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本次作业是本门课程本学期的第5次作业,注释如下:大学英语II 第5单元 作业题 一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. – Oh, God! I’ve made such a mistake! – [本题2分] (A) Oh, nothing!

(B) Never mind. We all make mistakes. (C) You should blame yourself. (D) Don’t worry.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 当对方在你面前抱怨自己做错了事时,应进行实质性的安慰,而D 为敷衍性答复。AC为非礼貌用语。

2. – What a poor job I’ve done! – [本题2分] (A) Do it again. (B) You can do it.

(C) Do your best next time!

(D) Don’t be upset. No one can do it better than you. 你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D

解答参考:[第五单元]D 选项AC使上下文意思无法衔接,选项C含批评意。

3. – I had a minor accident yesterday but fortunately nothing is serious. – [本题2分]

(A) What a relief to hear that! (B) I’m sorry to hear that. (C) What can I do for you? (D) Don’t worry.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A

解答参考:[第五单元] A 上文提到遭遇小车祸但无大碍,这是不幸中的万幸,因此BD不恰当,C为商店服务用语。

4. – I feel awful. I’ve left your book somewhere. –


(A) Oh! How could you do that! (B) Don’t worry. I never liked it anyway. (C) Cheer up. I’ll buy anthor one. (D) It’s not your fault.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 当对方因事表示道歉时,应进行宽慰,而D则答非所问。

5. – I’ve lost a good chance to futher my study abroad last term. – [本题2分] (A) Don’t worry.

(B) Don’t dwell too much on your past. (C) You should blame yourself. (D) You should satisfy with it.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 当对方为过去的事表示后悔、懊恼时,应劝慰其忘记过去的事。

6. – I’m sorry. I forgot to buy your ink in town. – [本题2分] (A) Oh. Nothing.

(B) Buy it for me next time.

(C) Don’t worry. These things happen. (D) You shouldn’t blame yourself.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C

解答参考:[第五单元]C 当对方因未践约表示道歉时,应表示理解并表明此为人之常情。

7. –

– We all make mistakes. [本题2分]

(A) Sorry to interrupt you. (B) It’s my fault.

(C) I’m sorry to hear that.

(D) Please excuse me for spilling tea on you. 你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确]


解答参考:[第五单元]D 当对方因事表示道歉时,应进行宽慰,表明自己不介意。

8. – I’m bound to lose again. What should I do? – [本题2分] (A) What a pity! (B) Next time do better. (C) No problem.

(D) Cheer up. You can do it.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D

解答参考:[第五单元]D 当对方表现出担心、害怕、焦虑时,应进行鼓励,而D有认同其失败之意。

9. – There is no way for me to pass the exam today! – [本题2分]

(A) Oh. It’s nothing. (B) It’s not your fault. (C) I’m sorry to hear that. (D) Come on! You can do it.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D

解答参考:[第五单元]D 原因同上。

10. – It’s my fault. – [本题2分]

(A) Don’t blame yourself. (B) You should be more careful. (C) Bad luck!

(D) Next time do better.

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A

解答参考:[第五单元] A 当对方因事表示道歉时,应进行宽慰,而BD皆含批评意。

11. He didn’t go to the party, but he does wish he ______ there. [本题1分] (A) had been (B) has been

(C) would have been (D) would be

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A

解答参考:[第五单元]A 虚拟语气题。在动词―wish‖后跟从句表达一个不能实现的愿望时,表示与现在事实相反从句用一般过去时,表示与过去事实相反从句用过去完成时。【译文】他没参加晚会,但他的确希望他能参加。

12. ________, he remained honest. [本题1分] (A) As poor as Paul was (B) As Paul was poor (C) Poor as Paul was (D) Since Paul was poor

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C

解答参考:[第五单元]C 让步状语从句题。让步状语从句若是由―as‖引导,往往会将从句中的补语或状语置于句首;从句的补语若是名词,前置时省略限定词。【译文】保罗虽然很穷,但却诚实。

