unit 1 what is news

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Unit 1 What is news? What is news: some answers past and presentWarm-up activities Words and expressions Read and discuss text Questions for critical thinking and discussion Review and exercise


Learning objectives This essay is adapted from the book News Reporting and Writing by Melvin Mencher. The purpose of this book is to teach the skills necessary for a variety of media work. One as a journalist would like to make the determinants of news, and this essay can help you know how to choose events that are newsworthiness. So, after studying this unit you should:


Know some important definitions of news. Be familiar with the Understand the relationship between social development and news choice. Understand the relationship between audience and the media. Possess the basis for developing good news choice skills.


New words and expressionsavid [ d] æv adj. 1.渴望的,急切的,贪婪的; 2.热心的,劲头十 足的 adv. 渴望地,热心地 1 : very eager : enthusiastic, keen He is an avid admirer of horror movies. They took an avid interest in politics. some of the newspaper's most avid readers 2 : wanting something very much He was avid for success. We know that women over the age of 50 are avid followers of news about health.


woodblock [英] [ d k] [美] [ d ɑk] w bl w bl n. 1. 木板;木版 [count] : a piece of wood that has a design cut into it and that is used for printing : woodcut She made a woodblock print. 1.An impression from a woodblock. 木刻的拓印 2.Differences and Comparisons on Chinese New Year Woodblock Prints. 木版年画风格差异及其比较 In China, the T’ang dynasty (618-906A.D.) . . published a gazette---handwritten or printed by woodblock---to inform court officials of its activities.


Abominable Snowman abominable [英] [ m n b l] [美] b [ ɑm n b l] b adj. 1. 讨厌的, 可恶的2. 糟糕的, 极坏的3. 令人极 为不快的,(天气、食物等)令人作呕的 n. 1. 讨厌, 可恶 adv. 1. 恶劣地;令人厌恶地 Abominable Snowman n. 1. 雪人,喜马拉雅雪人 a mysterious creature with human or apelike characteristics reported to exist in the high Himalayas ([ him lei z]) —called also yeti ([ jeti])


百度百科 说是生存在喜马拉雅山森林地 带的一种界于人和兽之间的巨人,早在 1898年便有人追踪过它的足迹。1972 年,一些生物学家发现过雪人的足迹。在 六十年代初期,尼泊尔政府立法保护雪 人,禁止捕猎。关于雪人是否存在的问题,人们一直争 论不休。但是据说1974年在尼北部纳木切巴扎以北两天 行程的马切尔摩小村落里,一个谢尔巴少女受到过雪人 的攻击。雪人还杀死了5头犏牛。当地警察证实了这次 报道。所有报道均说,雪人的侧面影像如一个强健的男 人,高1.4米,太阳穴较深,周身褐色皮毛。它的脸

呈 黑色,无头发,宛如猩猩。头略尖,走路用双腿,但奔 跑时用四肢,非常迅速,在森林中栖息,常到雪山和冰 川活动,有一股难闻的气味。但是,由于还没有得到确 凿的证据,雪人至今仍是个谜。


Loch Ness monster [l k nes ] n. 1. 尼斯湖水怪 a large aquatic ([ kwæt k] ) animal resembling (看起来像;类似) a serpent ([ s p nt] 蛇, 大蛇 ) or a plesiosaurlike ([ plisi r]蛇颈龙 )reptile, reported to s have been seen in the waters of Loch Ness, Scotland, but not proved to exist.


1.Did anyone see the Loch Ness monster? 有谁看过尼斯湖怪兽吗? 2.Some people believe in the Loch Ness monster. 有些人相信尼斯湖水怪是存在的。 3.Another attraction here is a legendary monster: the Loch Ness Monster. 这里游人如织的另一个原因则是充满传奇色彩的洛 赫·尼斯湖的怪兽。 These early day journalists favored stories of monsters and dragons, not unlike our own day’s tales of the Abominable Snowman and the Loch Ness monster.


acumen [ kju:m n] n. 1. 敏锐, 精明, 聪明2. <植>渐尖头3. <动>短刺 [noncount] : the ability to think clearly and make good decisions Her political acumen won her the election. a lack of business/financial acumen The newspaper editors of the 19th century understood the need to appeal to a large audience to stay in business, and their acumen led to definitions of news that hold to this day.


