小学英语Dont worry教学设计

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Lesson 9 Don’t worry.



教材49页对话内容,50页词汇以及51页练习。 教学目标:

1.会说会用会写这些单词: worry cry policeman

2. 会说会用这些句子: Don’t worry. Don’t cry.

I can’t find my mother. Let me help you.

Let’s go to the policeman for help. 3.学习祈使句的否定式。

4.学习情态动词can 的肯定和否定用法。 教学重、难点:

1. 学习祈使句的否定式。

2. 学习情态动词can的肯定与否定用法。 3. 听、说、读课文对话。 课前准备:

1. 教师制作 ppt课件一份。 2 录音机和相关部分的录音带。

push shout read

3 worry, cry, push, shout, read, policeman,的单词卡片。

4 教师准备玩具枪。 教学过程:

1. 热身(Warming up)

1).歌曲导入:师生合唱歌曲Happy birthday!

2).课件展示一些描述职业的图片,师生问答,复习职业类词汇。 如:医生,厨师,老师等职业。可用以下句型: What am I?

I am a teacher.

What is he/she? He/She is a doctor/cook/teacher? 2.新课展示(New Presentation)


T: 老师做一个警察的动作,问: What am I?并引导学生答:A policeman. A policeman.(示词卡) I’m a policeman. 边做警察端起枪的动作边说: Don’t move. Hands up!

看到学生紧张的表情,老师放下枪,扮演老师的角色和颜悦色说:Don’t worry. I’m only a teacher.

2)T: Don’t worry, don’t worry.I’m not a policeman, I’m a teacher.(板书课题)

Oh, It’s time for class.Now , let’s begin.Please read the book. 3)老师将一个学生的书藏到讲台前并安排他突然大喊Oh, my god ,Where’s my book?

T:嘘,Don’t shout. They are reading. 老师走过去问:Why are you crying?

并引导学生说:I can’t find my book.Where is my book? 老师强调:He can’t find his book.Where is his book?

T: 老师安慰他说:Oh, don’t worry. Don’t cry. Let me help you. 4)老师走过去拉起他说:Come on and follow me.Let’s go to your teacher for help.

另一个学生推了推他,示意他跟着老师走,这个学生用手打了打说:Don’t push me.

老师强调说:Don’t push him.

5)学生刚跟老师走了两步,忽然停下来说:Oh, My god. That’s my book.

老师转过身问: Where?

学生用手指,老师引导他说:Over there.

老师看了看说:Yeah, It’s over there.Now you find your book. Go to your seat and read the book.

6)采用不同形式的读和写巩固本课的6个词汇。 3小结:

1)当我们发出指令“不要做某事”时,我们要用祈使句的否定式.如:Don’t read in bed.不要躺在床上看书.Don’t shout,不要大声喊叫等等。

2)can’t = can not表示不能、不会,后跟动词原形,如:

I can’t swim. She can’t speak English. 4 巩固活动: 1)听指令做游戏;

Stand up! Sit down. Wash your face. Don’t wash your face. Read the book. Don’t read now. Don’t move. Sing songs. Don’t sing now. Don’t shout . Don’t push now. Mend your desk,please.

2). 师生共同完成教材51页的练习。 播放Listen, look and match部分录音. 听并连线,看看哪个句子和哪幅图意匹配。 5.听录音学习对话:

A: Let’s listen to a dialogue, then answer the questions. (播放对话部分录音,抢答以下问题。) T: What is the boy doing? Ss: He is crying. T: Why is he crying? Ss: He can’t find his mother. T: Who helps the boy? Ss: The girl.

T: Who will they go to for help? Ss: The policeman.



今天学习了几个新词汇以及几个句子。 7.作业: 1).书写词汇。

2).听课文对话录音,朗读对话。 板书设计:

Lesson 9 Don’t worry

worry cry policeman

Don’t worry. Don’t cry. can’t=can not

read I can’t find my mother.


Let me help you.

push Let’s go to the policeman for help.

