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里约大冒险 RIO

拥有漂亮羽翼的鸟儿啊 All the birds of the feather


Do what they love most of all

充满韵律 欢声笑语

We are the best at rhythm and laughter


That's why we love Carnival

拥有美妙歌声的鸟儿啊 All so clear we can sing to


Some adventures reborn

随音乐舞动 激情四溢 才华横溢

Dance to the music, passion and knowledge


Show us the best you can do

每人在这劲歌热舞 Everyone here is on fire

动起来 加入欢乐的海洋 Get up and join in the fun

与陌生人共舞 但别卷入麻烦

Dancing with strangers, don't mess with danger


Magic could happen for Rio

自由自在的里约 In Rio, all by itself

你在此欢跳 生活自如 Your dancing and knowing


You can't find it anywhere else

就在里约 Yes Rio, in Rio



You know something else


You can feel it happy


You can feel it all by yourself

里约外 珍稀鸟类

明尼苏达州 大麋鹿湖 别怕 别怕

It's okay, it's okay.

我会照顾你的 I'll take care of you.

拼字比赛冠军 高中舞会 最好的朋友 破闹钟

Stupid clock!

早上好 布鲁

Good morning Blu. 你 You...

泰勒·布鲁·甘德森 Tyler Blu Gandersen.


You know these vitamins are good for you.

看这是什么 Uuh, what's this?

果味饼干 中招了吧 Gotcha.

布鲁的保留车位 蓝金刚鹦鹉书店 我们正在营业 希望你喜欢这本书 Enjoy the new book.

谢谢琳达 Thanks Linda.



Bye now.

是的 妈妈 我也想去看您 Yes, Mum. I'd love to visit.


But who'll take care of Blu?


Mum, they don't have candles for parrots.

这是你的热巧克力 布鲁 Here's your hot chocolate, Blu.

你最爱的口味 Just how you like it.

把布鲁留给别人照看我也不放心啊 Because I don't trust leaving Blu with just anyone.

没有 我没雇鹦鹉保姆 No, I don't have a bird sitter.

什么叫鹦鹉保姆啊 What is a bird sitter...

这才叫生活 This is the life.


The perfect marshmallow to cocoa ratio.

一 二 三 四 五

One, two, three, four, five... 六个 Six!

看看 那可不是我最爱的大笨鸟 Well, if it isn't my favorite nerd bird.

好笑极了 你俩真是一点都不幼稚 Very funny, real mature.

宠物鸟 你今年要迁徙去什么地方啊

Hey Pet, where are you migrating to this year?


The 'broad-first' nook?


Throw all the snow balls you want.


反正我有这神奇的防护罩保护 这学名叫玻璃

I'm protected by this magical force field, called \


It's what keep us so toasty and warm in here,


while you guys are out there freezing your...

真无聊 Classy.


Are you all right?


I'm not really built for this weather.


Oh, are you looking for some books? 书 Books?

不 不是 No, no.


I've come six thousand miles looking for him.


Doctor of Ornithology?

巴西里约热内卢保护中心 他太漂亮了

Ooh, he's magnificent.

琳达 我需要帮助 琳达

Linda, a little help here. Linda!

哇 你们俩还真能聊起来呢

Wow, you're actually communicating.

对 我摇摆尾巴上的羽毛 代表向他自我介绍

Yes, I introduced myself and shook my tail feathers,

逆时针转 表示他占据掌控地位

counter-clockwise, those referring to his



我可没明白还有这种意思 I did not get that at all.

那 蒙特罗博士 So, Dr Monteiro.

拜托别叫我博士 直接喊图里欧就行了 No Dr. Please, just call me Tulio.


You know your Macaw is a very special bird.

事实上 据我们所知 In fact, as far as we know,

布鲁是他们种类的一根独苗 Blu is the last male of his kind.

-是吗 -是的 - Really? - Yes.

最近我们找到一只雌鸟 Recently we found a female.


And our hope is to bring the two of them together

一起拯救整个种群 to save their species.

当然 那她什么时候过来呢

Well, yeah, sure, when can she come over?

哦不不 她在巴西 Oh, no, she is in Brazil.


Blu must come to Rio De Janeiro.

里约 巴西 Rio, Brazil?


Oh, no, no, no, no.


I never let Blu out of my sight.

他需要我 He needs me.


不是的 你误会了

Oh, no. You misunderstand.

已经安排好了 你会一路陪着他

It's all arranged. You'll be with him every step of the way.


And I'll be with you.


Look, I know you're doing your job.

但我不能 布鲁很特别

But, I can't... well, Blu's very particular...


And we have our little routine here


and we're not big on travel.

而且 他都不会飞呢 Heck, he doesn't even fly.


Of course he can fly.

他是最适合的研究样本 He's a perfect specimen.


What are you doing?

别担心 鸟的天性会帮助他飞起来的 Don't worry, their natural instincts always take over.

等等 别 Wait, no!


Well, almost always. 布鲁 Blu!


What kind of doctor are you?

你还好吗 Are you okay?



Perhaps he's too domesticated.


It was very nice of you to step in,

胡言乱语一通 还丢我的鸟

squawk around and throw my bird,


but now it is time for you to go.


I'm very sorry.

真对不起 等等 琳达

I'm very sorry, but wait, Linda.


This could be our last chance.


Have a safe flight.

琳达 请听我说

Linda, please listen to me!

如果我们不这么做 他的种群就会灭绝 If we don't do this, his whole species will be gone.

好好考虑考虑 Just think about it. 天性

Natural instincts.

把我扔过半个房间 There is nothing natural


about being thrown half way across the room.


Hah, I'll show him.

我可以的 只要搞清原理

I can do this. I just have to work out the physics.

基本飞行原理 贝多芬著 保持翅膀与身体为矢量直角


I have quadrated my vector angles.

调整飞行气流 逐渐加强飞行力道

I have adjusted for wind shear, house every reinforcement.

相信自己 很好 Good.

好了 来吧 Okay, let's see.

机翼张开 很好 Flaps open, perfect.

起落架 已准备

Landing gear, checked.

尾翼 正常

Tail flaps, operational.

这样子 真不赖

And actually, not bad.

就是这次了 看我飞一个 This is it. Let's fly.


Just keep it simple.

推力 升力 阻力 等候 Thrust, lift, drag, and wait.

