现代大学英语精读2 lesson one 课后答案

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Lesson One Another School Year --- What For?

I . Discuss the following questions:

1) Why did the professor draw a line between training and education? In what way are they different?

2) Are universities only for job training according to the professor? What else should a student strive for in a university 3) How did the professor try to prove the importance of book-reading?

4) How would you respond if your brother or sister or your best friend declares that he/she is only interested in learning some job skill and therefore has no use for literature, politics, philosophy, history, art, music, etc.?

5) Discuss with or interview a classmate, find out his/her ideas, summarize them and report back briefly to the class: Is education for living or make a living? II. Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Examine how the words specialize and simplify are formed. Find out the meanings of the suffixes ―–ize‖ and ―–fy‖. specialize:____ + ____ simplify: ____ + ____

2) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix ―–ize‖ and vice versa. Example: computer (n.) + -ize computerize (v.) Noun/Ajective Verb capital __________ central __________ final __________ hospital __________ ideal __________ __________ apologize __________ civilize __________ fertilize __________ industrialize __________ realize

3) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix ―–fy‖. Example: beauty (n.) + -fy Noun/adjective Verb clarity __________ class __________ identity __________ intense __________ just __________

4) Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets.

(1) If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, it is a time for you to ________ (施肥) your lawn.

(2) Just enjoy the little things you are doing. When you look back, you will ________ (意识到) they were doing the big things. (3) Walt Disney ________(总结)how he made his dreams come true in four C’s: curiosity, confidence, courage and constancy. (4) The plan was ________ (批评) as too idealistic and impractical.

(5) The waste water is now ________ (净化) and then used for irrigation.

(6) The training courses aims to ________ (使合格) them as teachers of English. (7) How can you ________ (说明 有正当理由的) your behavior? (8) The freshmen will first read some ________ (简写) stories. (9) Books can be ________ (分类) in different ways.

(10) I was really ________ (害怕的) when I was told that 500 million people would watch my performance. 2. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms. to average out (to a certain number) to be exposed to to be out to

to be stuck to be true of to do with sth.

to have no business doing sth. to put sb. In touch with

to see to sth./to see to it that clause to specialize to

1) They said that they would __________ no more trees are cut from now on

2) When he first retired, he felt very uncomfortable. He did not know what to __________ all his time. 3) If you want to know this, I can __________ a real expert. 4) Meals at the hotel __________20 yuan per day.

5) James protested that others __________ saying such things about him.

6) Eric told me that everything in the hospital was first-rate, and so was it __________ its doctors and nurses. 7) They were shocked to hear Professor Jin say that a company should not __________ make profit only. 8) My father was a historian. He __________ the history of the Ming Dynasty.

9) There are several ways to get around the difficulties when you __________ in the middle of a sentence.

10)Some sociologists argue that the ever-increasing crime rate is due to the fact that people __________ too much violence in TV programs.

11) In the first half of the year, Li Fan‘s income __________ 6,000yuan per month. 12) They promised to __________ the nuclear power station would be safe. 3.Choose the right word and put it in the proper form.. i . to say to speak to talk to tell

1) ―I can __________ you how to start, but you‘ll have to work out the answer yourself, ‖ __________ Mr. Baker.

2) She insisted that parents should try to find out why children sometimes __________ lies. 3) Would you please stop __________? We can‘t hear what the speaker is __________.

4) He __________ a few words about himself and then on to __________ about the recent development in the Sino-Russian relationship.

5) We learned from what students __________ about him that he __________ four languages. ii . fairly rather

1) The food was__________ good, but not as delicious as in the other restaurant. 2) She speaks __________ fluently, but her pronunciation is __________ poor. 3) It‘s___ hot here in the room. Will you please open the window? iii . sensitive sensible

1) I didn‘t mean you .You are too__________..

2) I thank it was a very __________ thing for you to do on such occasions. 3) It was __________ of them to withdraw their troops from that area. 4. Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets.

1) The town used to __________ almost entirely __________ (依靠) tourism for its economic development . 2) The president asked me to __________ (主持) the meeting on his behalf .

3) I told them that Mr. Shen __________ ( 坚持) their giving a straightforward answer 4) No country has the right to __________ (干涉) other countries’ internal affairs . 5) His grandparents __________ (渴望) his return to his own country .

6) In the last twenty years his research __________ (集中) a new strain of rice .

7) All this __________ (同意了的) at our last discussion .I don’t see why we need to talk about it again . 8) Alice is still __________ (犹豫) the choice between the tow jobs . 9) They would never __________ ( 采取) these means to get rich .

