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New Words 9A
@  premarital a. happening before marriage 婚前的

@ collection n. 1. [C] a set of things that have been collected 收藏品
@ 2. [U] the act of collecting 收集

@ verify vt. make certain of or prove the truth of sth. 证实;核实

@ bride n. [C] a woman who is getting married, or who is just married 新娘

@  bride-to-be n. [C] a woman who is going to be married soon 准新娘

@ clause n. [C] a particular part of a written legal document 条款,款项

■ prenuptial a. before getting married 结婚前的

■ prenup n. [C] a prenuptial agreement 婚前协约

@ negotiate v. discuss sth. in order to reach an agreement 谈判;协商

★ prospective a. likely to be or become a particular thing 预期的;可能的

@ bind vt. (bound, bound)
@ 1. hold people or things together 连结;结合
@ 2. tie sth. tightly 捆绑,捆扎

@ division n. 1. [C, U] the act of dividing things into different parts 分开;分配
@ 2. [C, U] a disagreement among the members of a group 分歧
@ 3. [C] one of the parts into which an organization is divided 部门

★ evenly ad. divided in an equal way 平均地

@ headline n. [C] the title of a newspaper story printed in large letters 标题

@ contest vt. 1. say formally that one does not agree with sth. 辩驳;质疑
@ 2. compete for sth. and try to win it 争夺;竞争
@ n. [C] a competition 竞赛,比赛

@ wealthy a. rich 富有的,富裕的

@ candidate n. 1. [C] a person or thing that is likely to do or be sth. 有可能做...的人;有望
@ 2. [C] sb. who is competing to get a job or position 候选人

@ sting vt. (stung, stung)
@ 1. make sb. feel upset, hurt, or annoyed 激怒;刺激
@ 2. (of an insect) cause sharp pain 刺,蛰

@ exposure n. 1. [C, U] the state of being put into a harmful situation 暴露
@ 2. [C, U] the act of making sth. publicly known 揭发;揭露

@ academy n. 1. [C] an organization of people interested in the development of a particular
subject 研究院;学会
@ 2. [C] a school or college that teaches a particular subject 专科学校

@ estate n. [C, U] all the property and money that belongs to sb. 财产

@ payment n. [C, U] an amount of money that is paid 付款

@ shield vt. protect sb. or sth. from being harmed or damaged 保护
@ n. [C] something that is used as, or provides, protection 防护物;盾(状物)

@ inherit v. receive property, a title, etc. from sb. who has died 继承

@ enforce vt. make people obey a rule or law 执行;实施

@ document n. [C] a paper that gives official written information about sth. 文件;公文
@ vt. record sth. in writing or on film (以书面或胶片方式) 纪

@  misplace vt. put sth. in a wrong place 放错

★ disastrous a. very bad; causing a disaster 极糟糕的;灾难性的

@ consultant n. [C] sb. who gives advice on a particular subject 顾问

@ invitation n. [C] a request to sb., inviting them to go somewhere or do sth. 邀请

@ signature n. [C] a person's name written by that person 签名;签字

@ cite vt. mention sth., esp. as an example 引用

@ awkward a. 1. making sb. feel embarrassed 尴尬的;为难的
@ 2. moving or behaving in a way that does not seem relaxed or comfortable 笨拙的;不灵

@ edit vt. prepare a text or film for printing or broadcasting by correcting mistakes and
deciding what to include 编辑;剪辑

@ delete vt. remove a word, letter, etc. from a piece of writing 删除;删掉

@ forge vt. 1. develop sth. new, esp. a strong relationship with other people, groups or
countries 缔结;发展
@ 2. make sth. from a piece of metal by heating the metal and shaping it 锻造
@ 3. make an illegal copy of sth. in order to cheat 伪造,假冒

@ dispute n. [C, U] an argument or disagreement 争端;分歧
@ v. argue or disagree with sb. 争辩;辩驳

@ passport n. [C] an official document containing personal information which is given to sb.
by their government to allow them to travel to foreign countries 护照

@ circumstance n. [C] (usu. pl.) the conditions that affect what happens or how sb. reacts in a
particular situation 情形;状况

@ static a. not moving, changing or developing 静止的,不变的

@ valid a. legally acceptable and effective 有效的

@ bearing n. [U] relation or influence 关系;影响

@ justification n. [C, U] a good and acceptable reason for doing sth. 正当理由

@ heap n. [C] a large untidy pile of sth. (凌乱的)一堆

@ shed vt. (shed, shed)
@ 1. produce light, tears, etc. 发出;流;洒
@ 2. get rid of sth. not needed or wanted 去掉;摆脱

@ widen v. make or become wider (使)变宽

@ drawer n. [C] 抽屉

Phrases and Expressions
@ store away keep sth. for future use 储藏;储存

@ insist on 1. strongly demand that sth. should be done 坚决要求
@ 2. say firmly that sth. is true 坚持认为

@ make no mistake (about it) used to emphasize what one is saying is true 完全可以肯定

@ gain in get more of sth. 得到更多

@ make/hit the headlines become important news in newspapers or on radio or television 成

@ be in line for sth. be likely to get sth. 有可能得到

@ under pressure influenced by urgency or o
ther form of pressure 在压力下,在强力下

@ draw up prepare a written documents, such as a list or contract 写出;起草

@ send out send sth. to

a number of people 发出;寄出

@ under one's nose just in front of sb. 就在...面前

@ just about almost; very nearly 几乎;差不多

@ enter into 1. officially make an agreement 达成(协议);订立(合同)
@ 2. begin to do sth. 开始做某事

@ have no bearing on sth. have no effect or influence on sth., or be irrelevant to sth. 对...无

@ lay sth. bare make sth. known 揭露;暴露

@ shed light on make sth. easier to understand 使...易于理解

Proper Names
@ Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 杰奎琳·肯尼迪·奥纳西斯(1929-1994,美国第35任总统

@ Aristotle Onassis 亚里士多德·奥纳西斯(1906-1975,希腊船王)

@ the American Academy of Marriage Lawyers 美国婚姻法律师协会

@ Ed Smith 艾德·史密斯(人名)

New Words 9B
@ undergo vt. experience sth. 经历;经受

@ conclude vt. 1. decide that sth. is true after considering all the information available 推断;
@ 2. bring sth. to an end 结束;完成

@ orderly a. well arranged or organized 整齐的;井然有序的

@ household n. [C] all the people living together in a house 家庭;一家人
@ a. used in homes or relating to homes 家庭的;家用的

@ release vt. 1. make sth. known or available to the public 发布
@ 2. let sb. leave a place where they have been kept 释放,放出

@ council n. [C] a group of people elected to make decisions or give advice on a particular
subject 委员会

@ graph n. [C] a picture which shows how two or more sets of information are related, usually
by lines or curves 图表;曲线图

@ finding n. [C] (usu. pl.) sth. that is discovered after studies or research 调查(或研究)结

@ abandon vt. 1. leave sb., esp. sb. you are responsible for 抛弃;遗弃
@ 2. stop doing sth. because there are too many problems 放弃;中止

@  abandonment n. [U] the act of abandoning sb. or sth. 抛弃;放弃;中止

@ dissolve vt. formally end a marriage, organization, etc. 解除;解散
@ v. mix with a liquid and become part of it 溶解

@ frequency n. [U] the number of times that sth. happens 频率

@ prime a. 1. of the best quality 一流的,最好的
@ 2. most important 首要的;主要的

@ burden n. [C] a difficult responsibility that one has to deal with 负担

@ overtake (overtook, overtaken)
@ vt. take control of sb. or sth. 控制;压倒
@ v. go past a vehicle or person 超过;追上

@ theme n. [C] the main subject of a talk, book, film
, etc. 主题

@ agenda n. [C] a list of things to be dealt with or to be discussed at a meeting 议程

@ industrialize vt. (BrE industrial

ise) (cause to) become industrially developed (使)工业

@ maintain vt. 1. provide sb. with money or food 赡养;养活
@ 2. make sth. stay the same 保持;维持
@ 3. keep a building, a machine, etc. in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly

@ contribute v. 1. give one's share of money, help, advice, etc. to achieve sth. 贡献;捐助
@ 2. (~ to sth.) help to make sth. happen 促使;促成

@ cash n. [U] money in the form of coins and notes 现金

@ hay n. [U] grass which is cut, dried and used as animal food or as covering material 干草

@ vary v. (cause to) change or be different (使)不同;改变

@ adequate a. enough or satisfactory 足够的;令人满意的

@ optional a. left to individual choice 可选的;非强制的

@ inflation n. [U] an economic situation in which prices increase so that money becomes less
valuable 通货膨胀

@ weave vt. (wove, woven)
@ 1. make sth. by twisting threads or thin pieces together 编;织
@ 2. invent a story or plan 编造

@ textile n. [C] a cloth or fabric made by weaving 纺织品,织物

@ casual a. 1. showing little care or concern 漠不关心的;冷淡的
@ 2. relaxed and informal 放松的,随意的

@ migrate vi. 1. move from one place to another 移居,迁移
@ 2. (of animals) travel to a different place, esp. when the season changes 迁徙;洄游

@ scrape vt. remove sth. from a surface, esp. by using a sharp edge 刮;擦

@ currency n. [C, U] the system of money in use in a certain country 货币,通货

@ urgent a. very important and needing to be dealt with quickly or first 紧急的,急迫的

@ awareness n. [sing., U] knowledge or understanding of a subject or situation 意识;认识