推力 升力 阻力 等候 Thrust, lift, drag, wait!

推力 升力 阻力 等候 Thrust, lift, drag, wait!

推力 升力 阻力 等等等 Thrust, lift, drag, w-w-wait! 布鲁 Blu?


I promised I'll always look out for you. 是吧 Didn't I?



Have I ever broken a promise?

我也很害怕 I'm scared too.


But I wouldn't make you do this


if it wasn't the right thing to do.

你觉得呢 布鲁

What do you say Blu?

这才是我勇敢的宝贝 That's my big brave boy.


We will be back home before we even know it.

你也来点 布鲁 别晒坏小嘴巴了 Your turn Blu. You don't want to get 'beak-burn'.


Wow, what's going on here?

-你正好赶上嘉年华了 -嘉年华

- You arrive in time for carnival. - Carnival?

对 这是世界上最大的派对

Yes, it's the biggest party in the world.

大家一起狂欢 跳舞

You know a time to have fun and dance.

我的妈啊 Oh mine!

她是参加表演的吗 Is she a performer?

不是 她其实是我的牙医 No, in fact she's my dentist.

巴波萨医生 Dr. Barbosa!

别忘了用牙线剔牙 图里欧 Do not forget to floss, Tulio. 当然


You got it.


Come tomorrow night, everyone will be dressed like that.

我肯定不会 Oh, not me. 等等 Oh, wait.

我不是本地鸟 I am not from here.

尼可 他是游客

Hey Nico, he's a tourist.

真有意思 可你长得不像 Funny, you don't look like one.

是吗 我不像吗 Really? I don't?


Except, you've got pigeon dodo on your nose.

这是防晒指数3000的防晒霜 Oh, no, this is just SPF3000.

你是来参加嘉年华的吗 So, are you here for carnival?

其实 我是来见个姑娘的

Actually I'm just here to meet a girl.

-哎哟 见姑娘 -对 - Huh, a girl? - Yes.

小小建议 你得主动点

Little word of advice. You make the first move.

-巴西女孩最爱自信满满的男生 -好的

- Brazilian ladies respond to confidence. - Oh, right.

是的 一定要大摇大摆的 Yes, it's all about swagger.


You've got to pop out that chest,



swing that tail,

眯着眼睛 像某些疯狂发情的鹰

eyes narrowed look like some kind of crazy love hawk.

-但首先我们得把你弄出来 -什么

- But first we've got to bust you out. - What?

我开你这笼子就像开汽水瓶一样易如反掌 I'm gonna pop that cage open like a soda cap.

不用不用 No, no...

谢谢 不用了 No, that's okay.

你这叫易如反掌啊 You call that popping?

这东西还挺结实的嘛 This thing's robust.

老兄 我没事 笼子挺好的

No, guys really, I'm fine. The cage is great.

我爱笼子 Love the cage.

达博 该走了

Dabbo, suit yourself.

别忘了 学发情的鹰 啊哦 Don't forget, love hawk.

好的 我们一起学

Yes... and to you as well.


This is the heart and soul of our aviary.


Our treatment room.

他们真喜欢你 They really like you.

-这么多鸟 -当然 - A lot. - Yes!


I'm their great big mama bird.


-来点吗 -谢谢 不用了

- You want some? - No, I'm good.

这里很多鸟都是从走私犯那救出来的 Many of the birds here were rescued from smugglers.

-走私犯 -是的 - Smugglers? - Yes.

不幸的是 营救这些小可怜时

Unfortunately, the poor birds are often hurt.

经常会弄伤他们 有些甚至夭折 or even killed in the process.

但只要护理得当 他们就能恢复

But with proper care, they can be saved. 看看

Look here.

这可怜的小东西昨天被救回来的 This poor guy was found last night.

伙计 你今天看上去好多了

Hey buddy, you're looking great today.


Much better, much better.

早日康复哦 Get well soon.


So, where is Jewel?

我们把珠儿安置在一个特别的地方 Oh, we have a special place for Jewel.

她是只非常有性格的鸟 She's a very spirited bird.

可不是 I'll say.

这是她弄的吗 She did that?

真迷人 Charming.


好了 我现在想回家了

Okay, I want to go home now.


No, don't worry.


I'm going to make you look irresistible.

救命 救命 放我出去

Help! Help! Let me out of here! 琳达 Linda!

-也许我该 -别 先试试

- Maybe I should... - No, give it a chance.

有鸟吗 Hello?

鸟啊你在哪 Hello?

我是和平的使者 I come in peace.


She's beautiful.

他们真是胡说八道 她 她就是个天使

What were they talking about? She's... like an angel.

这个天使越来越 靠近我了

An angel whose getting really close up!

-你踩到我喉咙了 -你是个美国的

- You're standing on my throat. - You're an American.

多谢高抬贵脚 Thanks.

我用喉咙说话 所以 谢谢你了

I need my throat for talking, so thank you.

你和我长得一样 You look like me. 你好 Hi.


你好 我叫布鲁 Hi. My name is Blu.


You know like the cheese with the mould on it.

虽然蓝纹奶酪很臭吧 No, it smells really bad.

我这是说了些什么 太丢人了 That's stupid, stupid, stupid.

好了 来吧 我们的时间不多

Alright come on, we don't have much time.


Wait, wait! Ouch!

-你准备好了吗 -准备好什么 - Are you ready? - For what?

哦哦 那个啊 呃 那就来吧 Oh, oh, wow. Aah... okay. 自信


疯狂发情的鹰 Crazy love hawk.

喂 你干什么呢

Wow, hey! What are you doing?

什么 你想让我干什么

What? What you want me to.

弱弱地问一句 那你想要干什么

But just for argument sake, what are you doing?


I am trying to escape.

这样啊 对 逃走 Oh..., ya... escape,

我刚也是想着逃走 才那样的

that's where I was going with that thing I just did. 等等

Wait, wait.



Did you actually think we were going to kiss?

-当然不是 -我们才见面 - No, no, no! - We just met!

-我的老天 -我觉得他们需要点帮助 - Oh mine! - I think they need a little help.


I know how my feathers look,

但我绝不是那种不负责任的鸟 but I'm not that kind of bird.

说你 说我

Say you, say me.


Okay, I had nothing to do with that.

但 这歌还挺好听的

But, it's actually a pretty good song.

