六上U5 B Lets talk teaching design

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The Teaching Design Of Unit 5 Part B Let?s talk 十家中心校 李伟鹤 一.Analysis of the textbook

It?s about Unit Five ---What does he do ?---in the PEP Primary English Students? Book,Book 5of Grade Six.The main topic in this unit is ?career?. There are two major parts in this lesson, includingLet?s try andLet?s talk. Obviously,“Let?s try” is used to lead us to the content of “Let?s talk”. So it tells us that Mike and Xiaoyu are on the way home and talking about their uncles.The main sentence patterns are “Where does he work ?” and “How does he go to work ?” 二、Analysis of the students

The students of Grade Six have got the basic skills of listening ,speaking,reading and writing .So most of them are interested in English but some are not.And the teacher should lead them correctly to learn English.They have learnt some career words in Grade four ,so it?s easy to open this topic. 三、Teaching Aims:

1. Enable the students understand the dialogue well . 2.Listenand speak “Where does he/she work ?He/She

works...” and “How does he/she go to work ? He/She goes to work ...” correctly.

3.Read the dialogue with the standard pronunciation and intonations.

4.Use the main sentences to ask and answer correctly. 5.Know the sense of healthy life and study hard to make dreams come true .Develop their sense of group cooperation and the skills of speaking English in class.

四、Teaching Points and Difficulties:

1.Enable the students understand the dialogue well and use “Where does he/she work ?He/She works...” and “How does he/she go to work ? He/She goes to work ...”in real conditions correctly.

2.The students can understand “stay healthy,work hard,study hard”and use “Where does he/she work ?He/She works...” and “How does he/she go to work ? He/She goes to work ...”in real conditions correctly. 五.Teaching steps:

Step1.Greeting : Hello everybody! Next to meet you !I?m so happy to be your teacher today.

Step2.Revision:(ppt) Say the words according to the pictures then practice.Ask and answer T: What does your she/he do ? S: She/He is a/an _______.

设计意图:用图片复习熟悉的职业名词同时问答功能句,既复习了上节课学过的重点句型, 又自然的为本节课引出新句型做好铺垫。


T: This is my uncle.He is a ...He works ... He goes to work on foot every day. And he works hard ,I love him.

Now Mike and Xiaoyu are talking about Xiaoyu?s uncle ,listen and circle.

Before listening we should read the questions and guess what we should choose. Then check it .

设计意图:通过介绍我叔叔的工作情况引到Let?s try上,为下面的对话做好准备。同时提出work hard ,将难点分散,降低难度。让学生通过题面捕捉关键信息根据提示做出听前预测。

2.(ppt)Look ! This is Mike?s uncle.Guess,what does he do ? Where does he work ?How does he go to work ?

Listen and answer the three questions. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.


3. Read and translate the dialogue in groups then find out what you don?t know.


4. Practicing reading with the proper pronunciation and intonation,at the same time point out where we should pause.

Than act it out !


Step4.Consolidation and extension :

Make a new dialogue according to the phrases about your families in pairs.Then act out.

e.g. A:What does your mother do ? B: She?s a nurse. A:Where does she work? B: She works in a hospital. A:How does she go to work?

B:She goes to work on foot. (She has a healthy life. She works hard and stays healthy.)



Your parents work so hard ,so I hope that all of you should study hard and stay healthy!



1.Listen to the tape and read the dialogue in proper pronunciation and intonation.

2.Talk about your family members in English .


Unit 5 What does he do?

Where does he work ? He works at sea.

