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New Words 4A

@ complex a. consisting of many different parts which make sth. difficult to understand or deal with 难懂的;复杂的

@ grip n. [C] a firm hold of sth. 紧握,紧抓

@ vt. hold sth. tightly 握紧,紧抓

@ extreme a. very great in degree 极大的;极度的

@ analyze vt. (BrE analyse) study or examine sth. in detail in order to discover more about it 分析;细查

@ stability n. [U] the state or quality of being stable 稳定,稳固

@ mobile a. able to move freely or be easily moved 活动的;流动的

@ mobility n. [U] the ability to move easily 活动性;流动性

@ differ vi. 1. not be the same; be different 不同;有区别

@ 2. have different opinions 有异议;有分歧

@ superior a. 1. better than sb. or sth. else 更好的;优秀的

@ 2. having a higher position or rank than sb. else (地位或等级)更高的;上级的

@ inferior a. 1. not as good as sb. or sth. else 次等的;较差的

@ 2. lower in position or rank than sb. else (地位或等级)较低的

@ management n. 1. [U] the act of controlling and operating a company or organization 经营;管理

@ 2. [sing., U] the people who are in charge of a company or organization 管理层,资方@ negotiation n. [C, U] discussion aimed at reaching an agreement 谈判;洽谈

@ thereby ad. because of what has just been mentioned 因此;从而

@ harmony n. [U] a situation in which people live and work well with other people 和谐;融洽

@ consensus n. [sing., U] agreement among all the people involved 一致同意;共同看法@ bottom-up a. from the bottom to the top 由下而上的

@ consideration n. 1. [U] careful thought before making a decision or judgment about sth. 考虑

@ 2. [U] the quality of caring about other people's feelings and needs 体贴;关心

@ enterprise n. [C] a business company or organization 企业;公司

@ ministry n. [C] a department of the government (政府的)部

@ unity n. [U] the state of being joined together or in agreement 和睦;统一

@ parliament n. [C] the main law-making body in some countries 议会;国会

@ consult vt. 1. ask for information or advice from sb. 咨询;请教

@ 2. look for information in a book, map, list, etc. 查阅;查找

@ delicate a. 1. needing to be dealt with carefully in order to avoid problems or failure 微妙的;棘手的

@ 2. easily damaged or broken 易碎的;易受损的

@ delicately ad. in a careful way 小心翼翼地

@ owing a. (~ to) because of 由于,因为

@ successive a. coming one after another in a series 继续的,连续的

@ lag vi. move or develop more slowly than others 落后

@ in-depth a. thorough and detailed 深入的;彻底的

@ fundamental a. basic and important 基本的;主要的

@ discard vt. throw sth. out or away 丢弃,抛弃

@ transaction n. [C] a piece of business conducted 交易;业务

@ volume n. 1. [C, U] the amount of sth. 数量;额

@ 2. [C] a book that is part of a set (书的)卷,册

@ 3. [U] the level of sound from a TV, radio, etc. 音量

@ feasible a. able to be done; possible 可能的;行得通的

@ sophisticated a. 1. advanced and complicated 尖端的;复杂的

@ 2. knowing a lot about sth., or having a lot of experience of life 精通的;老练的

@ operational a. relating to the operation of a business, government, etc. 操作上的;经营的

@ pinch n. [C] the action of squeezing sb.'s skin with fingers and thumb 捏;掐;拧

@ vt. squeeze sb.'s skin with fingers and thumb 捏;掐;拧

@ aspect n. [C] a particular part of sth. 部分;方面

@ convert v. 1. change or make sth. change from one form, system, etc. to another (使)转化;(使)转变

@ 2. change one's beliefs, esp. religious beliefs, or persuade sb. to do this (使)改变信仰;(使)皈依

@ dismiss vt. remove sb. from a position 解雇;开除

@ provided conj. on the condition that 只要;如果

@ exert vt. 1. (~ oneself) work very hard 努力;尽力

@ 2. use one's power, influence, etc. in order to make sth. happen 施加(影响);运用(权威)

@ flexible a. able to change or be changed easily according to the situation 灵活的;可变通的

@ inflexible a. unwilling or unable to be changed, influenced, etc. 不愿改变的;顽固的@ owe vt. 1. feel one should do sth. for sb. 应该做;有必要做

@ 2. have to pay sb. for sth., or need to pay back the money one has borrowed 欠(钱);负(债)

@ loyalty n. [U] the quality of remaining faithful to one's friends, principles, country, etc. 忠诚;忠心

Phrases and Expressions

@ come/get to grips with begin to deal with a difficult problem or situation 开始并应付;开始处理

@ distinguish... from be a feature that makes sb. or sth. different or special 使区别于

@ be true of be valid, relevant, or applicable to 对...来说也一样

@ fall through not complete successfully 失败;成为泡影

@ press for urge; demand; keep requesting 反复请求;紧急要求

@ lag behind move, advance or develop slowly; fall behind 落后

@ in a pinch (BrE at a pinch) if it becomes necessary and one has no choice 迫不得已时;必要时

