The Influence Of Advertisements

更新时间:2024-05-25 22:39:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


The Influence Of Advertisements To Our Daily Life A:It is the age of advertisement. Our life is full of advertisemens.

B:Right.Whenever we turn on the TV,look through a newspaper ,open the mailbox,or surf on the Internet,advertisements would immediately jump into our sight.

A:Yeah.People and firms advertise for all sorts of reasons.And advertisement has its advantages.They bring us a lot of conveniences. They can tell us what things are available and where to buy them,which can save us a lot of time.

B:Hmm.Large companies depend heavily on advertisement to make their products known.These companies play a major role in the development of sports in our country.Without them acting as sponsors we would not be able to stage international sporting events.

A:Also ,for an employer looking for workers,advertisement provides one of the most efficient methods of getting them.

B:As useful as it is,advertisements are sometimes abused by unscrupulous people.

A:On television,the abuse of advertisements is most apparent.It is annoying to watch ads before and during an interesting film or TV program.There are so many of them that we can’t bear sometimes. B:In addition,some advertisements are not very useful to the customers.As we know,quite a few advertisements overstate the

advantages of the products or use beautiful models who are actually not ralated to the products in order to lure the customers.

A:Yeah.Advertising feeds off human insecurities and makes us want to be like those charming people.Human nature makes us want to be popular and glamorous,we follow the lead ads give us.It is effective for advertisers to use human weaknesses to target consumption.

B:Hmm.As they make things so attractive that I sometimes buy things that I do not really need.

A:So do I.We should learn more about how to identify and analyse the fakes behind an advertisement.

B:Generally speaking,ads have become one of the most anthoritative voices speaking to us today.So governments should supervise the advertisements market so that customers’ rights can be guaranteed not to be infringed.

A:I agree.Let us be rational shoppers and be the master of ads instead of their slaves.

