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小中高 精选 教案 试卷 选集

题组提分练24 Unit 4 Making the news


完形填空 (2018·合肥模拟) 体裁:记叙文 话题:家庭、朋友与周围的人 难度:★★★☆☆

1.A. gained C. reduced 2.A. for C. despite 3.A. difficult C. poor 4.A. each C. neither 5.A. goal C. career 6.A. affect C. stop

B. collected D. recovered B. without D. beyond B. rare D. deadly B. one D. none B. life D. future B. reduce D. influence

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小中高 精选 教案 试卷 选集

7.A. regularly C. faithfully 8.A. mind C. heart 9.A. competes C. trains 10.A. proud C. smart 11.A. result C. reason 12.A. go through C. see through 13.A. expressions C. tastes 14.A. impressive C. crazy 15.A. luckily C. impatiently 16.A. organize C. attend 17.A. allow C. pretend 18.A. dream C. intention 19.A. so C. and

20.A. explained C. predicted 答案与解析

B. strongly D. truly B. growth D. health B. plays D. works B. positive D. caring B. evidence D. date B. get across D. put down B. ideas D. feelings B. regretful D. normal B. gladly D. unwillingly B. join D. believe B. stop D. protect B. task D. story B. or D. but B. announced D. warned

【语篇解读】 Jake患有罕见的自主神经失调症,但他却积极地努力地过正常人的生活。铁人三项是由天然水域游泳、公路自行车、公路长跑三项目按顺序组成,运动员需一鼓作气赛完全程。2000年成为奥运会项目。

1.A 根据下文的“He kept putting on weight...”和“causes rapid weight gain”可知,在短短的六个月内,杰克的体重就增加了二十磅。gain“增加”,符合语境。collect“收

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