\自然地\对 莱昂纳尔唱的 \


Wow, That was fast.

莱昂纳尔·里奇的歌 百发百中 Lionel Richie. Works every time.


We should probably give them some privacy.


I'm not so sure I should leave Blu here alone.


Oh no, don't worry.


Sylvio will keep an eye on them all night.

而且 他有珠儿作伴 Besides, he's got Jewel.

救命啊 Help me!



This is the final countdown to Carnival!

让我们一起跳起桑巴 Let's Samba.

过来吧 小鸟鸟

Come here little birdie.

没事的 我保护你 It's okay. I got you.

不好意思 Excuse me!

不好意思 我想睡觉

Please, I'm trying to sleep.

不好意思哦 嗑睡虫 可我想逃走

I'm sorry sleepy head, I'm trying to escape.

逃走 为什么 这个笼子超级棒 Escape, why? This cage is awesome.

这个笼子 我在想什么呢

This cage...? Oh, what was I thinking?


I wouldn't expect a pet to understand.

宠物鸟 你叫我宠物鸟

Pet? Did you just call me a pet?

严正声明 我不是宠物鸟 For the record, I am not a pet.


I am a companion.

而且 你爱干啥干啥

And you know what? Do whatever you want.

明天一早 琳达就来接我了

Cause' tomorrow morning, Linda will come for me,


and this whole nightmare will be over.

太神奇了 你宁愿和人类在一起

Incredibly, you rather be with a human

也不愿和同类在一起 than with your own kind.



Well, that human


has given me love and affection for the past 15 years,

我的同类 见了我才十五秒 就想掐死我 whereas my own kind tries to strangle me after 15 seconds.

就是因为他们 我失去了一切

Yah, it's because of them, I've lost everything.

你不能信任他们 You can't trust them!


Of course, you can trust humans. 珠儿 Jewel? 珠儿 Jewel?

你好啊 Hi there!


It's nice of you to join me for dinner.

我一般都一个人吃 I often eat alone.

当然是因为 我的工作原因 Because of course, my work.

遇到你之前 我以为我才是鸟控

I thought I was the 'bird-mad' until I met you.

当然了 你有最喜欢的鸟吗

Yes, right. Do you have a favorite bird?

显然 蓝金刚鹦鹉是我的菜

Well, obviously I'm a Blue Macaw kind of gal.

有道理 这种鸟非常漂亮

That makes sense. They are very handsome birds.

其实 我更被他们的智慧所吸引


Actually, it's the brains I'm attracted to.

我对鲜艳羽毛的亮丽外表不太感冒 I'm not so impressed by fancy feathers.


I know exactly, what you mean.


My favorite bird is the spotted owl.

他们水汪汪 炯炯有神的大眼

I've always been mesmerized by those big,


round intelligent eyes.

要鸡卷吗 Chicken rolls?

伦巴达[巴西现代快步舞] Lambada.

眼镜脏了 Chicken eyes.

我的天啊 Oh gosh! 喂 Hello. 布鲁 Oh, Blu.


We should have never left.

-都是我的错 -别这样 琳达

- This is is all my fault. - No Linda, please.


This is not your fault.

你说得对 这不是我的错 You're right, It's not my fault.

-这是你的错 -什么 - It's your fault! - What?

就因为你一通长篇鸟论 With your little bird talk,



and that whole... 听着

Well, you know what?

叽叽喳喳 喳喳叽叽[真正意义上的鸟语] Squawk squawking is squawk-squawk!

不好意思 我不想诅咒你的

I am sorry. I didn't mean to curse.


I don't understand!


Sylvio is the best guard in the business.


So let me get this straight.


You were attacked by a little white bird.

是的 用这个抹布 他像这样捂住我嘴巴 Yes, with this rag he held it to my mouth, like this.


We're doomed.

哪里都比不上家里好 哪里都比不上家里好Okay, there's no place like home, there's no place like home.


How I wish I was back in my cage

有我的小镜子 秋千 还有小铃铛

with my mirror and my swing and my little bell.

-我想我的小铃铛 -嘘 装死

- How I miss my little bell. - Ssshh, play dead.

什么 我用不着装

What? I don't need to play dead.


I'm about to have a heart attack.

-赶紧的 -好吧 - Just do it! - Fine.


-别抽抽了 -拜托 做戏要做足

- Stop twitching. - Come on, it's the twitching that sells it.

进来吧 孩子 Come on in, kid.

咱们来看看 干的不错 费尔南多 Well, what do you know? Good work, Fernando.

你们看 我跟你们说啥来着

You see boys. What did I tell you about this one?


That you are going to pay him half as much as what you said?

不是 你个蠢蛋 No, you idiot.


That he reminds me of myself when I was that age.

足智多谋 给你 孩子

Smart, resourceful. Here you go, kid.

喂 这才只有当时说好的一半啊

Hey, this is only half of what you promised me.

少废话 小屁孩儿 Shut up, kid.

我勒个... What the...?

我记得我跟你说过 要活的

I thought I told you I needed these birds alive.

你说 费尔南多 你看这像是活的吗

Tell me, Fernando. Does this look alive to you? 像吗 Huh?

-抓住它 -在那儿 - Get it! - Over here! 珠儿


Good night.

晚安 珠儿

Good night Jewel.

晚安 琳达

Good night Linda.

您好 先生 您见过我的鸟了吗

Excuse me, sir. Have you seen my bird?


Have you seen my bird?

您好 您看见我的鸟了吗

Excuse me, have you seen my bird?

您看见我的鸟了吗 Have you seen my bird?

女士 美国女士 Lady, American lady.

布鲁 布鲁 Blu? Blu?


I know where your birds are.

是布鲁吗 你确定吗

You found Blu? Are you sure? 是它 It's his.


Let me see that.

没错 就是它 You're right.

好的 它在哪

Okay, where is he?

来吧 咱们走 我带你去找它

Come on, let's go. I'll take you to him.

等等 琳达 我们又不认识他

No, no Linda, wait. We don't know this boy.

我们不能相信他 We can't trust him.


我必须相信他 I have to trust him.


I don't have a choice.

你们以为我是脑残吗 Do you think I'm an idiot?

两只鸟 拴在一起 关在笼子里

There were two birds, chained together, in a cage.


How could you lose them?

它们比我们聪明 但是别担心

They out smart us boss. But don't worry.

