4AM2U3 I have a friend 教案

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4AM2U3 I have a friend


Book: Oxford English Book(Shanghai Edition)4AM2U3 Topic: Friends in different clothes

Teaching aims: 1. Words and phrases: coat, blouse, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, sweater, shorts,jeans, a pair of… 2.Structure: He /She has …

He/She looks... in it/them. Main points: Using nouns to identity different clothes.

Using the sentences to describe other?s clothes Difficult points: Pronouce the new words correctly.

Materials: Student?s Book4A, Cassette player, power point. Procedure:

Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Enjoy a Enjoy a fashion show for 通过观看儿童时装表Pre-task 演,活跃气氛,激发preparation fashion show children. for children Introduce Cindy to students. 学生的学习兴趣。认识Cindy,为后面教学进行铺垫。 While-task The part of 1.Elicit the word ?shirt? by 通过折纸形式,引出Lee: paper folding 单词shirt。通过听procedure shirt 2. Listen to the part of Lee to Cindy解释Lee他给她He has… elicit ?He has…? 的微信,自然引出句 3.Lot and say: 型He has... A: I have ... 通过抽奖的形式进行 B: He has ... 操练。 The part of Baby: blouse skirt She has... She looks...in.. The part of Yang: T-shirt, shorts The part of Mike: sweater, jeans He has… The part of Amy: coat 1. Elicit the word ?blouse?by questions 2. Elicit the word ?skirt? by a guessing game 3. A chant 4. Ask and answer Pair work A:What does Baby have? B:She has ____ and____. A:How does Baby look in a pink blouse and a black skirt? B:She looks_____in_______. 1.Listen and choose 2.Elicit the word”T-shirt” with a flash. 3.Try to say: I like the ___ T-shirt with ____. 4.Elicit the word”shorts” by drawing a pair shorts. 5.A chant. 6.Try to say: He/She has a pair of __. He/She looks ___ in it. 7.Listen and complete the part of Yang 1.T:The wind blows very strong. It?s getting cold. We need some thick clothes. 2.Ask and answer to practice He has... He is ...in them. 3.Elicit the word”jeans”with cowboys. 4.Have a chant 5.Quick response 6.Try to say something about Mike. 1. Elicit the word ”coat? with a flash. 利用问题引出blouse和skirt两个单词。通过儿歌、问答的形式进行单词和句子的操练。 利用儿歌引出单词,活跃氛围。 让学生说一说喜欢的衣服进行单词的操练。并且试着说一说他们穿上这衣服怎么样。 通过天气冷了,说一说单词,引出sweater. 运用对话形式操练句型。 用学生熟悉的牛仔形象引出单词,帮助理解含义。 通过儿歌、游戏巩固单词。 用有趣的电子书形式引出新单词。用儿歌形式操练。 2. Have a chant. 3. Complete the part of Amy. Post-task activities Assignment Play a game Introduce your friends Choose some students to 通过游戏复习巩固单choose clothes and say “I 词和句型。 have...” The others answers. Introduce your friends. 用所给句型尝试描述自己的朋友。 1.Copy the words and 作业是课堂教学的延sentences. 续,也为下课作铺垫。 2.Find the clothes you like and draw it. 3.Say something about your friends? clothes. 板 书 设 计 教 学反思

4AM2U3 I have a friend


Book: Oxford English Book(Shanghai Edition)4AM2U3 Topic: My friends are super

Teaching aims: 1. Review the words and phrases: coat, blouse, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, sweater, shorts,jeans, a pair of…

2.Structure: He /She has …He/She looks... in it/them. He/she is wearing…

He/she can…and…, but he/she can?t… 3. Know friends are super.