13. All the big company’s trading partners come under _______ pressure to turn into E-businesses too. [本题1分] (A) intensify (B) intense (C) integral (D) internal

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 单词辨析题。intense,形容词,―(感觉,感情等)强烈的,剧烈的‖; intensify, 动词,―(使某事物)变得更强烈、尖锐‖; integral 和internal是干扰词,都是形容词,分别表示完整的和内部的。【译文】所有大公司的贸易伙伴们因巨大的压力也都转向电子商务。

14. These euphoric feelings are not ______, but they are in your head. [本题1分] (A) image (B) imagine (C) imaginary (D) imagery

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C

解答参考:[第五单元]C 单词辨析题。imaginary,形容词,表示虚构的,想象出来的; image,名词,意思是形象;imagine,动词,―想象‖;imagery,名词,表示形象化的描述、意象。【译文】这种愉快的感


15. Somewhere along the line, Home Depot has ceased to be just a shop selling things and has become a ______ services provider. [本题1分] (A) virtual (B) virtue (C) virtuous (D) virus

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A

解答参考:[第五单元]A 单词辨析题。virtual,形容词,表示虚拟的;virtue 和virtuous 分别为名词和形容词,表示美德,而D选项是干扰项,意思是病毒,题干讲的是网络的相关信息,根据题意,应该选择A。【译文】Home Depot 不再是一个卖东西的网上小店,而是在网络上占据一席之地,变成了一个虚拟服务的供应商。

16. He laughs best _______ laughs last. [本题1分] (A) he (B) then (C) who (D) and

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C

解答参考:[第五单元]C 定语从句题。此句调整一下语序后则较好理解----He who laughs last laughs best. 斜体字部分是由―who‖引导的定语从句,修饰先行词即主语―who‖,剩下的部分则为句子的主干。修饰人的定语从句在四个选项中只能是who,故选C。【译文】谁笑在最后,谁就笑得最好。

17. These books, ________ at any bookshop, will give you all the information you need. [本题1分]

(A) you can get (B) that you can get (C) what you can get (D) which you can get

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D

解答参考:[第五单元]D 定语从句题。这是一个非限制性定语从句作为插入语直接跟在先行词books的后面,非限制性定语从句修饰物只能由which 引导。【译文】 这些书你可以在任何商店买到,并且能给你想要的任何信息。

18. Hardly _______ people ran toward it. [本题1分] (A) the plane had landed when

(B) had the plane landed when (C) the plane had landed than (D) had the plane landed than 你选择的答案: B [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 语法题。这是一个固定搭配―hardly…when…‖,意思是―一……就……‖, ―hardly‖后的句子要倒装,一般用过去完成时,―when‖后的句子一般用一般过去时,故选B。【译文】飞机一着陆,人们就朝它跑去。

19. I think we are rich enough to ______ and protect our environment, but we have to improve environmental education too. [本题1分] (A) care of (B) care for (C) care with (D) care to

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 短语辨析题。care for ―照看,关心‖,只有这个符合题意,其它均为干扰项,care to do ―喜欢,希望‖,其它两项均不是正确短语。【译文】我想我们已经有足够的财力来关心和保护我们的环境,但是我们也不得不发展环保教育。

20. Don’t worry about your son’s illness. What he really needs is _____ a few day’s rest. [本题1分]

(A) thing but (B) anything but (C) everything but (D) nothing but

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D

解答参考:[第五单元]D 短语辨析题。nothing but ―仅仅‖;anything but 和everything but 都表示―不是‖,A 选项不是正确短语,故选择D。【译文】别担心你儿子的病情。他只需要好好休息几天。

21. He asked if _____ surprised. [本题1分] (A) you are (B) you were (C) were you (D) are you

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 宾语从句题。在复合句中,从句的事态要和主句的事态保持一致。主句为一般过去时,则从句必须用过去系列时态。【译文】他问你是否感到惊讶。

22. Seldom _____ any mistakes during my past five years of service here. [本题1分] (A) made (B) did I make (C) should I make (D) would I make

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 倒装句题。当例如seldom的一些副词放在句首时,句子要倒装,若句子本身并无助动词,倒装时要添加相应的助动词。该句根据意思,本应是一般过去时,故添加了助动词―did‖并提前。【译文】我过去五年在这里的工作中很少犯错。

23. She _____ there to be a couple of dozen people in the room, most of them sitting with their backs to her. [本题1分] (A) evaluates (B) value (C) intimate (D) estimates

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D

解答参考:[第五单元]D 词义辨析题。estimate,动词,意思为―估计‖;intimate,形容词,―亲密的‖;evaluate是―评价‖的意思,故根据题意选择D。【译文】她估计房间里有二十多人,这些人大多是背对她坐的。

24. Don’t you know how ______ it can be out here in the mist? [本题1分] (A) dangerous (B) danger (C) big (D) heavy

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A

解答参考:[第五单元]A 词义辨析题。dangerous,形容词,―危险的‖;danger,名词,―危险‖。【译文】难道你不知道出来在这薄雾里有多危险吗?

25. Five of the _____, all immigrants from Morocco and other African countries, were still in hospital. [本题1分] (A) victors (B) victims (C) harms

(D) harmers

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 词义辨析题。victor,名词,―胜利者‖;victim,名词,―受害者‖;其它两项均为干扰项。【译文】这些受害者都是来自摩洛哥或者是其它非洲国家的移民,他们中还有五人仍然住在医院里。

26. And he knew there was no chance of ______. [本题1分] (A) refuse (B) running (C) escape (D) tape

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C

解答参考:[第五单元]C 固定搭配题。There is no chance of +n. 表示没有…的机会,可能性。【译文】他知道无法逃避。

27. In most EU countries, the employment regulations are ______ and the labor force itself is often resistant to change. [本题1分] (A) intense (B) restrictive (C) instructive (D) restrict

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 词义辨析题。Intense,形容词,―强烈的‖;restrictive, 形容词,―限制性的‖;instructive,形容词,―指导性的‖;restrict,动词,―限制、约束‖,根据题意,选B。【译文】在大多数欧盟国家,劳动法规都是具有限制性的,劳动群众往往反对改变。

28. By evening, he had decided to make his request ______. [本题1分] (A) at hand (B) in hand (C) by person (D) in person

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D

解答参考:[第五单元]D 短语用法题。in person ―亲自‖,at hand ―在手边,方便的‖, 其它均为干扰项。【译文】傍晚前,他已经决定了要亲自提出请求。

29. The two plants he had ever worked for have _______ due to foreign competition. [本题1分]

(A) shut down (B) shut up (C) shut off (D) shut away

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A

解答参考:[第五单元]A 短语用法题。shut down―(使工厂等)停工,歇业,关闭‖;shut up ―住嘴‖;shut off ―停止供应(煤气,水等)‖;shut away 不是正确短语。根据题意,应该选择A。【译文】他曾经工作过的两家工厂由于遇到来自国外的竞争而关闭了。

30. Things _______ us all, so we put them in and take them out as we like. [本题1分] (A) belong for (B) belong with (C) belong to (D) belong in

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C

解答参考:[第五单元]C 固定短语题。belong to+ n. ―属于…‖。【译文】东西是属于我们大家的,所以我们想放就放,想拿就拿。

31. He said he’ll ________ for a car to come and pick you up. [本题1分] (A) rage (B) arrange (C) plan (D) intend

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 固定搭配题。arrange for sth (to do sth)----确保某事物发生;准备;设法。【译文】他说他会安排一辆车来接你。

32. Leave a few hours between eating and __________ any sporting activity. [本题1分] (A) participating in (B) taking in (C) participating into (D) taking into

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A

解答参考:[第五单元]A 固定短语题。participate in …. 表示参加(活动)。【译文】饭后做任何运动都要间隔几小时。

33. They would _______ David for the loss of the safe house. [本题1分] (A) accuse (B) charge (C) quarrel (D) blame

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D

解答参考:[第五单元]D 单词辨析题。accuse 往往用于 accuse sb of sth ,意为―指责某人有错、犯法‖;charge 一般是以charge sb with sth 的形式出现,意为―指控某人‖,尤指―在法庭上控告某人‖;blame sb for sth 则表示―责备,埋怨‖。根据用法和意思,选D。【译文】他们会责备大卫丢掉了藏身之所。

34. Mr. Brown has already raised duty on the purchase of high-value _______. [本题1分] (A) properties (B) poverties (C) possibility (D) proper

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:A

解答参考:[第五单元]A 单词辨析题。property ―财产;资产‖,尤指―房产等不动产‖;poverty是poor的名词形式,指的是―贫穷‖。【译文】布朗先生提高了高价房产买卖的税费。

35. Relaxed atmosphere and central _______ make this an ideal place for meeting friends. [本题1分] (A) locate (B) address (C) location (D) place

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C

解答参考:[第五单元]C 单词辨义题。address指的是通讯住址;place 是地方的一个总称;而location则指的是在一个地区、一个城市等的具体位置;locate是动词。句子的意思是指该场所在该城市的具体位置,故选择C。【译文】休闲的氛围以及靠近中心的位置使它成为会见朋友的理想场所。

36. Smokers become _______ to nicotine, and on stopping smoking the sudden loss of nicotine can cause unpleasant illnesses. [本题1分] (A) belong (B) addict (C) addicted

(D) belonged

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:C

解答参考:[第五单元]C 固定搭配题。be (become) addicted to sth 指对什么东西上瘾。【译文】吸烟者对尼古丁上瘾,并且在戒烟时由于尼古丁摄入的突然中断会带来一系列的不适。

37. If it were as cheap and easy to get ________ here as in America, the British might double their time at the computer. [本题1分] (A) off line (B) online (C) internet (D) on line

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 词汇辨义题。online,名词,―在线,联机‖;offline,―离线‖;其它两项为干扰项。【译文】如果在英国上网像在美国一样经济便利,那英国人耗费在网上的时间可能会翻一番。

38. He is a better driver than I am and most of the other drivers I _______. [本题1分] (A) counter (B) encounter (C) corner (D) incounter

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 形近词辨义题。counter,―柜台,计算器‖;encounter,动词,―遇见‖;incounter则不是正确单词,属干扰项。【译文】他比我以及我碰到过的其他的司机都要好。

39. The weight of an object in space is not the same ______ its weight on the surface of the earth. [本题1分] (A) that (B) as (C) which (D) then

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:B

解答参考:[第五单元]B 固定搭配题:the same (…)as ,同……一样。【译文】一个物体在太空中的重量不同于它在地球表面的重量。

40. When ________, John did not reply. [本题1分]

(A) he asking what his name was (B) was asked what his name was (C) asking what John’s name was (D) asked what his name was

你选择的答案: [前面作业中已经做正确] [正确] 正确答案:D

解答参考:[第五单元]D 分词的独立结构。我们可以用诸如when,after等连接词+分词在句中做状语,但该状语的逻辑主语需与该句的主句主语一致。在本句中,主句的主语是John,所以状语的逻辑主语也应是John,他应该是被问及姓名,故用被动语态―asked‖。【译文】当被问及姓名时,约翰没有回答。

五、阅读理解、完形填空题(共5道小题) 41.

Lately, more and more singles are turning to the Internet for better dating opportunities. The process of an online relationship, however, is very different from the real-life dating process. The online environment is, by its very nature, restrictive.

Trish met a man online, and the online relationship quickly blossomed into an intense, intimate encounter. She had lied in the beginning of the relationship by understating her own weight by 150 pounds. When he asked for her picture a week later, she worried about her lie, and sent a picture of a slimmer woman instead. In her mind, however, he would come to accept her physically once he fell in love with her soul. A few weeks passed, and the relationship intensified. He arranged to fly to meet her. She felt confident that her lie would be forgiven if she confessed in person. However, the woman he met was nothing physically that she had led him to imagine. He walked away angrily and refused to speak to her again. Trish blamed society’s focus on beauty, not willing to realize that she had cheated him.