我们会抓到它们的 我有个计划 We'll get them back. I have a plan.

真的啊 你有何高见

Oh great. What are you going to do?

在城里转悠 然后喊着 \鸟儿鸟儿快来这儿\

Wonder in the city, calling \here birdie!\

你这么说的话 什么计划听起来都够呆的 Well, anything sounds dumb when you say it like that.


We have to get birds to the airport by tonight.

但今天狂欢节 所有的道路都会被封锁的 But it's Carnival. All the roads will be blocked by the parade.


That's why I wanted to go this morning!

奈吉尔 Nigel!


This bird is ten times smarter than the two of you combined.

它这么聪明 怎么不让它管啊

If he's so smart why don't you put him in




I am putting him in charge.


Stop suggesting things!

找到它们 奈吉尔 Go find them, Nigel.


Hmm, if we can't get through the parade,


we'll have to be in the parade.

-你确定这个能成功 -肯定

- Are you sure it is going to work? - Positive.

我都用公式算好了 Check my map.

那还真是让人放心不少啊 谢谢你 Yes, that's just comforting. Thank you.

听着 只要把这个锁链弄断

Look, let's just get this chain broken.


Right, then we can go find Linda.

不 你去找琳达

No, you can go find Linda.

一旦我们自由了 Once this chain is off,


I'm going back to being free in the jungle.

-成交? -好 成交 - Deal? - Fine, deal.

干得不错啊 天才 Nice try brainiac.

我觉得有什么东西在盯着咱们 I think something is watching us.

哎哟 小心点布鲁 Oh, be careful Blu.


这些小玩意儿可能会弄死你呢 They might snuggle you to death.


Oh, come here. 攻击 Attack!


What is going on down there?

走 都走开

Go, go, go. Off with you.

宝贝们 我跟你们说了很多遍了

Okay guys, guys. I told you a thousand times.

马内拉 索菲亚 卡玛娜 听我说 正中我眼 Manuela Sofia Kamana, listen to me. Ow! O'yah, right in the eye.

它们多可爱啊 对吧 Oh precious, ain't they?

一共十七个孩子 还有一个没孵出来呢 The kids! Seventeen of them and one on the way.

嘿 帕克 卡洛斯 别玩你们的弟弟 Hey, Paco Carlos stop shaking him.


They have given me great feathers.


Oh, this papa needs a break.


So, you two love birds headed for Carnival?

-不是情侣 -我们只是认识而已 - Wow, love birds? - We're more like acquaintance birds.

其实那都算不上 我们只是拴在一起 And not even that. We're more like 'chained-together' birds.

是的 我是说 哦 Yes, I mean... Ouch!

你的孩子们是怎么了 这么喜欢羽毛


What is it with these kids and the feathers?

我们也不知道 应该去医院查查

We have no idea, we're having them tested.


So, do you think you could help us get this thing off?

你们真幸运 认识我拉斐尔 Lucky for you, you know Rafael,


and Rafael knows everyone.


Ow! Again with the eye!

听着 再闹我就叫你们妈了

Okay, you want me to call your mother! 不要 No!

屡试不爽 它们都很怕她

Works every time. They are scared to death of her.


Call me for what?

伊娃 我的心肝儿 Eva, my love.


I must take this young couple to see Luiz.

鲁伊兹 Luiz?


You don't fool me for a second.


You and your amigos just want to sneak off to Carnival.

说到狂欢节 Oh Carnival.

就是在那次神奇的狂欢节 That magical time



when I met the most beautiful bird in the world.

我还记得咱们相遇时 I still remember the song


that was playing when I first laid eyes on you.

高佻而健康 年轻而可爱

'Tall and tanning, young and lovely,'


'the girl from Ipanema goes walking.'

来吧 宝贝 一起唱 Come on baby, sing it.


'And when she passes'


'Each one she passes goes 'Aah!!!''


Like a river of the sweetest honey.

爱情不光是盲目的 也是让人耳聋的 I guess love is deaf too.

来吧 宝贝

Come here, mmm.

好吧 带它们去见鲁伊兹 但要早点回来 Okay, take them to Luiz, but hurry back.

你真是一个天使 You are an angel.

我会想念你的 我的小芒果

I'll miss you, my juicy little mango.

我也是 我的小木瓜

Oh me too. My pouchy papaya.

帕克 卡洛斯 把你们弟弟放下

Hey! Paco, Carlos! Put your brother down, now!


I can't believe she actually let me go.


鲁伊兹离这儿多远呢 So how far is this Luiz?

不远 乌鸦飞半个小时就到了

Not far, 30 minutes says the crow flies.

那鹦鹉走路去 要多久呢

And how long does the Macaw walks?

俺家亲爱的不会飞呢 Bobo here can't fly.

-它是只鸟啊 -不是所有的鸟都会飞的 - But he's a bird. - Not all birds fly.

-比如鸵鸟 -你又不是鸵鸟

- There are Ostriches... - You're not an Ostrich.

-理论上来说可不一定 -等等

- Well, not technically. - Wait, wait, wait...

朋友们 我想帮你们 但要走着去

My friends, I want to help you, but to walk the whole way,

-根本到不了嘛 -爸爸在哪呢

- It...it can't be done! - Where's daddy...?

爸爸 爸爸 Daddy, daddy!

但是 我们也许能试试别的方法

But hey, we might as well give it a shot. 快走

Let's go, quickly.

别回头 它们能感知恐惧

No, don't back. They sense fear.

敬告 不要喂食野生动物 真是只可爱的猴子

What an adorable monkey.

嘿 我的手表呢 Hey, my watch!

你们好 Hello boys.

看来你们今天收获颇丰啊 Seems like you had a busy day.


什么 这个吗 Oh, what? This?


This is just some stuff we found.

对不对 小子们 Right boys?


I'm not interested in your nicked knickknacks.


Your burgle-bobbles bore me.


There are two blue Macaws out there.


And I need your multitude of vice to help me find them.

那我们有什么好处呢 Oh yes, what's in it for us?


That's a fair question.

咱们来谈谈吧 Let's discuss it.


I certainly see your point.


But what could I possibly do for you in return?

救救我 救救我 Save me, save me!


Oh, that's a thought.

这样就行了吗 This is enough?


I don't want to feel like I'm cheating you.