Proper Names

@ Nomura Securities 野村证券

@ Tokyo Stock Exchange 东京证券交易所

@ New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所

@ Matsushita (company) 松下(公司)

@ Matsushita 松下幸之助(松下公司创始人)

New Words 4B

@ cute a. 1. pretty and attractive 逗人喜爱的;漂亮的

@ 2. clever 机灵的;精明的

@ crush vt. 1. make sb. feel upset or disappointed 使烦恼或失望

@ 2. hit or press sth. very hard so that it is damaged or destroyed 撞坏;压坏

@ comedown n. [C] a fall in importance, rank, status, etc. 落泊;失势

@ astonish vt. surprise sb. greatly 使震惊;使惊骇

@ calendar n. [C] a set of pages or list that shows the days, weeks and months of a particular year 日历

@ retail n. [U] the sale of goods directly to the public, usually in small quantities 零售

★retailer n. [C] sb. who sells things directly to the public 零售商

@ annual a. 1. for the period of one year 一年的;全年的

@ 2. happening once a year 一年一次的;每年的

@ bold a. brave and confident 大胆自信的

@ bare a. 1. not covered by clothes 裸露的

@ 2. not covered by trees or grass, or not having leaves 光秃的;叶子掉光的

@ distinctive a. easy to recognize because of being different from others 特别的,与众不同的

@ elaborate a. complicated; carefully prepared and finished 精细复杂的;精心制作的

@ v. give more information or details about sth. 详尽说明;阐述

@ border n. 1. [C] a band or pattern around the edge of sth., esp. for decoration 边;边饰@ 2. [C] the official dividing line between two countries 国界;边境

@ comprise vt. 1. (be ~d of) consist of particular parts 由... 组成;包括

@ 2. form sth. 组成,构成

@ peach n. [C] 桃;桃树

@ teapot n. [C] 茶壶

@ acid a. 1. (of remark) showing criticism in a sharp way 尖酸的;刻薄的;辛辣的

@ 2. having a sour taste 酸味的,酸的

@ imaginary a. existing only in the mind; not real 想象中的;虚构的

@ down-to-earth a. practical and honest 实际的;切实的

@ humorous a. amusing or funny 幽默的,诙谐的

@ trademark n. 1. [C] a distinctive characteristic 特征,标记

@ 2. [C] a mark or name belonging to a particular company, used on its products 商标

@ feature vt. be an important and distinctive part of sth. 以...为特征

@ n. [C] a typical quality or important part 特点,特征

@ cigar n. [C] 雪茄烟

@ old-fashioned a. no longer modern or fashionable 过时的;老式的

@ illustration n. 1. [C] a drawing or picture in a book, magazine, etc. 图解;插图

@ 2. [C, U] an example, fact, etc. that shows sth. is true, or show what sth. is like 说明;例证

@ illustrator n. [C] sb. who draws pictures, esp. for a book 插图画家

@ literary a. relating to literature 文学上的

@ classic n. [C] a famous book, play, etc. which has a lasting value 经典作品;文学名著

@ a. (of a book, play, etc.) important and having a lasting value 经典的

@ influential a. having power or influence 有影响力的

@ venture n. [C] a business activity that involves risks 风险项目

@ vi. risk going somewhere or doing sth. 冒险

@ commerce n. [U] the buying and selling of goods and services 商业;贸易

@ plunge vi. (~ into) 1. suddenly start doing sth. in an enthusiastic way (积极)投入;参与

@ 2. suddenly put sb. in a particular situation 使陷入

@ ill-fated a. unlucky 倒霉的

@ sample n. [C] a small amount of sth. that can be tested to show what the rest is or should be like 样品

@ vt. try out or examine sth. by taking a sample 抽样(检查)

@ dragon n. [C] 龙

@ myth n. [C] an ancient story, esp. one invented to explain natural or historical events 神话

@ mythical n. 1. relating to or existing only in myths 神话的;神话中的

@ 2. imaginary and not real 虚构的;不真实的

@ license vt. give official permission for sb. to use sth. 批准;准许

@ n. [C] (BrE licence) an official document that gives sb. permission to use or do sth. 许可证;执照

@ copyright n. [C, U] 版权

@ sunrise n. [C, U] the time in the morning when the sun first comes into the sky 日出;黎明

@ distribution n. 1. [U] the transport and supply of goods to various people or places 运送;经销

@ 2. [U] the act of giving things to a large group of people 分发;分配

@ decorate vt. make sth. look more attractive by putting nice things on or in it 装饰;装潢

@ studio n. 1. [C] a room where an artist or photographer works 工作室;画室;摄影室@ 2. [C] a specially equipped room where television or radio programs or music recordings are made 演播室;播音室;录音室

