八年级下unit1 导学案

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授课日期:2015年 3月 日 Unit 1 New words and expressions (1)


?考试说明?中的重点词汇,要求重点掌握。 知识链接:在本课的短语 1. athlete c.n. 最好的乒乓球运动员: the best table tennis athletes athletes = player 一个男、女运动员:a male/female athlete 2. century c.n. 在21世纪:in the 21st century centuries 3. province c.n.provinces 南方的省:the southern province 省队:the province’s team 4. attitude u.n. 改变我的态度:change my attitude 生活态度:attitude towards life 5.successful adj. 一个非常成功的女演员:a very successful n. success actress v. succeed 使她成功:make her succeed adv.successfull在...成功(2)be successful in doing sth. y = get success in...= succeed in doing sth 6.crossed adj. 为某人祝福祈祷: v.cross穿过 keep my fingers crossed n.cross十字 7.train n.火车 辛苦训练:train harder v.训练 8. gold n.金黄色,黄 四块金牌:four gold medals 金 adj.金黄色的 9. medal c.n.medals 银牌:silver medals 10.southern adj. 应用扩展:四个方向的n.和 adj. n. south,north,east, west adj.southern,northern,western,eastern 11. treasure u.n. 中国的国宝:a national treasure of China 12.note c.n.notes 记下电话:make a note of the phone number 笔记本:a notebook 哈五十七中学八年英语导学案

13.wheel c.n wheels Wheels can make cars move. 14.disadvantage c.n.缺点缺陷 克服她的身体的缺点: (反)advantage u.n.不利不便 overcome her physical disadvantage Unit 1 New words and expressions (2) 普通单词: 15.champion ship 16.overcome n..(1)冠军 (2)锦标赛 v.三种形式 overcame,overcome,overcoming v. participated participated v. n.product adj. v. relate连接 adj. 赢得她的第一个乒乓球冠军: Win her first table tennis championship 克服困难:overcome the difficulties 克服身体上的缺点overcome her physical disadvantage 参加:participate in 在...被生产:be produced in 与..有关:be related to 一个女运动员: a female athlete 17.participate 18.produce 19.related 20.female (反义)male 21.national adj. 赢得全国锦标赛win the national n. nation国家championship 民族 相关词:n. nation adj.international国际的 22.despite prep. 除了这个事实:despite this fact 词组: 1.talk show host become a talk show host host n. 放弃做某事give up doing sth. 2.give up 永不放弃 never give up 一 学习目标

1.掌握本单元24个单词的拼写及用法。(重点) 2掌握所学短语的拼写及用法。 (难点) 二 教学过程

1 教师引导:教师领读。 2 合作学习:组长与副组长帮助本组读的不好的同学掌握单词的读音,熟练读出单词,四人小组交流预习内容,合作汇报。 3作业布置:






Unit 1 Lesson 1 一 学习目标

1能够独立完成听力练习并掌握听力内容。 (重点) 2 熟练运用Speaking。(重点) 3 能够背诵并写出重点句子。(难点) 二 教学过程 (一) Getting Ready

1 探究学习:谈论图片并根据图片进行对话。 2 合作学习:表演对话。

3 自主学习:尝试翻译重点词组,总结知识点。

(1)too short to become a basketball player _____________________ (2)not smart enough to ______________________ (3) become a talk show host _______________________

(4)with her handicap __________________(残疾的人_______________) (5)be related to ______________

(6)participate in ...contests __________________ (二)Listening


(2) 听录音完成练习B。 (3) 听录音跟读。

2 探究学习:尝试翻译重点词组,总结知识点。 (1) finish school__________________ (2) pretty enough __________________


(3) an actress who was very short _______________________ (4) stand straight and act tall _______________________ (5) change my attitude _______________________ (6)a very successful actress _______________________ (5)keep my fingers crossed. _______________________ (三)Speaking

1 自主学习:听录音,跟读 2 合作学习:(1)分角色进行对话


3 探究学习:尝试翻译重点词组,总结知识点。 (1)study abroad ____________________________

(2) a little better than yours ___________________________ (3)That’s nice to hear. _______________________ (4)speak English very well_______________________ (5) have the final soccer match __________________________ (6) Let me tell me the reason. __________________________ (四)课堂小结 (五)作业布置:




Unit 1 Lesson 2 (1) 一 学习目标:

1 熟悉并理解关于邓亚萍的故事。(重点) 2 进行阅读理解训练。(重点)


3 掌握课文中的知识点。(难点) 二 教学过程: (一) Before Reading

自主学习:What causes natural disaster ? How do natural disaster affect people ? Share your ideas with your partner. (二)Reading— The world of nature 1. 自主学习:听录音,略读。

教师引导:Tell the main meaning of this passage. 2. 自主学习:听录音,扫读。

教师引导:完成After Reading (A)中的问题。 3. 合作学习:细读,完成After Reading (B)和(C)。

4. 探究学习:小组合作,翻译重点词组,总结知识点,在课堂上反馈,教师


(1) overcame her physical disadvantage ___________________________ (2) what made her succeed _________________________ (3) according to a newspaper _________________________ (4)more than four million people ________________________ (5) was invented by __________________________ (6) despite this fact __________________________ (7) the best table tennis athletes________________________ (8)one of these athletes ____________________

(9)won her first table tennis championship _______________________ (10) at that time _________________________________ (11) the province’s team _______________________ 5.自主学习:背诵前两段课文 (三)课堂小结



A组:1.家长听写词组及短语,签字并改错。 2.背前两段课文。 B组:1.词组及短语抄写1遍,翻译一遍,家长听写签字并改错。



2.熟读前两段课文。 Unit 1 Lesson 2 (2) 一 学习目标:

1 复习前两段课文及知识点。(重点)

2 掌握后两段课文中的知识点并运用。(难点) 二 教学过程:

Reading— A Special Machine

1. 合作学习:以小组为单位,互考背课文。

2. 探究学习:小组合作,翻译重点词组,总结知识点,在课堂上反馈,教师


(12) won the national championship in table tennis _______________________ (13)make her give up ___________________________ (14) train harder _______________________ (15) one year later _______________________ (16) changed her mind _______________________

(17) accept Deng Yaping as a member _______________________ (18) played in the world championship _______________________ (19) together with sb. _______________________

(20) kept playing and kept winning _______________________


(21) over the next ten years_______________________ (22) at the Olympics _________________________

(23) kept playing and kept winning _______________________ (24) was named one of the top ten athletes _______________________ (25) for anything _________________________

(25)gave up playing table tennis _________________________ (三)课堂小结 Unit 1 Lesson 3 一 学习目标:

1 巩固掌握本单元部分重点单词,短语的拼写及用法。(重点) 2 掌握连读技巧,学会在长句子中正确停顿。(重点) 3 熟练掌握使役动词在句中的用法。(难点) 二 教学过程:

(一)Words and phrases

1.合作学习:小组总结答案及重点知识。 2.教师引导:教师指导总结。

(1) be produced in __________________________

(2) a national treasure of China _____________________________ (3) good chances for athletes _______________________ (4) give them a big hand._______________________

(5) make a note of the phone number _______________________ (6) improve your English _______________________ (7) run after sb._______________________ (二)Pronunciation 自主学习与合作学习:


A. Listen and read the sentences. Try to find how to read the sentences by linking some words. (三)Structure

自主学习:使役动词在句中的用法 3. 探究学习与教师引导:

1.使役动词是表示使、令、让、帮、叫等意义的不完全及物动词,主要有make(使,令), let(让), help(帮助), have(让,要求),ask(让),get,等。 2. .使役动词后接受词,再接原形不定词作受词补语。 接宾语时,人称代词用宾格。 3. .make /have/ let +sb +do sth. (help 可接do/ to do)

get/ask + sb to do sth.

4.使役动词的被动语态要在动词前加to。 (主)He made me laugh. 他使我笑了。

(被)I was made to laugh by him. 我被他逗笑了。 Unit 1 Lesson 4 一 学习目标

1 能正确完成Writing并理解使役动词在句中的用法.(重点) 2 能运用使役动词句子。(难点) 二 教学过程 (一) Writing

A. Complete the sentences.

B. Write about yourself like the example below. C. Read the passage and talk about it.

(1)a wonderful actress___________________________

(2)your low voice will not matter ___________________________ (3)keep training ___________________________ Homework.作文:



