大学英语新视野第三册sectionA 精华词汇笔记

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大学英语 新视野3册Section A 精华词汇笔记



n.1. [C] the process of giving birth to a baby 分娩

With the help of the nurses, the delivery of the baby was unexpectedly easy. 在护士的帮助下,分娩意外地顺利。 Premature birth is three times more likely for twins, and delivery at 36 to 38 weeks is normal. 双胞胎有三倍多的可能性早产,怀孕36至38周后分娩是正常的。

2. [C, U] the act of bringing sth. to a particular place 递交;送货 Try to remember: the next postal delivery is at 2 o'clock. 要记住,下一次邮递时间是两点钟。

The company has just taken delivery of a new computer system. 公司刚刚收到一套新的电脑设备。



1. [C] a very good, kind person 极为慈爱的人;道德高尚的人 As he is quick-tempered, his girlfriend must be a saint to put up with him. 他脾气不好,所以他的女朋友须是个心地宽厚的人才能容忍得了他。 He is a saint, extremely kind, patient, and unselfish. 他是个道德高尚的人,非常善良、有耐心、不自私。

2. [C] a very good or holy person who is given special respect after death by the Christian church 圣徒,圣人 Joan of Arc was made a saint in 1920. 1920年,贞德被追封为圣徒。 You need the patience of a saint for this job. 做这种工作,你需要有圣人般的耐心。


n.[U] the quality of being just; fairness


Everybody realized the justice of what he was saying. 谁都认为他说得有道理。

He claimed, with justice, that he had not received his fair share. |他完全有理由提出他没有得到他应该得到的那一部分。

<4> inseparable

a. unable to be separated|不可分离的 He firmly believes that liberty is inseparable from social justice. 他坚信,自由和社会正义是不可分离的。 For the ancient Mexicans, life and death were inseparable, two halves of the same whole. 古代墨西哥人认为,生与死是分不开的,是一个整体的两面。



take goods off a vehicle, ship, etc. 卸下(货物)

It will take us three hours to unload the whole truck. |我们需要三个小时才能卸完这车货。

They were reported to be unloading trucks filled with furniture. |有人报告说他们正在卸装满家具的卡车。


vt. mark sth. with a code |把...编码 These messages are coded. Can you read them? |这些是密码电报。你能读得懂吗?

I need an expert to help me understand the coded messages. |我需要有个专家帮我破译这些密码电报。

n. 1. [C] a set of numbers, letters, etc. that is used for identifying sth. 代码;代号

a code book |号码簿 an area code |(电话)区号

2. [C, U] a system of words, letters, etc. so that messages, information, etc. can be kept secret |密码

The British managed to break the Nazi

codes during the war. |战争期间,英国人成功地破译了纳粹的密码。 During that time they wrote letters to each other in code. |那个时候他们用密码相互通信。

<7> color-coded

a.maked with different colors |带色标的;带色码的

The color-coded map shows clearly how to get to the place. |带色标的地图清楚显示了怎样去该地。


v. make a musical sound by blowing air out through your lips |吹口哨

|The referee whistled, the game began, and 近the audience cheered. |裁判哨子一响,比赛就开始了,观众欢呼起来。

She whistled to her dog and it came running. |她向她的狗吹了声口哨,狗就跑过来了。


n. 1. [C] sb. who is tired or unhealthy |疲惫的人;健康状况差的人 The failure in the entrance exam reduced him to a wreck. |入学考试失败使他精神崩溃了。

He's been a complete wreck since his illness. |他病了一场以后元气大伤。 2. [C] a car, plane, etc. which has been badly damaged, esp. in an accident |残骸

Have you seen that old wreck he drives around in? |你看见他开的那辆破车了吗?

We thought of buying the house as a wreck, doing it up, then selling it. |我们想将这房子当作破烂买下,然后稍事修补,再卖出去。


prep.in or to a lower position than sth., or directly under sth. |在低于...的位置;在...之下

He looked out of the windows down to the garden beneath. |他从窗户俯瞰下面的花园。

They slept outside beneath the stars. |他们露宿在繁星之下。


n.[C, U] sth. that is worn to hide who one really is, or the act of wearing this |伪装物;伪装;假扮

She's adopted so many disguises that her own mother wouldn't recognize her. |她穿戴了那么多伪装品,连她自己的母亲也认不出来了。

His opinions are just imperialism in disguise. |他的看法不过是改头换面的帝国主义思维而已。 vt. change sb.'s appearance so that people cannot recognize them |伪装;假

扮 They




fishermen and escaped in a boat. |他们假扮渔民,坐船逃走了。

The policeman entered the building disguised as a medical worker. |那名警察装扮成医务人员进入了那栋房子。