@ best-seller n. [C] a book that many people buy 畅销书

Phrases and Expressions

@ with an eye to showing an interest in or concern for sth. 关注

@ dress up wear one's best clothes 穿着盛装

@ show up appear 出现

@ have/keep one's feet (planted) on the ground be realistic and practical 注重实际;脚踏实地

@ date back to (also date from) have existed since a particular time in the past 始于;追溯到

@ take off suddenly become successful or popular 迅速成功;迅速走红

Proper Names

@ Mary Engelbreit 玛丽·恩格尔布赖特(人名)

@ Saint Louis 圣路易斯(美过密苏里州东部港市)

@ Ann Estelle 安·埃丝特尔(人名)

@ Jessie Willcox Smith 杰西·威尔科克斯·史密斯(人名)

@ Johnny Gruelle 约翰尼·格鲁埃尔(人名)

@ Raggedy Ann “蓬发安”(洋娃娃)

@ Phil Delano 菲尔·德拉诺(人名)

@ Sunrise Publications 黎明出版公司

New Words 5A

@ graceful a. attractive; full of grace 优雅的;得体的

@ chart n. [C] information given in the form of a picture, graph, etc. 图;图表

@ preceding a. coming or going earlier in time, order, etc. 在先的;前面的

@ decay n. [U] the state of gradually going bad 变坏;腐烂

@ v. (cause to) gradually become bad (使)腐烂;(使)变坏

@ vinegar n. [U] 醋

@ pit n. [C] a hole in the ground 坑

@ switch n. 1. [C] a piece of equipment that starts or stops the flow of electricity to a machine, light, etc. 开关;电闸

@ 2. [C] a change from one thing to another 改变;转换

@ v. change from one thing to another, or make sth. do this (使)改变;(使)转换

@ skeleton n. 1. [C] the frame of bones supporting a human or animal body 骨骼;骨架

@ 2. [C] the outline to which details are to be added 梗概,提要

@ loose a. not firmly or tightly fixed 松动的

@ loosely ad. in a loose manner 松弛地;松动地

@ secure vt. 1. hold sth. firmly in place by fastening it 固定;绑紧

@ 2. make sth. safe 使安全;保卫

@ a. safe 安全的

@ fluid n. [C, U] a liquid 液体

@ drip v. (cause to) fall in drops (使)滴下

@ pulse n. [C] 脉搏

@ straw n. 1. [C] a thin tube through which a drink can be sucked into the mouth 吸管

@ 2. [U] the dried yellow stems of crops such as wheat or rice 稻草;秸秆

@ moisture n. [U] tiny drops of water on a surface, in the air, etc. 潮湿

@ slide vi. (slid, slid)

@ 1. move smoothly over a surface 滑动;滑行

@ 2. move quietly 悄悄移动;潜行

@ thirst n. [sing.] the feeling of wanting to drink 渴,口渴

@ procedure n. [C, U] a way of doing sth., esp. the correct or usual way 程序;步骤;手续@ liquid n. [C, U] a substance that is not a gas nor a solid 液体

@ naked a. not wearing any clothes 赤身的;裸露的

@ gown n. 1. [C] a long loose piece of clothing that a doctor or patient wear during an operation 罩衣;手术服

@ 2. [C] a long dress that a woman wear on formal occasions 女裙服;女礼服

@ famine n. [C, U] a serious lack of food, causing illness and death 饥荒

@ lid n. [C] a cover of a container 盖,盖子

@ jar n. [C] a glass or clay container used for storing things 罐子;坛子

@ palm n. 1. [C] the inside part of the hand between the wrist and the fingers 手掌

@ 2. [C] 棕榈树

@ outline n. 1. [C] a line showing the shape of sth. 轮廓;外形

@ 2. [C] a statement of the main points about sth. 要点;大纲

@ pillow n. [C] a cloth bag filled with soft material used for supporting the head in bed 枕头

@ rainbow n. [C] a many-colored arch in the sky when rain is falling and the sun is shining 虹,彩虹

@ butterfly n. [C] 蝴蝶

@ hint n. 1. [C] a sign that sth. exists 迹象

@ 2. [C] sth. that sb. says or does to suggest sth., without saying it directly 暗示;示意

@ ounce n. 1. [C] a small amount of sth. 少量;少许

@ 2. [C] a unit of weight equal to about 28 grams 盎司

@ quicken v. (cause to) become quicker (使)变快;(使)加速

@ interval n. [C] a period of time between two events 间隔

@ shallow a. 1. (of breathing) not taking much air into the lungs (呼吸)微弱的

@ 2. having only a short distance from the top to the bottom 浅的

@ 3. not showing serious or careful thought 肤浅的,浅薄的

@ emotion n. [C] a strong human feeling such as love, hate, or anger 情感;情绪

@ privilege n. [C, U] a special advantage that is given only to a particular person or group 特权;优惠

@ episode n. 1. [C] a single event or group of related events 一个事件;片段

@ 2. [C] a part of a TV or radio story 集;一集

@ association n. 1. [C] a group of people joined together for a common purpose 协会;社团