我们去找 我们去找 救救我吧

We'll do it, we'll do it. Save me, please.



Save me!

好的 我同意了 成交

Alright, you twisted my wing. Deal.

那么 还有疑问吗

Now then, any more questions?

没有吗 很好 No? Good!

你们分散去找它们 今晚之前必须找到 You'll spread out and find these Macaws by the end of the day.

不然给你们每人都上堂飞行课 Or it's flying lessons for everyone! 去吧 Go!


Go do your monkey business.


I changed my mind.


Maybe we can find a bus schedule or something.

不会吧 你现在哪能退缩

Come on, you are not going to back out now?

还当着小姑娘的面 Not in front of a lady.

好吧 那好吧 好吧好吧 Okay, yes..., sure.

太好了 就是这种精神 All right, that's the spirit.


You sure you're up for this?


I mean it's not like just


we're hurdling ourselves off the mountain or something.


是吧 Right?

其实 我就是这么打算的

Actually that was pretty much my entire plan. 什么 What?

别担心 布鲁 你有飞行基因 Don't worry Blu. It's in your DNA.


And if our featherless friends can do it,


how hard can it be? 救我 Help me!

你看 有意思吧 Fun right?

对 真有意思 Yeah, fun.


Okay, I need you two to get closer.

再近点 Closer.

再近点 Closer. 很好 Nice.

现在 你们相互挽住翅膀

Now, put your wings around each other. 什么 What?

行了吧 兄弟 她又不会咬你

Come on amigos, Not that she's going to bite.

-你会咬他吗 -等着瞧 - Will you? - We'll see.

现在 你扇右翼 你扇左翼

Now, you flap your right wing and you flap


your left wing.

一起扇 你们就可以飞了 And together, you fly.


This doesn't seem aerodynamically possible.


You think too much.

你光用脑子想 是飞不起来的

Flying is not what you think up here.


It's what you feel in here.


And when you feel the rhythm of your heart.

就像跳桑巴 It's like samba.

你就能飞了 You fly.

看看 很简单吧 See, it's easy.

简单吗 Easy?

对你来说简单 Easy for you to say.

但对我来说 那是非常非常难

Because from here, it look really really hard.


Hey, if want to see Linda again,


this is the only way.

-好吧 你说的对 -当然

- Okay, you're right. - Yes, I am.

-为了琳达 -对

- This is for Linda. - Right.

-易如反掌 -易如风掠

- Keep it simple. - Easy breezing.


信自己 抬起脚 慢步向前... Trust, lift, drag...

-来吧 飞喽 -等等

- Oh, come on, let's go! - Wait!

左 右 左 右...

Outside, inside, outside, inside...

加油 布鲁 你能行

Come on Blu, you can do it!

我能行 我能行... I can do it, I can do it...

我不行! I can't do it!

不是吧 怎么又这样 Not again!

-我死了吗 -没 我们还活着

- Am I dead? - No, we are still alive!

太不可思议了 This is incredible.


This is the most beautiful thing I ever seen.

-知道你以前错过了什么吧 -是啊 - See what you've been missing? - Yes.

布鲁 不管怎么说 你也飞了 Alright Blu, you're flying. Sort of.

虽然不用动翅膀 但你感觉到了吗 Not really, but do you feel it?

是 我感觉到了 Yes, I do feel it.

不 不 布鲁 No, no, Blu!

我的天啊 Mi Caramba!

对不起对不起对不起 Sorry, sorry, sorry!


We're going to die!


你还是没用心感受 You did not feel it in here.

你以为 You think?

我们搭车去找鲁伊兹 Let's catch a ride to Luiz.

你们两个快点 过来

Hurry you two, barbos! Barbos!


What's to the species here? 快走 Move it!

快点上来 爱情鸟 Come on love birds.

你成功了 You made it.

就让我安全待五分钟不出生入死 I would love to go five minutes without getting killed.


Is that too much to ask?

对于一只不会飞的鸟来说 那是当然 For a bird who can't fly, oh yeah.


They're starting to close off the streets for Carnival.

小子 最好你说得没错 Better be right, kid,


because we're running out of time.

这么多人 车肯定开不过去了

Never be able to get my car through this crowd.

别担心 交给我了 Don't worry, I'm on it.

小子 你这摩托车哪儿来的


Hey kid, where did you get this bike?

用你的吉普车换的 I traded it for your jeep. 什么 What?

是啊 这车车况非常好 Yes, it's in great condition.

其实也就还好吧 Well, good condition.

让开 让开

Hey, out of the way! 小心 Look out!

抓紧了 Hold on!

要不是马上就能解开这锁 I'm going to chew my own leg

我现在就把我的腿啃断 if this doesn't come off soon.

放松点 我们找到鲁伊兹了 Relax, we find Luiz,


we're right where we want to be.

拉斐 Hey, Ralfi!

这不是我们的狂欢节之王嘛 If it isn't the king of carnival.

尼可 佩德罗 瞧这一家子 Nico, Pedro! What a family?

鸟兄 你躲哪儿去了

Where've you been hiding yourself, bird?


I thought you were dead.

等等 话说回来 Hold up, rewind.



Ain't that the bird from the cage?


I think our love lesson would down smooth.

你进展真快 You work fast.

小宝贝也有鹰钩鼻 Baby got beak.

原来的笼中之鸟 You was locked up


and now you're rolling with a hot wing.

我真想和你一样 I want to be like you.

别这样 不是你们想得那样 Don't, it's not what you think.


We're just chained together.


Hey, I'm not judging you.

给俺留点幻想空间 Keep us spastic.

伙计们 我们在找鲁伊兹 Hey guys, we're looking for Luiz.


Have you seen him?

我见过他 但你没见过

Yes, I see him but you didn't.


You just missed him.


He took the trolley back to the garage.

好极了 Oh great.

没事的小宝贝 你可以赶下一趟

Relax baby bird, you can catch the next one.


是时候 进行下一阶段了

It's time to take it to the next level.


What's wrong with this level?

得了吧 这阶段啥都不是 Come on, this ain't the level.


Next level is the level.

-你得摇动尾部羽毛 -是啊

- You got to shake your tail feather. - Oh yes.


We got to get this chain off.

来吧 爱情鸟 你们可是在里约 Come on love birds, you are in Rio.

你们该好好享受 享受生活 You should enjoy it. Live a little.

