2018陕旅版英语六年级下册Unit 2 What Would You Like单元测试卷

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Unit2 单元测试卷

一、写出下列单词的复数形式。 1. glass __________ 3. noodle __________ 5. knife __________ 7. fork __________ 二、看图,写短语。

2. hamburger __________ 4. drink __________ 6. chopstick __________ 8. potato __________

1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________

4. _________ 5. __________ 6. __________ 三、选词填空。

A. or B. to C. like D. of E. By ( ) (1) Welcome ________ Noodle House. ( ) (2) I want a bowl ________ tomato noodles.

( ) (3) Do you like beef noodles ________ tomato noodles? ( ) (4) ________ the way, how much are they? ( ) (5) What drinks would Miss White ________? 四、单项选择。

( ) 1. What ________ of noodles would you like? A. kinds

B. kind

C. kindes

( ) 2. Would you like something ________ drink? A. to

B. for

C. of

( ) 3. Please ________ a minute. A. waiting

B. wait for

C. wait

( ) 4. ---________ are they? ---Thirty-four yuan. A. How many

B. What

C. How

( ) 5. I want there ________ of ________. A. plate; fish B. plates; fish fishs


( ) 1. In China, people usually eat with ________. A. forks and knives

B. chopsticks

C. plates;

( ) 2. In China, people like to drink ________. A. tea

B. coffee

( ) 3. In the USA, people usually eat with ________. A. chopsticks

B. knives

( ) 4. In the UK, people like to eat ________. A. dumplings and noodles B. fish and potato chip 六、按要求完成句子。

1. I’d like two bowls of noodles. (对划线部分提问)


2. Anything else?(作肯定和否定回答)


3. They are thirty-four yuan.(对划线部分提问)


4. My address is No.7 Garden Road.(对划线部分提问)




A: Hello! __________ is Happy Fast Food. __________ I help you? B: Yes. I’d __________ two chicken hamburgers. A: Anything __________?

B: Yes, a __________ of juice __________ a bottle of milk. A: OK. __________ name and address, please.

B: This is Emily White, No.11 Garden Road. __________ the way, __________ __________ are they?

A: Thirty-four yuan. B: OK. Thank you. 八、阅读理解。

Waitress: What would you like to eat and to drink? Wu Chen: I’d like a piece of bread. Kevin: I’d like a glass of juice. Kitty: I want a bottle of water. Su Nan: I want three plates of fish. Colin: I want four bowls of rice. Alice: I want a bowl of noodles. 根据对话内容,在下表相应位置打“√”。 a a a a three four bottle bowl of piece of glass of plates of bowls of of water Wu Chen Kevin Kit noodles bread juice fish rice