@ 2. [C] a connection with a particular person, organization, group, etc. 联系;关联Phrases and Expressions

@ the pit of one's stomach the hollow place just below the bones of the chest, specially thought of as being the place where fear is felt 胸口;心窝

@ feel for search with the hands, the feet, a stick, etc. 摸索;寻找

@ go about start to work at sth. 着手做;开始做

@ put up a chair move a chair near to where sb. is sitting and sit on it 把椅子拉近坐下

@ except for apart from 除...以外

@ read about find information from books, newspapers, etc. 读到

Proper Names

@ Mrs. Clark 克拉克夫人

New Words 5B

@ stroke n. [C] 中风

@ vt. move one's hand gently over sth. 抚摸

@ right-handed a. using the right hand for most actions rather than the left 习惯用右手的@ worthless a. having no value, importance or use 无价值的,无用的

@ dependent a. 1. needing support from sb. 依赖的,依靠的

@ 2. affected or decided by sth. 取决于...的

@ X-ray n. [C] X 光照片;X 射线

@ infection n. 1. [C] a disease that is caused by bacteria or a virus 感染;传染病

@ 2. [U] the process of becoming infected with a disease 传染;感染

@ germ n. [C] a very small organism that causes diseases 病菌;细菌

@ painkiller n. [C] a medicine which lessens or removes pain 止痛片

@ theoretical a. relating to theory 理论(上)的

@ hell n. [U] 地狱

@ vain a. 1. unsuccessful or useless 不成功的;无用的;徒劳的

@ 2. too proud of one's own looks, abilities, etc. 自负的

@ liver n. [C, U] 肝

@ relieve vt. reduce sb.'s pain or unpleasant feelings 减轻

@ anti-cancer a. against cancer 抗癌的

@ similarly ad. likewise; in a similar way 同样地;类似地

@ appetite n. [C, U] a desire or wish to have sth., esp. food 欲望;胃口

@ withdraw (withdrew, withdrawn)

@ vt. take sth. back or away, or stop providing sth. 收回;取消

@ v. no longer take part in sth., or stop sb. from taking part in sth. 退出;(使)不参加@ recommendation n. 1. [C] a piece of advice or suggestion 建议;劝告

@ 2. [U] a suggestion that sb. or sth. is suitable for a particular situation 推荐

@ elect vt. 1. choose to do sth. 选择;决定

@ 2. choose sb. by voting 选举

@ fortnight n. [C] a period of two weeks 十四天;两星期

@ transparent a. 1. clear and easy to understand 明显的;易懂的

@ 2. able to be seen through 透明的

@ tube n. [C] a long hollow pipe made of glass, metal, rubber, etc. 管;管子

@ throat n. [C] 咽喉,喉咙

@ insert vt. put sth. inside or into sth. else 插入

@ directly ad. in a direct way 直接地

@ permission n. [U] the act of allowing sb. to do sth. 许可,准许

@ necessity n. 1. [U] when sth. is necessary 必要性;需要

@ 2. [C] sth. that one needs to have in order to live 必需品

@ cooperate vi. work together for a particular purpose 合作,协作

@ phase n. [C] one of the stages of a process of development or change 阶段;时期

@ sympathetic a. feeling or showing sympathy 有同情心的

@ so-called a. used to suggest that the words used to describe sb. or sth. are not proper 所谓的;号称的

@ neutral a. not supporting either side in an argument, war, etc. 中立的

@ legal a. 1. relating to the law (有关)法律的

@ 2. allowed by law 合法的

@ profession n. [C] a job that needs a high level of education and training 职业

@ arbitrary a. based on personal opinion or power, not on reason 任意的;武断的

▲neutrality n. [U] the state of being neutral 中立

@ qualification n. [C] an ability or quality that one needs in order to do a job or activity 资格;资历

@ intimate a. having a very close relationship 亲近的;亲密的

@ intimately ad. in an intimate way 亲密地

@ interference n. [U] the act of interfering 干涉,干预

@ bar vt. prevent sb. from doing or using sth. 阻止;不许

@ n. [C] a place where alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk 酒吧

Phrases and Expressions

@ make oneself understood make one's meaning clear 使他人明白自己的意思,说清楚自己的意思

@ (all) on one's own 1. alone 单独地,独自地

@ 2. without help 独立地

@ be dependent on 1. need sb. or sth. in order to live or succeed 依赖,依靠

@ 2. be affected by sth. 取决于... 的

@ go on (of a situation or state of affairs) continue without changing 持续;继续

@ come along appear or arrive 出现;来到

@ on the one hand... on the other hand... used when comparing different or opposite facts or ideas 一方面...,另一方面...