我们找到他们了 We got them.


Welcome to paradise.


Some party, huh?


This is the coolest place I've ever seen.


Despite all the RVS health code violations.

我喜欢你 我都听不懂你说什么

I like you. Nothing you say makes any sense.


Alright everyone listen up.


Ralfi has some special guests from out of town.

让我们展现我们的热情 Let's show them some love



because I don't think they get out very much.


Everybody put their wings together


and clap them as loud as you can.

鼓掌 鼓掌 尽情鼓掌

Clap them, clap them. I don't care, slap them.

派对开始喽 我的宝贝

Party in an opening, my baby.

我想要派对 I wanna party

我想跳桑巴 I wanna samba

我想要派对 I wanna party

我想跳桑巴 I wanna samba

我想要派对 活出精彩

I wanna party and live my life

我想要派对 想要飞翔 I wanna party and fly

-我可以飞翔 就像鸟一样 -你本来就是鸟 - I'mma fly, fly just like the birds - But you're a bird.


Oh yah thats right so let me fly,

像火箭一样 like a rocket then

飞得太高 Fly so high ,


where I need to come down for oxygen


Cause once we start it baby,



ain't no ain't no stopping then

因为我只想活出精彩 想要派对

Cause I just wanna live my life and party

我所想要的就是自由自在 All I want to do is to be free,

摇动我的身体 and rock my body


And around the world,


and I wanna live my life

就在里约 里约 里约生活 In Rio, Rio, Rio, Rio life


What are you doing?

我也不知道 I do not know.

不错啊 布鲁 Alright, Blu.

我是桑巴 桑巴大师

I'm that samba samba master,

大师 大师 大师

master master master master

谁来听我的大音炮[手提式大录音机] Who shall sound from my ghetto blaster,

大音炮 大音炮 大音炮

blaster, blaster, blaster, blaster


Hey, she likes you.


What are you talking about?


Have you been listening?

不 我在看

No, I've been watching.


随心而动 去吧

Just be yourself, go on.

我想要派对 I wanna party

我想要桑巴 I wanna samba

我想要派对 活出精彩

I wanna party and live my life

我想要派对 想要飞翔 I wanna party and fly


You two are coming with me.


In your little monkey dreams.


That was meant for you.


Come on, can we all get along?

大鼻子 这可不关你的事 This isn't your fight big nose.

你找我朋友麻烦 就是找我麻烦

You mess with my friend, you mess with me!

还有我们 And us!

对 你这小金刚 Yes, little King Kong.


I don't know what's going on here.

鸟猴大战开始 Birds vs. Monkeys!

干掉他们 Get them!

去死吧 小山民

Yippee-kay-yay mountain man!

没打到 Miss!


我们得走了 We have to go!

要搭顺风鸟吗 Need a lift?

接招 臭猴子

Take that you, funky monkey.

-谢谢你 -不客气

- Thank you! - Any time!


That's what I'm talking about.

鸟人 我们胜利了

Bird man, we threw down!

是啊 我们胜利了 Yes, we threw down.

你们这俩家伙就像火和冰 You guys were like fire and ice.


Thunder and lightning.


Hip and hop.


Cheese and sprinkles.

那是明尼苏达的俗语 It's a Minnesota thing.

你看 都不知道你在说什么

You see, nothing you say makes any sense.

过来 跟我走

Come on, follow me.

怎么搞的 What?


But, the birds were here.

对 它们肯定在这 小子 Yeah, sure they were, kid.

我发誓 那些鸟应该在这里


我们快走吧 Let's go!

-我想也许 -什么 你要来明尼苏达吗

- I guess I thought maybe... - What, that you'll come to Minnesota?

不错 我可以给你织个围脖 Great, I guess I make you a scarf.

不 我不是那意思

No, that's not what I meant.

珠儿 我不可能一辈子

Look Jewel, I can't spend my life walking around


following you wherever you're going.

你不能飞 又不是我的错

Hey, it's not my fault you can't fly.

这下尴尬了 Awkward.

得啦 得啦 Okay, okay.


You know what? This is good, just clear the air.


Just be completely honest with each other.

你想听实话吗 很好 我可以说实话 You want honesty! Fine, I can be honest.

我不属于这里 I don't belong here.

事实上 一开始我根本就不想来

In fact, I never wanted to come here in the first place.

还有 还有 你知道怎么着 And...and, you know what?

我讨厌桑巴舞 I hate to Samba!

喂 这话有点过了


Hey, that's a little too far.


Make the mean bird take it back.

怎么着吧 我就这么说了 每首歌都是同一个调子

Yes, I said it. Every song sounds exactly the same.

蹦嚓嚓 蹦嚓嚓 无聊

Tiko-tako, yayaya, Tiko-tako, yayaya. Urghhh.

我受够这里的蹦嚓嚓了 I'm tiko-tako out of here.

好吧 后会有期 可怜的宠物 Fine! See you around, pet.

别介 别介 快回来 No, no, no, come back!

你们俩天造地设啊 简直就是当今朱丽叶与罗密欧

You belong together! You're Juliet, to his Romeo.

当然 他们最后都蹬腿了 但你们懂我的 Sure, they both die in the end but you get my point!


Young love, always so melodramatic.

伙计们 跟上她

Alright boys, go after her. 布鲁 Blu!

回来啊 别闹了

Come back here, come on!

狂欢节 我来啦

I'm ready for Carnival!

谁想骑在我的 水果上

Who wants to ride on my...fruit?

他们居然把我给甩了 They left without me.



I'm missed out.

珠儿 珠儿 等等

Jewel! Jewel! Wait up!

你这是要去哪啊 小美妞

Going somewhere, pretty bird? 那是 Oh yes!


I was on my way to crawl your eyes out! 珠儿 Jewel!

冷静 冷静

Temper, temper.

现在跟着我 亲爱的 我们一起去参加游行 Now come along my dear, we are going to the parade.


Everybody loves the parade.


Let go of me!


Hey, get back here!


Nobody messes with a friend of Pedro.

这事绝不可能让它发生 来点士气 Ain't happening! It's on! Come on!


Did you see the talon on that guy? 铁爪 Talon?

绝不轻饶 那还是下次吧 Maybe it's on, next time.

拉斐 救命啊 救命啊 Ralfi, help, help!

