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Unit 10单元练习

一.从A, B, C, D四个选项中,找出其画线部分与给出单词画线部分读音相同的选项。

1. climate A. classmate B. manage C. natural D. affect

2. resist A. skin B. small C. seed D. season

3. predict A. recent B. difference C. change D. climate

4. block A. crop B. compare C. confine D. frozen

5. area A. heat B. greatly C. idea D. disease

二.词汇与语法知识:从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选择出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

6. The little boy ____ to control his temper each time he wanted to lose his temper.

A. tried

B. managed

C. failed

D. wanted

7. When you go to a new country, you’d better ______ the new manners and customs.

A. used to

B. adapt with

C. adapt to

D. adjust to

8. He was much ______ by the bad news that he failed the exam.

A. affect

B. effect

C. effected

D. affected

9. The bad weather _______ him and he still lived there alone.

A. had little affect on

B. had much effect on

C. had little effect on

D. had much affect on

10. It is thought that the differences in temper ______ related to the weather.

A. are

B. is

C. were

D. was

11. Man’s size also seems to vary _____ the climate.

A. belonging to

B. according to

C. adapting to

D. connecting to

12. It can be explained by the fact ____ I have done too much for you.

A. which

B. why

C. that

D. what

13. Man changes its ______ conditions to adjust the climate.

A. live

B. alive

C. living

D. lively

14. Science has played an important ____ in helping people live a more comfortable life.

A. situation

B. part

C. place

D. position

15. We have ______ a better life since 1980.

A. made

B. had

C. lived

D. took

16. Take the medicine _____ four hours.

A. every

B. each

C. both

D. another

17.You should tell them _______ where you are going.

A. on advance

B. at advance

C. in advance

D. for advance

18.The experiment resulted _____ the discovery of a cure of this disease.

A. out

B. of

C. in

D. on

20. The work is not _______ you think.

A. as easily as

B. so easy like

C. so easily as

D. as easy as

21. She loves singing ____ her mother does.

A. like

B. looks

C. likes

D. as

22. I paid ______ I should . The house rent is too expensive

. A. as three times much as B. three times as much as

C. as much as three times

D. as much three times as

23. Busy _____ he was, he tried his best to help you.

A. as

B. when

C. since

D. for

24. He acted ____ nothing had happened.

A. as if

B. as

C. if

D. even if

25. She did worse in the test ______ she expected.

A. than

B. as

C. like

D. as if

三. 完形填空:阅读短文,从每组A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择正确答案。

The word “sport” first meant what people did in their spare time. Later it meant hunting wild animals and birds. About 100 years ago, the word was used 26 organized games. This is the 27 meaning of the word today. People 28 a lot of their spare time playing football, basket ball, tennis and some other sports. Such people play because they want to. But a few people are 29 the sport they play. These people are 30 professional