<12> disbelief

n.[U] the feeling of not believing sb. or sth. |不相信,怀疑

When I told him about the possible crash, he simply shook his head in disbelief. |当我告诉他可能发生撞机事件时,他只是不相信地摇摇头。 When he told her the whole truth, she simply shouted at him in disbelief. |当他告诉她事情的全部真相时,她不相信,冲他叫喊起来。


a.1.pleasant, nice or satisfactory |令人

愉快的;令人满意的 He



among his acquaintances,





agreeable style of conversation. |他待人随和,谈话的风格令人非常愉快。 My idea of an agreeable person is a

person who agrees with me. |我认为令人愉快的人是赞同我的人。 2. acceptable or able to be agreed on |可接受的

Are you agreeable to my plans for a picnic on Sunday? 你同意我星期天去野餐的计划吗?

If you are agreeable, my husband's office will make all the necessary arrangements. |如果你同意,我丈夫办公室的人会做所有必要的安排。


v.enter sth. or pass through it |穿透;渗入

The noise of the explosion penetrated the thickest walls. |爆炸声穿透了最厚的墙壁。

The soldiers penetrated the perimeter wall. |士兵穿越了外围的防御墙。 vt.

see into or through sth. |看穿 These long answers were difficult to penetrate. |这些长长的答案很难理解。 It took him quite a while to penetrate the coded message. |他看了好一会儿才看明白了这封密码电报。


a.1. (of an expression) looking as if one is not thinking about anything |茫然的;失神的

He was looking around with a vacant look on his face. |他四处张望,脸上露出茫然之色。

The maid's vacant expression was replaced momentarily by one of greedy expectations—shortly followed by disappointment. |女佣茫然的表情一会儿就变成贪婪之色──转瞬又变成失


2. empty; not filled with anything |空的;未被占用的

In every major city there are more vacant buildings than there are homeless people. |在每个大城市里,空闲的房子比无家可归的人多。 At the reception desk he was told only

a few apartments were still vacant. |接待处的人告诉他只有几套房子是空的。 半时


vt.1. understand |明白

Before I could grasp what was happening, I had bounced off the wall and was crumpling on to the floor in pain. |我还没明白是怎么回事,就被弹离了墙,痛苦地趴在地板上。 A short opening paragraph enables the readers to quickly grasp what the article is about. |简短的开头能使读者很快明白文章的内容。

2. take hold of sb. or sth. |抓住;抓紧 She is ready to grasp any opportunity to expand the business. |她准备抓住任何机会把生意做大。

I grasped his arm firmly and led him away. |我紧紧抓住他的手臂将他拉走了。


vi. tremble or shake |颤抖 Her lips quivered, and tears rolled down her cheeks. |她的嘴唇颤抖着,眼泪从脸颊上滚了下来。

The child was quivering in her arms. |孩子在她的怀抱里颤抖着。



|want sth. very much |渴望

He longed for the winter to be over. |他希望冬天结束。

She longed to pour out all her troubles right away. |她希望立刻将自己的麻烦全都倾诉出来。



|promise to do sth. |保证,承诺 The President pledged to find a peaceful solution to the problem of racial discrimination. |总统承诺要找到和平解决种族歧视问题的办法。 The government has pledged $250,000 to help the victims of the crash. |该政

府承诺拿出25万美元来救助飞机失事的受害者。 n.

|[C] a promise or agreement |承诺;协定

On impulse the parents made a pledge to take their children to rehearsals. |冲动之下,父母答应带孩子去彩排。 We have received pledges of help from various organizations. |我们得到了各种组织给予帮助的承诺。


n.[C] (AmE) sb. who looks after other people, esp. a teacher, parent, nurse, etc. |照看人,保护人

A caretaker is someone who is responsible for looking after another person, for example, a person who is disabled, ill, or very young. |照看人是负责照看他人的人员,比如照看残疾人、生病的人或者儿童。






successful |发展;成长;繁盛 Why do some people take longer than others to blossom? |为什么有些人发展要比别人慢呢?

What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event. |当初这只是一个地方性的节日,如今已经发展成了一项国际活动。 2. produce flowers |开花

The apple trees are just beginning to blossom. |苹果树刚刚开花。 Like a flower he blossoms and then withers; like a shadow he flees and never stays. |他像朵花似的盛开而后枯萎,像影子似的飘浮不定。



|think that sth. is true or have an opinion about sth. |想,认为

He reckoned she still liked him as she kissed him goodbye. |他认为她和他吻别就意味着她还喜欢他。

I reckon it's a good deal. |我想这是桩



a.|used for emphasizing the amount or degree of sth. |完全的;十足的 It was sheer luck that I happened to be in the right place at the right time. |我在适当的时间出现在适当的地方全凭运气。