拉斐尔 别跟着我

Rafael, quit following me.


你走错方向了 狂欢节不是在那边吗 You're going in the wrong direction. Isn't Carnival that way?


I'm not going to Carnival.

-不去啊 我是要回家 -但我还以为你喜欢狂欢节

- No, I'm going home. - But I thought you loved Carnival.

我是喜欢 但我更爱我的家人

I do, but I love my family much more.

这是我用心 而不是大脑做出的选择

And that's a choice I made with this, and not with this.

布鲁 布鲁 我正飞着

Blu! Blu! Hey Blu! I was flying,

看见了那个大个头葵花鹦鹉 then I saw this big cockatoo

那大铁爪不是闹着玩的 with big ninja talon.

这个葵花鹦鹉丑陋无比 赶紧有话直说 This cockatoo was ugly. Anyway to the point.

珠儿就在那 他把珠儿抓走了

Then Jewel was there, and he snatched Jewel up.

他牛气的说 \小公主 跟我走\

Then he was like, \little princess?\


And Jewel was like, Pssh!,

右踢脚 \我才不是你小公主 给我滚开\pssh! \

-然后我说 \嗨\然后他说 \什么\

- And I was like, \\

停 赶紧告诉我发生了什么事 Stop! Just tell me what happened.


他把珠儿抓走了 He got Jewel.


And he's taking Jewel to the parade.

这都是我的错 This is all my fault.

咱们飞吧 Let's fly!

狂欢节 我们来了

Carnival, here we come!

狗狗 我跟着你后面那

Hey dog, I'm flying back here.

你这速度一会全身就得变湿 You'll get wet on this flight!

赶紧 赶紧 拜托 这帮蠢货去哪了 Come on, come on, come on. Where are these guys?

太漂亮了 Yes, nice.

非常漂亮 Very nice. 马修 Marcel! 马修 Marcel!

真够现眼的 Oh, boy.

小鸟 小鸡 Bird, chicken.

费尔南多 跳起来吧

Come on Fernando, dance. 脑残 Idiots. 抱歉

Excuse me!



Coming through!


Watch your feet.

对不起 Oops, sorry.

下一个 进来

Go ahead. Come in.

等等 不好意思 只有表演者才能进 Wait, stop please. Performers only.

图里欧 Tulio?

琳达 我只是

Linda, I was just a...

我看起来很可笑 是吗 I look ridiculous, don't I? 抱歉 Sorry.

游行 游行 马上就要开始了 The Parade! It's about to start.

女巫 进去吧

Ok, one witch. Go ahead.

照我的样子做 表现得自然点

Okay, just follow my lead. Act naturally.

你还好吗 Are you okay? 来吧 Come on. 布鲁 Blu! 布鲁 Blu!

等等 不 不 不 我在找一只蓝鸟

Wait, no, no, no. I'm looking for a blue bird.

-蓝鸟 -什么蓝鸟 快上 快上

- Birdo. - What birdo? Move it, move it...


等等 你要干什么

Wait, what are you doing?

图里欧 Tulio!


Hey! Let me out!

图里欧 Tulio!

这可不妙 这可不妙

This is not good. This is not good. 这可 This is...

我七舅姥爷的三外甥女哎 Cheese and sprinkles.

放我下来 我玩够了

Okay, you can put me down now. I think we are done here.

他们都喜欢我的舞步哎 I think they like my moves.

继续跳啊 小男孩

Hey, keep dancing my boy.

抓到你 他也就快搞定了 One down and one to go.

你这辈子都休想找到他 You'll never find him.


He's already gone.


Oh, I don't need to find him.

他会来找你的 He'll find you.

现场就应该这么火爆 This is the spit!

太好啦 宝贝们 Yeah, baby.



Now I can get my freak on.

鲁伊兹 拜托了 先办事后疯狂 Luiz please, rescue first, freak later.

都给我让道 伙计们

Come on. Out of my way, people!

伙计们 我去上面找珠儿

All right guys, I'll fly ahead to look for Jewel.

你们好 美妞 Hello ladies.

仔细搜寻 坚持住

There's the big nose, hold up! 等等 What!

琳达 Linda!

借过 借过

Excuse me, excuse me. 琳达 Linda! 琳达 Linda!

别讲鸟语行不行啊 Speak English!

琳达 摇起你曼妙的小翘臀

Linda, you got to shake your dooche.

没门 我在明尼苏达都不会这么做

No, I don't shake our dooche in Minnesota.


Hot dog coming through. 布鲁 Blu!

图里欧 Tulio!

-图里欧 我看见布鲁了 -什么 - Tulio! I saw Blu! - What?


坚持住 布鲁 我来救你了

Hold on Blu! I'm coming for you!


What a view. 布鲁 Blu! 布鲁 Blu! 琳达 Linda. 琳达 Linda?

布鲁 布鲁 我们找到她了 Blu, Blu, we found her.

她被关在奇怪的鸡花车里了 She's on some weird chicken float. 快来 Come on!

我们去救珠儿 Let's go get Jewel.

等等 布鲁 你去哪

Wait Blu! Where are you going?

-我看见布鲁了 他骑在一只斗牛犬上 -什么- I saw Blu. He's riding on a Bulldog. - What?

他们在那 彩车那里

There they are. That's the float.

那彩车跟被炸弹轰了似的 That float is a crime in itself.

他在那 There he is!

-珠儿 -布鲁

- Hey Jewel. - Blu?

-我来救你了 -不

- I'm gonna to get you out of here. - No.

布鲁 你不能待在这 赶紧走 奈吉尔他 No Blu, you can't be here. You have to go.


Nigel is...

你好啊 美鸟 Hello pretty bird.


So kind of you to join our little charade.

拜托 你当我是单刀赴会啊

Oh come on. You think I came alone.


I got three of the roughest, meanest, craziest birds

最强壮 最坏 最疯狂的保镖 in all of Rio right behind me.

你认识那些鸟吗 那我们可有救了 You know that guys, we're saved!

他大概是指我们吧 I think he means us.

爱情 多么强大却又愚蠢啊

Love, it's such a powerful and stupid thing.

干得漂亮 奈吉尔

Oh, yes. Well done, Nigel.


Out of the way. 抱歉 Sorry.

等等 等等 Wait, wait!


We actually made it!

马修 明年还能再来玩吗

Hey Marcel, can we do it again next year?