10) There is no use __________ (埋怨) the situation we are in . We should take action and __________ (依靠) ourselves o change it for the better .

11) Do you remember the name of the Chinese who __________ (成功) swimming across the English Channel ?

5.Put in the missing words.

If you are like most people, your intelligence (1) __________ from season .You are (2) __________ a lot sharper in spring than you are at any (3)___ time of the year.

Spring appears to be the best (4) __________ of the year for thinking. One (5) __________ may be that in spring man‘s mental (6) __________ are affected by the same factors that bring (7) __________ great changes in all nature.

Autumn is the next best season, (8) __________ winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to (9) __________ a long vacation from thinking! It has been (10) __________ that cool weather is much more favorable (11) __________creative thinking than is summer hear. This does not (12) __________ that all people are (13) __________ intelligent in summer than they (14) __________ during the rest of the year. It (15) __________ mean , however , that the mental powers of large numbers of people (16) __________ to be lowest in summer. III . Grammar

1. Complete the following sentence wit one of these ways of expressing future time, using the verbs in the brackets. shall/will shall/will be doing shall/will have done be to do sth. be doing sth. be going to do sth.

1) It has been decided that Beijing __________ (host) the 2008 Olympics.

2) The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics __________ (complete) by 2006. 3) The central government __________ (do) do what is within its power to help make the event a success. 4) Thousands of people __________ (work) as volunteers when the games __________(hold). 5) There __________ (be) no financial problem for Beijing in organizing the games. 6) By then the air in Beijing __________ (be) cleaner.

7) By then all factories that cause serious air, water or noise pollution __________ (move) out of the city. 8) Beijing __________ (be) more beautiful in 2008.

9) Many people in Beijing __________ (learn) English in the seven years ahead.

10) Both the government and the people of Beijing __________ (work) hard to make the Beijing Olympics one of the best in history.

2. Combine each pair of the sentences, using the right emphasizing coordinate conjunctions. not…but

not only …but also both …and either … or neither …or

1). His brother is a lawyer. His sister is a lawyer, too.

2). What they lack is not money. What they lack is experience.

3). They have come to china to learn Chinese. They have also come to china to learn about her culture. 4). I find the new manager is not easy to get along with. I find he is not delightful to talk to, either.

5). You may write your essay in your regular exercise book. You may print a copy if you do it on your computer. 3. Put in the right preposition from the list below.

about along with as at behind by for from in into like near of off on on to out of round to under upon with beside 1) Professor Li spoke __________ an expert __________ modern Chinese literature. 2) He talks __________ a computer expert, but really he knows little. 3) In the 1930s, a lot of people in the USA were __________ work.

4) __________ her 21st birthday, her parents sent her a leather coat __________ an affectionate letter.

5) The manager‘s office is large and airy. __________ the window is a CEO-type of desk. An office chair stands __________ the desk. Future back __________ the corner there is a floor-to-ceiling bookcase filled __________ books, magazines, etc. 6) Everyone knows him __________ Old Arthur. He lives __________ a little hut __________ the middle of a small wood, about a mile __________ the village. He goes __________ the village twice a week to buy food, and occasionally he collects letters and his pension __________ the post office.

7) This is what old Arthur said __________ himself __________ a reporter __________ the local newspaper: ―I get up every morning __________ the birds. There is a stream __________ my hut and I fetch water __________ there. It‘s good, clear, fresh water, better than you get __________ the city. Occasionally, __________ winter, I have to break the ice. I cook simple

food__________ my stove; mostly stews and things __________ that. I don‘t have much money, but I think I‘m a lucky man.‖ 8) Recently I came __________ a little group __________ worried people, gathered __________ a man lying __________ the pavement __________ a busy London road. They were waiting __________ an ambulance, because the man had been knocked down __________ a passing taxi. Apparently he had stepped the pavement and __________ the street, to avoid walking a ladder. This superstition goes back the days when the gallows were built a platform. To get up __________ the platform you had to clime a ladder. To pass __________ that ladder therefore was considered very unlucky. IV . Written work

Suppose you are the writer and write what you said to the tall student about the purpose of a university in about 130 words. Your retelling should contain three parts. 1. How you came to talk about it 2. What you said

3. What you pointed in conclusion

Key to the exercises II . Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Examine how the words specialize and simplify are formed. Find out the meanings of the suffixes ―–ize‖ and ―–fy‖.suffixes ―–ize‖, from Greek, is used to form verbs meaning: (1) to cause to be, to make (2) to become

(3) to put into the stated place

suffixes ―–fy‖, from Latin, is used to form verbs meaning: to cause to be, to make.

2) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix ―–ize‖ and vice versa. capitalize apology centralize civil finalize fertile

hospitalize industrial idealize real

3) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix ―–fy‖ clarify classify identify intensify justify

4) Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets. (1) fertilize (2) realize (3) summarized (4) criticized (5) purified (6) qualify (7) justify (8) simplified (9) classified (10) terrified

2. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms. (1) see to it that (2)do with (3)put you in touch with (4)average out to (5) had no business (6)true of (7)be out to (8)specialized in

(9) are stuck (10)are exposed to (11)averaged out to (12)see to it that 3. Choose the right word and put it in the proper form.

i 1) tell, said 2) tell 3) talking, saying 4) said, speak/talk 5) said, spoke ii 1) fairly 2)fairly, rather 3) rather iii 1) sensitive 2) sensible 3) sensible

4. Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets. 1) depend on/upon 2)preside over 3)insisted on 4)interfere in/with

5)are longing for/longed for 6)has been concentrated on 7)was agreed on/upon 8)hesitating about/over 9)resort to 10)complaining about, rely on/upon 11)succeeded in 5. Put in the missing words.

(1)varies (2)probably (3)other (4)period (5)reason (6)powers (7)about (8)then (9)take (10)found (11)for (12)mean (13)less (14)are (15)does (16)tend III . Grammar

1. Complete the following sentence wit one of these ways of expressing future time, using the verbs in the brackets.

1) will host

2) will have been completed/will be completed 3) shall/will do

4) will work, is held 5) will be

6) is going to be/will be 7) will have (been) moved 8) will be

9) are going to learn 10) are going to work2.

2. Combine each pair of the sentences, using the right emphasizing coordinate conjunctions. 1) Both his sister and brother are lawyers.

2) What they lack is not money but experience.

3) They have come to China not only to learn Chinese, but also to learn about her culture as well. 4) I find the new manager neither easy to get along with nor delightful to talk to.

5) You may either write your essay in your regular exercise book or print a copy if you do it on your computer. 3. Put in the right preposition from the list below. 1) as, on 2) like 3) out of

4) For/On, along with

5) By/Near, behind, in, with

6) as, in, in, from, to/into, at/from

7) about, to, from, with, near, from, in, in, on, like

8) on/upon, of, round, on, beside, for, by, off, into, under, to, on, on to, under IV . Written work

Suppose you are the writer and write what you said to the tall student about the purpose of a university in about 130 words. Sample:

One day back in January of 1940 , a student came to my office and told me that he had come to college to be a pharmacist. He said he didn‘t see why he should read Shakespeare. I tried, to the best of my ability, to explain what a university is supposed to do. I told him that the job of a university was to produce/ turn out specialists is who were at the same time civilized citizens. In other words, the business of a university is not only to help its students acquire knowledge and professional skills, but also to put them in touch with the great minds of the past. I pointed out that if a person just wanted to be a mechanized savage he had no business being in college.

Lesson Two Maheegun My Brother

I. Do you have a similar story to tell? Is it also about a wolf, about how a dog saved his little master from drowning, about how a horse saved a horseman, about how a tiger rapid the kindness of a doctor who had cured his skin trouble? OK, go ahead and tell us.

II. Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation.

? Complete the following sentences with the words in their proper forms from the list below. Write N (noun) or V (verb). bandage hit waste journey risk camp

(1)You can‘t run a business without taking __________. ()

(2)The secret of his successful business is that he gets ahead during the time others __________. ()

(3)Success is a __________, not a destination. ()

(4)The old city area has been heavily__________ by the earthquake. () (5)She has __________successfully across the desert. ()

(6)The weather was fine, so we decided to __________ out for the night. ()

(7)The soldier refuse to leave his comrades. He __________ his head and continued to fight. () 2) Study how the compound words―snow-filled‖(para.23) and ―blood-soaked‖(para.29) are formed. snow-filled (adj.): ___ + ____ (meaning: filled with snow) blood-soaked (adj.) ____ + ___ (meaning: soaked with blood) Put the following phrases into Chinese. o a state-owned factory o home-made cakes o heart-felt thanks

o an enemy-occupied area o snow-covered fields o test-oriented education

o government-controlled shares o a poverty-stricken village o a student-centered approach o sugar-coated pills

2.Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms. all for the best at the edge of in search of

in sth‘s or sb‘s place

to below itself outto quite down to come into focus

to work one‘s way out of

? Mr. Watson put up a fence __________ his vegetable field to keep the passersby from crossing it.

? Before I wrote his biography, I spent almost two years in the national library __________ information about him.

? The chairperson tried to make the discussion __________ because it was impossible to solve all the problems just in one afternoon.

? He decided to take the job although it didn‘t pay well. He felt it was probably__________. ? It took them a whole week to __________ the big forest.

? When the storm finally __________, they found three people missing. ? Ms. Wu acted __________ while he was away on holiday.

? The people were extremely angry. They shouted in loud protest. It took the mayor 10 minutes to make them __________. ? For days, warships and fishing boats were sent to that area __________ survivors. ? When the moving objects __________, we found that they were only swans. 3.Choose the right phrasal verbs in the brackets and put them in proper forms.

? I felt a sharp pain when the nurse__________ (tear away, tear off) the blood-soaked bandage from the wound in my leg.

? I was walking along the river the other day when I saw a kid fall into the water. I immediately __________ (tear away, tear off) my jacket and jumped into the river to save them.

? The old houses have been __________ (tear off, tear down) to make room for a new shopping center.

? The sunset was so beautiful in the mountains that we had trouble ourselves __________. (tear away, tear off) 4.Put the Chinese into English.

? 他们把病人的档案全储存在计算机里了。(store)

? 那个盲人夜里演奏的悲伤的音乐能使我们感动得流泪。(move)

? 她把一块湿毛巾放在我的额头上以止住鼻子出血。(put)

? 每次回家她总是先把手提包往沙发上一扔。(throw)

? 和人说话时千万不要用手指着他。(point)

? 侦探跟踪他到幸福街五号。(follow)

? 纳尔逊把我们分成两组后带着其中的一组去了实验室。(divide, take)

? 司机赶快把她送到附近的医院。(take)

? 教师们正在努力使学生接触到世界文学的精华。(expose)

5.Put in the missing words.

Zoos have existed for so long that no one knows the origins of the ones. At one time, zoos were (1)______ to entertain kings, queens, princes and princesses. Today, there are probably over 500 public (2)_____ the world. The one with the greatest (3)______ of animals is in Berlin.

Years ago, zoos always (4)______ animals in barred cages but now zoos (5)______ to keep their animals in more natural surroundings. (6)______ a result, there is great improvement in the (7)_____ animals are treated, housed and bred. One of the best zoos in the United States is at San Diego in California, (8)_____the climate makes it possible or for the animals to live (9)____ most of the year. As civilization spreads and natural wildernesses (10)______ reduced, zoos have become more important. They (11)______ places where race animals (12)_____ be preserved form extinction.

Game reserves have (13)_____ in parts of Europe for hundreds of years for hunting purposes. Today, (14)______, they are usually places where wildlife are (15)_____ form hunters and can live and breed (16)______ by man. One of the largest (17)______ in the world is the KrugerNational Park in South Africa, where elephants, zebras and lions are (18)________ the attractions. III. Grammar

1. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets.

? We must read the instructions carefully ___________________________ (在使用这台笔记本电脑之前)。 ? I used to cycle to school ___________(天好的时候)。

? Jane was about to say yes __________________________________(突然听见一个熟悉的声音叫她)。

? The young man didn’t realize that money wasn’t everything____________________ (直到他父亲在一次事故中丧身)。 ? It may be years ____________________ (这两个国家才能达成协议)。 ? I was getting ready for bed _________________ (听见楼下有人)。

? I telephoned the police__________________________ (一听见可疑的声音)。 ? She had just been enrolled by a teachers’ college __________________________________ (北京大学的录取通知就到了)。 9)You have to work at least for five years in the workshop__________________________ (才能指望提升)。 10)We had no idea what china had achieved over the past twenty years __________________________________(我们到达之前).

2. Put in articles where necessary. When no article is needed, put in a slash―/‖.

1) __________ corner grocery store was __________ American tradition, but now it is dying out. In __________ older times there was __________ small grocery store in every neighborhood. Every day, __________ housewife went to __________ store to buy __________ milk, __________ fresh bread, and __________ losing __________ business to __________ large supermarkets.

? __________ supermarkets are bigger than __________ corner stores. __________ corner store is __________ family business, __________ ―Ma and Pa ‖ operation. __________ supermarkets employ more people. They are newer, more modern, and they stay open longer. They have __________ greater variety of __________ products, and they offer __________ lower prices. Many people miss __________ old corner store. It was smaller, friendlier, and closer to _________ home. But __________ small businesses can‘t complete with __________ large companies. IV. Written work

Answer the question in about 130 words.