Let me tell you this: Her success is due to sheer hard work. |让我来告诉你吧:她的成功全凭努力工作。


n.[U] intense fear |恐惧,恐怖 I have a terror of snakes. |我害怕蛇。 I will never forget the look of sheer terror on her face. |我忘不了她脸上那极度恐惧的表情。


a.|loyal |忠诚的;忠实的

Among all his friends Peter is the most

faithful. |他的朋友中,彼得最靠得住。 She insisted that she had remained faithful to her husband. |她坚持认为,她对自己的丈夫一直是忠实的。


a.happy and cheerful |愉快的,高兴的 Merry Christmas to all our readers. |祝我们的读者圣诞快乐。

From the house come the bursts of merry laughter. |屋里传来阵阵欢笑声。


n.[C] a day or time when people celebrate sth. |节日 the Spring Festival |春节

the Cannes Film Festival |戛纳电影节 a pop festival |流行歌曲节

Christmas is an important Christian festival. |圣诞节是基督教的重大节日。

<28> festive

a.|merry; joyous |喜气洋洋的,充满节日气氛的

For some parents in China, the festive Spring Festival is the most stressful time of the year. |在中国,对有些父母来说,喜气洋洋的春节却是压力最大的时候。

The party on Saturday evening is the most festive of all events we have had so far. |周六晚上的聚会是我们到目前为止经历过的最令人快乐的活动。


vt.1. make sb. feel very tired |使筋疲力尽;使疲劳

She felt completely drained after the stressful meeting. |开了这么个充满压力的会议后,她感到完全筋疲力尽了。 |He has played for two hours without a break and felt physically drained. |他一


2. let water or liquid flow away from sth. |使排走;使流出

The whole area will have to be drained before it can be used for farming. |整块地在用来种庄稼之前得先把水排干。 Miners built the tunnel to drain water out of the mines. |矿工们修了隧道以排干矿井里的水。


vt. |make sb. extremely tired |使精疲


Caring for young children can exhaust you physically and mentally. |照看小孩子会使人身心疲惫。

She was exhausted by running up the steep hill. |一路冲上这陡峭的小山,她已经精疲力竭了。


a.extremely tired |疲惫不堪的 The exhausted skiers are looking forward to a good night's sleep. |筋疲力尽的滑雪者盼望着晚上能睡个好觉。

You look absolutely exhausted. |你看起


★ <32>customary

a.usual in a particular place or for a particular person |惯常的;习惯的 In the Spring Festival it is customary for parents to give their kids some money. |春节时,父母习惯给孩子一点钱。

It is customary for the man to propose to the woman. |习惯上是男的向女的求婚。


n.[C] |长袖运动衫

One of them was wearing a sweatshirt with \you\written across it. |他们当中有一个人穿了件长袖运动衫,上面写着“我爱你”的字样。 One wore a sweatshirt and jeans, while the other wore jeans and an orange and grey T-shirt. |一人穿着长袖运动衫和牛仔裤,另一人穿着牛仔裤和橙灰相间的T恤衫。


n.[U] animal skin which has been specially treated |皮;皮革 a leather coat |皮大衣

The inside of the bag was lined with soft leather. |袋子里面衬有软皮。


vt.make sth. with wool using long needles or a special machine |编织 I'm knitting a sweater for my nephew. |我在给我外甥织套衫。

Mom knit me a pair of socks. |妈妈给我织了一双袜子。


n.[C] |牛仔

He had been working as a cowboy on a ranch. |他以前是在牧场工作的牛仔。


n.[C, U]clothes typical of a certain

period, country, or profession, esp. as worn in plays 服装;戏装 a costume drama |古装戏

They are all dressed in national costume. |他们都穿着民族服装。


n.[C]a formal public or religious event |仪式;典礼

The wedding ceremony was held in the country park. |结婚典礼是在乡村公园举行的。

A ceremony is held every year to remember those who died in the war. |仪式每年举行一次,以纪念在战争中牺牲的人们。


vt.prevent sb. or oneself from doing sth. |克制;抑制

Unable to restrain herself, she rose and went to the phone. |她再也控制不住自己,站了起来向电话走去。 She couldn't restrain her tears. |她禁不住流下了眼泪。


a.standing straight up; upright |直立的,竖直的

Her head was erect and her back was straight. |她仰着头,挺着腰。 The rabbit looked all around, with its ears erect. |那兔子四处张望,两只耳朵竖了起来。

vt.build sth. such as a building or bridge |建造;架设

Officials plan to erect a monument in the late general's honor. |官方计划建座纪念碑来纪念已故的将军。

The first lighthouse was erected on the island in 1912. |岛上的第一座灯塔是在1912年建成的。


n.[C] an alphabetical list at the back of a book, of names, subjects, etc., mentioned in it and the pages where

they can be found |索引

It's a lot quicker if you use the index. |你如果查索引会快很多。

Look under B in the index to see if biology is covered in the book. |查查字母B下的索引,看看书里有没有谈到生物学。