拜托了 拜托了 Please, please.


Right, next year too?

等等 回来

Wait, come back!


上车 Get in!

我都不知道我是怎么上来的 但我死也不下去了

I don't know how I got up here, but I'm never coming down!

给我 小孩 Come on, kid.


I'm going to get you guys out of here.

-你想干什么 -什么都没干

- What do you think you're doing? - Nothing.


You shouldn't have done that. 过来 Come on.

别管他了 装鸟先

Just forget him! Get the birds!


They're getting away!


We'll see about that! 当心

Watch out!

-我们成功了 伙计们 -是啊 我们是最棒的 - We did it boys! - Yes, we are the best.

那是彩车吗 Is that a float?


Look at the detail on that thing.

起飞 蠢蛋 起飞

Pull up you idiot, pull up! 布鲁 Blu! 布鲁 Blu!


布鲁 Oh Blu.

抱歉 伊娃 我不能回家吃晚饭了 Sorry Eva, I'm not going to be home for dinner.


What are you doing?


I'm going to pop this open like a soda can.


Now that's pop it!

快 我们还得帮其他鸟

Hurry, we got to help the others.

我很漂亮 我很漂亮

I'm a pretty bird, I'm a pretty bird.

我很漂亮嘛 漂亮 我很漂亮

I'm a pretty bird, Pretty bird, I'm a pretty bird! 快跑 Come on!

我自由啦 I'm out! 有光

Oh, the light!

快走 快走 快走 Go, go, go!

自由我来啦 Freedom!

-快 我们赶紧走 -等等 等等

- Come on, we need to get out! - Wait, wait!

没事的 It's okay.

没事的 It's okay.


We'll figure this out together.


好吗 Right?

放他走 Let him go! 珠儿 Jewel!

我的翅膀 My wing.

真可惜 Oh, pity.

现在我们有两只没用又不会飞的鸟了 Now we have two useless, flightless birds.

一点也不好笑 伙计 不好笑 Not cool man, not cool!

我们要坠机了 We're going down!

-剪刀石头布 -我拿到降落伞了 -Okay. Rock, paper, scissors, - Chute!

后会有期啦 白痴们 Hasta la vista, losers!

等等我们 Wait for us!

炮弹来啦 Cannonball! 布鲁 Blu! 不 No!

布鲁 你疯了 你这是在自杀

Blu, you're crazy! What are you doing?

我不能眼看着你去死 I'm not going to let you go.

我们是拴在一起的鸟 还记得吗 We're chained to each other birds, remember?

-布鲁 你会飞啦 -是啊


- Blu, you're flying! - Yes!

我会飞啦 我真的会飞啦 你说的对 I'm flying, I'm really flying! You're right.

我不是鸵鸟 我不是鸵鸟

I'm not an ostrich! I'm not an ostrich!

爸 你看 Dad, look! 脑残 Idiots! 琳达 Linda! 布鲁 Blu?

是布鲁 看 图里欧 是布鲁 It's Blu! Look Tulio is Blu!

他会飞了 我的布鲁会飞了 And he's flying. My Blu is flying.

他会飞了 He's flying!

过来 让我看看 Here, let me see.

别担心 我会照顾你

Don't worry, I'll take care of you.

真是我勇敢的好孩子 That's my big brave boy.

拥有漂亮羽翼的鸟儿啊 All the birds of the feather.


Do what we love most of all.

荡起秋千 点缀森林 弹奏吉他

Moon and the stars, strumming guitars.


That's why we love Carnival.


Loving our life in the jungle.


不受约束 自由自在

Everything is wild and free.


Never alone, cause this is our home.


Magic can happen for Rio.

自由自在的里约 In Rio, all by itself.


You can see it coming.


You can't find it anywhere else.

我是鸟王 我是鸟王 我是鸟王

I'm the Capowaya Kinga, Kinga, Kinga Kinga Kinga.

鸟儿们喜欢我 因为我是火爆热辣 Birds like me cause I'mma hot winga.

天使火爆辣鸟 Angel hotta winga.


Here everybody love samba.


Birds that you feel in your heart.

拥有美貌爱情 别无其他祈求

Beauty and love, what more could you want.

里约应有尽有 在里约

Everything can be for Rio, in Rio.

倾听他人的话语 Hear something else.

用心去感受 奇迹就会发生 You just feel it happening.


You won't find it anywhere else.

我爱你 里约 I love you Rio!



Every part of my heart I'm giving out.


Every song on my lips I'm singing out.


Any fear in my soul I'm letting go.


Anyone who ask I'll let them know.

她是唯一 她是唯一 我大声呼喊

She's the one, she's the one, I'll say it loud.

她是唯一 她是唯一 我大声呼喊

She's the one, she's the one, I'll say it proud.

铃声响起来 所有的铃声全都响起来 Ring the bell, ring the bell for the whole crowd.

铃声响起来 铃声响起来 我要告诉全世界Ring the bell, ring the bell, I'm telling the world.

我找到了心爱的女孩 That I've found the girl.

她是我生之希望 The one I can live for.

她值得我全情投入 The one who deserves.


Every part of my heart I'm giving out.


Every song on my lips I'm singing out.


Any fear in my soul I'm letting go.


Anyone who ask I'll let them know.

她是唯一 她是唯一 我大声呼喊

She's the one, she's the one, I'll say it loud.

她是唯一 她是唯一 我大声呼喊

She's the one, she's the one, I'll say it proud.

铃声响起来 所有的铃声全都响起来


Ring the bell, ring the bell for the whole crowd.

铃声响起来 铃声响起来 我要告诉全世界 Ring the bell, ring the bell, I'm telling the world.

我找到了心爱的女孩 That I've found the girl.

她是我生之希望 The one I can live for.

她值得我全情投入 The one who deserves.

值得我全情投入 To give all the heart.

她是我高飞的缘由 A reason to fly.

她是我生之希望 The one I can live for.

她是我活着的理由 A reason for life.

我要告诉全世界 I'm telling the world.

我找到了心爱的女孩 That I found the girl.

她是我生之希望 The one I can live for.

她值得我全情投入 The one who deserves.

值得我全情投入 To give all the heart.

她是我高飞的缘由 A reason to fly.

她是我生之希望 The one I can live for.

她是我活着的理由 A reason for life.