@ take/run its course develop naturally and come to a natural end 自然发展

@ fight off struggle to keep sb. or sth. away 抵抗;击退

@ in vain without success in spite of one's efforts 徒劳

@ slip away leave quietly 悄悄溜走

@ come by obtain sth. 得到,获得

@ chances are (that)... it is likely that... 很可能

@ come down to be the most important aspect of a problem or situation 归结为

@ insist on say very firmly that sth. must be done 坚持;坚决要求

@ bring in allow or invite sb. to take part in sth. 使某人参加

New Words 6A

@ earthquake n. [C] (also quake) a sudden shaking of the Earth's surface 地震

@ detect vt. notice or discover sth. that is difficult to see, feel, etc. 发现;查出

@ experimental a. used for, relating to, or resulting from experiments 实验的;根据实验的

@ data n. [U] facts; information 资料;信息

■radon n. [U] (Rn) 氡(一种由镭的衰变而产生的放射性气态元素)

@ wax vi. become bigger or stronger 变大;增强

@ n. [U] a solid substance made of fat or oil and used to make candles, polish sth., etc. 蜡@ withstand vt. (withstood, withstood) be strong enough not to be harmed by sth. such as great heat, cold, pressure, etc. 承受;顶住

@ weld vt. join metals by melting their edges and pressing them together 焊接

@ joint n. 1. [C] a place where two parts of sth. are joined together 接头;接缝;接合处@ 2. [C] a place where two bones are connected 关节

@ a. belonging to or shared between two or more people 共有的;联合的

@ architect n. [C] sb. whose job is to design buildings 建筑师;设计师

@ column n. 1. [C] a tall solid upright stone post used to support a building or as a decoration 柱;支柱

@ 2. [C] a line of numbers or words written under each other that goes down a page 列;栏

@ horizontal a. flat and level 水平的

@ beam n. 1. [C] a long thick piece of wood or metal that supports a roof 梁;横梁

@ 2. [C] a line of light 光线;光束

@ vertical a. pointing up in a line that forms an angle of 90°with a flat surface 垂直的;竖的

@ pillar n. 1. [C] a tall upright round post used to support a building 柱子;柱状物

@ 2. [C] sb. who is important and respected within a group 顶梁柱;骨干

@ rod n. [C] a long thin pole made of wood or metal 杆;竿;棒

@ enclose vt. 1. (usu. passive) surround sth. 围住;包住

@ 2. put inside an envelope or parcel, esp. in addition to sth. else 把...装入信封;附寄@ cupboard n. [C] a piece of furniture used for storing clothes, plates, food, etc. 橱柜;壁橱

@ cabinet n. 1. [C] a piece of furniture used for storing or showing things 储藏柜;陈列柜@ 2. [C] (also Cabinet) a group of advisors chosen by the leader of a government 内阁

@ fasten vt. firmly close a window, gate, etc. so that it will not open 锁好;闩好

@ accidental a. happening by chance 偶然的;意外的

@ accidentally ad. by chance 偶然地;意外地

@ region n. [C] an area of a country or the world 地区;区域

@ gallon n. [C] (容量单位)加仑

@ bacteria n. (pl.) very small living things that may cause diseases 细菌

@ receiver n. 1. [C] a piece of equipment that changes electronic signals into sound or pictures 接收机;接收器

@ 2. [C] the part of a telephone that one picks up in order to hear and speak 电话听筒

@ battery n. [C] a device that provides power for radios, cars, etc. 电池

@ first aid basic medical treatment given as soon as sb. is injured or is ill 急救

@ spade n. [C] a tool used for digging 锹

@ extinguish vt. 1. make a fire stop burning 使熄灭;扑灭

@ 2. make an idea or feeling stop 使破灭

@ extinguisher n. [C] a metal container with water or chemicals in it, used for stopping small fires 灭火器

@ handy a. near and easy to reach 手边的

@ portable a. able to be carried or moved easily 轻便的;手提式的

@ boot n. [C] a type of shoes that covers the foot and part of the leg 靴子

@ fragment n. [C] a small piece of sth. that has broken 碎片;断片

@ chaos n. [U] a state of confusion and disorder 混乱;无秩序

@ arrangement n. [C] an agreement or plan made in preparation for sth. 安排;筹备

@ sensible a. reasonable and practical 明智的;合理的

@ crust n. 1. [C, U] the thick outer surface of the Earth 外壳;地壳

@ 2. [C, U] the hard outer surface of bread 面包皮

★probability n. [C, U] how likely sth. is to happen 可能性

@ accuracy n. [U] the quality of being accurate 精确性,准确性

★prediction n. [C, U] a statement about what one thinks will happen in the future 预测;预言

@ occurrence n. [C] sth. that happens, esp. sth. unexpected and unpleasant 事情;事件

@ resistant a. 1. not harmed or affected by sth. 对...有抵抗力的

@ 2. opposed to sth. 抵制的;对抗的

@ precaution n. [C] an action which is done to prevent sth. unpleasant or dangerous from happening 预防;预防措施

