
更新时间:2023-05-24 14:14:02 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



Journalist: Last year Prince Claus and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands were

attending a show of African fashions in Amsterdam. Before the show

started, Prince Claus ripped off his tie, saying that it was like a snake

around his neck. What do you think about ties?

Man: I hate the things, myself. I wear them as little as possible. I agree

with the Prince. It's about time for a change. In fact, I say, "Free

your neck and your mind will follow."

Journalist: But don't you think ties are interesting? There are all kinds of designs

and styles to choose from. The tie a man chooses can say a lot about

his personality, his profession or his hobby. A tie can also express

love, sympathy and solidarity.

Man: I agree that ties can say a lot. Some ties are funny and some are elegant,

but they are all very uncomfortable. Most of the time when you wear a

tie, you feel as if you're choking. As for expressing things, I think

T-shirts are much better!

Journalist: Yes, but surely there are some occasions when you can't wear a T-shirt.

If you were a lawyer or a businessman, you wouldn't be able to wear a

T-shirt to work. You'd have to wear a suit and tie.

Man: That's true. But more and more men are choosing not to wear a tie. In

my opinion, in a few years' time, ties will disappear. If a respectable

73-year-old man like Prince Claus rips off his tie, other men in

prominent positions are sure to follow his example. In fact, ties are

far less common nowadays than they were in the 1950s or 1960s.

Journalist: I agree. But specialists in men's wear say that the tie is not about

to die. They say that a great tie can get you promoted or attract a woman.

Don't you think women like ties?


Well, I guess you should ask women their opinion.


1. What do we learn about Prince Claus at a fashion show last year?

2. What is the journalist's attitude toward ties?

3. What is the man's attitude toward ties?

I've been happily married for three years, and I love my husband very much. But we have one major area of disagreement. He says I'm attractive and I say I am fat. He contradicts anything I say to try to convince him that I need to go on a diet. First, I have to admit that he's in the fashion business. So he's quite

knowledgeable about styles. He thinks that women today have unrealistic goals with regard to their figures. He constantly reminds me that the models I see in fashion


magazines are all underweight. He also reminds me that their body type only represents about 5% of women.

I know that slimness has not always been considered beautiful. At various times in history, plump women were regarded as beautiful. There are many famous paintings that idealize fat women. I'm aware that concepts of beauty change.

But I'm not interested in looking like women who lived a hundred or a thousand years ago. I want to be up-to-date. I want my figure to match today's image of beauty. I want to be fashionable.

Obviously there are a lot of people who think the way I do. People go to weight-watching classes, they buy diet foods, and they buy exercise videos. Billions of dollars a year are spent on various ways to get rid of excess fat. And it's not only women who are trying to stay slim. Men are just as interested in their figures as women.

When I ask my husband why he refuses to eat ice-cream and why he goes jogging every morning, he just laughs. Of course, it's because he wants to stay slim. He doesn't want to get fat! Well, I am fat and I want to try a new diet.

The art of tattooing goes back a long way. The Egyptians used to tattoo each other 3,000 years ago, and the oldest known example is on the body of a 4,000-year-old "ice-man" who was found frozen in mountain snow on the Italian-Austrian border in 1993. In more modern times, tattoos were reintroduced to Europe by Captain Cook and his crew on their return from Tahiti in 1771—hence the traditional association of tattoos with sailors.

There are a number of major styles of tattoos. But nowadays almost any kind of image can be turned into a tattoo, in a full range of colors, and on almost any part of the body. Technically, the only places you can't get tattooed are your hair, teeth and nails, but parts of the body which change shape with ageing are best avoided. Arms and shoulders are the most popular, and one reason for this is that these areas can be displayed in public.

Though not pleasant, the process is not dangerous, provided the tattoo is applied by a qualified artist in a clean and properly supervised environment.

Infections can, however, result from using a "scratcher" — someone who's bought a tattoo gun by mail order and has no idea how to use it safely. For this reason, many U.S. states have strict safety regulations concerning tattooing, and four have banned it altogether.

The main disadvantage of tattoos is that they're permanent. It is true that they tend to blur with age—but they don't go away. So it is not a decision to be


taken lightly. If you might want a job as a bank clerk in a few years' time, think twice before tattooing that fire-breathing dragon on your hand. And by all means tattoo a heart with your partner's name on your arm—provided you're sure you'll feel the same way forever.

Tattoos can be removed, but it can be a painful process and it can leave scars. Only laser treatment can remove them completely, and this is very expensive. In other words, it is much easier to get a tattoo than to remove one. In a recent survey, one third of men and women regretted getting tattooed. So the undecided would be well advised to stick to those temporary tattoos that you put on for the evening and remove with baby oil the next day.


1. When did the Egyptians start tattooing?

2. Why are tattoos associated with sailors?

3. On which part of the body do people usually have tattoos?

4. What problem might you have if you get tattooed by a "scratcher"?

5. What is one of the disadvantages of tattoos according to the passage?

6. What advice does the speaker give to people who want tattoos?

Katherine: I think it's much easier for men going to weddings, because you just have

to put on your suit and your tie, and you look smart.

Paul: Hmm.

Katherine: Women usually find it hard to decide what to wear: Should I wear a hat?

And should I wear gloves? And... it's very difficult for a woman to look,

look the part, I think.

Paul: Well, I'm not sure I agree with you there. I mean, speaking from my

personal experience, I was an usher at my sister's wedding a few years

ago, and she wanted us all in morning suit. Yes, so it was the full thing,

you know, the trousers, the long jacket, the long waistcoat...

Sure, very smart, and it was in August...

And it was boiling hot, and I found it very, very restricting, and didn't

really enjoy wearing it at all.

I was really, really happy to be at the reception in slightly more casual

clothes. Katherine: Very smart... Paul: Paul: Katherine: Oh! Katherine: Hmm. Paul:

Katherine: Yes, well, I once went to a very informal wedding, where the bride and

the bridesmaids were wearing denim dresses and had bare feet, and

everybody was wearing garlands of flowers, and it was all set in a



Oh, brilliant!


Catherine: So it was rather lovely.

Paul: Hmm. What did you wear?

Katherine: Um, well, I wore, um, I was probably one of the smartest people there,

because I didn't realize that it was so informal, so I quickly took my

jacket off and, um, took my shoes off eventually as well, so that I fitted

in better.


Paul: Brilliant. I've worn a kilt! Yes, unfortunately, at that particular wedding, it was freezing and I

froze. I did have something on underneath.

No, no, but the friend who was marrying was. Katherine: Have you? Katherine: I wasn't going to ask. Are you Scottish? Paul:

Katherine: Right.

A new exhibition of Irving Penn's work opened recently at the National Gallery of Art. Irving Penn gave more than one hundred of his photos to this museum. The collection represents some of this photographer's most important work in his more than 60 years of taking pictures.

Irving Penn is most famous for his photos of fashion and women's clothing. He worked for years as the photographer for a fashion publication called Vogue magazine. One of his favorite subjects was his beautiful wife, Lisa Fonssagrives, who was both a model and a sculptor.

Irving Penn has also photographed many of the world's most famous people. This exhibit shows that he is a master of portrait photography.

This kind of photography captures the image of a person in a way that shows his or her true personality. For example, the exhibit includes a very special portrait of the famous Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. It was taken in 1957. In this picture, Picasso is staring at the camera in a very honest way. He looks as if he were about to start talking to you.

Irving Penn traveled around the world to photograph many other subjects. There are several pictures of workers who he met on the streets of London and Paris. There are also photographs of native peoples. They look like statues in their tribal clothing and masks that cover their faces. Irving Penn photographed these people in his studio because he wanted to show them in a neutral place. In this way, the subjects in the picture are more important than their environment.

Irving Penn even made photographs of carefully placed objects. This kind of picture is called a still life. One such picture done in 1979 shows a piece of fruit,


a bottle, a sewing machine and human bones. These simple objects become very beautiful when they are artfully placed together.

Irving Penn's photographs are important from a technical level as well. He worked very hard to develop a photographic method using platinum and palladium. Using these two metals, he found a way to create photographs that are rich in light and dark details.


1. What do we learn about Irving Penn?

2. What brought Irving Penn the most fame?

3. Which of the following is true about Lisa Fonssagrives?

4. Where did Irving Penn photograph native peoples?

5. Why did Irving Penn use platinum and palladium?

There have been many changes in fashion in the 20th century.

In 1900, in Western society, women were wearing dresses with full skirts which touched the ground. The dresses had tight waists and full sleeves. The women also wore big hats with feathers.

By 1910, skirts were shorter and narrower. You could see the shoes, which were pointed. Hats were wider than before, and had flowers on them. At this time men were wearing bowler hats and coats down to the calf. The coats had large hip pockets. Mass-produced, machine-made clothes appeared in the 1920s. Skirts went up to the knee, and dresses were straight with no waist. Hats were small and round. Men wore plain suits with wide trousers and bowler hats.

In the 1930s, the hemline dropped again—the skirt went down to the calf—and fox furs came into fashion.

The war years (1939—1945) saw another change in fashion. Skirts went up to the knee again, and tailored styles with square shoulders were worn. This plain, rather masculine fashion clearly showed that people had more important things to think about than clothes.

After the war years, in 1947, Christian Dior produced the New Look. It was an immediate success. People were tired of the hard war years and loved the calf-length full skirts that made women look feminine again.

There weren't many changes in fashion during the 1950s. The exciting revolution came in the 1960s when Mary Quant introduced the miniskirt—a special fashion for the young. Men's clothes were more informal and colorful than before. They wore


flowered shirts and ties. Then came the maxi-skirt in 1969, hot pants in 1971—those are tight fitting shorts—and trouser suits in 1972. Blue jeans and "unisex"

clothes—the same clothes for both sexes—were also popular in the early part of the decade.

Since then there have been a number of new fashions, for example, Punk, an unusual fashion popular with some young adolescents in 1978. These young people were a strange sight with their torn shirts, plastic sandals, and short dyed hair. Today the variety in fashion is tremendous. In fact, people are wearing so many different styles that it is impossible to say exactly what the fashion is.

"I am more than my appearance!" I've longed to say it loudly and clearly since the day I was born.

In a new environment, be it a new job, a new school or a new neighborhood, we're often judged by our appearance. Many measure us by our clothes, the way we walk and talk, the size of our smile and the type of car we drive. These people are known as profilers. Such profilers usually divide people into several opposite categories, such as weak/strong, bright/stupid and rich/poor. The extreme ones even profile people based on their race, gender, occupation and education.

Often, profilers hurt us deeply, sometimes to the core of our being. "I am more than my appearance!" we long to scream to the crowd. Yet, we simply grin and bear it. We endure it. We comfort ourselves by saying, "This will be over soon. It's just temporary. As soon as they know me, they'll stop it."

Yet, in many instances, this doesn't happen. It simply doesn't stop. And our souls are tired. In this situation, "What should I do?", you might ask yourself. Listen to your inner voice. Don't quit. People may judge us. People may think we're less than them because we're different in every way. Listen to your inner voice. Don't quit. Affirm yourself that you are worthy in every and any way. You are who you are. You are fully blessed. You are unique and it makes you valuable. List all your strengths and be grateful for them. Stand up whenever needed. Be your own advocate. And do it with style. Be graceful yet firm. Be gentle yet dignified.

What is your dress sense like? Do all clothes suit you? Can you wear any style or color you like and still look good? For most of us, the answer is no. We have to choose our clothes carefully to suit ourselves and the shape of our body. This goes for boys and girls. First of all, think about colors. Experiment with different colors


to find the colors which suit your hair and skin. Don't be afraid of bright colors. Remember, too, that dark colors make things look smaller and light colors, especially white, make things look bigger. For example, white trousers or a skirt, with a black top or shirt will make your hips look wider and your chest look smaller. Patterns make things look bigger, so if you are not as slim as you would like to be, wear plain colors or choose simple patterns. Be very careful with stripes. If you are tall and thin, don't wear vertical stripes. You'll look like a lamppost. A T-shirt with horizontal stripes, on the other hand, has the opposite effect. It will make your shoulders look broader. That's good news for all you guys who want broad shoulders. But girls, if you want a narrower waist, don't wear clothes with horizontal stripes. The shape and style of clothes are important, too. Big things will make you look smaller. For example, a long skirt will make a short girl look even shorter. Big belts, big jewelry and big hats can make you look smaller, too. Loose clothes hide things. If you think your bottom is too big or your legs are too thin, wear baggy jeans. As a general rule, don't wear tight clothes unless you want to draw attention to something.

Very few people have an ideal figure, but we all want to look good. Follow these hints and you'll always look your best.

When I was 20, a friend invited me to her wedding. I had nothing nice to wear. I had a lot of clothes, but they were all very old. A week before the wedding, I met my cousin for lunch, and I told her I had nothing to wear. And she said, "Don't worry. You're about my size. You can borrow one of my dresses." So after lunch I went around to her flat, and I borrowed a lovely, very expensive, purple dress, and some purple shoes and a purple handbag to match.

The wedding was great. I wore the purple dress, and everyone said how nice I looked. The day after the wedding, I thought it was time to throw away some of my old clothes. So I got some big plastic bags, and filled them up with old clothes. Then I took them into town and gave them to a charity shop on High Street.

Later that week, I thought I should take my cousin's dress to the cleaner's and give it back to her. But I couldn't find the dress. I looked all over my flat, but it simply wasn't there. And suddenly I realized I'd given it to the charity shop. So I went back there, and asked them about the dress. "Oh, yes, I remember it," the woman said, "But it's gone. We sold it yesterday afternoon."

It was terrible. I had to buy her another one. So I went round all the expensive shops in town, but I couldn't find the same dress. So I went to catch the bus home. And by the bus stop there was another charity shop. It was amazing that there was a purple dress in the window just like my cousin's, and it had a label saying 5. So I went inside and bought it. The shop assistant said, "Yes, a woman brought it


here this morning. She said she only bought it yesterday, but when she got home, she found it wasn't the right size. So she gave it back to us." I took the dress to the cleaner's, and at the weekend I gave it back to my cousin. She said, "It's a funny thing. I was in town last week and I saw a dress just like this one. And do you know? It was in the window of a charity shop!"

Interviewer: Hi, you're watching Channel C. There's a whole industry based on

personal appearance. Just how important is appearance? Let's find out


(She is walking toward a young man.) Good morning, Sir. I'm from Channel C. I wonder if you could answer

some questions for our survey today.

Passer-by A: Well, uh... that depends on what sort of questions they are.

Interviewer: Well, they're questions about your attitudes toward appearance. Passer-by A: Well, I suppose that's all right.

Interviewer: Um... do you think that people often judge others by appearance? Passer-by A: Yes, I think so. In our society an attractive woman is more likely to

have a date, make a sale, or get a job than a less attractive woman.

This is also true for men, although to a much lesser extent. But I really

think that judging a person by their appearance is a big mistake. We

have to look at the inner beauty of a person instead of the outer beauty.

Interviewer: Yes, yes, you're right. What influence do you think a person's outer

appearance has on their personality?

Passer-by A: Um... well, attractive people are often seen by others as being more

confident, optimistic, humorous, charitable, and so on. But, it is also

true that a good personality makes a person much better-looking than

he or she really is. So I really don't know if physical appearance

affects personality or vice versa.

Interviewer: Mm... do you think first impressions count?

Passer-by A: Oh, yes, of course. It is said that people form 90% of their opinion

of someone in the first 90 seconds. Like it or not, it is often the

first impression that determines whether someone will be given an

opportunity to reveal their inner qualities.

Interviewer: Mm. Last question: What will tell you more about a stranger: their

smile, posture, shoes, or clothes?

Passer-by A: None of these. It's the hairstyle. Someone's choice of hairstyle can

say a lot about the person, whether it's long, short, curly, wavy, or

straight. So if you want to be seen as a different kind of person, make

your hairstyle work for you.

Interviewer: Well, thank you very much for talking to us.


Passer-by A: You're welcome.

(Now the interviewer is trying to pick up a second passer-by for an

interview, who happens to be a college student.)

Interviewer: Excuse me, can I ask you a few questions? I'm with Channel C and we're

doing a survey.

Passer-by B: Uh... sure, why not?

Interviewer: First question: Do you think that people are often judged by their


Passer-by B: Yeah, at my college, professors often give good-looking girls better

grades in exams. Um... and good-looking girls tend to date more than

ordinary-looking ones.

Interviewer: Mm, that's interesting. Do you believe in love at first sight?

Passer-by B: Well... I... I'm not sure. Physical appearance certainly is the first

thing that attracts me to a girl. It might catch my attention. But love

isn't based solely on appearance. I'm not sure I'd fall in love with

a girl just because she is pretty. I mean, some of my friends are

attractive girls, but they are all just good friends, not my


Interviewer: Mm, do you think most people overrate or underrate their own looks? Passer-by B: Well, it seems to me that attractive people tend to overestimate their

appearance while so-called unattractive people do the opposite. I'm

not sure of the reason. It may be that attractive people have more

self-confidence and a better self-image.

Interviewer: Mm, that's very interesting. What do you think of someone who has


Passer-by B: Uh... when I see someone with tattoos, I'm usually interested in

talking with them to hear the story behind each one. Ah, I am usually

fascinated by these people because to write something permanent on

their skin must be really painful.

Interviewer: Mm, true. Thank you very much.

Passer-by B: No problem.

Interviewer: Goodbye.

(Now the interviewer is approaching a third passer-by.)

Interviewer: Good morning, ma'am. I'm from Channel C. I wonder if you could answer

some questions for our survey today.

Passer-by C: Oh... all right.

Interviewer: Um... do you think that people often judge others by appearances? Passer-by C: Well, I can't answer by a simple "yes" or "no". In fact, women are judged

by the way they look while men are measured by their achievements.

That's why women invest time, money, and efforts in improving their

appearances while men work like slaves to accumulate more wealth and



Interviewer: That's an interesting point. How do you feel about wearing make-up? Passer-by C: Well... my husband says I'm beautiful with or without make-up. But I

think make-up does improve the way I look. For me, it has simply become

a habit of life.

Interviewer: Mm. What do you think of men using make-up and having long hair? Passer-by C: Oh, I don't like men with long hair or with make-up. In the first place,

I don't think it's socially acceptable. And that's absurd. I don't find

them attractive or sexy.

Interviewer: Hmm... Can you give us an example of something you wouldn't do in


Passer-by C: Oh, there are so many things I wouldn't do in public places. For

example, I wouldn't spit, bite my nails, pick my nose, sing at the top

of my voice, wear a nightgown, mm, look at myself in a shop window,

um, eat while walking along, or shout at my partner.

Interviewer: Ha-ha! Well, last question: According to a report, some college

students had cosmetic surgery done before graduating, How do you feel

about this?

Passer-by C: I don't want cosmetic surgery ever. I feel good about the way I am now.

But if they want to do it, this is their choice. I think most college

students who have cosmetic surgery don't really need it. But they think

the magic touch of the surgeons will help them solve their personal

problems, or help them find a good job. But I really think they should

think twice before making a decision that could change their life


Interviewer: True. Thank you for talking to us.

Passer-by C: You're welcome.

Interviewer: So, there we have some different viewpoints on personal appearance.

Thanks for watching. This is Mary Della Cruz with Channel C.

问:去年克劳斯亲王和女王贝娅特丽克丝是荷兰在阿姆斯特丹参加一个非洲时装的表演。演出开始前,克劳斯亲王扯下他的领带,说它像脖子蛇。你认为什么关系? 男:我讨厌的东西,我自己。我穿的尽量少。我同意亲王。它是关于一个改变的时候。其实,我说,“自由你的脖子,你的心会随之而来。”













首先,我必须承认,他在时装界的。因此,他的风格相当熟悉有关。他认为,今天,妇女就其数字不切实际的目标。他经常提醒我说,我在时尚的模型看杂志都不足。他还提醒我说,他们的体型只占约5%的女性。 我知道,身材并不总是被认为是美丽的。在不同的历史时期,妇女被视为丰满美丽。有许多肥胖妇女的理想化名画。我知道,美的观念的变化。






虽然不愉快,这个过程是没有危险,所提供的纹身是一个合格的艺术家在应用清洁,妥善监督的环境。感染可以,不过,结果使用了“国际象棋” - 有人谁的以邮购方式购买纹身枪,并且不知道如何使用它的安全。基于这个原因,美国许多州有严格的安全法规关于纹身,和4个已禁止它。
































欧文佩恩的工作的新展览开幕最近在国家艺术画廊。欧文佩恩给了超过1 100张照片,他这个博物馆。收集代表这个摄影师的一些最重要的工作在他超过60年的拍照。










3。以下哪一项是关于Lisa Fonssagrives真的吗?











有没有很多的时尚变化,在20世纪50年代。激动人心的革命在20世纪60年代来到时玛丽奎恩特推出了超短裙,一对年轻的特殊方式。男子的衣服比以前更加非正式和丰富多彩。他们穿着花衬衫和领带。接着又是马克西裙在1969年,热裤在1971年,这些都是紧身短裤和裤子在1972年的西装。蓝色牛仔裤和“中性”的衣服,同样的衣服的男女,亦在10年年初的流行。 自那时以来出现了一个新的时尚数字,例如,朋克,一个不寻常的方式,在1978年一些年轻的青少年的欢迎。这些年轻人与他们撕破衬衫,塑料凉鞋奇怪的景象,和短染发。今天,在时装品种是巨大的。事实上,人们都穿着这么多,这是很难说,究竟什么是不同风格的时装。



通常情况下,分析器深深地伤害了我们,有时我们是核心。 “我比我的外表更多!”我们长期向人群尖叫。然而,我们只是逆来顺受。我们忍受。我们安慰自己说,“这将很快结束。这只是暂时的。一旦他们认识我,他们就会停止。”

然而,在许多情况下,这不会发生。它根本没有停止。而我们的灵魂疲惫了。在这种情况下,“我该怎么办?”,你可能会问自己。 倾听你内心的声音。不要放弃。人们可能会评判我们。人们可能会认为我们比他们少,因为我们在各方面都不同。倾听你内心的声音。不要放弃。肯定自己,你是值得每一个和任何方式。你是你是谁。你是完全的祝福。你是独一无二的,它使你有价值。列出所有你的强项和对他们表示感谢。在需要时站起来。是你自己的主张。并与风格。是优雅而坚定。温柔又端庄。








本周晚些时候,我认为我应该把我的表弟的衣服送到洗衣店的,并给它回给她。但我找不到衣服。我看着看着我的单位,但它根本不在那儿。突然间我意识到我给它的慈善商店。于是我就回去,并询问他们的衣服。 “哦,是的,我记得,”那女人说,“但它的消失了。昨天下午,我们把它卖了。”

这是可怕的。我已经买了一个又一个。所以我去轮城里所有的昂贵的商店,但我无法找到同样的衣服。所以我去赶上公车回家。由巴士站还有一个慈善商店。这是惊人的,有像一个窗口中的紫色礼服我表弟的,它有一个标签,说 5。所以,我走了进去买了它。售货员说:“是的,一个女人将它今天上午在这里。她说,她只买了昨天,但是当她回到家里,她发现这是不正确的大小。于是她就还给了我们。”我把衣服送到洗衣店的,而在周末,我就还给了我的表弟。她说,“这是一个有趣的事情。我在城里上周我刚刚看到这样一一件衣服。那你知道吗?它在一个慈善商店的橱窗啊!”










路人甲:嗯...好,有吸引力的人往往被别人作为更加自信,乐观,幽默,慈善等。但是,它也确实是一个很好的个性,使好多人比他或她真的是前瞻性。所以,我真的不知道是否会影响身体外观个性,反之亦然。 记者:嗯...你认为伯爵的第一印象?


























路人C:噢,我不能回答一个简单的“是”或“否”。事实上,妇女的方式来判断他们看,而男子是由他们的成绩衡量。这就是为什么女性投入时间,金钱和努力改善他们的外表而男性奴隶一样工作,以积累更多的财富和权力。 记者:这是一个有趣的问题。你觉得如何穿着化妆?





路人的C:哦,有那么多事情,我不会在公共场所做。例如,我不会随地吐痰,咬我的指甲,挑我的鼻子,在我唱的声音外,穿着睡衣,嗯,看在我自己在一家商店橱窗,嗯,吃而走,或在我的留言合作伙伴。 记者:呵呵!嗯,最后一个问题:据报道,一些高校学生在毕业前做整容手术,你怎么认为呢?





