
更新时间:2023-09-19 17:00:01 阅读量: 小学教育 文档下载





出题: 肖心路 评卷:肖心路

姓名 班级 分数


Brigt ___________ dingy ____________ private___________

Comfortable ____________ expensive __________ quiet_____________

Convenient _____________ huge____________ safe ________________

Cramped _____________ inconvenient ____________ shabby _________

Dangerous _____________ modern______________ small ____________

Dark____________ noisy _____________ spacious _____________


1. A: Have you ever ________( be) to a picnic at the beach? B: Yes, I ________. We ________ ( cook) hamburgers.

2. A: Have you____________ ( try) sushi? B: No, I __________ , but I’d like to.

3. A: Did you __________ ( have) breakfast today?

B: Yes, I ___________. I _________ (eat) a huge breakfast.

4. A: Have you ever _______ (eat) Mexican food ?

B: Yes, I ________ . In fact, I ________ (eat) some just last week.

5. A: Did you __________ ( drink) coffee this morning?

B: Yes, I __________. I ________ ( have) some on my way to work.


1. New Year’s Day is a day when__________ 2. April Fool’s Day is a day when__________ 3. May and June are the months when_________ 4. Valentine’s Day is a day when__________

5. Labor Day is a day when___________ 6. February is the month when___________

a. Brazilians celebrate Carnaval.

b. People have parties with family and friends. c. Many young adults choose to get married. d. People in many countries honor workers. e. People express their love to someone.

f. People sometimes play tricks on friends.


1. When I was a kid, I used to be very messy.


2. I used to have a lot of hobbies, but now I don’t have any free time.


3. I didn’t use to collect anything, but now I do.


4. I never used to play sports, but now I like to keep fit.


5. When I was younger, I used to care a lot about my appearance. Now, I’m too busy to care now I look.


五.完成下面的对话。 (24分)

A: Have you made any vacation plans?

B: Well, I’ve decided on one thing ______________ go camping. A: That’s great! For how long?

B: I _____________ be away for a week. I only have five days of vacation. A: So, when are you leaving?

B: I’m not sure. I ____________ probably leave around the end of May. A: And where __________ you _______________ go?

B: I haven’t thought about that yet. I guess I_______ go to one of the national parks. A: That sounds like fun.

B: Yeah, Maybe I ______________ go hiking and do some fishing.

A: _________ you ___________ rent a camper?

B: I’m not sure. Actually, I probably ___________ rent a camper – it’s too expensive. A: ________ you __________ go with anyone?

B: No. I need sometime alone. I ________________ travel by myself.


A Day in your life – in the year 2020

People used to know more or less how their children would live. Now things are changing so quickly that we don’t even know what our own lives will be like in a few years. What follows is how experts see the future.


You’re daydreaming behind the wheel of your car, but that’s OK. You have it on automatic pilot, and with its high-tech computers, your car knows how to get you home safely.


You head for the kitchen when you get home. You ordered groceries by computer and hour ago, and they’ve been delivered. You paid for them before they arrived. The money was automatically deducted from your bank account. Nobody uses cash anymore.


What’s for lunch? In the old days, you used to stop off to get a hamburger or pizza. Now you use your diagnostic machine to find out which foods your body needs. Your food – preparation machine makes you a salad.


After lunch, you go down the hall to your home office. Here you have everything you need to do your work. You never have to commute to work anymore.


Your information screen says that you’ve received a message from a co-worker in Brazil. You set your computer to translate Portuguese into English. Your co-worker’s

face appears on the screen and the translation appears at the bottom.


You finish working and go back to your living room. You turn on the television and look through the list of new movies. It’s like having a video store in your home. How about a classic tonight? Maybe Back to the Future?

1. 阅读文章,把分别把下列标题写入每个段落前的横线。(12分)

Communicating Shopping Relaxing Eating Getting Around Working

2. 阅读文章,然后判断下列关于未来的叙述。然后从文章中找到正确答案改正错误的叙述。(21分)

______ You need to pay attention while driving. ______________________________

______You pay for your groceries when they arrive ___________________________

______ People don’t use cash anymore_____________________________________

______You usually buy a hamburger or Pizza for lunch________________________

______ You need to go to the office every day._______________________________

______You and your co-workers have to speak the same language._______________

______When you get a message, you can see the sender’s face__________________

______ You have to go to a video store to rent movies_________________________ .

