Listen to News Unit 14 答案

更新时间:2023-09-30 18:34:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Unit 14 parliament and legislation Section A 1. lower house

2. Congress legislation 3. Lawmakers 4. Senate vote

5. Capitol Hill budget

6. legalize passed by a large majority 7. session 8. lift the immunity 9. recessed passed a bill 10. authorizing

Section B

1. parliament in Nepal is due to reconvene in a few hours’ time for the first time since it was abolished by the king four years ago . King Gyanendra responded to the demands of the seven-patry opposition alliance which forced him to restore democratic rule after three weeks of mass protests.

2. The Peruvian Congress has unanimously approved a controversial bill which would grant Peru control of 35,000 square kilometers of the

Pacific Ocean , an area currently controlled by neighboring Chile. 3. The Mexican Congress has passed a law dcriminalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana, cocaine and heroin for personal use. The law still needs to be passed by President Fox , but the government has welcomed it , saying police will now be able to concentrate on major drugs traffickers.

4. U.S. Defense Seretary Konald Rumsfeld is testifying before a U.S Senate committee at this hour on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan . Rumsfeld. Flanked by several high –level generals, told senators the recent violence in Iraq is in part a strategy by insurgents to influence public opinion in America .

5. A bill designed to change U.S. immigration law has stalled in the Senate . A compromise version of the bill failed to gain enough votes to move forward. Supporters say they plan to keep trying until it passes. Key B A D A B

Section C Item 1

The U.S. Senate has defied President Bush by voting overwhelmingly to strengthen the guidelines governing the treatment of prisoners in American military custody. Senators passed an amendment to the defense spending bill that would explicitly bar U.S. soldiers from torturing of maltreating detainees . They expressed the hope that the measure would repair the image of the United States after the publication of pictures of inmates at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison being abused. But a spokesman for president Bush , Scott McClellan, said the administration could still veto the bill . Key

1 . D 2. A,F 3. G 4. H Item 2

The U.S.Senate has opened confirmation hearings on President Bush’s choice of Judge John Roberts to be the new chief justice of the Supreme Court. In an opening statement Judge Roberts said he would make decisions based on precedent and casse law.

“If I am confirmed I will be vigilant to protect the independence and integrity of the Supreme Court. And I will work to ensure that it upholds the rule of law and safeguards those liberties that make this land one of

endless possibilities for all Americans.”

On Tuesday Judge Roberts will answer questions from in fuller detail.

Key task 1 F T F T T Task 2

1.opened on choice new chief justice 2.opening statement precedent case law

3.confirmed vigilant independence and integrity ensure upholds rule of law safeguards endless possibilities

Item 3

Congress returns to work this week following a month-long summer break . Republican lawmakers plan to focus on national defense and battling terrorism. The pre-election session is a prelude to the battle for control of Congress . The Senate begins work today on a defense spending bill and will soon work a port security measure. The House , which returns tomorrow, will work on bills legalizing military tribunals and the terrorist surveillance program . With the November elections

looming and their continued control of both the House and the Senate in doubt, Republicans are taking a time-tested approach by focusing on national security issues.


1. National defense and battling terrorism 2. The battle for control of Congress 3. Today; tomorrow

4. Defense spending bill .A port security measure.

5. Bills legalizing military tribunals and the terrorist surveillance program.

6. Focusing on national security issues.

Section D Item 1

The Bush Administration has introduced a much-anticipated bill in Congress to change U.S. law so that a U.S. civilian nuclear deal with India can be implemented. The bill will amend theAtomic Energy Act of 1954 .Jean reports from Poona , India.

Current law bars nuclear technology trade with countries that do not

