新视野大学英语第一册Unit 2教案

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Unit 2, Book One

I. Section A: Deep Concern

1. Teaching Objectives: ? To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns ? To be familiar with the writing skills of the text and make use of it in writing ? To improve Ss reading skills by studying section B To respond and cooperate with classmates willingly ? To participate actively

To read sentences and texts with proper intonation ? To write smoothly and legibly

2.Time Allotment: Section A (3 periods):

1---2 period: Pre-reading activities (theme-related questions for warming up; useful words

and expressions)

While-reading activities (topic sentences; language points explanation)


3period: Post-reading activities (comprehension questions; main idea; text structure;




Section B (1period):

4th periods: Practice of the reading skill (reading for the key idea in a sentence);

T checks on Ss’ home reading by asking questions based on the passage. T explains some difficult sentences

3.Teaching Procedures: 3.1 Pre-reading Activities Step 1 Greetings Greet the whole class.

Step 2. Pre-reading Activities

2.1. Introduce the theme of “generation gap” by showing Ss the title of the text, “Deep


2.2. Ask students following questions about ways of study a foreign language (show them on

the screen).

①Have you ever had any difficulty talking with your parents?

②Can you give any example the ideas that you have that are different from your parents’?

③What do we call this family problem about the difficult communication between children and their parents? ④What is “generation gap”?

⑤How do you think can the younger and the older generations have real communication with and understand each other? Reference:

③ Generation gap.

④ Generation gap refers to differences between two generations in their views on the world. Some of the differences are as follows:

? The older generation sticks to its experience-based beliefs while the younger one clings to radical ideas.

? The older generation emphasizes devotion to society while the younger one thinks more about the realization of personal value.

? The older generation believes young people are too young to see through things whereas the younger one thinks the elders’ ideas are too old to keep up with the flow of the times.

⑤ To stand in the other’s shoes; give each other chances of understanding and making mistake; be forgiving and consideration; talk freely and equally 2.3. Group discussion and question answer

2.4. Necessary Words, Phrases and Expressions Input:


① n. as concerns 关于 as far as... be concerned/so far as... be concerned 关于;至于;就...而言

E.g. What is their concern? 他们担心的到底是什么呢?

② vt. be concerned about 关心 be concerned over sth./ be concerned at sth. 为某事忧虑 be concerned with 牵涉到, 与...有关, 参与

E.g. The firm's weak financial posture is starting to concern its stockholders.这个公司的财政危机已开


That doesn't concern me. 那与我无关。 click:

① vi. E.g. It was weird to see his cursor click, click, click its way across my screen. 看着他的鼠标指


② n. E.g. move or strike with a click随着滴答声而发生变化 blast:

① v. E.g. The referees blasted their whistles. 裁判高声吹哨。

They need to blast a tunnel through the mountains.他们需要在山中炸开一条隧道。 blast forth blast off (sounds) come out suddenly声音突然响起: To take off, as a rocket.发射,如火箭的发射: E.g. The spaceship blasted off. 宇宙飞船发射上天了。 ② n. E.g. an icy blast of wind 一阵冰冷的风

The driver gave a blast on his horn. 汽车司机按了一下喇叭。

The blast from the bomb blew out all the windows in the area. 炸弹爆炸的冲击波震破了这个地区的所有窗户。

burst: burst forth 突然爆发出; 喷出 突然出现 大声喊叫, 突然说出 忽然跳出

burst in/ burst into闯入; 突然出现; 突然...起来; 突然发作 E.g. The sun burst through. 太阳突然出来了。 stuff: 区别stuff与staff:

stuff: matter; material 东西;材料

staff: The personnel who carry out a specific enterprise全体雇员 E.g. the teaching staff 全体教员

grab:E.g. grabbed the letter from me从我手里抢走了信 toast:

① n. E.g. I burned the toast. 我把土司烤焦了。 Let's make a toast! 我们来干杯! ② vt. E.g. Toast!干杯!

bug:E.g. Don't bug me please. 请不要打扰我。

pierce: E.g. The cold pierced him to the bone.他感到寒冷刺骨。

bolt: E.g. The horse bolted at the sound of the shot.听到射击声,马脱缰逃跑了。


① adj. E.g. upset parents心烦意乱的父母

② vt. E.g. The bad news upset me.那则坏消息使我心烦意乱。

appeal:appeal to 向...呼吁[请求] 投合...的心意; 引起...的兴趣 诉诸(武力)

appeal to sb. for 为...向某人呼吁[请求] have appeal 有吸引力, 引人入胜

E.g. Bright colours appeal to small children. 小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。

I appeal to your sense of justice.我呼吁你们拿出正义感 rid:

① adj. He is rid of fever. 他的烧退了。

② vt. He was finally able to rid himself of all financial worries.他终于能使自己摆脱所有的财政忧


influence: come under the influence of 开始受...影响

exert an influence on 对...施加影响 through the influence of 靠...的力量

① n. My parents considered my friend to be a bad influence on me.我父母认为我朋友对我有不良影


② vt. I don't want to influence you. You must decide for yourself. 我不想影响你。你必须自行决定。 along with: E.g. She came along with us. 她是同我们一起来的。 turn off: switch off; stop

turn on: switch on; cause to operate

turn up: increase (a flame, a sound, etc.) usually by moving a switch;appear turn down: reduce (a flame, a sound, etc.) usually by moving a switch burst into: E.g. She burst into tears. 她突然号啕大哭。

over and over: E.g. The barrel rolled over and over. 桶子地滚动着。 reach for: E.g. Reach for your pencil, sir. 先生们拿起笔来。

as well as: E.g. The editors as well as the proofreaders are working overtime.编辑和校对者都在加班


in peace and quiet: E.g. He might have ended his days in peace and quiet. 他本来可以在和平 与宁静中结束他的一生。

make one’s blood boil: E.g. That makes my blood boil. 那事使我怒火中烧。 get rid of: E.g. Get rid of your dirty shoes. 把你那双脏鞋扔掉。

in any case: E.g. You must keep the appointment in any case. 您无论如何也要赴约。 in case: in order to be prepared for sth. that may happen.

E.g. I think I’ll take a note in case I forget it.我得记一下,以免忘记。 in case of: if or when sth. happens.

E.g. In case of rain, take a taxi. 要是下雨,就坐出租车。

in that case: if that happens.

E.g. Oh, in that case, never mind. 哦,那就算了。 talk sth. over: E.g. Let's talk it over. 咱们商量一下。


1. To develop Ss’ group discussion skills

2. To improve Ss’ ability to retrieve the relevant information 3. To stimulate Ss’ psychomotor thinking

4. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning the unit

5. To get some direct impressions on “online learning”

6. To grasp necessary words, phrases and expressions input before reading the text

Methods: Talk in groups; use task-based language teaching method, communicative

approach, and audiolingual method; use the CAI, PPT software.

Step 3. While-reading Activities

3.1. Fast Reading: Ask Ss to read the passage as quickly as they can. Before reading, ask

them to read the comprehension questions on page 34 first. 3.2. Questions answering.

3.3. Intensive Reading: T guides Ss to read the text intensively by explaining some

language points. Language Points:

1. The radio clicked on. Rock music blasted forth. (Para. 1)

Meaning: As soon as the radio started with a short, sharp sound, rock music began loudly. 2. Like a shot, the music woke Sandy. (Para. 1)

Meaning: Sandy heard the music and woke up as if startled by a gunshot.

Please notice that these three words -\ are used to suggest a sense of suddenness.

3. Sandy sang along with the words as she lay listening to her favorite radio station. (Para. 1)

Meaning: Sandy followed the words of the song although she was still in bed, listening to her favorite radio station.

4. ... turn that music off! (Para. 2) Means: ... stop that music!

5. Steve Finch burst into her room. (Para. 2)

Meaning: Steve Finch rushed into her room without knocking or warning her in advance. 6. It's the same thing over and over. (Para. 2) Meaning: You listen to the same music again and again. 7. ... though it does have rhythm. (Para. 2) Meaning: ... though it really has rhythm.

8. Sandy reached for the radio to turn it up louder. (Para. 3)

Meaning: Sandy stretched her hand out to increase the volume of the radio. 9. I can't stand it. (Para. 4) Meaning: I cannot bear it.

10. Then she put on her makeup,...(Para. 6) Meaning: Then she made up her face.

11. As usual, she didn't know what to have for breakfast, so she grabbed a glass of milk and ate a piece of toast while standing by the sink. (Para. 6)

Meaning: As had happened before, she didn't know what to have for breakfast, so she quickly took a glass of milk and ate a piece of toast while she was standing by the sink.

12. It isn't healthy to eat standing up. (Para. 7)

Meaning: It isn't good to your health if you have your breakfast while standing up. 13. I'll brush my teeth when I'm done. (Para. 12)

Meaning: I'll brush my teeth when I have finished my breakfast. done: adj. finished

E.g. When you are done, come back. 你干完后就回来。

14. Sandy Finch, you're too young to wear that much makeup. (Para. 19) Meaning: Sandy Finch, you're not old enough to wear so much makeup.

Notice that the mother greeted the daughter by full name, which means the mother was very firm in her opinion and/or wanted to be sure to get her daughter's full attention. that: ad. (informal) so; to such a degree

I didn't know you cared that much. 我不知道你这么在乎。 Compare with \this\

You can't have this much for breakfast. 早餐你不能吃这么多。 15. ... and bolted out of the house. (Para. 20) Meaning: ... and left the house quickly.

