part IV: Fast Reading

Passage I

The American Character

When visitors from abroad undertake to describe the American character, the results are frequently puzzling to Americans.




There is, of course, no single pattern of American character any more than there is a single English or Turkish or Chinese character. Personality in America is further complicated by our diverse racial and origins, by successive waves of immigration from all parts of the world, by our regional diversities. It is complicated by several hundred varieties of religious beliefs with their varying impact on the believers. It is further diversified by the generation to which the person

belongs-first generation immigrant, second generation child of immigrants, and on down the line.

The temptation is strong to lump all Americans together. Yet those who look a little deeper are puzzled by the seeming contradictions in American life. It is true that Americans as a whole work hard. But they also play hard. They spend more time and money in traveling, camping, hunting, watching sports, drinking, smoking, going to movies, watching television and reading newspapers and magazines than any other people in the world. Yet they also spend more money on churches, social services, hospitals and all kinds of charities. They are always in a hurry, yet they spend more time relaxing.

Success as a Goal

One thing almost everyone is agreed on, including Americans, is that they place a very high valuation upon success. Success does not necessarily mean material rewards, but recognition of some sort-preferably measurable.

In history, there was the richness of opportunity in a land waiting to be settled. There was the lack of a settled society with fixed ranks and classes, so that a man was certain to rise through achievement. So not to strive, not to take advantage of the opportunities in such a world, not to succeed where success was so available-these things naturally became a sort of crime against the state. To develop the resources of a new country required energetic people, bent upon using their energies-not only for the rewards that would result to themselves, but even more important, to the community. Therefore, material success in the United States is not looked upon as selfish. Its results are seen to have commercial value.

A society which values competition so highly is inevitably an aggressive one, even though the laws carefully limit the forms aggression may take. It has a toughness which is good for the development of the economy. Since high respects are given to the successful, the rewards are high. Money is rarely cherished for itself in America; it is rather a symbol and a tool. As a man's status rises, the demands upon him also increase. He is expected to give generously to the hundreds of voluntary associations, which serve the community. Look at the Who's Who entry for any prominent businessman, and you are likely to find him involved in an amazing number of committees and associations organized for the public good.

Since there are no limits of class, there are, in theory, no limits to what he can achieve. As any boy can become President, striving is a moral obligation. Achievement, not class, is the standard by which men are judged. The real test is how far you climb from where you started.

Americans love work. It is meat and drink to them. In recent years they have learned how to play, but they make work of that too. If it's skiing, they throw themselves at it with an effort that would kill a horse. If it's a vacation, they travel at sixty miles an hour, pause only long enough to snap pictures, and then discover what it was they went to see when they get home and look at the photographs.

Americans like to be handy at all things. Nearly everyone knows how to use tools, make simple repairs to plumbing or electrical fixtures, refinish furniture or paint a wall. Far from being thought a disgrace if he performs these \how to perform them.

Along with this urge to be jack-of-all-trades goes a willingness to change from one occupation to another. It surprises no one in America when the banker's son becomes a farmer or vice versa. Or when a college professor shifts into industry, or a young man who starts out with a truck purchased on credit ends up running an enterprise with fleets of trucks spanning several states.

What is an American?

\make you out,\to the American, \you are very simple or very deep.\

conclude that Americans are childish. But one cannot accurately call one society mature, another immature. Each has its own logic.

What is it then that makes Americans recognizable wherever they go? Free from the social restraints which would make them act very differently at home, they are bent on making the most of this freedom. Americans carry with them an appearance, which is more a result of attitude than of clothing. This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness, a somewhat cheerful optimism and an inquisitiveness(好打听别人的事情) which look to the European like naivety. Also a liking for facts and figures, and above all a desire to be friendly.

To sum up, American characteristics are the product of response to an unusually competitive situation combined with unusual opportunity.

Americans are a peculiar people. They work like mad, then give away much of what they earn. They play until they are exhausted, and call this a vacation. They love to think of themselves as tough-minded businessmen, yet they are pushovers(易于征服的人) for any hard luck story. They have the biggest of nearly everything including government, motorcars and debts, yet they are afraid of bigness. They also have the most traffic deaths, the most waste, the most racketeering(敲诈勒索).

There is, of course, no typical American. But if you added them all together and then divided by 226,000,000 they would look something like what this essay has tried to portray.?


1. Unlike the English, Turkish, or Chinese, Americans don't have a uniform pattern of character.

2. Americans attach great importance to success though they don't equate success with materials rewards.

3. Generally speaking, Americans don't think there is anything wrong with personal material success.

4. Americans like skiing better than any other physical activity.

5. People in different societies have different patterns of character. There is no way to decide which society is superior.

6.Americans attribute the forming of their characteristics to the influence of different cultures.

