
更新时间:2023-10-22 18:48:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Debate about Having Cosmetic Surgeries

正方一辩:Cosmetic surgery is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Anyone may have the chance to be a gorgeous woman or a handsome man. We are in support of cosmetic surgery. Firstly, every person has the right to seek for beauty through a cosmetic surgery as long as he can afford the expense. Secondly, after cosmetic surgery people can be more confident and competitive in the job market and daily life. Thirdly, a new face means a new life and we can easily walk into new surroundings. Besides, cosmetic surgery truly beautify ourselves and it will not do harm to others.

反方一辩:We hold the view that people shouldn’t have a plastic surgery. Firstly, to have a plastic surgery apparently shows that we don’t have confidence in ourselves and we are ugly. Secondly, having a plastic surgery can be costly. It may take a lot of time, energy, and money to maintain the beauty after the surgery. Thirdly, there exists a great risk to have a plastic surgery. Once failed, we may suffer a lot from it. Finally, trying to improve our appearance by virtue of plastic surgery is against our traditional ethics as well as the natural laws. Consequently, we are against plastic surgery.

正方二辩:If a person is under heavy pressure because of his appearance and even lose heart to life. And a cosmetic surgery could help him become positive to life. Why couldn't he do that?

反方二辩:As for your opinion, I’ve got two points to refute you. First, lack of confidence of life may result from some other reasons instead of their looks. And the second, there are many ways to make ourselves attractive, through good qualities, through our abilities, or through beautiful clothes, why do we just choose the way of plastic surgery? And as we all know, having plastic surgeries is at high risk of resulting in a disease or illness. So what’s your opinion on this problem?

正方二辩:Every coin has two sides. We admit that cosmetic surgery has its weakness; however it also has many good effects. You just see the tragedies it causes but why don't you see the benefits it brings to us? What you said is single-faceted in some way.

反方二辩:I’m afraid debater 2 has misunderstood what we mean. We are just describing an impersonal fact, could you ignore those tragedies happening again and again? Besides, the plastic surgery rises in the entertainment circle,but now is popular among teenagers. Don’t you think that it has already had bad effects on teenagers, misleading many teenagers to concern more about their appearance rather than their inner beauty?

正方三辩:I think the answer is no .You have said that we can’t judge a book by its cover , why couldn’t we pay more attention to the cultivation of the inner quality when we care our appearance ? And we are glad to see that people’s quality has been widely improved with the construction of harmonious society .So, the situation you said won’t happen .Everyone loves beauty, we want to be more beautiful, is it wrong?

反方三辩:We don’t object to people’s desire for beauty, what we are opposed to is the way they pursue it. And we also see that getting a plastic surgery usually costs much money. What is worse, a plastic surgery does not get over with the surgery alone, people have to undergo days or months of healing process, during which a lot more money will be needed. Do you think it right that people spend much, if not all their money, improving their appearance? Have you seen those people who lose a family fortune ['f?:t??n] just because of repeating plastic surgeries?

正方三辩:Well, what we claim all the time is that it is understandable to do cosmetic surgery if one has the necessity and can afford it. The tragedy you said is not our original intention.

反方四辩:The pro debaters are always stressing the point that “loving beauty is human’s nature”. However, you just ignore the risk that people may take to have the plastic surgery. With so many ways to improve our appearance, such as making ups, wearing accessories, or designing a fashionable hair-style and so on, why don’t we choose a secure and inexpensive way? Moreover, Sometimes the result of the plastic surgery might not turn out to be what you originally desire. Some even suffer disfigurement. For all these reasons, we don’t think it’s wise to have plastic surgeries to improve one’s appearance.

正方四辩: Thank you, the opponent speaker, I’d like to put forward three points about your opinion and to express our view again. First, there’s really a risk in a cosmetic surgery, we admit, but we must also admit that, there is a small risk in a normal surgery. Moreover, with the development of technology, the risk is becoming smaller. Second, every person loves beauty, a cosmetic surgery provides us many possibilities to achieve our dream, why shouldn’t we have a surgery? Third, we don’t think it will affect adolescent development of thought, the philosophy of modern people have changed greatly, knowing about a person’s inner beauty needs some time, however, external beauty is accepted by the public. So, the thought that we can be fast accepted by the society by a cosmetic surgery is necessary.