16. After Sandy had left for school, Jane Finch sat down in peace and quiet to drink her coffee.(Para. 21)

Meaning: After Sandy had left for school, Jane Finch sat down calmly to drink her coffee. 17. My stomach feels upset – like it’s full of knots. (Para. 23) Meaning: I am not feeling well in stomach. It seems full of knots. 18. I don’t think I’m old-fashioned…(Para. 23)

Meaning: I don’t think I am unwilling to accept new ideas… old-fashioned: adj. once usual or fashionable but now less common E.g. His ideas are old-fashioned.他的思想陈旧。 比较:in fashion:popular at a certain time

E.g. Mary only buys clothes that are in fashion.玛丽只买时装。 out of fashion: no longer popular

E.g. Some clothes are out of fashion now.有些衣服已经过时了。 19. …different music appeal to different generations…(Para.24) Meaning: …people of different age groups like different types of music…

20. She knew she had to have patience and keep the lines of communication with her daughter open. (Para. 29)

Meaning: She knew she had to be patient and keep communication with her daughter effective. 21. She wanted to be there as an anchor for her, but at the same time she would give her freedom to find her own identity. (Para. 29)

Meaning: She wanted to be a person who can make her feel safe and supported but at the same time let her find out who she is by herself.

Step 4. Post-reading Activities

4.1. Answer the comprehension questions on page 34.

4.2. Summarize the main idea: The passage is a description of what happened between the

daughter Sandy and her parents.

4.3. Text structure: sequenced order of events ①Time marker: it was 6:15 A.M.

A problem about music. (Paras.1-4): The daughter liked the music but her father didn’t. A transitional paragraph (Para. 5): Sandy took a shower.

②Time marker: after her shower

A series of small arguments lead to another problem (Paras.6-20): makeup ③Time marker: after Sandy had left for school

Responses and evaluations from the father and mother on their daughter. (Paras.21-29) ④Time marker: as Jane Finch drove to work The mother’s thoughts. (Para.29)

4.4. Translation exercises on page 37 and 38

Step 5. Assignment

Review the key points of Section A

Finish the rest of the exercises after class Preview section B

Structure writing: writing exercise on page 41.

II. Section B Is There a Generation Gap?

Teaching Procedures: 1. Reading Skills

Distinguishing Between Facts and Opinions

The particular reading skill introduced for this unit is distinguishing between facts and opinions. The ability to tell the difference between facts on one hand and the writer's opinions or interpretations on the other is a crucial comprehension skill.

Facts are statements that tell what really happened or what the case is, and they are usually based on direct evidence.

Opinions are statements of belief, judgment or feeling. Opinions are often based on facts --- but they also involve the writer’s personal interpretation of the facts, which may or may not match your interpretation of them.

Sometimes it isn’t easy to separate fact from opinion. Writers may combine fact and opinion in a way that makes it hard to say where the facts end and the opinions begin—or they may present opinions as if they were facts.

Purpose: Introduce the reading skill to the Ss and improve their reading abilities.

Method: Use multimedia instruction and talk in groups; Use task-based language teaching

method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.

T explains the reading skill (distinguishing between facts and opinions). Ss practice the skill by doing the exercise on page 43 in pairs.

2. Passage Reading (Is There a Generation Gap?)

2.1. Read the passage

2.2. Do comprehension questions on page 49 and page 50 2.3. Language points

consistency: E.g. These accounts show no consistency. 这些报导前后不一致。

consistent (adj.) be consistent with与…一致

E.g. What you say is not consistent with what you do. 你言行不一。

refute:E.g. It goes without saying that we have the right to refute them publicly. 不用说,我


tend:E.g. Europeans tend to love their cars. 欧洲人往往很喜欢汽车。 to tend a child照看一个孩子

evaluate:E.g. I can not evaluate his ability. 我不能评价他的能力。 apply:apply to适用于 apply for申请

E.g. The rule applies to everyone.这条规定适用于每个人。 He wanted to apply for the job.他想申请这份工作。


① vi. E.g. I can't relate to classical music. 我对古典音乐不太了解。

② v. E.g. I can't relate what he does with [to] what he says. 我没法把他做的和说的联系起


entitle: be entitled 叫做, 称为, 题目是

be entitled to sth./to do sth. 对...享有权利, 值得; 有(做某事)的资格[权利]

E.g. The novel is entitled “Pride and Prejudice.”那本小说叫《傲慢与偏见》

This ticket entitles you to a free lunch. 凭此券你可免费吃一顿午餐。 adopt: E.g. adopt an idea采纳意见 adopt a child收养一个孩子


adapt (v.):适应 E.g. He has adapted well to winter climes.他很适应冬天气候了。 adept (adj): be adept in/at 善于, 擅长, 精通 E.g. Helen is adept in music. 海伦精通音乐。 conflict:

① n. E.g. conflict between the two countries两国间的冲突

② vi. E.g. Your interests conflict with mine. 你的利益和我的冲突。 approach:

① v. E.g. Spring approaches.春天近了。

② vt. E.g. approach a problem from different angles由不同的角度研究一个问题 ③ n. E.g. a new approach一个新方法 the approach of night夜幕降临

tap into:E.g. Few holidays tap into the American psyche so closely as Halloween.


look to: look to sb. for help指望某人帮助

get across: E.g. she cannot get her ideas across. 她的想法别人不能理解。 check in: E.g. Where can I check in? 在哪儿办理登记手续?

check out: E.g. When should we check out? 我们应在何时退房呢?

3. Assignment

Do the exercises about vocabulary and phrases on page 50 and page 51.

