unit_6__would_you_like_to_order (1)

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Unit 6 Can I take your order?

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课程名称Unit 6 Can I take your order? 教学课型 theoretical lesson 课时 8 periods 教学目标

1.Master words and expressions. 2.lead in

3.listening and speaking 4.Everyday English 5.Reading and writing 6.language in use. 7.vocabulary practice. 8.life and culture.

9. Students can understand and talk about goods

10.Students can understand the names of goods price and shopping plan

11.Students can read sales posters of goods

12.students can express sales message and fill in the shopping list. 教学重点 1.There be

2.Describe a place or people with the sentence patterns “there be”

3.How to buy sth in a shop 教学难点 1.

The use of there be

2. Ask and give information about goods 教法分析

1.Student-oriented communicative teaching(question - answer and group discussions) 2. The Audio-lingual method 3. The grammar-translation method 教学准备Multimedia software 教学过程

Period one words and expressions

Step 1 Reading

Teacher gives the students time to read the words and then corrects their pronunciation and gives them some details to the students.

Step 2 new words and expressions 1 order

N give me some order ;put sth into order V would you like to order now?

order sb to do sth

2 restaurant in a restaurant go to a restaurant 3 menu here ?s your menu 4 waiter waitress 5 dish wash dishes

6 rare medium well-done

rare,很生,就两面有点熟,里面是生的 , medium rare 大约6分,稍微带一点点血丝, medium,基本熟了,中间至少是粉红的, welldone,8分以上熟,没有血丝. 7 special specialty cheap cheaper cheapest 8 eat out eg: let?s eat out now.

Period 2 lead in

Step 1. Give students some words about meat \\ vegetable \\fruit\\ snakes \\ staple food.

Meat :pork, mutton , beef fish Vegetables: cabbage Fruit: apple

snacks(零食小吃):chips ice cream staple food (主食):noodle rice Step 2. practice the sentence patterns: I like … I don?t like… My favorite …is …

My mother likes… and …,but she doesn?t like… Step 3 information about eating Waiter and waitress

Western food , forks and knives

Chinese food, chopsticks eat out=eat in a restaurant Eat at home

eat out 在这里指“出去吃饭”,“去饭店吃饭”。 eg Many young people like to eat out at weekend. We can eat ____________ in a western restaurant. We can eat ____________ in a Chinese restaurant. Step 3 Lead-in 1 read and tick

Choose the right words from the below 2 look and complete

What kind of food do you like?

Teacher shows the situation: If you invite your friend to Meiwei Restaurant to eat out, What would you like to order for your friend ?

Period 3\\4 Listening and speaking

1 look and tick

Nice to see you . welcome to… can I take your order? 2 listen and match Choose the right match 3 listen and underline

Let the students listen to the tape first and then let them learn how to read the dialogue.

The teacher gives students some grammar points. Can I take your order? Would you like…? side salad 附餐沙拉 anything to eat \\ drink \\ do? 4 act and practice

Practice the sentence patterns with all kind of words. 5 talk and complete

Fill in the form according the activities. 6 Everyday English

—Do you have a reservation? —Yes. The reservation is under Mr Li. Can I take your order?

What is the specialty of the house? Do you want to separate check?

Period 5 reading and writing

1. read and circle

Students read the menu and circle what you may order for your friend. Then teacher asks several students , using the sentence pattern “ What would you like to order ? ” as an example. At last, students ask each other, using the sentence pattern “ What would you like to order ? ”.