7. From the passage, we can come to a conclusion that there is little or no glory attached to being born wealthy or privileged in the United States

8. Americans spend _____________on entertainment than people elsewhere in the world.

9. It is _______________that makes Americans recognizable wherever they go.

10. Besides na?ve, Europeans use another word to describe Americans. The word is \

Part V. Writing

Directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Psychological Problems among College Students

You should write at least 150 words, and base your composition on the outline given below: 1. 目前很多大学生存在着较严重的心理问题。 2. 造成这些心理问题的原因。 3. 应该采取什么措施来解决这些问题。

Key to Exercises for Unit 1

Test 13 Listening

Section A (CET-4, 98-6) 01:00

1. W: I’m thinking of going to Austin(奥斯汀) for a visit. Do you think it’s worth seeing?

M: Well, I wish I had been there. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? A. The man is planning a trip to Austin. B. The man has not been to Austin before. C. The man doesn't like Austin.

D. The man has been to Austin before.

2. M: It?s so hot today. I simply can?t work. I wish there were a fan in this room. W: So do I. I?ll fall asleep(睡着了) if I stay here any longer. Q: What are they complaining about? A. The size of the room. B. Long working hours. C. The hot weather. D. The fan in the room.

3. M: Excuse me , I have a ticket for the 6 o?clock flight to New York. But I?m afraid I can?t make it(及时抵达). Is there a seat available for tomorrow morning?

W: Let me see. I?m sorry. All the morning flights have been booked up(订完了). The earliest we can get for you is the two o?clock flight in the afternoon. Q: What does the conversation tell us? A. The man has changed his destination. B. The man is returning his ticket.

C. The man is flying to New York tomorrow morning. D. The man can't manage to go to New York as planned.

4. W: Jack, I can?t find Volume(书卷,卷,册) Ten. Could you check for me who borrowed it?

M: Here it is, on the upper shelf, next to Volume Two. Q: Why can?t the woman find the book? A. It is difficult to identify. B. It has been misplaced. C. It is missing.

D. It has been borrowed by someone.

5. M: Have you a table for four? W: Certainly, Sir. A corner table or would you rather be near the window? Q: What is the man doing? A. Looking for a timetable. B. Buying some furniture. C. Reserving a table. D. Window shopping.

6. W: It?s been very cold in the past two days.

M: We haven?t seen the worst of it yet. More snow is forecasted (预测, 预报) next week accompanied by (伴随着) strong winds. Q: What will the weather be like? A. Cold and windy.

B. Snow will be replaced by strong winds. C. It will get better. D. Rainy and cold.

7. M: I?d like to buy a copy of Professor Franklin?s book On Sea Shells.

W: I?m sorry. Ms. That book has been out of print for some time now. Q: What does the man say about the book? copy: (书,报纸等的) 一本,一册,一份

e.g. a copy of ?The Times? 一份《泰晤士报》

The book sold 20 000 copies within two weeks. 这本书在两周内销售了2万册。 A. It is no longer available.

B. It has been reprinted four times.

C. The store doesn't have it now, but will have it soon. D. The information in the book is out of date

8. M: Did Henry paint the whole house himself?

W: He had it painted, because he doesn?t like climbing ladders. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

have+名词(代词)+done: 一般指让某事由某人去做,这里的have有“让”,“请”的意思。 They decided to have the old house rebuilt. A. Henry doesn't like the color.

B. Someone else painted the house. C. There was no ladder in the house. D. Henry painted the house himself.

Conversation One 04:55 Key words:


M: This is it. I know that it is smaller than you wanted, but it is one of the nicest apartments in the building.

W: Does it have three bedrooms?

M: No. There are two. The master bedroom is quite spacious though. Maybe you could let the children share the larger room, and you and your husband use the smaller one. W: I suppose that I could do that.

M: A three-bedroom apartment will be difficult to find.

W: Yes, I know. Believe me, I have been looking for over a week. The few three-bedroom apartments that I have found are either extremely expensive or the owner won?t allow children as tenants(房客).

M: Well, the owner allows two children in this apartment complex(公寓大楼). W: Aren?t you the owner?

M: No. (9)I am the manager. I live here, too, on the first floor of this building.

W: You said that the rent(租金) would be $350 a month. Does that include any of the utilities(公用事业)?

M: Yes. It includes gas. Your furnace and stove are gas, so , as you can imagine, your other utilities, electric and water, are quite inexpensive.

W: This sounds better and better. (11)But before I sign a lease (租约) I would like my husband to see it.

M: Why not stop by with him this evening?

W: How late are you open? He doesn?t get off work until five.

M: Come by at six. I will still be in the office. (10)I am sure that you are eager to move from the hotel, and if we get the paper work out of the way(结束,处理完) tonight, you can move in tomorrow.