demagogue [英] [ dem ɡ ɡ] [美] [ m d ɡ ɡ] n. 1. 煽动者, 蛊惑民心的政客 [count] a political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason Examples of DEMAGOGUE His opponent called him a bigoted ([ ɡ t d]偏执 b 的,顽固的,心胸狭窄的 ) demagogue. That politician is just a demagogue who preys upon people's fears and prejudices always fight demagogues of all parties, never belong to any party.


predatory [英] [ pred :ri:] [美] [ d ri] t pr t adj. 1. 食肉的2. 掠夺的, 以掠夺为目的的;企图 奴役他人的 1 technical : living by killing and eating other animals predatory animals/birds/insects 2 wrongly harming or using others for pleasure or profit predatory business practices Examples of PREDATORY Hawks are predatory and pose a danger to rabbits and other pets. never be afraid to attack wrong, whether by predatory plutocracy or predatory poverty.


plutocracy [英] [plu: kr si:] [美] [plu ɑkr si] t t n. 1. 富豪统治,财阀统治2. 富豪〔财阀〕统治集团,富 豪,财阀 1 a [noncount] : government by the richest people a trend toward plutocracy b [count] : a country that is ruled by the richest people If only the wealthy can afford to run for public office, are we more a plutocracy than a democracy? 2 [coun

t] : a group of very rich people who have a lot of power corporate greed and America's growing plutocracy


insurrection [英] [ ns n] [美] [ rek ns k n] r n. 1. 起义, 暴动, 叛乱, 造反 a usually violent attempt to take control of a government [count] He led an armed insurrection [=rebellion, uprising] against the elected government. [noncount] acts of insurrection Examples of INSURRECTION the famous insurrection of the slaves in ancient Rome under Spartacus ([ ɑ:t k s]) sp Spain was severe in repressing the insurrection and the New York newspapers seized on the story of helpless Cubans trying to free themselves from oppression.


bombardment [b m ɑ:dm nt] b n. 1. 炮击;轰炸 bom·bard [+ obj] 1 : to attack (a place) with bombs, large guns, etc. The navy bombarded the shore. 2 : to hit or attack (something or someone) constantly or repeatedly Scientists bombarded the sample with X-rays. The car was bombarded by rocks as it drove away from the angry crowd. [count] During the war, bombardments occurred every night. [noncount] The city was subjected to (遭受到) aerial ([ ri l]空中的 ) bombardment. [=bombs were dropped on the city from airplanes] the Journal reported an exciting sequence of landings, bombardments and fleet battles


apocryphal [英] [ kr f l] [美] [ ɑkr f l] p p adj. 1. 真实性可疑的2. 伪造的,杜撰的3. 作者不 明的4. 次经的;新约外传的 well-known but probably not true an apocryphal story/tale about the president's childhood The Journal was selling so well thanks to its apocryphal scoops that its rivals began to play the same game, often rewriting the accounts of the creative Journal writers.


scoop [英] [sku:p] [美] [skup] n. 1. 小铲; 小勺2. 一勺[铲]之量3. (抢先刊载、播出的)独 家新闻 vt. 1. 用铲[勺]等挖(洞等)2. 抢先报道3. 抢先获得, 胜过 1 [count] a : a kitchen tool like a spoon that has a usually thick handle and a deep bowl for taking something from a container an ice-cream scoop a flour scoop b : something that is shaped like a bowl or bucket and used to pick up and move things a backhoe(反铲挖土机) with a large scoop the scoop of a shovel c : the amount of something that is held in a scoop a scoop [=scoopful] of ice cream 2 [count] : a news story that is reported before other news reporters know about it The story turned out to be the political scoop of the year.


3 the scoop US informal : information about something that is currently important or happening or that is interesting to many people Did you talk to him? What's the scoop? [=what did he say?; what is happening?] She always knows the scoop. Here's the scoop on how to clean leather. I was with them when it happened, so I've got the inside scoop. [=information known only by a particul

ar group of people] 4 [count] : the act of picking up something with a quick, continuous motion : the act of scooping something With one scoop, he gathered up all the clothes on the floor.


wampum [英] [ mp m] [美] [ ɑmp m] w w n. 1. 贝壳念珠,〈美俚〉金钱 [noncount] : beads, polished shells, etc., used in the past by Native Americans as money and decorations Examples of WAMPUM 1.I brought some wampum from North America. 我 从北美买了一些贝壳串珠。 2.They paid a lot of wampum for the job. 他们为那工 作付出很多的钱。 He said news was based on three W’s: “women, wampum, and wrong doing.”