How did the boy in the story get in a snowstorm and how did Maheegun come to his rescue? You are expected to cover these points: o How the boy was trapped in a snowstorm o What dangerous situation he was in o How the wolf came to his rescue 答案:

Lesson Two Maheegun My Brother II . Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Complete the following sentences with the words in their proper forms from the list below. Write N (noun) or V (verb).

(1) risks (N) (2) waste (V) (3) journey (N) (4) hit (V)

(5) journeyed (V) (6) camp (V) (7) bandaged (V)

2) Study how the compound words―snow-filled‖(para.23) and ―blood-soaked‖(para.29) are formed. snow-filled (adj.): ___ + ____ (meaning: filled with snow) blood-soaked (adj.) ____ + ___ (meaning: soaked with blood) Put the following phrases into Chinese.

(1) 国营的工厂 (2) 家庭制作的蛋糕 (3) 由衷的感谢 (4) 敌人占领区 (5) 白雪覆盖的田野 (6) 应试教育 (7) 政府所控股份 (8) 贫困的山村

(9) 以学生为中心的方法 (10)裹着糖衣的药片

2. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms.

1) at the edge of 2) in search of 3) come into focus 4) only too ? to

5) work their way out of 6) blew itself out 7) in his place 8) quite down 9) in search of 10) came into focus

3. Choose the right phrasal verbs in the brackets and put them in proper forms. 1) tore off 2) tore off 3) tore down 4) tearing, away 4. Put the Chinese into English.

1) They have stored all the patients‘ records into the computer.

2) The blind man‘s sad music played at night could move us to tears. 3) She put a wet towel on my forehead to stop my nose bleeding.

4) Each time she came back home, she would first throw her handbag onto the sofa. 5) Never point your finger at the person you are speaking to. 6) The detective followed him to No. 5, Happiness, Street.

7) After he divided us into two groups, Mr. Nelson took one group to the lab. 8) The drover took her to a nearby hospital immediately.

9) The teachers are making a great effort to expose the students to the best of world literature. 5. Put in the missing words.

(1) used (2) around/in (3) variety (4) kept (5) try (6) As

(7) ways (8) where (9) outdoors (10) are (11) provide (12) can

(13) existed (14) however (15) safe (16) undisturbed (17) reserves (18) among III . Grammar

1. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets. 1) before we use the new laptop 2) when it was fine

3) when he heard a familiar voice calling her 4) until his father was killed in an accident

5) before the two countries can reach an agreement 6) when I heard someone downstairs 7) as soon as I heard the strange noise

8) when the letter of admission arrived from Peking University 9) before you can expect a promotion 10) before we arrived there

2. Put in articles where necessary. When no article is needed, put in a slash―/‖. 1) The, an, /, a, the, the, /, /, /, /, / 2) /, /, The, a, a, /, a, /, /, the, /, /, / IV . Written work

Answer the question in about 130 words.

How did the boy in the story get in a snowstorm and how did Maheegun come to his rescue? Sample:

When the boy was walking home after spending the Easter holidays in his cousins‘ place, he got lost in a snowstorm and was trapped in the wild. On the third or fourth day, the boy was in a very dangerous situation: it was terribly cold, and he could hardly find any more wood to build a fire. What‘s more, he cut his hand by accident, and a wolf followed the bloodspots on the snow and found where he was. Soon another wolf came, and the two of them were only 50 feet away. Just then Maheegun appeared as if from nowhere. He drove off the other two. Throughout the night, Maheegun staye with the boy, watching for any attackers. The next day the search team arrived and took the boy home.

Lesson Three More Crime and Less Punishment

I. Oral Work

1. Discuss the following question in your group.

It is reported that many countries suffer an increase in crime nowadays. How do you account for this phenomenon? The following points may be of use for your discussion: 1) the police and court being too soft on criminals

2) the bad influence of other cultures 3) the lack of effective laws 4) the lack of moral control

5) the gap between the rich and poor 6) corruption II. Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Examine how the words \ meaning of the suffix \ approval: ______+_______ nontraffic:______+ _______

2) Turn the following verbs into nouns by adding \ the list. Verb Noun

renew ______________________ deny ______________________ dismiss ______________________ refuse ______________________ survive ______________________ ___________________ arrival

___________________ disapproval ___________________ proposal ___________________ withdrawal

___________________ ______________________

3) Add the prefix \ (1) aggression (6) professional (2) cooperation (7) resistance (3) existence (8) smoker (4) fiction (9) standard

(5) interference (10) violence

2. Give the opposite of the following. 1) to approve 11) major (adj.) 2) certainty 12) maximum 3) comfortable 13) necessary 4) construction 14) powerless 5) costly 15) real

6) current (adj.) 16) to reduce 7) decline 17) to reject 8) feasible 18) to scatter

9) harsh (said of punishment) 19) tough (said of a policy) 10) to lock up 20) violence

3. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms due to

to amount to

to have charge of sb. / sth .

under supervision./ under the supervision of so ... as to

to be faced with to pay for

the other way around

4) The word \should be well-defined. We can't ___________someone who fights for national independence or freedom as a terrorist.

