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Listening 8

Understanding Short Conversations: Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices. 1. A. To cuase trouble. B. To protect his home. C. To play sports. D. To defend himself. 2. A. It’s against the police

B. It’s against other people’s rights. C. It’s against the law.

D. It’s against other people’s safety. 3. A. Because she doesn’t go out late at night. B. Because she doesn’t see anyone out late at night. C. Because she carries a gun with her. D. Because someone carries a gun for her. 4. A. The school wasn’t safe. B. The gun wasn’t safe. C. The man brought a pistol. D. The daufgter was arrested. 5. A. Because they have many problems. B. Because they don’t know why.

C. Because they possess a more violent nature. D. Because they often cause trouble. 6. A. Because she doesn’t worry. B. Because she doen’t trouble others. C. Because she continues to stay out. D. Because she is always very careful. 7. A. Because they started shooting. B. Because they wore masks. C. Because she was so scared D. Because she was shot.

8. A. Because he didn’t know how to be careful. B. Because he didn’t know how to handle it. C. Because he saw a robber. D. Because he shot it by accident.

9. A. Whether he means well in advocating for gun laws. B. Whether he thought about what he was doing.

C. Whether the son would want him to advocate for gun laws. D. Whether the son would be tougher on current gun laws. 10. A. Because gun violence is too difficult. B. Because gun violence is so simple. C. Because they will have a meeting. D. Because they will need more time.

Understanding a Long Conversations: Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices. 1. A. It was in the newspaper quite often. B. It was something he couldn’t forget. C. It was just statistics and numbers. D. It was just something that scared him. 2. A. The bullet hit his ear. B. A woman fell down. C. He became still. D. He listened for a shot.

3. A. Because he was shot. B. Because he froze up C. Because he collapsed D. Because he was scared. 4. A. Because society makes people need money. B. Because society makes people take their guns. C. Because society allows violence. D. Because society allows people to have guns. 5. A. They make her very frighted. B. They make her blame society.

C. They make her feel safer. D. They make her dislike gun owners.

Understanding a Passage: Now you will hear a passage followed by

five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.

1. A. Having their guns taking away. B. Living ariund guns.

C. Thinking differently than others. D. Suffering gun violence. 2. A. Problems of society. B. Problems of violence C. Problems of people D. Problems of robbers.

3. A. Education and society. B. Gun laws and gun problems

C. Joblessness and poor education

D. Better understanding of the violence 4. A. By promoting better schools. B. By destroying all guns.

C. By supporting our work. D. By ending joblessness. 5. A. How to reduce gun violence. B. How to stop gun violence.

C. How to be responsible in life. D. How to get rid of guns forever.

Understanding a Movie Speech: Now listen to a speech from the movie We Were Soldiers and fill in the blanks according to what you hear.

Moore: Look around you. In the 7th Cavalry, we got a Captain from the Ukraine. Another from Puerto Rico. We've got Japanese, Chinese, Blacks, Hispanics, Cherokee Indians, Jews and Gentiles – all 1)______. Now here in the States, some men in this Unit may 2)______ discrimination because of race or creed. But for you and me now, all that is gone. We're moving into the 'valley of the shadow of death' -- where you will watch the 3) _____ of the man next to you, as he will watch yours. And you won't care what 4) _____ he is or by what name he calls God.

They say we're leavin' home. We're goin' to what home was always supposed to be. So let us understand the 5)_____. We are goin' into battle against a tough and determined enemy. I can't 6) _____ you that I will bring you all home alive. But this I swear before you and before Almighty God: That when we go into battle, I will be the 7) ___ to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to 8) ___ off. And I will leave no one 9)____. Dead or alive, we will all come home 10) _____.