<42> index finger

[C] |食指


n.[C] |大拇指

I sat there and twiddled my thumbs. |我坐在那里,百无聊赖地玩着手指头。 Her performance got the thumbs down from the critics. |她的表演受到评论家的批评。


a.very good; wonderful |极好的,绝妙的

It can be a great car, a super car. |那是辆好车,顶呱呱的车。

\you like some lemonade?\\“你想来点儿汽水吗?”“好极了。”


n.1. [C] sth. good that one does not expect |额外得到的东西;意外的好处 Customers will receive a free card as a bonus with any order over $50. |顾客购买50美元以上的物品将额外免费获得一张卡片。

If you buy direct, products are much cheaper, with the added bonus of fast delivery to your door. |如果你能直接购买,产品会便宜很多,而且还会快速送到你家里。

2. [C] extra money that one gets in addition to one's usual salary |奖金;红利

Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses. |大公司的员工获得了以奖金形式发放的大额报酬。

He had this idea that his bonus might suffer if a boss caught him away from his telephone. |他担心要是哪个老板逮着他不在电话机旁,就可能被扣发奖金。


v.speak to God in order to give thanks or ask for help 祈祷

He prayed that his sight might be restored. |他祈祷他的视力能恢复。 They prayed for a child, a son, and were so happy when he was born. |他们祈祷能有一个孩子,并且是个儿子。后来他们的儿子出生时,他们心里非常高兴。


n.[U] the quality of being simple |简洁;朴素;单纯

For the sake of simplicity, the tax form is divided into three sections. |为简便起见,税表分成了三个部分。 The design was beautiful in its simplicity. |这设计简洁而美观。

Phrases and Expressions <48>track down |

find sb. or sth. after a long search |追踪到,追查到

All citizens should help the police in tracking down criminals. |所有市民都应该帮助警察追查罪犯。

After many days, the hunters were able to track down the dangerous bear.|好些天后,猎人才追踪到那只危险的熊。

<49>pick on

Treat sb. badly or unfairly |找茬;欺负 Why are you always picking on me? |你为什么老是和我过不去?

Some children picked on my brother who suffers from brain damage. |我弟弟患有脑病,常被一些孩子欺负。

<50>tell on

|inform against sb. 告发

Under the pressure from the police, the wife of the killer finally told on her husband. 在警方的压力之下,杀人犯的妻子最后供出了丈夫。

I don't like those people who tell on others for personal ends. |我不喜欢出


<51>work out

|find the answer to sth. or solve sth. |找出答案;解决

Negotiators are due to meet later today to work out a compromise. |今天晚些时候,参与谈判的人会坐到一起拿出一个折衷方案。

It took me some time to work out what was causing this. |我花了些时间才找


<52>on one's own

alone; without help |独自地;独立地 |I can't carry it on my own; it's too heavy. |我自己提不动,太重了。 Try to let your kid do something on his own whenever possible. |只要有可能,就让你孩子自己独立做点儿什么。

<53>hit/strike home

be understood and accepted |被领会 He could see that each of his inferences hit home. |他能够意识到他的每一个推断都是对的。

Could you see that the reality of tax rising finally hit home? |你是否意识到税收上涨的事实最终还是被接受了?

<54>reckon with

consider sth. when making plans |考虑;面对;对付

If you treat her badly you will have her family to reckon with. |如果你对她不好,她家里人就要来对付你。 He will have to demonstrate that the movement for democracy is really a force to be reckoned with. |他必须去证明,民主运动的确是股需要面对的力量。

<55>call on/upon

ask sb. to do sth. |要求(某人做某事) It was then that I felt called upon to reply to the speech. |就在那时,我感到我得回应那次讲话。

Some people call on God to help them; some simply rely on themselves. |有的人请求上帝来帮助自己;有的却自帮自助。

<56>lead up to

come before sth. important, and often cause it |作为...的先导,引起 In the weeks leading up to graduation I did very little.|在毕业前的几周里,我几乎无所事事。

<57>end up doing sth.

come to be in a particular situation or state, esp. when you did not plan it |以...结束

Whenever we go out to dinner with them, I always end up paying the bill. |我们每次外出和他们吃饭,最后总是我埋单。

Be careful, you could end up getting hurt. |小心,不要最后把自己给弄伤了。

<58>get (sb.) through

|help sb. deal with a difficult situation or period of time |(帮某人)度过难关 Her kindness got me through those awful days.|她的善良使我熬过了那些可怕的日子。

It was quite an effort to get my weakest students through the difficult English examination. |我下了很大一番功夫才帮助我那些成绩最差的学生通过了这次高难度的英语考试。

Proper Names

<59>Jimmy | |吉米 (人名) <60>Margaret | |玛格丽特(人名)


