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◆剑桥在线辞典Cambridge Dictionary

◆Cambridge Dictionary of American English

◆Cambridge Learner's Dictionary

◆Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs

◆Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms



◆韦氏在线词典 Merriam-Webster


◆牛津英语词典 Oxford English Dictionary

◆柯林斯大词典 Cobuild.collins (idiom of the day)


◆高技术辞典网 (双语)








◆English-Chinese Online Dictionary - 含汉英字典、英汉字典、TOEFL及 GRE 考试词汇及网上工具。

◆亚洲的言语 - 提供东亚和东南亚的外语线上字典连结集。

◆英汉字典 - 可输入英文查询中文字。



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◆Ctech 网路科技辞典 - 提供网路科技名词查询。

◆网际辞典中心 - 含电脑软硬体类、操作类及应用类。



◆国语辞典 - 提供注音、相似和相反词,以及解释。

◆国语辞典简编本 - 包含文字,图片与声音,并提供图片检索。

◆河川小辞典 - 含河川相关辞汇解说。

◆Astronomy Thesaurus - astronomy terms in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian; all terms cross referenced.

◆Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus - searchable database and research tool of concepts related to art, architecture, and material culture. Includes styles and periods, agents, built works, materials and techniques, and more.

◆Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names - search on place and feature names worldwide. Results identify location contextually, ie what state or province a city is in, and by coordinates.

◆HIV/AIDS Treatment Thesaurus - standardized bilingual (French and English) tool, created to organize and find information in the field of HIV/AIDS treatment information. Non-preferred terminology covers variant spellings.

◆Lexical FreeNet - this program allows you to search for rhymes and relationships between words and concepts that might never have occurred to you.

◆Library of Congress Thesauri (5)

◆NASA Thesaurus◆Phrase Finder, The - thesaurus of phrases and sayings in English. Type in a word and it will return a list of related phrases.

◆Plumb Design Visual Thesaurus - an exploration of sense relationships within the English language. By clicking on words, you follow a thread of meaning, creating a spatial map of linguistic associations. ◆Roget's Thesaurus (4)◆Synonyms Dictionary

◆Thesaurus Gopher


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熄风 stop wind

活塞滴定管 stop-cock buret

活栓润滑脂 stop-cock grease

滞流 stop-flow

截流流射 stop-flow injection

停训综合征 stop-training syndrome

荫胎 stoppage of growth of fetus

傍流动力学 stopped-flow kinetics

有塞试管 stoppered test tube

塞塞子 stoppering

止血行瘀 stopping bleeding and absorbing clots

傍药 stopping dosage

戒酒 stopping drinking

回乳 stopping mik secretion

回乳 stopping milk secretion

固涩止汗 stopping perspiration with astringents

戒烟 stopping smoking

贮存多糖 storage polysaccharide

热能储存率 storage rate of thermal energy

藏而不泻 storage with no excretion

苏合香 storax styrax liquidus

藏精 store the essence of life

贮谷昆虫 stored grain insect

贮谷害虫 stored product insect

藏而不泄 storing and not eliminating

藏而不泄 storing?and?not eliminating

毛细血管扩张斑 stork bites

斯一布二氏染剂 stovallbllack stain

瓷炉 stoving porcelain

斜视计 strabismeter

斜视性弱视 strabismic amblyopia

斜视测量法 strabismometry

惊后瞳斜 strabismus after convulsive seizure

交替斜视 strabismus alternans

假性斜视 strabismus apparens

共同性斜视 strabismus concomitans

内斜视 strabismus convergens

斜下视 strabismus deorsum vergens

外斜视 strabismus divergens

固定性斜视 strabismus fixus

斜视镊 strabismus forceps

斜视钩 strabismus hook

隐斜视 strabismus latens

显斜视 strabismus manifestus

麻痹性斜视 strabismus paralyticus

斜视剪 strabismus scissors

假性斜视 strabismus spurius

眼上斜视 strabismus sursum vergens

斜视域 straboscopic

斜视刀 strabotome

骑跨伤 straddle injury

骑跨性血栓 straddle thrombus

直小动脉 straight arterioles

直动脉 straight artery

直无损伤止血钳 straight atraumatic hemostatic forceps

直背综合征 straight back syndrome

直血管钳 straight blood-vessel forceps

直孔型准直器 straight bore collimator

直解剖镊 straight dissecting forceps

直挺 straight elevator

直镊 straight forceps

直线生长 straight growth

直回 straight gyrus

直形压肠板 straight intestinal spatula

直刃虹膜刀 straight iris knife

直伸抬腿 straight leg raising

抬腿足背屈试验 straight leg raising ang foot dorsiflexion test 直腿提伸症状 straight leg raising test

