a life lost to gambling

更新时间:2024-04-06 21:37:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Reading report of a life lost to gambling

The text mainly described a view that addiction to gambling could destroy lifetime and family of anyone, although you are a respectable person with a funny, large-than-life personality who became well-known for Extraordinary business acumen, just like the main role of essay—Phyllis Kruer. With the passage finished, I realize that it’s obvious to find the article can be divided into two parts. The text begins with a tragedy resulting from addiction to gambling. From the tragic, though Phyllis Kruer tried to abandon gambling, she finally went to extreme suicide. Then, the author emphasize that the fallout—addicts’ behavior puts heavy strain on families. To evidence the conclusion, the writer cited many examples to state that it’s impossible to calculate the number of spouses, children and other family members who are dragged along on each addicted gambler’s journey.

After reading the text, apparently, gambling is harm to human’s mind and body, and it should be banned strictly in our life. As for we students, it’s Critical to make a hard working to achieve our dreams and the pursuit of life.