Main points:Using the some sentences to describe friends? clothes and their abilities Difficult points: Using the new sentence structure correctly Materials: Student?s Book4A, Cassette player, power point. Procedure: Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Warming up 1. Introduce your clothes. 根据前一课的家Pre-task I have a ____ 作,让学生讲一preparation It?s______ 讲自己喜欢的衣I can wear it in____ 服,复习前课内How nice! 容。 2. Sing the song: 营造英语的氛围,并感知本课的主题,引入本课的中心词:friend 1. T:Cindy has so many frends. 通过连接上课的While-task friend They are very happy Cindy的朋友们procedure together. 引出自己的朋 To elicit: friend 友。并做简单地 2. Read and spell 描述。 3. Chant Friend, friend, I have many friends. He is, she is, 通过chant的形 And you are. 式进行巩固,学 Yes, yes, yes, 生更易接受。也 You are my friends. 渗透了情感教 4. Pair work 育。 A: Do you have a friend? B: Yes, I have a friend. 通过pair work的 He/she is wearing… She/he can…and…,but she/he can?t… Ask and answer Fill in the A: What?s your friend?s name? B: His/Her name?s ____. He?s / She?s ____. 1.T:Cindy has another friend. His name?s Zac. Look,he?s wearing a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. 2. Look,I?m wearing a pair of glasses. 3. Make sentences He/She is wearing … How ___(nice,cool,beautiful…)! 1. Zac is fat and short.But he can do many things.Look! 2. Ask and answer 3. Pair work A:What can you do? B:I can…and… A:What can?t you do? B:I can?t… A:He/She can…and…, but he/she can?t… 1.Ask and answer What?s your name? My name?s_____ How old are you? I?m_____ What can you do?What can?t you do? I can…and…,but I can?t… What do you like? I like… What have you? I have… What are you wearing? I?m wearing… Do you like each other? Look and fill in the blanks 形式操练单词和句型,为下文作铺垫。 通过Cindy的朋友的穿着引出新句型。 根据图片以及周围的同学的穿着进行造句。 通过pair work的方式,引导学生用情态动词说长句。 通过对话文本的呈现,完成填空。并为survey 做例子。 由对话,理清思路,引导学生学会描述。并渗透情感教育。

blanks Post-task activity Do a survey Read Write Love friends This is my friend. His name?s ___. He?s___. He?s tall and thin. He has a ___ .Today he is wearing a ____and a pair of ___. He can ___ and ____,but he can?t___.He likes _____ very much. We like each other. 1.Do a survey 2 I have a friend. His name is Zac. He?s eleven years old. He has a green T-shirt. Today he is wearing a T-Shirt and a pair of shorts. He can read and play basketball,but he can?t ride a bicycle. He likes apples. We like each other. 3.Write 从问答的文本中找到答案完成文本。 通过之前的举例,进行survey,锻炼学生的对话能力。 把对话整合成作文,为写作做好准备。 学生尝试写作,老师作指导。 升华情感教育 Assignment Copy the new words and sentences Talk about your friend Write down your friend M2U3 I have a friend 板She/he has… 教书He/she can…and…, 学设 but he/she can?t… 反计 He/she is wearing… 思

4AM2U3 I have a friend


Book: Oxford English Book(Shanghai Edition)4AM2U3 Topic: Animal friends

Teaching aims: 1. Words and phrases: strong, sharp, net, bite

2.Understanding the meaning of the story and retelling it 3.Knowing that you help others and you can get more friends. Main points:Understanding the meaning of the story Daring to retell the story Difficult points: Retell the story

Materials: Student?s Book4A, Cassette player, power point. Procedure:

Procedures Pre-task preparation Contents 1. Song Methods Sing together 2. Free talk Ss talk about their good friends While-task procedure 1.Review adjectives Many animals are going to the party. What can you see? How are they? Ss look at the pictures and talk about it. 1). guess what animal it is. Review: tooth→teeth Elicit: sharp 2). How is the lion? Elicit: strong Who is strong in our class? Ss try to fill in the blanks to describe it. 2. Picture 1 strong sharp This is ____. It is _____. It has ____. Purpose 一首英文歌带领学生进入学习氛围,创设英语学习的情境。 通过说说自己的好朋友,调动学生的情感因素,也训练了口头表达能力。 由森林里办聚会这样一个故事开头来吸引学生并让学生谈论参加的动物们,复习已学的形容词。 由局部图片让学生猜一猜谁来了,引出新词,活跃学生的思维,也激起他们的兴趣。 学生根据媒体出示的句型完成对狮子的描述。 3. Picture 2 Post-task activities Assignment 根据上述对狮子的描述自行对老鼠描述,教师由扶到放,学生的力得到锻炼,知识点得到了操练。 4. Picture 3 1). What happened? 学生观看故事发 net Ss watch the flash and 展,动画是学生最listen. 喜爱的形式之一,Elicit: net 让他们首次尝试2). What will the lion and 配音,调动了学生the mouse say? 的积极性,学习兴Ss guess and imitate the 趣得到了时续。 voice to say. 3). Read a rhyme. 5. Picture 4-5 1). Oh, the lion is in the net. 学生自己做编剧 bite Who can help it? 制作故事结尾,并Ss work in groups, guess the 当一回小演员来ending of the story and act it 表演,使整节课达out. 到高潮,学生的学 习兴趣始终高涨。 2). T shows the ending of 展示课文结局,通the story. 过听听问问来理Elicit: bite 解并学习单词。 1. Retell the Ss fill in the blanks to retell 复述故事,让学生story the story according to the 学有所成。 sentences. 2. Reading 1).Ss read the story after the 根据录音朗读课practise cassette. 文,让学生模仿语2). The story tells us. 音语调,培养语感,并渗透德育教育。 3. Listen about Exercise 1: True or false 训练学生的听力our daily life. Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks 能力,由课内延伸 到课外,练习分层,使每位学生都能得到相应的训练和巩固。 1). Copy the words and read 家庭作业同样照the story. 顾到学困生,针对2). Retell the story and act it 不同层次的学生out. 设计三项难度不3). Make a new story and 同的作业,学生可act it out. 自由选择。 1). Look, who’s coming? Ss guess. 2). How is the mouse? Ss describe it by using the sentences themselves. 板 书 设 计 M2U3 I have a friend The lion and the mouse Lion: big strong sharp teeth in the net Mouse: small small but sharp teeth bite They are happy. They are friends now. 教 学反思

4AM2U3 I have a friend

(period 4)

Book: Oxford English Book(Shanghai Edition)4AM2U3 Topic: Have a party Teaching aims:

1. Words and phrases: short shorts, long jackets, white T-shirts, black socks 2.Identifying the pronunciation of br- and cr- in words such as bread and cream

Main points: Identifying the pronunciation of br- and cr- in words such as bread and cream Difficult points: Identifying the pronunciation of br- and cr- in words such as bread and cream

Materials: Student?s Book4A, Cassette player, power point. Procedure:

Procedures Contents I. Pre-task Sing a song. preparation Review some words. Look and say. II. While-task procedure A guessing game. Listen enjoy. Methods Purpose Sing together. 利用歌曲营造英 语学习气氛。 1. Ss spell the words. 复习关于衣服的2. Match the words and the 单词,为新知作pictures. 铺垫。 Ss look at the pictures and 看图片描述一个choose one to describe by 人物,重点在描using the sentences below: 述他的穿着,进He/She is _____. (name) 一步巩固所学。 He/She has a ______. (clothes) Look! He/She is wearing a _____. (clothes) It’s ______. (colour) S1 describe one of the 利用猜谜的方式classmates. Other Ss guess 吸引学生注意,who is being described. 使他们能够更积极的投入到学习中。 and Play the recording for the 利用朗朗上口的rhyme. Ss repeat the rhyme. 节拍提高学生诵Then invite several Ss to act 读儿歌的兴趣,the rhyme. 学生模仿语音语调。 1.Elicit 2. Show the flashcards for ?Learn the sound? on page31 of the Student?s Book. Ask the students to repeat after you until they can pronounce the sound correctly. 3. Encourage the students to think of more words with the sounds. 1. Ss make a new rhyme using the words learnt before. 2. Invite several students to read his new rhyme. 1. Make a new rhyme and IV. enjoy it with your Assignment friends. 2. Find words including br-cr- you have learnt. 3. Play a guessing game with your classmates. M2U3 I have a friend I have a friend. 板He/She is ______ (appearance). 教书He/She has ______ (clothes). 学设It’s ______ (colour). 反计 Who is he/she? 思 /br/ bread bring brown bright brave /cr/ ice cream crisps crow III. Post-task activities /br/ bread /cr/ ice cream A new rhyme 学习发音,不断的模仿和跟读是非常必要的,可以改变操练方式来增加乐趣。 根据所学改编儿歌,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。 读写并重,让学生坚持对儿歌的背诵,锻炼口语,增强语感。

1.Elicit 2. Show the flashcards for ?Learn the sound? on page31 of the Student?s Book. Ask the students to repeat after you until they can pronounce the sound correctly. 3. Encourage the students to think of more words with the sounds. 1. Ss make a new rhyme using the words learnt before. 2. Invite several students to read his new rhyme. 1. Make a new rhyme and IV. enjoy it with your Assignment friends. 2. Find words including br-cr- you have learnt. 3. Play a guessing game with your classmates. M2U3 I have a friend I have a friend. 板He/She is ______ (appearance). 教书He/She has ______ (clothes). 学设It’s ______ (colour). 反计 Who is he/she? 思 /br/ bread bring brown bright brave /cr/ ice cream crisps crow III. Post-task activities /br/ bread /cr/ ice cream A new rhyme 学习发音,不断的模仿和跟读是非常必要的,可以改变操练方式来增加乐趣。 根据所学改编儿歌,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。 读写并重,让学生坚持对儿歌的背诵,锻炼口语,增强语感。