Amy, a friend of mine, was involved in an online romance for several months with Jed, a man who lived in another state. Their relationship included lengthy and intimate phone conversations. They genuinely cared for each other, and spent time supporting one another through difficult li fe decisions. From their perspectives, they shared an intimate and loving relationship. When she suddenly became ill and hospitalized, I relayed messages to him, until he was able to contact her in her hospital room. They soon began discussing the possibility of living together.

Problems occurred when they met for the first time. My friend complained that the spark that they shared online no longer existed in real life. Once completely charmed, they now easily annoyed each other. After sharing their feelings and troubles for three months, they became total strangers face-to-face. Realizing that they had crossed intimacy boundaries, it was uncomfortable to assume even a friendly relationship. [共5题]

(1) According to the 1st paragraph, the online relationship _____________. [本题2分] (A) is similar to the real-life date (B) is not limiting by nature (C) is a better dating opportunity

(D) is more and more popular among singles

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:D

(2) Why didn’t Trish send her own picture to the man? [本题2分] (A) Because she was very confident.

(B) Because she was not as slim as she lied. (C) Because she fell in love with him. (D) Because the man loves slim lady. 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B

(3) When did the man arrange their first meeting? [本题2分] (A) After he knew the lie. (B) After he got her picture.

(C) After their relationship became steady. (D) After he accepted her physically. 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C

(4) Why did the man get angry? [本题2分] (A) Because Trish refused to speak to him. (B) Because Trish blamed the society, not herself. (C) Because Trish didn’t confess before him. (D) Because he realized he was cheated. 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:D

(5) The story of Amy and Jed tells us _____________. [本题2分] (A) Love online is hard to survive (生存) in real life. (B) Her illness made them live together. (C) It is hard for strangers to live together. (D) It is impossible to find true love online. 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:A 参考答案:

[第五单元]; 第5小题: A 主旨题。 文中提到Amy的生病促使二人感情的升温,遂决定一起生活,但问题也随之而来,引发诸多矛盾,再次见面已形同路人。作者稍后评论说―一个想在网上结识未来伴侣的人也必须作好在现实生活中与之见面的准备。毕竟,人是生活在真实世界中。仅仅通过屏幕和键盘去彻底认识另一个人是不可能的‖。由此可见,二人的故事告诉大家网恋在现实中是很难生存的,大家应谨慎行事。


Who would want to build a virtual house on the Internet? Or spend hours online each week l

iving inside a make-believe world? It sounds crazy, but thousands of video game enthusiasts do just that.

Online worlds are becoming more popular than ever. Many people have belonged to these online worlds for years. Inside these imaginary worlds, video gamers develop characters over time. These characters learn skills, fight battles, build relationships, and even own property. Some communities inside these online worlds have several hundred thousand citizens!

The people role-playing in online worlds buy and sell things with virtual money. Many gamers earn virtual money by running successful tailor shops and weapons dealerships in their online worlds. Money and treasures can also be taken from victims in battle—it’s a dangerous virtual world out there!

But gaining virtual wealth can be too time-consuming for the gamer who wants to buy his castle now. Serious game addicts have begun doing something the online world designers probably never imagined.

Some gamers are exchanging real-world money to buy virtual money and property for their online worlds. Using online auction sites such as eBay.com, gamers buy and sell whatever they need. A whole mini-economy has grown around this trade of goods.

Some of the most valuable items for sale in online worlds aren’t cheap. Sometimes they are rare, which makes them even more valuable. For example, consider a nice virtual house in a prime location. This property might cost as much as a new TV set in the real world!

For the person who doesn’t participate in these online worlds, the appeal must seem peculiar. What’s the attraction with these online worlds? Why would people spend money on something that doesn’t really exist?

The money being exchanged for those online swords and castles is real. The swords and castles aren’t. Absurd? Maybe. But the time and effort spent by the players is real. So is their love for online worlds. It seems only the human imagination can make something out of nothing! [共5题]

(1) In the 1st paragraph, ―make-believe world‖ refers to the following EXCEPT_____________. [本题2分]

(A) virtual world. (B) online world. (C) imaginary world. (D) castles

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:D

(2) In the 1st paragraph, ―video game enthusiasts‖ refers to _____________. [本题2分] (A) video gamers (B) characters (C) game designers (D) tailors

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:A

(3) The gamers could earn virtual money by the following EXCEPT _____________. [本题2分] (A) doing some business (B) designing some games

(C) exchanging real-world money to buy virtual money (D) taking from victims in battle 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B

(4) According to the author, human imagination _____________. [本题2分] (A) is nothing (B) is something

(C) can be exchanged with virtual money (D) can make anything possible 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:D

(5) What’ s the author’s attitude toward things online? [本题2分] (A) Positive (B) Negative (C) Neutral (D) Critical

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C 参考答案:

[第五单元]; 第5小题: C 观点态度题。文章最后一段作者提及了虚拟货币交易的真实性,同时表达了自己的疑问―听起来很荒谬吧?‖,而对疑问的回答―可能的确如此‖说明作者还未作出肯定或否定的决断,而最后一句―It seems only…‖也进一步说明作者的中立态度。


Mrs. Wilson, a Cree Indian in her sixties, was looking for a home to rent. She heard that one was available in an ideal location, close to the Calgary core.

Mrs. Wilson and her daughters went to look at the house. Sure enough, there was a ―For Rent‖ sign in the window. A woman next door told them that the owner was Antonio Pompei, who owned a bakery farther up the street.

Mrs. Wilson has great difficulty walking for she is almost blind, so she waited in the car while her daughters went along to the bakery. The daughters met Mr. Pompei, who agreed to rent the house. However, the daughters wanted to see the inside of the house before they agreed to rent it. One of the bakery employees went with them to the house, where he met Mrs. Wilson. All three women liked the house and returned to the bakery to tell Mr. Pompei that they would rent it.

When Mr. Pompei saw Mrs. Wilson, he quickly walked out of the bakery. He had not realized Mrs. Wilson was Indian. Her daughters look more like their father, who is of a different ethnic

(种族)origin. The next day, Mrs. Wilson and her daughters returned to the bakery in an attempt to rent the house. Because of her blindness, Mr. Wilson was helped out of the car and guided into the bakery by one of her daughters. Mr. Pompei told the women that the house was already rented.

The Wilsons suspected discrimination. As soon as they got home, Mrs. Wilson phoned Mr. Pompei, without identifying herself, Mr. Pompei lost his temper.

Mrs. Wilson complained to the Human Rights Commission. Their examination discovered that the tenants who did rent the house had not even seen it at the time when Mrs. Wilson visited it. They applied to rent it a full week after Mrs. Wilson had applied. [共5题]

(1) According to the passage, Mrs. Wilson was _____________. [本题2分] (A) to rent the house for her daughters (B) to rent the house for someone else (C) to rent the house for her family (D) to sublet(转租)the house

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C

(2) According to the passage, we are certain that Mr. Wilson was _____________. [本题2分] (A) an Indian (B) not an Indian (C) an Asian (D) from India

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B

(3) Mrs. Wilson found Mr. Pompei’s discrimination by _____________. [本题2分] (A) complaining to the Human Rights Commission (B) making the bakery owner angry (C) making an unidentifiable phone call (D) pretending to be a woman of wealth 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C

(4) In the end Mrs. Wilson couldn’t rent the house simply because _____________. [本题2分] (A) she was of Indian origin

(B) she needed assistance while walking

(C) the owner of the house asked for more money (D) she was almost blind

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:A

(5) Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE? [本题2分] (A) Mr. Wilson had at least two daughters.