@ subtract v. take a number or amount from another number or amount 减去,扣除

@ scholarship n. [C] a sum of money awarded to a student to help with their education 奖学

@ transportation n. 1. [U] the activity of traveling from one place to another 交通
@ 2. [U] the activity of moving people or things from one place to another 运输

@ purse n. [C] a small bag used esp. by women for carrying money in (女式)钱包

@ trim vt. 1. reduce the amount or number of sth. 削减,缩减
@ 2. cut sth. so that it looks neater 修理;修剪

@ debt n. [C] sth. owed to sb. else 债;欠款

@ rare a. not happening very often 稀少的;罕见的

@ extensive a. large in amount or degree 大量的;广泛的

@ invisible a. that cannot be seen 看不见的

Phrases and Expressions
@ serve as pe
rform certain duties; fulfill the purpose of 担任;起...作用

@ dozens of a lot of 许多;数十个

@ vary from... to 从...到...不同

@ to the po

int to a degree that 达到...的程度

@ go on to sth. do sth. after you have finished doing sth. else 继续做(另一件事)

@ scrape by have just enough money to live 勉强生活

Proper Names
@ Judith Bruce 朱迪思·布鲁斯(人名)

@ the Population Council 人口委员会

@ Ghana 加纳(西非国家)

@ the Philippines 菲律宾(东南亚国家)

@ Bangladesh 孟加拉国(南亚国家)

@ Argentina 阿根廷(南美洲中南部国家)

@ Malaysia 马来西亚(东南亚国家)

New Words 10A
★ handicap n. 1. [C] a disadvantage that prevents sb. from doing sth. well 障碍;不利条件
@ 2. [C] a disability of the body or mind 残疾;缺陷

@ authority n. 1. [U] the power to make decisions or tell people what to do 权力;权威;威

@ 2. (the ~ties) the people or organizations that are in charge of a country or area 当局;官

@  misdoing n. [C] a wrong act; a mistake 错事;失误

★ drawback n. [C] a disadvantage 缺点;不足

★ invariably ad. always 总是;始终

★ clarity n. [U] clearness, esp. the quality of being easy to understand 清晰;清楚;易懂

@  expertly ad. very skillfully 熟练地

@ cruise vi. 1. do sth. well and easily 轻松做到
@ 2. sail in a ship for pleasure 乘船巡游

@ practically ad. almost 几乎,差不多

@ slam v. 1. hit or attack sb. or sth. with a lot of force 使劲打;猛击
@ 2. shut a door, etc. with a loud noise 把...砰地关上

@ percentage n. [C, U] an amount stated as if it is part of a whole which is 100 百分比,百分

★ dread vt. feel afraid or worried about sth. 害怕;担心
@ n. [sing. U] fear of sth. bad that might happen 害怕;畏惧

@ intensity n. [U] a very strong level of thought or attention 强烈;强度

@ craft n. 1. [C, U] the skill needed for doing sth. well 技巧
@ 2. [C] a traditional way of making things by hand 手工艺

@ rocket n. [C] 火箭

@ spacecraft n. [C](pl. spacecraft) a vehicle that travels in space 太空船;宇宙飞船

@ extension n. [C] sth. that develops from a particular custom, activity, idea, etc. 扩展;发展

@ altitude n. [C] the height above sea level 海拔高度

@ harness vt. control and use a natural force to do sth. 治理;利用

@ solar a. using the power of the sun's heat and light 太阳的

@ orbit n. [C] the path taken by an object moving along a larger object in space 轨道

@ bureau n. [C] a government department or a part of it 局;司;署

@ gulf n. [C] a large area of sea partly enclosed b
y land 海湾

@ streak n. 1. [C] (a ~ of) a series of 一系列
@ 2. [C] a part of one's character that is different from the rest of their

character 个性;特

▲ stammer v. speak or say sth. with a lot of pauses and repeated sounds 口吃;结结巴巴地

@ dynamic a. full of energy, new ideas, and determination 充满活力的;精力充沛的

@ universe n. [sing.] space and everything that exists in it 宇宙;世界

@ broaden v. make or become broader (使)变宽;(使)扩大

@ suicide n. [C, U] the act of killing oneself 自杀

@ impose vt. force sb. to accept sth. or have the same opinion, belief, etc. 强加于

@  imposing a. large and impressive 给人印象深刻的;壮观的

@ specimen n. 1. [C] a particular type of person 某一类人
@ 2. [C] a small amount or piece of sth. that can be tested or examined 标本;样本

@  undersized a. smaller than usual; too small 小于一般尺寸的;偏小的

@ tension n. 1. [C, U] the feeling caused by a lack of trust between people, countries, etc. 紧
@ 2. [U] the feeling of being nervous and worried 紧张;焦虑