5) After he analyzed me complicated situation there, he __________ that it wouldn't be so easy to find\ 6) __________laid-off workers, he strongly suggested that a greater effort be made to have them reemployed.

7) They refused to take the money, which showed that there are still a lot of decent people in 'this world who ____more ______their good name.

8) How do you __________the fact that so many young people are crazy about this novel?

9) We are planning an open-book exam which allows learners to __________ their textbook and notes, as well as dictionaries. 10) Yes, the owner of that coal mine ______the death of the 43 miners. But no one can yet __________the fact that the owner dared to hide the facts for so long.

4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs.

1) Traditionally Chinese people liked to describe the nation a large family.

2) They all say that they owe the improvement of their life in recent years ____ the new railway. 3) These terrible sandstorms brought the whole nation ____attention,

4) ____times of economic difficulties, it is the poor people who usually go _____ first. 5) It's not true that all people do things ____self interest.

6) I laughed____my friend. But a half-drunk young man thought I was laughing____ him. So he went ____me. 7) This kind of cold-blooded mass murder can only set them ____ the whole civilized world. 8) She is clinging the hope that her husband may still be alive.

9) Although the enemy had better weapons, we had popular support. Therefore we were able to hold them ____ a standoff.

10) ____his nervousness, he kept shaking my hand and wouldn't let go ____it. im-

5. Put the Chinese into English.

1)空难 12)善恶之分 2)人性 13)总统纪念碑 3)机尾部分 14)典型的场合 4)大冰块 15)普遍的特性 5)救生圈 16)公认的英雄 6)安全带 17)情感上的震撼 7)文化冲突 18)交通高峰期

8)911航班 19)久久无法忘怀的奇迹 9)机械故障 20)佛罗里达航空公司 10)受伤人员 21)责任所在;应该做的 11)伤人的话 22)在有大批人伤亡的事件中 6. Complete the sentences based on the Chinese in the brackets.

1) It was a cold and foggy day and the plane ___________ (撞了桥), killing most of the passengers and the crew. 2) Many times they_________(冒着生命危险) to look for survivor. 3) You will be fined if you don’t (系好安全带)while driving. 4) When he is extremely angry, Harris is likely to (说出愚蠢的话).

5) He tried many times to (考验他们的忠诚) before he sent them on the suicidal mission. 6) Peng Sha (作了漂亮的演说) on that occasion

7) These brave people were ready to (向死亡挑战).

8) Every year we plant trees to stop the desert. But the desert keeps advancing. We seem to be___________(输了这场战斗). ' 9) To encourage home consumption, we have ___________(降息) seven times in the past three years.

10) You have to ___________ (明确区分) between short-term interests and long-term interests.

11) We can walk right across the river from October to March when the winter cold ___________(将水冰冻).

12) They sent ground troops into that country. But very soon they began to ___ (后悔这一举动). They knew they could not win the war.

13) The scientists have __________ (试验这种药) on animals. But that's not enough.

7. Complete the sentences using the idiomatic expressions of \

in one's hand off hand out of hand on one's hands on the one hand

to give sb. a free hand out of one's hand on the other hand

to get /gain /have the upper hand

1) I‘m sorry I don‘t know her phone number _____ . I‘ll go and check and tell you later. 2) The house is too far away from where I work, but, __________, it's cheap. 3) I think we ought to and let him carry on the experiment as he thinks best. 4) Which side after months of fierce struggle?

5) The situation there now is ______. The authorities admit matt they are facing a civil war. 6) Don‘t ask me. It's ___________. Fei Jia is now in charge.

7) We have too many problems _____. We must deal with them one by one. 8) At that time, Nanjing was still __________of the Japanese troops.

9) __________they must punish the terrorists. But __________they cannot afford to offend all the Muslims. It is very delicate business.

8. Give the meanings of the underlined parts in the sentences below. Note how the meanings are different in different contexts. 1) You just press this button to start the engine. 2) Will you please press the trousers and tie for me? 3) Determined to win the competition, we pressed hard.

4) We are not going to check in a hotel. We will just pitch a tent in the mountain. 5) It was pitch-dark outside.

6) She pitched the ball as fast as she could.

7) We all pitched in and finished the task ahead of time. 8) Sugar is sold by the pound.

9) Mary pounded the door with her fists.

10) Nellie was very nervous. She could almost hear her heart pounding. 11) This dress cost me 100 pounds. / 12) He seemed odd in some ways.

13) He gets an odd job sometimes, but he can never make enough money to support his family. 14) We have Intensive Reading on odd days.

9. Give the verb pattern of the underlined part in the sentence below, list other possible verbs, and then put the Chinese Into English, using the pattern and the verbs in the brackets.

... it takes the act of the man in the water to remind us of our true feelings in the matter, (para. 8) Verb pattern:

Other possible verbs:

1) 你们有没有把他的健康状况通知他的家人?(inform) 2) 剧中主要人物的故事使我想起了我的童年。 (remind) 3) 他骗到了他叔叔的财产后不久就死去了。 (cheat) 4) 她相信按摩能治好她的头疼。 (cure)

5) 警方提供了确凿证据,指控他杀了自己的父亲。(accuse)

6) 最后我们是他信服将出现的问题。 (convince)

7) 我在回家的路上帮忙抓住了一个抢老人钱包的小偷。 (rob) 8) 罗伯特被怀疑参与了这起阴谋。. (suspect) 12. Put in the missing words,

Cynthia Costelle, a full-time student at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia was shocked

to (l)______ that three out of five people in Bibb County were functionally illiterate. So she (2)______ Wesleyan Volunteers Against Illiteracy. ?

A man Cynthia (3) _________was Gary, a 42-year-old carpenter. He was (5) ______ eager to leam that Cynthia (6) ______ to prepare extra homework for him. (7)______ he missed a word, he (g)______ get angry with himself and say, \perfect!\

After six months (10)_______ plowing through lessons, Gary made his dream (11) ___—&-—_ true. With the help of a dictionary, he (12) three pages about the time he (13)_______ down a mountainside in Germany and clung for life on a (14) ______branch.

Usually shy, Gary was (15) ________ to show Cynthia his story this time. (16) ______rolled down her cheeks (17) she read it. In (18)______ interview, Cynthia told the reporter that (19) ______Monday, Wednesday and Friday after a 10-hour shift (20) ______ work, he met her at Project Re,ad in Macon. What (21) ______ in Germany was moving, but (22) ______ as moving as what was happening (23)______there. III. Grammar

1. Complete each of the sentences with an indefinite pronoun beginning with any/ some / every /no, add ―‘s‖ or ―else('s)‖ where necessary.

1) ? anybody/anyone ? somebody/someone ? everybody/everyone ? nobody/no one (1) A boy rushed into the police headquarters and demanded to see \ important\

(2) \ (3) Next time you need money, dont snatch my purse, nor______.

(4) ______on campus except me knew that the professor had five sets ofexaminations, which he used in turn. (5) I looked up and found that ______had stopped talking, and was staring at me silently. ______stirred. (6) She went to her room alone. She would not let ______follow her. (7) She opened the window and heard ______singing far away.

(8) From now on there would be ___to live for, she thought. She would live for herself alone. (9) ______in my family ever told me that I was fat and that I should be on a diet.

(10) At that time, I had a good job, a nice apartment and a happy family. What more could ______want? (11) I didn‘t want ______to become suspicious.

(12) There's______shameful about being wrong. ______can be right all the time. (13) ______is of some use, even if ______more than to serve as a negative example. (14) No opportunity is lost— ______picks up the ones you miss.

(15) ______in our class went to-the new movie but _______enjoyed it very much. 2) ? anything ?something ?everything ?nothing

(1) I was disappointed, but I said _______and began to work immediately.

(2) Before my interview with Ms. Chen, I read ______I could find about her legendary life story. (3) Could you change my red hair to ______less noticeable? (4) Doing______means death. Activity means life.

(5) Hie woman did not ask about his family, or ______that would embarrass him.

(6) The boy wanted to say ______besides thank you to the old man, but he was too deeply moved to say ______.

(7) When it was announced that I was the winner of the award, for the first time in three months I felt that I had achieved ______.

(8) Jim's mother decided to hide ______from him about his illness -so that he could express openly whatever he feels.

(9) The factory owners were impressed by the quality of the equipment, but couldn't afford to buy ______the salesmen demonstrated.

(10) The doctors told her that her son was beyond hope and that ______could be done for him.

(11) Thank you for _______ you‘ve done for us during our stay in China.

(12) If you spend most of the time dreaming of tomorrow and regretting yesterday, you won't find a great deal of time left for doing ______ today.