W: Oh, that would be wonderful.

9. Who is the man in this conversation?

A. A tenant. B. A lease office manager. C. A newspaper editor. D. A real estate agent. 10. Where is the woman living now? A. In an apartment with two bedrooms. B. In a house in the suburb. C. In a hotel room

D. In a room on the first floor of the building. 11. Why didn?t the woman sign a lease?

A. Because the price for the apartment is much too expensive.

B. Because the owner of the apartment doesn't accept children as tenants. C. Because she and the man can't agree on the use of certain utilities. D. Because she would like to have her husband's opinion.

Conversation Two 07:40

W: Do you find it difficult to wake up in the morning?

M: No, not really. I seem to wake up earlier and earlier. (er) But I do have some trouble in getting up. W: Hmm.

M: (14) I usually get up at about (um) 6:30, and I do about an hour?s work till the paper(报纸) arrives.

W: What paper do you read?

M: The Guardian, the Financial Times, oh and sometimes the Daily Telegraph. W: What time do you have breakfast?

M: Oh about a quarter to eight. I usually listen to the 8 o?clock news while I?m drinking my third cup of tea. Then, after the news, I go and have my shower and get dressed. By then the children have left the bathroom free. W: You don?t have breakfast together?

M: Oh, no, not usually. We seem to get up at different times. Christine—that?s my wife—and I always have breakfast together, (13)but the children are always late down. W: What time do they start school?

M: Nine o?clock, I think. No, nine fifteen. Yes, that?s right. Anyway, I drive them to school on my way to work. We leave home at about (er) a quarter to nine. It?s always a great rush(匆忙,

仓促). One of them always forgets something. So, it?s a bit of a panic, really. I get to the office at about 9:30 and park(v.停车) the car in the office car park(停车场). W: Well, (12)thank you for this interview.

M: Not at all. It is not very interesting, I?m afraid.

12. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Doctor and patient. B. Friends.

C. TV host and guest speaker. D. Interviewer and interviewee. 13. Why does not the man have breakfast together with his children? A. His children always get up later than he does.

B. He prefers having a casual and light breakfast with just his wife.

C. His children always leave for school in a rush and have no time for breakfast. D. He has to wait for his children to finish using the bathroom.

14. When does the man receive his delivery of newspaper in the morning? A. At 6: 00. B. At 6: 30. C. At 7: 00. D. At 7: 30. 15. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the man? A. He usually reads a variety of newspapers.

B. He doesn't take a shower until he finishes the 8 0' clock news C. He finds it hard to sleep at night.

D. He gets to his office after he drops his children at the school.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure

1-5 CDAAB 6-10 AACDD 11-15 BACBB 16-20 ADDBC

Part III Reading in Depth


本文讨论的是海水的含盐量。本文主要讲述了引起海水含盐量变化的三个基本过程,一是用蒸发的方法去除水分,二是与蒸发法相反的方法——降水,三是海冰的形成和融化。 ?1. 答案B。

?【参考译文】 除了蒸发,下面所有的过程都使含盐量减少。 ?【试题分析】 本题要求了解阐述文章主旨的事实和细节。

?【详细解答】 什么因素不使含盐量下降呢?这要求我们留意文中对含盐量高低变化起作用的因素的细节描述。文中第二段末句总结了影响含盐量的因素:蒸发(evaporation)使含盐量增加,降水(precipitation)和河水流入(runoff)使含盐量降低,后文中提到融冰(melting)也使含盐量降低。因此,这一题很明显应选B项。 ?2. 答案A。

?【参考译文】 热带地区的海水含盐是一般要高些。 ?【试题分析】 本题要求我们了解相关的细节。

?【详细解答】 文中第三段具体描述了含盐量高低不同的几个地区,其中热带地区含盐量高而沿海岸地区含盐量低。因此这一题显然应选A“热带地区”。 ?3. 答案A。

?【参考译文】 本文中提到Weddell海是为了举例说明冷水含盐量。 ?【试题分析】 本题要求我们了解相关的细节。

?【详细解答】 文中提到Weddell海是在叙述了第三种改变含盐量的过程之后,这一种改变主要与冰的形成与融化有关。海水结成冰后含盐量升高,冰融化后含盐量又变低。随后,文中以Weddell海为例,说明海水结冰后,冰冷的海水含盐量增高。所以,这一题显然应该选A项。 ?4. 答案B。

?【参考译文】 根据本文,下面哪一句不真实? ?【试题分析】 本题考查对文章的主旨以及相关细节。

?【详细解答】 选不正确的一项也要求我们对全文有充分的理解,并能记住有关细节,这样才能判断对错。A项:“不同的因素结合在一起改变了水的含盐量。”文中的确提到了各种不同的因素,如蒸发等去除水分的方法和如降水等增加水分的方法一起使世界各地水的含盐量有所不同。所以A项正确。B项“海水结冰的结果是使水的含盐量下降了。”而文中却提到海水结冰后,冰下的水含盐量增高。因此B项是不正确的,应选B项。C项:“靠近海洋底部的水的含盐量相对高一些。”文中第五段提到海水结冰后,冰下的水浓度高,所以下沉到海洋更深的部分。因此可以推出海洋靠近底部的海水的含盐量相对高一些。C项是正确的。不选C。D项:“在沿海岸的地区,海洋被河水冲淡了。”这在文中第二段中有明确的表述。文中写到“增长的水会冲淡海洋。这可能发生在雨林地区或海洋地区,在沿海地区河水冲进海洋。”也就是说在沿海岸地区,海洋被河水冲淡了。所以D是正确的,不应选D。 ?5. 答案C。

?【参考译文】 本文讲述的要点是海水的含盐量。

?【试题分析】 本题主要考查考生对全文的理解和中心的概括。

【详细解答】 此文主要围绕海水的含盐量进行叙述,列举了三种不同情况下含盐量的增减。因此最合适的答案为C。而A“水分的去除或减少”,B“水由液态转为固态”,和D“降水对海水含盐量的影响,”都只是文中叙述的一个方面,而不是主要观点。

Part IV Fast Reading

Passage I

1.答案为 N. 考生在文中可以找到\any more than there is a single English or Turkish or Chinese character.\句子的意思是\当然,正如英国人、土耳其人、中国人都不是只有一种性格模式一样,美国人的性格也不是单一的。\题目的意思是\和英国人、土耳其人、中国人不同的是,美国人的性格不是完全一样的。\


2.答案为 Y. 从题目中确定题眼attach great importance to success和don't equate success with material rewards。这两处分别对应原文的place a very high valuation upon success 和success does not necessarily mean material rewards。

3.答案为 Y. 逻辑判断题。原文中提到\looked upon as selfish.\就是\的意思

4.答案为 NG. 逻辑判断题。文章以滑雪为例,表明美国人已经学会玩,而且很投入,但这并不能说明美国人最喜欢滑雪运动。

5.答案为 Y. 这是对原文\Each has its own logic.\所做的paraphrase。题目和原句表述一致。

6. 答案为 N. 细节题。从原文\characteristics are the product of response to an unusually competitive situation combined with unusual opportunity.\一句,可以知道美国人的性格是由于特殊的竞争环境和特殊的机会而形成的。

7.答案为 Y. 逻辑判断题。从文中的\limits of class\和 \boy can become President\可以得出题目中的结论。

8.答案为more time and money. 细节题。从文章中可以找到\in traveling, camping, hunting, watching sports, drinking, smoking, going to movies, watching television and reading newspapers and magazines than any other people in the world.\题中的entertainment是对美国人喜欢的娱乐活动的概括。

9.答案为their/the freedom. 细节题。从原文中\is it then that makes Americans recognizable wherever they go? Free from the social restraints which would make them act very differently at home, they are bent on making the most of this freedom.\可以找到相关信息

10.答案为childish. 词汇考查题。考生要知道na?ve的意思,并能推断出naivety是naive的名词形式,进而找出文中na?ve的同义词childish。

Part V Writing Example:

Psychological Problems among College Students

There is no denying the fact that psychological problems are becoming serious among college students. Reports are often heard that some college students committed suicide or murdered their roommates. Typical examples include the case of a Chinese student named Ma Jiajue and that of a Korean student studying in the U.S.

A number of factors may account for these young men and women’s troubles, but the following might the critical ones. First, as young adults, most of them are at the stage of personality

formation and are quite sensitive to their surroundings. Secondly, they are at a critical point of personal development and are facing pressure from various aspects: love, academy, job-seeking and so on. To make things worse, most of them are living off home and without their parents care and supervision.

In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First. It is essential that the channel of communication be kept open among students, between students and their class advisors as well as between students and their parents. Besides, psychological counseling should be enhanced and be proceeded to resolve the problems from the students in time. Only with these measures taken can we expect sound growth of college students. 提供:谢福霞,于雪萍,郑著运,支晓来,汪少飞

formation and are quite sensitive to their surroundings. Secondly, they are at a critical point of personal development and are facing pressure from various aspects: love, academy, job-seeking and so on. To make things worse, most of them are living off home and without their parents care and supervision.

In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. First. It is essential that the channel of communication be kept open among students, between students and their class advisors as well as between students and their parents. Besides, psychological counseling should be enhanced and be proceeded to resolve the problems from the students in time. Only with these measures taken can we expect sound growth of college students. 提供:谢福霞,于雪萍,郑著运,支晓来,汪少飞