@ related a. connected in some way 有关系的

Phrases and Expressions

@ in addition to as an extra person, thing or situation to sth. 除...之外还

@ if/when/where necessary when it is necessary 如有必要的话

@ agree on/upon have the same opinion about 就...达成一致意见

@ make a difference have an effect on sb. or sth. (对某人或物)有影响/起作用Proper Names

@ Hanshin 阪神(大阪和神户)

New Words 6B

@ accordance n. [U] (in ~ with) according to 按照;依据

@ duration n. [U] the length of time that sth. lasts 持续期间

@ rotate v. turn around a fixed point, or make sth. do this (使)旋转;(使)转动

@ circular a. shaped like a circle; round 圆形的,圆的

@ hydrogen n. [U] 氢

@ nitrogen n. [U] 氮

@ sphere n. 1. [C] an object shaped like a round ball 球形;球体

@ 2. [C] a range or area of activity, work, etc. 范围;领域

@ primitive a. 1. of a very early stage in the development of sth. 原始的;早期的

@ 2. simple when compared with modern things 简陋的;粗糙的

@ shell n. [C] the hard outer covering of sth. 硬壳

▲dinosaur n. [C] 恐龙

▲mammal n. [C] an animal that drinks milk from its mother's body when it is young 哺乳动物

@ warm-blooded a. having a warm body whether the temperature around is hot or cold (动物)热血的

@ flourish vi. grow or develop successfully 茂盛;兴旺

@ evolution n. 1. [U] the development of living things over many thousands of years from simple early forms 进化

@ 2. [U] the way in which sth. gradually changes and develops 演变;发展

@ species n. (pl. species) a plant or animal group whose members all have similar features and are able to produce young plants or animals 物种;种

@ manual a. done with the hands 手工的;人工的

@ n. [C] a book which gives practical instructions on how to do sth. or how to use sth. 操作手册;指南

@ ore n. [C, U] rock, earth, mineral, etc. from which metal can be obtained 矿石;矿砂

@ machinery n. [U] machines in general 机器

@ tractor n. [C] a vehicle which is used on farms for pulling machinery or other heavy things 拖拉机

@ fertilizer n. [C, U] (BrE fertiliser) a natural or chemical substance which is spread on the land to make plants grow well 肥料;化肥

@ location n. [C] a place or position of sth. 地点;位置

@ proportional a. corresponding in size, amount or degree to sth. 与...成比例的

@ proportionally ad. being proportional 与...成比例地

@ restraint n. [U] the ability not to do sth. that one wants to do very much 克制;抑制

@ fraction n. [C] a small part of sth. 小部分;片段

@ renew vt. 1. replace sth. with sth. new of the same kind 更新;更换

@ 2. arrange for sth. to continue for a further period of time 将...延期

@ pollution n. 1. [U] substances that make air, water, soil dangerously dirty 污染物

@ 2. [U] the process of making air, water, soil dangerously dirty 污染

@ likewise ad. in the same way; similarly 同样地

@ petroleum n. [U] a dark thick oil obtained from under the ground 石油

@ petrol n. [U] (AmE gas/gasoline) a liquid used esp. as fuel for cars and other vehicles 汽油

@ accelerate v. happen or make sth. happen faster or sooner 加速;促进

@ permanent a. lasting for a long time or for ever 长久的;永久的

@ particle n. [C] an extremely small piece of matter 粒子;微粒

@ collective a. involving all the members of a group 集体的;共同的

@ worldwide a.&ad in or all over the world 全世界的(地)

@ exceed vt. be greater than a number or amount, or go beyond a certain limit 超过,超出

@ protective a. used or intended for protection 保护的,防护的

@ remote a. far away in space or time 遥远的;偏远的

@ ancestor n. [C] a member of one's family who lived a long time ago 祖先,祖宗

@ retain vt. keep or continue to have sth. 保留,保存

@ shortage n. [C] a situation where there is not enough of sth. 缺乏,不足

@ pollute vt. make air, water, soil, etc. dangerously impure or unfit for use 污染

@ polluted a. dangerously impure or unfit for use 污染的

@ threat n. 1. [C] a situation or activity that could cause harm or danger 威胁;危害

@ 2. [C] a statement that you will cause sb. trouble or hurt 威胁;恐吓

@ global a. of or concerning the whole world 全球的

@ outcome n. [C] (usu. sing.) the final result of sth. 结果;结局

@ empire n. [C] a group of countries ruled by one person or government 帝国

@ abuse vt. 1. make bad or harmful use of sth. 滥用

@ 2. treat sb. badly 虐待;凌辱

@ ignorant a. not knowing sth. that one should know 不知道的;无知的

Phrases and Expressions

@ compared to/with in comparison with 与...相比

@ take to 1.go to a place 去;到

@ 2.begin to do sth. as a habit 开始(从事)

@ in terms of with regard to; concerning 在...方面;从...方面来说

@ bring about make sth. happen 引起;导致

@ out of proportion too large, serious, important, etc. in relation to sth. 不成比例

@ be ignorant of know little or nothing about sth. 不知道,不了解

@ give back give sb. sth. they owned or had before 还给;归还

@ take away 带走;拿走

New Words 7A

@ hacker n. [C] a person who secretly uses or changes the information in other people's computer systems 黑客

@ modernize v. (BrE modernise) make or become more modern (使)现代化

@ classification n. [U] the process of putting people or things into particular groups according to their features 分类,归类

@ voltage n. [C, U] 电压

@ high-voltage a. marked by great energy 能量大的

@ brilliance n. 1. [U] great skill or intelligence 才华;才智

@ 2. [U] great brightness 光亮;光辉

@ corridor n. [C] a long narrow passage in a building or train 走廊;通道

@ volt n. [C] 伏(特)(电压单位)

@ dean n. [C] a senior official at a college or university (大学)学院院长;系主任

@ conservation n. 1. [U] the careful use of energy, time, or other resources 节约

@ 2. [U] the protection of sth. 保护

@ spokesman n. [C] a person who is chosen to speak for a group or an organization 发言人@ headquarters n. (pl.) a place where a company or organization has its main offices 总部@ maximum a. the largest in amount or number 最大的;最多的

@ n. [C] the largest amount or number of sth. that is possible or allowed 最大量;最大值@ punctual a. arriving or happening at a time agreed on 准时的

@ gear n. [C, U] the part of an engine that changes engine power into movement 排挡

@ recreation n. [C, U] an activity that one does for pleasure or amusement 娱乐;消遣

@ receptionist n. [C] sb. who works in a hotel, office, etc. answering the phone, dealing with guests, customers, visitors, etc. 接待员

@ visa n. [C] an official mark put on one's passport that gives permission to enter or leave a foreign country 签证

@ commercial a. relating to business 商用的;商业的

@ baggage n. [U] cases, bags, etc. that one carries when traveling 行李

@ tourism n. [U] the business of providing service for people who travel 旅游业

@ excursion n. [C] a short journey or trip 短途旅行

@ sightseeing n. [U] the activity of traveling around a place to see interesting things there 观光,游览

@ multitasking n. [U] the ability of doing more than one job at a time 多项任务处理能力

@ multiple a. involving many people, things or events 多样的;多重的

@ frame n. 1. [C] a box on an Internet page that contains information one can browse (网络)页面

@ 2. [C] a structure that holds sth. such as a picture, window, etc. 框架;边框

@ videophone n. [C] a telephone that allows one to see the person he or she is talking to 可视电话

@ bat vt. hit the ball with a bat in cricket or baseball 击(球)

@ panel n. [C] a group of people with special skills who are chosen for a particular purpose 专门小组

@ procession n. 1. [C] a series of people or things 一连串的人或物

@ 2. [C] a line of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly way 行列;队伍

@ clockwise ad.&a. in the same direction in which the hands of a clock move 顺时针的(地)

@ quiz vt. ask sb. questions 查问;盘问

@ n. [C] a game or competition in which people answer questions 问答比赛;问答游戏@ vague a. not clear or definite 模糊的;不明确的

@ politics n. 1. [U] the ideas and activities of people within a particular group to try to get power 手腕;权术

@ 2. [U] the work and ideas that are connected with gaining power in a country 政治

@ conquer vt. gain control over sb. or sth. 征服;攻克

@ deadly a. 1. causing or likely to cause death 致命的

@ 2. complete 彻底的;十足的

@ competitor n. [C] sb. that is competing with another 竞争者

@ claw vt. pull or take hold of sth., using claws or fingers 拉;抓

@ interpret vt. explain the meaning of sth. 解释

@ v. translate what sb. is saying into another language 口译

@ interpreter n. 1. [C] a computer program that changes instructions in one computer language into another 解释程序

@ 2. [C] sb. whose job is to do interpreting 口译员

★visionary v. [C] sb. who has clear ideas about how things will be in the future 有预见的人;有远见的人

@ a. having clear ideas about how things will be in the future 有预见性的;有远见的

@ brick n. [C] a hard block of baked clay that is used for building houses 砖

@ hardware n. 1. [U] computer equipment (计算机的)硬件

@ 2. [U] tools and equipment that are used in the house and garden 金属器具

@ series n. [C] a number of similar things that come one after another 系列

@ bundle vt. put together 捆扎,捆绑

@ n. [C] a number of things tied or wrapped together 捆;束

@ export vt. sell goods to another country 出口

@ n. [U] the business of selling goods to another country 出口;输出

★roughly ad. not exactly; about 大致上;大约

@ mushroom vi. grow and develop fast 迅速发展

@ n. [C] 蘑菇

@ surf v. look quickly through information on the Internet (网上)冲浪

@ vi. ride on waves while standing on a special board 冲浪

@ distribute vt. 1. supply goods in a particular area, esp. to shops 提供;配送

@ 2. divide and give out sth. among a group of people 分发;分配

@ distributor n. [C] a person or company that distributes goods 销售者;分销商Phrases and Expressions

@ without (a) doubt (used to emphasize an opinion) definitely 无疑地

@ stem from be caused by sth. or develop as a result of sth. 源于;来自

@ put in spend time or energy doing sth. 投入(时间或精力)做某事

@ in high gear doing sth. with great effort or energy 全力以赴

@ on the subject of in talking about; about 谈到;关于...

@ in the interest(s) of in order to achieve or protect sth. 为了...起见

@ bat out do sth. quickly, esp. in a rushed manner 匆匆作出;草草做完

@ work on spend time producing or improving sth. 从事;致力于

@ by name using the name of sb. or sth. 以名字;指名道姓地

@ claw one's way try very hard to reach a place or position, using a lot of effort 艰难地走到某处

Proper Names

@ Bill Gates 比尔·盖茨(1955-,微软公司创始人)

@ Thomas Edison 托马斯·爱迪生(1847-1931,美国发明家)

@ CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官

@ Microsoft 微软公司

@ Harvard University 哈佛大学

@ Paul Allen 保罗·艾伦(人名)

@ MITS Altair 微仪表和自动系统公司的一种计算机(MITS = Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems;Altair是其计算机品牌名)

@ Apple 苹果公司

@ Commodore 柯摩多尔公司

@ Tandy 坦迪公司

@ IBM (International Business Machines)国际商用机器公司

@ IBM PC (PC = personal computer)IBM个人电脑

@ MS-DOS (Microsoft disk operating system)微软磁盘操作系统

@ Microsoft Explorer 微软浏览器

@ DreamWorks SKG 梦工厂(SKG是该公司三位创始人的姓的缩写,分别是Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg 和David Geffen)

New Words 7B

@ slavery n. [U] the system of having slaves 奴隶制度

@ abolish vt. put an end to a law or system officially 废除,终止

@ bloody a. with a lot of killing and injuries 血腥的,残暴的

@ treaty n. [C] a formal written agreement between two or more countries or governments 条约

@ plantation n. [C] a large piece of land in a hot country where tea, cotton, tobacco, etc. are grown 种植园

@ bribe vt. illegally give money or gifts to sb. in order to persuade them to do sth. for you 向...行贿;贿赂

@ evil a. very bad; causing harm 邪恶的;有害的

@ n. [U] a power that makes people do sth. bad or harmful; wicked behavior 邪恶

@ bloom vi. 1. develop successfully 兴旺;繁荣

@ 2. produce flowers 开花

@ persuasion n. [U] the process of persuading sb. to do sth. 说服;劝说

@ injection n. [C, U] the addition of sth. to sth. else 注入

@ avenue n. 1. [C] (A~) used in the names of streets in a town or city 大街

@ 2. [C] (BrE) a road or broad path with trees on either side that leads to a large house 林阴道

@ supreme a. 1. the highest in rank or position 最高的

@ 2. most important 最重要的

@ court n. 1. [C, U] a place where trials take place in front of a judge or a jury 法庭;法院@ 2. [C] an area where certain ball games are played 球场

@ reverse vt. change a decision, judgment, etc. to the opposite 推翻;取消;废除

@ a. opposite to what is expected or has just been described 相反的;颠倒的

@ n. (the ~) the opposite 相反;反面

★segregate vt. separate one group of people or things from the rest 分开;隔离


★amend vt. correct or make small changes to sth. 修改

@ amendment n. [C, U] the act of making a change to improve a rule, law, statement, etc. 修正,修订

@ arrest vt. take sb. away because they have done sth. illegal 逮捕

@ n. [C, U] an act of arresting sb. 逮捕

@ cooperation n. [U] a situation in which people work together to achieve a common result 合作

@ bulletin n. [C] a short notice or news report intended to be made public without delay 公告;新闻快报

▲discrimination n. [U] the act of treating different groups or people in different ways, esp. unfairly 歧视

★segregation n. [U] the act of of segregating 隔离

@ accord vi. match; agree with 与...一致;相符

@ n. [C] a formal agreement between countries or groups 协议;条约

@ constitution n. [C] a set of basic laws of a country that describe the rights and duties of its citizens and the way in which it is governed 宪法

@ propose vt. suggest 提议,建议

@ vi. make an offer of marriage 求婚

@ regulate vt. 1. control sth. by rules 控制;管理

@ 2. adjust 调节

@ facility n. [C] (usu. pl.) rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose 设施

@ demonstration n. 1. [C] an occasion in which a large group of people protest about sth. 示威

@ 2. [C] an act of showing or proving sth. 示范;证明

@ circulate vt. send sth. to all members of a group of people 散发;散布

@ v. move around within a system, or make sth. do this (使)循环;(使)流通

@ deputy n. [C] the second most important person in a particular organization 副手

@ civilian n. [C] sb. who does not belong to the military forces or the police 平民;百姓

@ invasion n. [C, U] an occasion when one country's army goes into another country to take control of it 侵略,入侵

@ acre n. [C] 英亩