Phrases and Expressions
@ be free with be generous with sth. 慷慨使用

@ take to begin to like sb. or sth. 喜欢上

@ cruise through achieve success easily in a race, game, or competition (比赛中)轻松取

@ by word of mouth by speaking and not by writing 口头地

@ keep sb. up to date with sth. inform sb. of all the most recent news and changes in a
situation 使某人知道有关某事的最新消息

@ dawn on/upon realize sth. for the first time 开始明白;醒悟

@ to the memory of in honor of sb. who has died 纪念(某人)

Proper Names
@ John Bullyer 约翰·布雷尔(人名)

@ Carrie 卡丽(人名)

@ Gloucestershire (英国)格洛斯特郡

@ Persian Gulf 波斯湾

@ Caroline Lacey 卡罗琳·莱西(人名)

@ Robert Taylor 罗伯特·泰勒(1911-1969,美国演员)

@ Churchill 丘吉尔(文中指 Winston Churchill, 1874-1965,英国前首相)

New Words 10B
@  chilly a. cold enough to be unpleasant 寒冷的

@ emit vt. send out heat, light, sound, etc. 发出

@ strap n. [C] a narrow piece of leather or other strong material 带子;皮带

@ waist n. [C] the part of the human body below the chest 腰

@ routine n. [C, U] a regular and habitual way of doing things 常规;惯例
@ a. usual 例行的;惯例的

@ loop n. [C] a curved or circular shape 圈;环

@ dental a. relating to the teeth 牙齿的;牙科的

@ boom vi. 1. make a loud deep sound 隆隆作响
@ 2. be successful, esp. in economy 繁荣;迅速发展

@ telescope n.
[C] a device for making distant objects look nearer and larger 望远镜

@ visible a. able to be seen 看得见的,可见的

@ certificate n. [C] a d

ocument stating that particular facts are true 证明;证书

@  darken v. (cause to) become dark (使)变黑

@  reassuringly ad. in a way to make sb. feel less worried, frightened or nervous 让人安心

@ tear vt. (tore, torn)
@ 1. remove sth. by pulling it away from sth. else with force 撕掉
@ 2. damage sth. by pulling it apart or into pieces 撕;撕碎

@ suck v. 1. take air or smoke into one's lungs 把(空气或烟)吸进肺部
@ 2. pull liquid into one's mouth 吸;吮

@ stripe n. [C] a line of one color that is different from its background color 条纹

▲ turbine n. [C] 涡轮机;叶轮机

@ install vt. put a piece of equipment somewhere so that it is ready to be used 安装

@ generator n. [C] a machine that produces electricity 发电机

@ horsepower n. [U] a unit for measuring the power of an engine 马力

@ fare vi. used for saying how well or how badly sb. does sth. 进展
@ n. the money one pays for a journey 车费;船费;交通费

@ prescribe vt. 1. say what medicine or treatment a sick person should or must have 开处方
@ 2. state what must happen or be done in certain conditions 规定;命令

@ pill n. [C] a small solid piece of medicine 药片

@ steamer n. [C] a boat or ship which moves by steam power 汽船

@ deduct vt. take away an amount from a total 扣除,减去

@ siege n. [C, U] a situation in which an army or the police surround a place and try to gain
control of it or force sb. to come out of it 围攻;包围

@ output n. [C, U] an amount of goods or work produced by a person, factory, etc. 产品;产

@ submerge vt. go below the surface of water 浸没,淹没

@ grocery a. 食品杂货(店)的

★ simultaneous a. existing or occurring at the same time 同时的

@  simultaneously ad. at the same time 同时地

@ gaze vi. look at sb. or sth. for a long time 凝视,注视

@ microphone n. [C] a device that makes one's voice louder when they are speaking or
singing 麦克风

@ twist vt. change the shape of sth. by bending or turning it 使弯曲;使扭曲;使变形

@ weapon n. [C] any object used in fighting or war, such as a gun or a bomb 武器

■ lousy a. very bad, unpleasant, useless, etc. 糟糕的;令人作呕的;无用的

Phrases and Expressions
@ on the beat (a police officer) walking around an area that he has responsibility for 在巡逻

@ run into trouble/ difficulty/problems begin to have trouble/difficulty/problems 遇到麻烦/

@ let alone used for showing that the thing mentioned next is even less likely or be
lievable than
the one mentioned before 更不用说

@ make one's way go to a place 去;前往

@ tear down remove or pull down sth. 拆毁

toy with keep moving and touching sth. 摆弄
@ lay siege to start a siege in a place 包围
Proper Names
@ Joe Brady 乔·布雷迪(人名)
@ Jimmy Wells 吉米·韦尔斯(人名)
@ Chicago 芝加哥(美国伊利诺伊州东北部港市)

