全新版大学英语2(第二版) UNIT5 语言点

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Unit 5 True Height

The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.

—— Moliere

障碍越是巨大,逾越它也就越感到自豪。——莫里哀 When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.

—— Charles A. Beard


—— 查尔斯 ·A·比尔德 Detailed Reading

Ⅰ. Difficult Sentences

1. (LL. 8~9) It combines the grace of a gymnast with the strength of a body builder.

Translate the sentence into Chinese.


2. (LL. 16~20) He would be running sown a country road. As he raced between golden wheat

fields, he would…

Why is Michael’s dream of flying described in details?

(=Because Michael has a very deep impression about the dream. There are two evidence for that: 1) His mother read him numerous stories about flying when he was growing up. 2) He always dreamed of flying.)

3. (L. 21) Where he flew would always coincide with his mother’s stories.

Paraphrase the sentence.

(=In his dreams, he would always fly over those places described in his mother’s stories.)

4. (L. 23) His dad, on the other hand, was not a dreamer.

1. What is function of the phrase “on the other hand”?

(=The phrase is used for comparing different things or ideas.) 2. What can you infer from the phrase?

(=Michael’ s parents are totally different types of people and they play the different roles

in Michael’s success.)

5. (LL. 47~48) Nothing to be ashamed of, but Michael would not allow himself the thought of

not winning first place.

1. Paraphrase the first part of the sentence.

(=He would not be ashamed of getting himself the second place, but…) 2. What can you learn from the sentence?

(=Michael holds a very attitude toward the competition. On the one hand, he wouldn’t

think it is a shame of winning the second place, on the other hand, he would try his best


to win the first place.)

6. (LL. 54) Then it all hit him like a wet bale of hay.

1. Paraphrase the sentence.

(=If something strikes you like a wet bale of hay, it comes as a sudden, forceful and

unpleasant surprise.)

2. Use some adjectives to describe how Michael felt at that time. (=He felt anxious, tense, nervous, etc.)

7. (LL. 68~69) The silence was deafening.

Is this sentence contradictory with “silence” and “deafening”?

(=No. “Deafening” here is used to modify “the silence”. It is not an ordinary silence, but a deafening one. This shows both Michael and the crowd are very tense at that moment.)

8. (L. 76) Only this time he knew he wasn’t dreaming.

What does “only” mean here?

(=“Only” here means “but”.)

Ⅱ. Words and Expressions

1. (L. 1) sweat:

1. v. produce sweat

*The white shirts were sweated through. *He was sweating after working so hard.

2. n. liquid which comes out from the body through the skin to cool it

(=I was covered in sweat after running to catch the bus.)

2. (L. 8) grace: n.

1) quality of being smooth and elegant, esp. in movement or structure

*We admired the grace with which the fashion models walked across the room. *She danced with a grace that surprised us. 2) kindness; willingness to do what is right *She had the grace to say that he was right. *他勉强地承认他错了。

(=He agreed that he was wrong with bad grace.)

3. (L. 10) mere: adj. nothing more than

(=She lost the election by a mere 20 votes.) 光说无济于事。

(=Mere words won’t help.)

4. (L. 10) fantasy: n. (creation of ) imagination

*The story is a fantasy.

*He lives in a world of fantasy.


CF: fantasy, fancy & imagination

fantasy 通常指无限制的,不受意志支配的,完全脱离现实的空想。例如:

*An amusement park full of figures from fairy tales may be called Fantasy Land. 一个游


fancy 强调凭空想象客观世界不存在之事物,这种凭空想象并非完全脱离现实,只是离现实


*Her mind went where fancy took it. 他总是不着边际地胡思乱想。

imagination 是个常用词,最少有贬义,它所表示的想象或想象力可以指对过去的事物的重

新构想;也可以指对不存在或不能存在之事物的构想。例如: *Does she have the imagination to figure out what happened? 她真的富有想象力,能


*These plans reveal a complete failure of imagination. 这些计划显得毫无想象力。

5. (L.13) numerous: adj. very many

*He has a numerous acquaintance among politicians.