远端小管直部 straight portion of distal convoluted tubule

直部 straight portion straight part

直型杆 straight profiled bat

肾曲小管直部 straight proximal tubule

贝利尼氏管 straight renal tubule

肾直小管 straight renal tubules

直尖刃手术刀 straight sharp-pointed scalpel

直窦 straight sinus

直锐匙型筛窦钳 straight spoon type ethmoid forceps

直胃钳 straight stomach clamps

直形缝合针 straight suture needle

直细管 straight tubule

直细精管 straight tubules

直小静脉 straight venules

肾直小静脉 straight venules of kidney

直小血管 straight vessels

挺定腿拔伸 straightening traction

直剪 straignt scissors

劳损评价 strain evaluation

滤过量压力转送器 strain gage pressure transducer

关节劳损 strain of joint

紧张感觉 strain sensation

种系特异性 strain specificity

奕变管 strain tube

韧带扭伤 strained ligament

排便紧张 straining at stool

无张力学说 strainless theory

约束衣 straitjacket

曼陀罗叶 stramoium leaf

曼陀罗叶 stramonium leaf

曼陀罗子 stramonium seed

曼陀罗酊 stramonium tincture

原生质丝 strand of protoplasm

栗子痔 strangulated hemorrhoid

绞窄性疝 strangulated hernia

绞窄性腹股沟斜疝 strangulated indirect inguinal hernia

绞窄性肠梗阻 strangulated intestinal obstruction

勒死 strangulation by ligature

绞窄性肠梗阻 strangulation ileus

索沟 strangulation mark

绞窄性疝 strangulation of hernia

美克尔憩室绞窄 strangulation of meckels diverticulum

阴茎绞窄 strangulation of penis

气淋 stranguria caused by disorder of qi

石淋 stranguria caused by the passage of urinary stone

子淋 stranguria during pregnancy

砂石淋 stranguria from urolithiasis

劳淋 stranguria induced by overstrain

膏淋 stranguria marked by chyluria

老淋 stranguria of the aged

血淋 stranguria with blood

淋浊 stranguria with trubid urine

热淋 strangury caused by pathogeni heat

热淋 strangury due a heat

热淋 strangury due to heat

绊创膏 strapping plaster

上丘白质层 strata alba colliculi superioris

预防措施 strategy for prevention

层状无长突细胞 stratified amacrine cell

层状血块 stratified clot

复层柱状上皮 stratified columnar epiethelium

复层立方上皮 stratified cubical epithelium

层状不均等 stratified inhomogeneity

分层随机 stratified random

复层鳞状上皮 stratified spuamous epithelium

复层扁平上皮 stratified squamous epithelium

层状纤维软骨 stratiform fibrocartilage

白质灰质层 stratum albocinereum

颅侧丘白质层 stratum album colliculi superioris

表皮基质层 stratum basale epidermidis

脑层 stratum cerebrale

视网膜大脑层 stratum cerebrale retinae

环层 stratum circulare

鼓膜环状层 stratum circulare membranae tympani

结肠肌环层 stratum circulare tunicae muscularis coli

琉传的波囊动物肌层肠 stratum circulare tunicae muscularis intestini 直肠环行肌层 stratum circulare tunicae muscularis recti

表皮角质层 stratum corneum epidermidis

表皮角质层 stratum couneum

鼓膜皮肤层 stratum cutaneum membranae tympani

圆柱细胞层 stratum cylindricum

表皮生发层 stratum dentatum epidermidis

背侧层 stratum dorsale

子宫粘膜功能层 stratum functionale

视神经神经节细胞层 stratum ganglionare nervi optici

视网膜神经节层 stratum ganglionare retinae

表皮生发层 stratum germinativum epidermidis

小脑颗粒层 stratum granulosum cerebelli

表皮粒层 stratum granulosum epidermidis

泡状卵泡颗粒层 stratum granulosum folliculi ovarici vesiculosi 颅侧丘灰质层 stratum griseum coliculi superioris

上丘灰质层 stratum griseum colliculi superioris

中间层 stratum intermedium

内层 stratum internum

丘系层 stratum lemnisci

结肠肌纵层 stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis coli

纵向被囊动物肌肠层 stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis intestini 直肠纵行肌层 stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis recti

胃肌织膜纵层 stratum longitudinale tunicae muscularis ventricul 分子层 stratum moleculare

小脑分子层 stratum moleculare cerebelli

视网膜分子层 stratum moleculare retinae

鼓膜粘膜层 stratum mucosum membranae tympani

视神经上皮层 stratum neuroepitheliale

视网膜神经上皮层 stratum neuroepitheliale retinae

核层 stratum nucleare

真皮乳头层 stratum papillare corii

乳头层 stratum papillare cutis

色素层 stratum pigmenti

睫状体色素层 stratum pigmenti corporis ciliaris 虹膜色素层 stratum pigmenti iridis

视网膜色素上皮层 stratum pigmenti retinae 鼓膜放射层 stratum radiatum membranae tympani 真皮网状层 stratum reticulare corii

棘细胞层 stratum spinosum epidermidis

带状层 stratum zonale

施特劳斯氏反应 strausreaction

杨梅样毛细血管瘤 strawberry capillary hemangioma 草莓样胆囊 strawberry gallbladder

杨梅状 strawberry like

草莓状红斑 strawberry mark

莓样疣 strawberry nevus

杨梅疮 strawberry sores

杨梅舌 strawberry-like tongue

杨梅状 strawberrylike

草莓舌 strawberrytongue

漫射光 straylight

条纹性腺 streak gonad

条索状卵巢 streak gonads

划线培养法 streak plating

划线培养平皿 streakplate

射流扫描 stream scanning

流动蒸气法 stream steam sterilization

流动扫描 streaming scanning

街病毒 streetvirus

链球菌溶血素S strelysin s

强度时间曲线 strength durationcurve

背肌力 strength of back muscles

力气训练 strength training

强度-时间曲线 strength-duration curve

强度-时间曲线 strengthduration curves

强度时间曲线 strengthdurationcurve

益寿壮阳 strengthen reproductive essence 壮筋骨 strengthen the bone

增强疗效 strengthen the effect

固金 strengthen the lung

健脾疏肝 strengthen the spleen and clear the liver 利咽喉 strengthen the throat

壮阳 strengthen yang

滋补强壮 strengthening by means of tonics 粘韧膏 strengthening plaster