(B) The house had been rented to someone else a week before. (C) Mrs. Wilson was almost blind.

(D) Mr. Pompei was practicing racial discrimination. 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B 参考答案:

[第五单元]; 第5小题:B 事实细节题。文章最后一段提到人权委员会查明租下房子的人是在 Mrs. Wilson一家提出租房后一星期才提出租房的,而不是之前。


The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, poor land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively. Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more chance of development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand.

One of the difficulties in carrying out a worldwide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In the developing country where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, the first concern of government will be to set a limit on the birthrate, whatever the final result may be. In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex. A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods. When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and building industry grow weaker. Faced with concern such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline. [共5题]

(1) The main topic of this article is _____________. [本题2分] (A) environment protection (B) population growth

(C) environment and economy (D) climate changing

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B

(2) The passage says that a small population may lead to _____________. [本题2分] (A) higher production, but a lower average income (B) lower production and lower average income (C) higher production and a higher average income

(D) lower production, but a higher average income 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C

(3) According to the passage, the use of birth control perhaps is good for_____________. [本题2分]

(A) a developing country (B) a developed country (C) the whole world

(D) each nation with a big population 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:A

(4) In a developed country, people will perhaps be unemployed if the birthrate _____________. [本题2分] (A) goes up (B) goes down (C) remains stable (D) is out of control

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B

(5) The author is aiming to show that_____________. [本题2分] (A) humans will run out of their food supply in the future

(B) it is necessary for humans to carry out a worldwide plan for birth control (C) different nations have different views of population growth

(D) we need to take necessary measures to prevent the overuse of natural resources. 你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C 参考答案:

[第五单元]; 第5小题:C 主旨题。文章第二段主要阐述实行全球人口控制计划的困难之一在于各国政府对于人口增长的态度各不相同。

45. When reality __(1)__ hard to take, there’s an __(2)__ to a parallel universe—a virtual world without end __(3)__ real people create online personas called avatars. Anything is possible. Catherine Smith showed CBS News correspondent Jerry Bowen that her avatar has ―red hair‖ and ―big nice cool glasses‖.

―This is my deck __(4)__ the beach, and I’ve got neighbors that have a giant pirate ship,‖ Smith explained.

Smith can’t __(5)__ a beach house in real life. But in Second Life, the online game __(6)__ by her employer, Linden Lab, she—and nearly 100,000 other subscribers who pay

―You can go skydiving and not be afraid of dying; you could become a wild animal, __(7)__ that you could never do in real life,‖ she said.

__(8)__ as this may be to believe, there is real money changing hands among the players in these games, Bowen reports. An estimated 6 million a month.

―What we have here is a virtual loft of sorts that we created for the artist Regina Spektor,‖ says Ethan Kaplan of Warner Bros. Records, which has set up shop to __(10)__ the pop singer’s music.

―Our goal with Second Life is to make it better than real life in a lot of ways,‖ says Phillip Rosedale, Linden Lab’s CEO and founder. [共10题] (1) [本题1分] (A) get (B) gets (C) is (D) was

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B (2) [本题1分] (A) route (B) way (C) escape (D) retreat

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C (3) [本题1分] (A) that (B) which (C) when (D) where

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:D (4) [本题1分]

(A) being overlooked (B) overlooking (C) overlooked (D) overlook

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B (5) [本题1分] (A) help

(B) getting (C) afford (D) for

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C (6) [本题1分] (A) created (B) invented (C) creating (D) inventing

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:A (7) [本题1分] (A) some (B) nothing (C) anything (D) something

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:D (8) [本题1分] (A) True (B) Hard (C) Truth (D) Had

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:B (9) [本题1分] (A) is (B) was (C) are (D) were

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:A (10) [本题1分] (A) publical (B) pub (C) publicize

(D) public

你选择的答案: 前次作业时已经做对 [正确] 正确答案:C 参考答案:

[第五单元]; 第10小题:C 这里考查词性,因为需要一个动词,意思是―推广‖,故只能选择C。