(13) ______ my sister was drawing attracted my \ (14) Another person's good opinion of you is ______ to live up to, not to lean on.

(15) I did what others would have done under the circumstances. It's ______ compared with what the four heroes did. 3) Put in indefinite pronouns beginning with any / some / every / no.

This is a story about four people called Everybody, Somebody, Nobody, and Anybody. There was an important job to be done and ______ was asked to do it. But ______ knew ______ could do it as it was not so difficult and thought that ______ really ought to do it. As it turned out ______ did it and -______ was very angry because______ had done what______ could have done and ______ should have done.

2. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, using a that-clause. 1) Toward the end of the term students will suddenly realize _________________(时间在流逝). 2) ___________________ (他是重要人物的亲戚这一情况) wont change our opinion of him.

3) I'm not ashamed that I work for a garbage collection company. I believe we're doing a service ————————————————. (人民需要的).

4) What I told the boy was ______________________________(大学使其学生接触人类成就之精华). 5) Everyone in our school was overjoyed to hear the news


6) _________________________ (有人居然会相信这种胡言乱语) seems to me unthinkable.

7) The idea__________________ (妇女的智力不如男子) is deeply rooted in our culture and hard to shake off. 8) I have a feeling _____________________________________(有相当一些家长不喜欢自己十来岁孩子穿着). 9) He would like to have his ashes scattered over the sea—a wish————————————— ____________________(表现出他对自由与活动的热爱).

3. Answer the questions on the four heroes in the disaster, using modals. Give as many answers as you can. . 1) Was Lenny Skutnik told to jump into the water to rescue an injured woman? 2) Why did he do it?

3) Was he previously aware that he was capable of such a heroic deed?

4) How did the two men of the park police helicopter team account for their behavior? 5) How old do you think the unidentified hero was at the time?

6) Do you think he was anything out of the ordinary among the passengers?

7) Do you think he was aware of what would happen to him if he kept pushing the flotation rings to others? 8) How would you account for his behavior? 9) Can you describe what kind of a man he was?

10) How do you think it might have been possible to save the man? (use \ 4. Put In the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.

1) The police ______ (examine) the room carefully and -_____ (conclude) that more than five people ——— (be) there watching a video.

2) The drug dealers —— (watch) by the Public Security men for a week before they _____. (capture).

3) When I _____ (tell) him that he (select) for the national swimming team, he _____ (not take) me seriously, and thought I (joke).

4) In an office information (sent, receive, change), and______(store). Offices _____ (not change ) much for many years after the typewriter and the telephone _____ (invent). Recently, however, computers _____ (quickly change) the look of the average office.

5) The most usual way of _____ (get) information from one place to another (be) _____ (write) it down on paper and _____ (send) it off ____ (use) the postal service. This often _____ (take) at least a couple of days. For many services such as inquiries and ordering and so on the telephone _____ (already take over) from the postal service.

6) Most High Streets and shopping centers _____ (have) at least one \food\restaurant. As the name_____ (suggest) these_____(design)____ (sell) meals or snacks quickly and cheaply to large numbers of people. They (be) able _____ (do) this because they _____ (have) only a few items on the menu, for example, chips, fried fish, hamburgers, etc., and they ____ (cook)

food very quickly from _____ (prepare) ingredients.

5. Identify and correct the mistake in each of the sentences. 1) Every one in our class went to the international book fair.

2) Everyone of their new products became popular soon after it was launched.

3) The Chinese Delegation expressed the hope which the two sides would soon stop fighting in the area. 4) I suggest that you first read the novel which the film is based. 5)1 don't like the way which he speaks to his patients. 6) Is there someone in the office?

7)1 think it was the director's fault, and nobody is responsible for the disaster. 8) Has anyone got important something to say? 9) Li Ying mustn't be in the library.

10) People don‘t need to understand how does their brain work to be able to talk, write, etc. IV. Written work

Describe the plane crash briefly in about 130 words, with emphasis on the behavior of \ Key to the exercises II.Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Examine how the words \the help of a dictionary.

The prefix \ in- + capable -- incapable = not capable

The prefix \ im- + possible -- impossible = not possible

2) Turn the following words into the opposite by adding either \

words to the list. (1) unable (2) inadequate (3) unavailable (4) unavoidable (5) imbalance (6) unbelievable (7) uncomfortable (8) incompetent (9) incomplete (10) unconditional (11) uncountable (12) incredible (13) incurable (14) indirect (15) unequal (16) informal (17) unfortunate (18) unimportant (19) unjust (20) immaterial (21) immeasurable (22) impatient (23) imperfect (24) impersonal

