Focus Listening(4) Unit 3 Keys and Scripts

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College English Focus Listening and Speaking

Unit 3 Advertising

Part A Micro-listening Listening for Key Words

Script and Key to Exercise 1

I was planning to buy a digital camera last year, but none of the cameras on the market fulfilled my criteria. After lots of hunting for the right camera I finallly found the one that was the best. The Canon A95 turns out to be everything you can want of a camera. It is really amzaing. Firstly, it’s simple to use.

Secondly, it can create images of true color and terrific quality – even in your biggest prints. And thirdly, it can capture beautiful pictures and satisfy the needs of more experienced users. Brand name: Canon A 95 Advantages:

1) simple to use; 2) can create images of true color with terrific quality; 3) can capture beautiful pictures; 4) can satisfy the needs of more experienced users.

Key to Exercise2

1. Advertising is a way of informing people of something. This can range from telling them a product for sale, or a service, or urging them to do something, or even making someone’s name known to the public. 2. Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers to buy a certain product, but it does not force them to buy the product. Consumers still control the final buying decision.

Part B Macro-listening

Script to a Passage

Successful Advertising

One of the keys to successful advertising is to catch the interest of readers. In your busy life, there is little time to read every page in front of your, so you have to be very selective. Being aware of this, advertisers go to great lengths to arouse your curiosity in what they have to say. You should know when advertisers are trying to catch your interest so that you keep in mind that they are attempting to influence you.

Advertisers always have an intended audience targeted for their messages – men, women, or children of specific ages, from various ethnic groups, and with certain interests. It is important that you know to whom an advertisement is designed to appeal so that you can decide whether or not you should spend your time giving serous consideration to what it has to say.

Obviously the shole point of a given advertisement is to get you to purchase a product, take a certain action, or think in a certain way. An effective advertisement is very specific about the benefit to readers as a result of their buying, doing, or thinking whatever is being urged by the advertisement. It is extremely

important that you recognize the benefit stressed by an advertisement so that you can make a sound decision as to whether or not to follow its advice. Key to Exercise 1

1. What is one of the keys to a successful advertisement mentioned in the passage? c 2. What should you always keep in mind when you are reading an advertisement? b 3. What is the real purpose of an advertisement? d 4. What can you infer from the passage? d Key to Exercise 2

1. When designing advertisements, advertisers always try to target an intended audience as their potential


College English Focus Listening and Speaking

customers: men, women, children of specific ages, from various ethnic groups, and people with certain interests.

2. An effective advertisement should also fully consider what benefit customers will get as a result of their

buying, doing, or thinking what the advertisement is trying to convince them to.

3. If you are to take what an advertisement has to say seriously, you must know to which group it is

designed to appeal.

A Conversation

We Were Born to Help You Do It Better

Joyce: Dad!

Father: Yes? What’s the matter, Joyce?

Joyce: I’m wondering if I should buy a pair of tennis shoes. I’m going to join the tennis club in school. Father: Why not? It’s good that you finally play sports. Joyce: But I’d like to have Adidas.

Father: Adidas? It’s too expensive. They are for professional athletes.

Joyce: But all the guys in the school tennis team are wearing Adidas, boys as well as girls. Father: But none of us has ever had Adidas and we used to play quite OK. Joyce: Here is an ad aobut Adidas. Can I read it to you? Father: Go ahead.

Joyce: “Over fifty-five years ago, Adidas gave birth to a new idea in sports shoes. And the people who wear our shoes have been running and winning ever since. In fact, Adidas has helped them set over 400 world records in track and field alone.”

Father: Nonsense! The players have to go through a lot of hard training and practice. It has nothing to do with the shoes. They may be comfortable, but ...

Joyce: You’re right, Dad. The ad goes on to say, “You’re born to run. And we were born to HELP YOU DO IT BETTER”.

Father: Hmm. It may be good for running, but you don’t run.

Joyce: Listen, Dad. The ad says, “... Maybe that’s why more and more football, soccer, basketball and

tennis” see? “TENNIS players are turning to Adidas. They know that, whatever their game, they can rely on Adidas workmanship and quality in every product we make.”

Father: OK, OK, dear. I know Adidas is good. But how much is a pair of your shoes?

Joyce: You don’t have to worry about that, Dad, I’ve saved some money since last Christmas. I just want to hear your opinion. Father: That’s good.

Key to Exercise 1

1. Why did Joce want to have a pair of Adidas tennis shoes? b 2. What does Joyce’s father think of Adidas shoes? a

3. Why did her father object to Joyce’s idea of buying Adidas shoes at first? d 4. What can you infer from the conversation? c Key to Exercise 2

1. Adidas is the brand name of a type of sports shoes; 2. Adidas developed a new idea in making sports shoes over fifty-five years ago; 3. Adidas’s first products were running shoes; 4. Adidas is now also favored by football, soccer, basketball and tennis players; 5. Adidas claims that customers can rely on the workmanship and quality in every product it makes; 6. Adidas shoes are comfortable but expensive. 2

