
更新时间:2023-10-24 00:18:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



1.Freud said, ‘love and work. Work and love. That’s all there is.’ 弗洛伊德说过,生命中唯一重要的事情是爱情和工作。

2.And retirement? That is an ongoing, relentless effort in creativity. At first, I admit I enjoyed the novelty of it. Sort of felt like I was playing hooky. I used all the miles I’d saved and traveled the globe. The problem was, no matter where I went, as soon as I got home, the nowhere-to-be thing hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized the key to this whole deal was to keep moving. Get up, get out the house, and go somewhere. Anywhere.

Come rain or shine, I’m at my Starbucks by 7:15. Can’t explain it, but it makes me feel part of something.



3.believe me, I’ve tried everything. 相信我,我什么都试过了。 4.Don’t get me wrong. 别误会。

5.I just know there’s a hole in my life,and I need to fill it. Soon. 我只是清楚我的人生有一个洞,我得去填补它。

6.Which brings me to today when I was leaving the market and caught your flyer out of the corner of my eye.

这使得我的眼角余光在我今天离开超市时,注意到了你们的传单。 7.but okay if we take a rain check? 但我们改天可以吗? -rain check (美国英语)雨票(球赛等因雨中断、留给下次继续使用的原票票根);延期(宴请),(宴会)补请

8.because the more I think about this idea, the more tremendous I think it is. I love the idea of having a place I can go every day. I want the connection,the excitement. I want to be challenged and I guess I might even want to be needed. The tech stuff might take a bit to figure out. I had to call my 9-year-old grandson just to find out what a USB connector was. But I’ll get there. Eager to learn. Also, I want you to know I’ve been a company man all my life. I’m loyal, I’m trustworthy, and I’m good in a crisis.


9.I read once, musician don’t retire. They stop when there’s no more music in them. Well, I still have music in me, absolutely positive about that.


10.You check this one off your list, okay? 这件事别顾虑了,好吗?/This is done. 11.I want to figure out a way for friends to shop together online. Make it less of an alone thing.(让网购不再是一件单独的事)

12...the homepage has to read in a glance(匆匆一看). 主页必须一目了然。 13.Business as usual is not really our motto, so we hope you have some fun here. 循规蹈矩可不是我们的训言,所以我们希望你在这里收获乐趣。 14.Back in action. 重回工作。

15.Gray is the new green. 新绿还从迟暮来

16.Can’t leave before the boss leaves. 我不能比上司先走

17.That it’s all going too fast, and it could get away from us. 一切都进行都太快,这会夺去我们的成功。 18.Best thing that’s happened around here all week. 这是这一周以来最棒的一件事。

19.Plus, they sat sitting is the new smoking. 另外,人们说坐着是新的吸烟方式。 20.Goes without saying. 不说我也知道。

21.Let her sleep, Dad. (touching word) 22.I’m so slammed next week.

下周我真忙不过来。(slam v.砰地关上;猛烈抨击(口);风风火火地进行,闯,奋力行进;彻底击败(对方),(牌)赢得满贯) 23.Taking the high road is exhausting. 秉持正确的理念真累人。

24.You’re never wrong to do the right thing. 做正确的事,你永远都不会错。 25.You know what I mean? 你懂我意思吗?(口语)

26.Oh, god, I can’t tell you how much I hate that jumped the gun and I made you feel 天呐,你真不知道我有多讨厌自般石头压脚的感觉

27.I mean, I bust my ass for her 14 hours a day, and she never notices. (bust v.打破,摔碎)


28.A lot of your stress is gonna be lifted once you’re out from under this mountain of worry. And maybe you should consider leaving here at a normal hour once in a while. See your friends. Have some fun.


29.Let’s get through this stuff. Let’s do it together. Let’s clean-slate it. Let’s just do it. (slate n.石板,候选人名单 v.预定,安排,计划;推举;批评)


30.Because I’m gonna save your ass, and I’m gonna put you up for a few weeks.

(-put sb up 留某人住在家中;推荐,提名;-put up (at...)投宿,(在...)过夜;-put up sth 表现,显示;提出(意见等);-put sth up 提高,使提高;建造,搭建;张贴;提高;提供,借出(资金))

因为我要帮你一把, 我打算让你来住几周。

31.It’s essential. That your generation doesn’t know that is criminal. 它是必需品。你们这一代不知道真是糟透了

32.The best reason to carry a handkerchief is to lend it... Women cry, Davis. We carry it for them. One of the last vestiges of the chivalrous gent.

(vestige n.遗迹,残留部分;chivalrous a.(尤指对女人)彬彬有礼的,体贴的; gent n.男士,绅士,先生)

带手帕最好的理由是出借,..女人会哭啊,戴维斯。我们为她们带着手帕。 33.Everyone’s flipping out about it, but you know I’m still on the fence at best. (-flip (out) 异常激动,神志不清,十分气愤(flip v.快速翻转;按(开关);轻抛) 大家都很激动,但你知道我最好还是观望。 34.If you want the company, I’d love to go. 要是你想有同伴,我乐意去。 (company n.陪伴,作伴) 35.What? Okay. Lay it on me. 怎么了?好吧。说吧。

36.So I am counting on your good graces and brilliance to figure out a way to save my ass. 所以我指望你们开恩,指望你们的智慧,想办法帮帮我。 37.That’s freaking genius. 真是太有才了。

(freaking ad.(加强语气,用以替代fucking)该死的,他妈的 38.Little does GPS lady know she is an accomplice to a crime. GPS女士知不知道她在协助犯罪

39.Keep the engine running, your eyes open. 别熄火,注意四周。

40.She put me on hold. What’s wrong with that girl? 她把我切到了等待,那姑娘什么情况?(句子的语法错误体现出当时情况不一般,Ben的紧张)

41.They are the cheapest people in America. 他们是美国最节俭的人。(这里应该为贬义) 42.I am positive. 我肯定。

43.Double-time it,dude. 赶紧啊,老兄。

44.I’m sure my blood was through the roof. But it was worth it. Good times! 我肯定当时我的血压爆表了,但这是值得的,莫负好时光(意译了)。 45.I literally can’t thank you enough for what you just did. 我真不知道该如何表达对你们的谢意。(表达谢意) 46.I can drink. It’s a thing about me. 我能喝,我行的。

47.I know who you are, I’m just terrible with names. 我知道你是谁,我只是记名字很差。(记不住他人名字的时候) 48.I can do me in 10 seconds. 我能10秒做完自我介绍。

49.And I finally met a man I actually want to hang out with. 我最终遇见了一个我真正想交往的男人。(爱人之间) 50.Hey, what’s the waterworks, little one? 嘿,小朋友,你哭什么呢?

(waterworks n.(人体的)排水系统,泌尿系统;自来水厂) 51.She’s total badass. 她可不好对付。

(badass a./n.粗野蛮横(的))

52.Can I get you something before you hit the road? 在你上路前,我能给你弄点东西吗? 53.Does he look right to you? 你觉得他看上去正常吗?

54.I’m just a big bowl of mush(n.软稠的一摊,糊状物;玉米粥). 我只是一个情感很脆弱的人。

55.She handled life like it was easy. Always. Even when it wasn’t. 生活对她来说易如反掌,一直如此,即使是在困难的时候。 56.Let’s go crazy. 我们就任性一次。

Matt is cheating on me.(=he acts out) 马特出轨了。

57.Someone may come in with more experience than you, but they’re never gonna know what you know. I never had anything like this in my life. Not many people do. This big, beautiful, exciting thing that you created. It’s a dream, isn’t it? 或许进来的某人会比你更有经验,但他们永远不会了解你所了解的。我这辈子从没拥有过这样的东西,拥有的人不多。你创建的这个又大又美又令人激动的东西.它是梦想,不是吗?

58.You should feel nothing but great about what you’ve done. 你应该对自己所做的一切感到伟大。

59.It’s moments like this when you need someone you know you can count on. 像这一刻就是你需要某个你知道你能依靠的人的时候。 60.Just do what feels right for you. 就做对你是正确的事吧。

61.I thought I could be the guy that I told you I was going to be. And then somewhere along the way... I thought I was losing you. But it was actually me. I got lost. It’s a confusing world out there and who I am got messed up for a minute. And now I’m watching you ready for give all this up for me. I will not let that happen.


62.I love you, and I will do so much better if you’ll let me. Let me make it right again.


63.Because if I’ve met anyone who doesn’t need a boss, it was you. 因为只有你是我见过的不需要上司的人。


1.-talent acquisition 人才招聘部

2.-set sth in motion 开始,调动,把...发动起来

3.-set the tone(n.风格,特色,气氛,情调) 订调子,起表率作用(这) 4.-be there be square 不见不散

5.-be over the hump(n. 大隆起物;驼峰;驼背) 渡过最困难阶段,完成最困难的部分

6.-save our butts 帮了我们大忙

7.-screw up 搞糟,搅乱,弄坏(screw v.旋紧,拧紧)

8.-flip (out) 异常激动,神志不清,十分气愤(flip v.快速翻转;按(开关);轻抛) 9.-sanitation department 卫生部门 10.Influence on/upon sb/sth 对...产生影响

11.-scare sb off (尤指无意中)把人吓倒,使人害怕,使恐惧 12.-commit a crime 做出(错事),犯(罪) 13.-be indebted to sb for sth 感激\\感恩某人某事 14.-have a ball 狂欢,玩得痛快 15.-have a crush on sb 喜欢上某人

16.-internet sensation 网络热点(sensation n.轰动,引起轰动的人/物) 17.-take(n.) on sth 对某事的看法

18.-on the inside 属于某团伙/组织;知情的 19.-grow and old together 白头偕老

20.-pull sth off 做成,完成(困难的事)&-pull off sth (车辆或司机)驶向路边短暂停车

21.-take the rap (for sb/sth) (无辜)受罚,背黑锅

22.-be after doing sth 正要做某事,打算就要做某事;刚做了某事 23.-bow out (of sth) 退出,告别(尤指一度成功的事业) 24.-keep sb up 使某人熬夜(或开夜车、不睡觉) -sth keep(s) up 持续不变

25.-take sth off sb’s plate 某人不用再想/担心某事了 26.-call the/some shots/tune 控制,操纵

27.-put sb up 留某人住在家中;推荐,提名&-put sth up 提升;建造;张贴;增加;提供,借出(资金)&-put up sth (在战斗、竞赛中)表现;提出(意见等) 28.-sleep on sth 把...留待第二天决定,把...拖延到第二天再说


.hysterical a.极其可笑的;歇斯底里的

.hamper n.盛脏衣服的大篮子;盒装食物;野餐篮