*During the Depression, numerous people wandered from town to town looking for work.

6. (L. 15) passion: n. strong feeling, esp. of love

(=The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.)


(=He has a passion for ice cream.)

7. (L. 15) detail: n. small, particular fact or item

*Everything in her story is correct down to the smallest detail. 不要遗漏一点细节。

(=Don’t omit a single detail.)


go/enter into details 详细说明 in detail 详细地

8. (L. 16) recur: vi.

1) come or happen again

*If the pain recurs, take this medicine. 你知道循环小数吗?

(=Do you know the recurring decimals?) 2) (of ideas, events etc.)come back

*My first meeting with her often recurs to my memory.

*Thoughts of home and family recurred to the lonely traveler. 3) go back (to sth.) in words or thought *Let us recur to what you said yesterday. *Do you mind if I may recur to your idea

9. (L. 21) coincide: v.


1) (of ideas, opinions, etc.) to be in agreement

*His tastes and habits coincide with those of his wife. *The judges did not coincide in opinion.

2) happen at the same time of during the same period of time

*They could not go to the theatre together because his free time never coincided with hers.

(=The art exhibition coincides with the 50th anniversary of his death.)

10. (L. 24) core: n.

1) most important or central part of anything

*The core of the problem is their objection to educational reform. 让我们直入事务的本质。

(=Let’s get to the core of the matter.)

2) hard central part containing the seeds of certain fruits, such as the apple *An apple core is the part of an apple left after the flesh has been eaten.


to the core: 彻底地; 完全地

*She is French to the core. 她是个地道的法国人。

11. (L. 28) alternate:

1. adj. 1) every other or second

*He works on alternate days.

*The show was sponsored by different clients on alternate weeks.

2) (or two things) happening by turns 这是晴雨交替的一周。

(=This is a week of alternate rain and sunshine.)

*She wears a shirt with alternate stripes of blue and white.

2. v. (cause to ) follow by turns

*We alternated periods of work and rest.


(=Tom alternated between anger and fright.)


alternate between 时而…时而…

*They alternate between supporting us and opposing us. alternate in 轮流

*We alternate in doing the household chores. alternate with (使)与…交替 *Sunny weather alternates with rain.

12. (L. 32) relax: v.

1) make or become less tense, worried or nervous *Sit down and relax!


音乐可以帮助你放松一下。 (=The music will help to relax you.) 2) make or become less stiff or tight (=His muscles relaxed.)

3) make (effort or control) less severe

*You must not relax your control for a moment.

13. (L. 37) vain: adj.

1) too pleased with one’s own abilities or looks

*She’s vain of her beauty. 他极其自负。

(=He’s as vain as a peacock.)

2) without result; useless

*After a number of vain attempts to climb the mountain, we were forced to return to camp.

*It is vain to resist.

NB: vain的常用词组是in vain,意为“徒劳地,白白地”

CF: vain, empty, hollow & bare

这几个词都是形容词,都有“空的”、“空着的”之意。 vain 意思是“空洞的”、“空洞的”。

empty 主要表示某空间没有人或物,无任何内容。 hollow 表示物体内部是空的,如数、气球等。 bare 主要指某物的表面上是空的,无装饰的。

(Directions:) Fill in the blank with the above words and change the form where necessary. 1. The cinema was half ______.

2. We’ve made a ______ attempt to make him change his mind. 3. Don’t sleep on ______ boards.

4. The poor girl went on for another ten miles on an ______ stomach. 5. The walls look solid, but in fact they’re ____

14. (L. 44) emotion: n.

1) any of the strong of feelings of the human spirit *Love, hatred, fear and grief are emotions *Jack is a man of great emotion, easily given to tears. 2) strength of feeling; excited state of the feelings

*He described the accident in a voice shaking with emotion. *He thought of his dead child with deep emotion.

CF: emotion, feeling and sensitivity 这些词都是名词,都有“感情”之意。

emotion 表示人的精神、身体全部反映的一种状态,表现为人的任何强烈的感情。例如:


