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编制 丁建梅 审核 孙红荣 2017.3.20

Module 1

一.单词(17分) (一)根据汉意写出单词

1. 秀丽的;标志的 2. 陌生人 3. 令人愉快的;可爱的 4. 耳朵 5. 尤其 6. 电子邮件;口信;信息 7. 有礼貌的 8. 感到骄傲的 9. 分数 10. 小甜饼;曲奇饼 11.业余爱好 12.盐 13. 最喜欢的人或事 14.牛仔裤 (二)根据汉意完成句子

1. The idea (听起来不错).

2.The fish ______ (闻起来) bad today, but it (闻起来)delicious yesterday. 3.The soup _______ (尝起来咸). 4. It’s cold outside, remember____________ _(穿)warm clothes. 5. He often ________ _ (感到紧张) when he speaks in public. 6. The coat (摸起来很柔软). 7. How are you _______ _ _(感觉) now? 8.My pizzas (做完的).

9. Miss Black (看起来很高兴). 10.This music (听起来很美). 二.短语(90分) Unit 1

1.美味 2.这么好看

3.想做,愿意做/想做 4.看起来可爱 5.闻起来美味 6.尝起来不错 7. 在上面 8.尝一块/一块奶酪/一块面包/一个建议/一个新闻(消息)

9. 闻起来新鲜 10. 闻起来味道太浓(重、强烈)


11.尝起来有点酸 12.做好了,做完了,完成了

13.尝一尝;试试看 14. 尝起来真甜

15. 摸起来软软的(硬邦邦的/舒服)

16.在(……)的中间 17. 许多不同的东西

18. 看上去很忙 19.制作一个苹果派

20.对甜食的爱好 /爱吃甜食

21. 拿糖,取糖 22.确信,确定,相信

23.草莓果酱 24.我的幸运日 25.干鱼 Unit 2

26.收到某人的来信(电子邮件) 27.等不及做

28. 到达机场(3种) 到达北京(3种) 29.相当高 30. 长着(留着)金色的短发

31.戴眼镜(2种) 32.互相,彼此 33.告诉某人有关某事 34. 正像,就像

35. 在某物或某事上花费……/ 做……花费……

36.古典音乐 /舞曲 37.爱做,喜爱做 / 爱跳舞 爱阅读 38.也 39. 为……而感到骄傲(2种)

40. 擅长,在……方面做得好(2种)

41. 成绩差 42. 在学校;上学

43. 学习更加努力(刻苦) 44. 感到有点伤心

45.起初;开始 46. 几天

47.感到紧张 48. 说汉语


49.(将来) 几天后,过几天

50. 怎样做事情 / 怎样做事情

/ 怎样学英语 / 怎样做饭 / 做什么 / 去哪里 / 什么时候开始 51.用正确的方式 52. 害怕(做) /害怕坐飞机/害怕


53. 对……兴奋 54. 请求某人(不)做 55. 在某方面帮助某人 56.看起来像 /像

57.友好善良 58. 又高又瘦 59. 和某人握手 60.炎热得多 三、句式 (32分) (一)感叹句(2种)

构成:1. 2.




④今天天气真好啊! ⑤我真激动啊!


(二) 恐怕……

恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。 (三)当说话人主动提出要做某事,尤其是主动提出帮助时,我们常用句式:




我们还可以用下列句式提出建议: 如:我们休息一下吧?

我们打篮球吧? 四、重点句子(22分)

1. 你想尝一些吗?(肯定回答 / 否定回答)




5. 谢谢告诉我有关你的爱好。



8. 我说汉语时感觉紧张,但几天后就会好。





五、语法 (6分) (见课本P103)

感官系动词(即表示感觉和直觉的系动词) : 有5个:

; ; ; ;

汉意分别是: ; ; ; ; 用法:(和系动词 一样)后跟 作表语。 如:It tastes good. The idea sounds nice,

但要注意:其否定形式和疑问形式的构成要借助助动词 或 。 如:The dishes do not smell very nice. It doesn’t smell fresh.

Does he look worried? 六、根据对话和课文填空(50分) Unit 1

Tony: Mm… ! Your pizza looks so nice. Betty: Thanks! ? Tony: Yes, please. It looks lovely, it smells delicious, and mm, . Daming: What’s that on top?

Betty: Oh, that’s cheese. Do you ? Daming: Ugh! No, thanks. cheese. It fresh. . Betty: Well, my chocolate cookies now. ! Daming: Thanks! They taste really sweet and they in the middle. Tony: lots of different things? You look very busy!


Betty: Yes, I am! There’s some pizza and some cookies, and now apple pie.

Daming: Apple pie . I , you know. ?

Betty: Yes, please. Oh, that’s sugar? Taste it first. It salt. Daming: No, it’s OK. It . It’s sugar. Tony: What’s this? It tastes sweet too.

Betty: That’s strawberry jam, .

Daming: Good, ! It’s ! Unit 2

1. last message, , and ________________________________________you.

2. I hope you my photo . I’m quite tall, , and I . I’ll wear jeans and a T-shirt for the journey, but I’ll also . I’ve got your photo ---- you , so I’m sure !

3. your hobbies. You sound ___________! I spend a lot of time my friends at school, but I also like dance music – I ! I enjoy sports , ________________especially tennis. My brother is in the school tennis team – __________________________! __________________________everything, ______ I’m not. Sometimes I ___________________ at school, and I feel sad. I _________________.

4. You asked me, ― ? Well, I often


when I leave my mum and dad , and I’m when I’m with strangers. I when I speak Chinese, but . I’m always sorry when I don’t know , so please help me when I’m with you in China! Oh, . But I can’t tell you China!

See you next week! Love,



1.The food on the plate smells ____.You can eat it. The milk tastes _____. Don’t drink it. A. delicious; good B. badly ; bad C. good; bad D. well; bad 2.This silk dress ____ and comfortable. I like it very much. A. smells soft B. feels soft C.feels nicely D. looks softly 3. Daming is not working hard. ______ he can’t pass the exam. A.I’m sure B.I’m afraid C.I’m thinking D. I’m not sure 4. —Would you like to try some pizza? —______ I’m full.

A.Yes,please. B.No,thanks. C.You are welcome. 5. My mother is afraid of ___ in the evening.

A.driving B.drive C.to drive D. drive 6. –_______? –He is serious and strict.

A. What does Mr. Li look like B. What is Mr. Li like C. What does Mr. Li like D. What would Mr. Li like 7. This kind of T-shirt looks______ and sells ______. A. nice, well B. nice, good C. well, well D. good, nice 8. –_______?

–She is very thin, and looks pretty. A. What does she look like B. What is she like C. What does she like D. What would she like 9. I hope _____ Beijing one day. A. go to B. you to go to C. to go to D. go

10. Wang Lei won the first prize in the reading competition. ______ exciting news!


A. How B. What C. What an D. How an

11. I can’t wait _____ to the party with you. A. go . to go C. goes D. going 12. –What does your brother look like? –______ .

A. He is a little shy B. He is short and thin C. He likes dancing D. He is a doctor 13. He won the first place in the competition. We were ______ him. A. angry with B. worried about C. proud of D. afraid of 14. Tu Youyou is the ______ of Chinese. We are ______ of her. A. proud; proud B. proud; pride C. pride; proud D. pride; pride

15. Betty loves and she’s good at and she does well in sports______. A. dance; cooking; neither B. dancing; to cook; also C. dancing; cooking; as well D. dancing; cooking; either 16. I am excited about ______ Beijing. A. returning to B. returning C. returning back D. return back 17. Mike _______ lots of time _______.

A. spends, on reading B. takes, reading C. spends, reading D. spends, to read 18. He ______ his parents_______ him with homework. A. asks, for B. asks, to help C. asks, of D. asks, of

19. Thanks for ____ me such a nice card. A. to send B. sending C. sent D. send 20. This kind of music ______ beautiful. A. sings B. hears C. listens D. sounds 21.—Who is the man___long hair? —He’s my cousin.

A. on B.for C.of D.with 22.When Peter comes, please ask him to leave a______.

A. notice B. message C.sentence D. information 23. Hurry up! The train will leave ten minutes.

A. for B. on C.at D. In 24. delicious smell! What food have you made, Mum?

A. What B. What a C. How D.How a 25. Oh, it so nice. What beautiful music it is!

A. smells B. sounds C.looks D. tastes 26. I from my pen pal a ween ago.

A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay 八、词汇应用:用所给词的适当形式填空(27分)

1. Amy is outgoing and she looks very (love)and (friend). 2. Would you like (go) camping with me? 3. My sister often spends her free time (dance). 4. There (be) some milk and some cakes on the table.

5. Kate met two_________ _ (strange) yesterday and they asked her the way to


the station.

6. It was time for class. Mr. King asked all the children (sit) down quietly. 7. Tom is very afraid of (speak) in public. 8. I often help him (study) maths. 9. Thanks for (invite) me to your party. 10.My (hobby) are letter writing, football, music and tennis. 11. The teacher is (pride) of her students. 12. The silk dress feels (comfort).

13. Last week Bob was very (luck) because he won the first prize. 14.The reporters are (excite) about the (excite) news. 15. The boy with (glass) is my cousin.

16. The meat looks (good) and sells (good). 17. When will you come to my house? I can’t wait (meet)you. 18. We enjoy (listen) to music. 19. It is great __________________ (see) you again.

20. I spent two hours (write) the email just now. 21. My apple pie is (do). Have a try, please! 22. The Smiths want (go) hiking next week. 23. The fourth question is about (write). 24. The problem is a little difficult, and I’m not sure which one (choose) 九、句型转换(7分)

1. Jim got a letter from his sister yesterday.(改写为同义句) 2. I also like this movie.(改写为同义句)

__________________________________________________________ 3. It took them three months to build the bridge.(改写为同义句)

_________________________________________________________ 4. We take pride in Yang Liwei.(改写为同义句)

________________________________________________________ 5. He does well in swimming.(改写为同义句)



_________________________________________________________ _

6. My father is friendly and kind. (就划线部分提问)

Your father_________________________________ ? 7. She has short hair and big eyes. (对划线部分提问)

__________________ she _____________________ ?

Module 2

一、单词(16分) (一)根据汉意写出单词

1. 方面;态度 2. 惦念;怀念;想念 3. 曾经 4. (使)参加; 5. (有财力)买得起,付得起 6. 邀请 7. 搬家;改变……的位置 8. 相混合;融合 9. 数;清点 10. 派遣去;命令……去 11.塔 12.国王;君王 13. 古老的;古代的 14. 女王;王后 15.法国 16. 德国 (二)根据汉意完成句子

1. Maria often wins (奖) in the school speech contests. 2. The girl entered many (竞赛) last year.

3. Thank you for (邀请) me to your birthday party. 4. The boss (派) Jack to work in Beijing two days ago. 5.The children are (数数) the toys. 7. I (梦想) of my grandma last night.

8. ---Have you ever (参加) a writing competition? ---No, never. 二、短语(60分) Unit 1

1. 参加比赛_______________________ 2. 演讲/写作比赛

3. 帮某人做某事(3种) 4. 帮你提高你的口语水平 5. 获奖________________ _ 6. (获)一等奖 7.参加理想的假期 8 . 买不起,付不起 9. 停止做 停止尝试 停止说话


/ 停下来去做 停下来休息

10. 考虑 11. 需要做 需要写

12. 编写;写作_________________ 13. 编写;创作 编写它 编写它们 14. 邀请某人做 15.叫……的书_________ Unit 2

16. 一个15岁的美国男孩_______________________________________ 一个8岁的女孩

17. 现在,此刻,此时此刻 18. 最大最繁华的城市之一

19. 搬到…… / 搬到这儿(那儿) 20. 就职于 21. 派遣(命令)某人做 22. 爱做,喜爱做 爱看世界 23. 许多有趣的地方 24. 例如 25.乘小船旅行_________________________ 24. 古代国王和王后的宫殿和塔楼_________________________________________ 25. 开始做(4种) 26. 和……不同 27. 在许多方面 28. 喜欢做 喜欢学习 29.迄今为止,到现在为止,到目前为止_______________________________________ 30. 学习做 学习说德语 学游泳 31. 真有趣 32. 请某人(不)做

33. 全世界 34.倒数,倒计时_____________ 35.盼望,期待(做) 36. 并且,而且,还(=and)




1. 汉意: 2. 汉意: ?他们去过许多有趣的地方。



(二)it作形式宾语,代替真正的宾语-----动词不定式to do sth. find it +adj. +to do sth. 发现做某事…… 1. 他们发现拼读单词很难。

2. 我发现学英语很有趣 。



____________________________________________________________________ _


3. 我一直想过一个梦想的假期。但我负担不起(费用)。




_____________________________________________________________________ 5.现在我不再尝试了。


_____________________________________________________________________ 7. 为了得奖,你需要针对你游览过的一个地方写一个短故事。

8. 那听起来好极了(奇妙)。但我旅游的地方不多。我怎么写?

9. 别担心。它不需要是真的。你可以编。

10. 我希望我会赢。然后我会邀请你和我一起来。

_____________________________________________________________ 11.公司已经派遣彼得到德国工作。

12. 罗宾逊一家爱看世界。 13.例如,在埃及,他们看了金字塔,在尼罗河上乘船旅行,参观古代国王和王后的

宫殿和塔楼! ____________________________________



_____________________________________________________________________ 15. 到现在为止他们学习说德语、法语、汉语和阿拉伯语。

16. 公司让彼得回到美国工作。


五、语法(20分) 现在完成时 (见课本P103) (一)意义或用法

1. 表示过去发生的动作对现在造成了一定的影响或结果。如: I have seen the film. It’s very interesting. She has had breakfast.

2. 表示从过去某一时间开始,一直持续到现在的动作或状态。如: Ms Li has taught maths since 20 years ago. I haven’t seen you for a long time. 注意:在这种用法的现在完成时的肯定句中,短暂性动词(终止性动词或非延续动词)不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,如:for+时间段或since+时间点。即:如果现在完成时的肯定句中有表示一段时间的时间状语for+时间段或since+时间点,则只能用延续性动词,不能用非延续性动词。如: ?这个包件她买了三年了。

She has had the bag for three years. (buy是非延续性动词,必须用延续性动词have代替)


I have kept the book for two weeks.(borrow是非延续性动词,必须用延续性动词keep代替)

? 那个外教来诸城5年了。

The foreign teacher has been in Zhucheng for five years.(come是非延续性动词,必须用延续性动词be代替)

(二)构成 助动词have / has + 动词的过去分词

动词过去分词的变化有规则变化和不规则变化。规则动词的过去分词的变化和 一样。不规则动词的过去分词需要记忆。(见课本P126)如:

be do go see

have make


send begin win think

take hear find write meet read become catch buy eat keep know (三)标志词(或时间状语)

already, yet, ever, never, just, before, recently, for+时间段,since+时间点,so far, in the last(past) +时间段 (四)各种句式

1. 肯定句 2. 否定句? 3. 一般疑问句? 4. 特殊疑问句?

六、根据课文填空(45分) Unit 1

Tony: Hi, Lingling. What are you doing?

Lingling: . Tony: ? Lingling: A speaking competition.

Tony: Great. . And maybe you will .

Lingling: is ―My dream holiday‖. Tony: ? Lingling: No, I haven’t. I’ve always wanted But . The plane tickets are too expensive. Tony: Well, good luck! , but . ____________________________I’ve now. Lingling: Look! Here’s a writing competition. Around the World in 80 Days. , you .


Tony: That , but I’ve never travelled a lot. How can I write about it?

Lingling: Don’t worry. ! You . Tony: That’s interesting, I’ll try. I hope I will win, then I . Lingling: Sorry! The first prize is only Around the World in 80 Day! Unit 2

Mike Robinson is boy and his sister Clare is fourteen. , Mike and Clare are in Cairo in Egypt, in Africa.

They their parents two years ago. Their father, Peter, ____________________a very big company. The company has offices in many countries, and Germany, France and China

before. Peter usually stays in a country for about two years. Then the company ________________________again. His family always .

Robinsons . They . ______________________________________ ____.For example, in Egypt, they ___________________the Pyramids, Nile River, and visited the . Mike and Clare the language of the country, Arabic. This language , and they . However, they still it. German,


French, Chinese and Arabic. Sometimes they . ―It’s really fun,said Clare.

The Robinsons again. The company _______________________________________the





__________________________________this. They have friends all over the world, but they also miss their friends in the US. . 七、单项选择(32分)

1. Pingping ______ his homework and now he is watching TV.

A.finished B.has finished C.is finishing D.finishes 2. At the moment, the Smiths ______ books..

A.read B.has read C is reading D. are reading 3. We travelled ______ a boat ______ the River. A.by;on B.on;in C.by;on D. on; on

4.We find hard to spell the words. However,we still enjoy ______ this language. A.this; to learn B.it; learn C.that; learning D. it; learning 5. --- Have you read the poem? -- Yes. I really enjoy it. A. still B. ever C. yet D. never

6. --- Is this Mr. Chen's car? --- I don't think so. He can't afford to pay for this kind of car. A. is too poor to B. is able to C. is rich enough to D. doesn't want to 7. They England and they will be back next week. A. have been to B. have gone to C. have gone in D. has been in 8. They left for Beijing last week and we them so far.

A. don't hear from B. didn't hear from C. haven't heard from D. won't hear from 9. --- you ever in a local hospital? --- Yes, I have. I think it's a good experience for me. A. Do; work B. Did; work C. Will; work D. Have; worked 10. --- How do you like the play Home with Kids?

--- Very good! I such a wonderful play before.

A. don't see B. never see C. have never seen D. didn't see 11.When we are at school,we should help ______ in study. A.the other B.each other C.another D. others 12. Doing morning exercises every day can help to .

A. keep us healthy B. keep us health C. keeping us healthy D.keeping us health 13. They had to walk home because they couldn’t afford a taxi. A. take B. taking C. to take D. taken 14. —I will go on a trip to Hainan next week. — .


A. Bye for now B. I see C. Have a wonderful time D. Best wishes 15. The Robinsons live in a building in our city.

A. 200-meter-high B. 200-meters-high C. 200 meter high D. 200 meters hig 16. —How often do I need the flower? —Twice a week. A. water B. to water C. watering D. to watering 17. The weather of Beijing is that of Chongqing. A. as different as B. different with C. different from D. so different as 18. We find impossible to get there before 8 o’clock. A. us B. it C. this D. that

19. Julie’s father to London last month. He there four times. A. went; had gone B. has gone; has been C. went; has been D. has been; had gone

20. You should take part in the music competition. You ______ everyone. A. win B. beat C. will beat D. will win 21. We’ll have _______ next week.

A. a 3-days holiday B. three day holiday C. 3 days holiday D. a 3-day holiday 22. – ______ have you visited Beijing? – Five A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How many times 23. There is enough food. We anything to eat.

A. needn’t to buy B. don’t need buy C. don’t need buying D. don’t need to buy 24. —Would you like to try some cookies?

—Yes, please. I dinner. So I feel a bit hungry. A. had B. haven’t had C. have had D. didn’t had 25. Sally invites me shopping. A. go B. to go C. going

26. ---Have you heard the news _______? ---No, not ___________.

A. already; already B. yet; already C. yet; yet D. already; yet 27.--Have you finished your homework ? -- Yes, I have. I have finished it, A. already; yet B. yet; not C. already; already D. yet; just 28. My parents the town for 5 years.

A. have been to B. have been in C. has gone to D. was in 29. Jackson is young man.

A. a 18-year-old B.an 18 years old C. an 18-years-old D. an 18-year-old 30. Lee London. He in two weeks.

A. went to; comes B. has been to ; will be C. has gone to; will come D. has gone to; has come 31. -- Have you been to the Palace Museum ? --Yes, I went there two years .


A. ago; ago B. before; before C. before; ago D. ago; before 32. At times, parents find difficult with their teenage children. A. this; talking B. that; to talk C. it; talking D. it; to talking 八、词汇应用:用所给词的适当形式填空(36分)

1. I hope our team (win) in the football team next week. 2. The Blacks (visit)the Great Wall twice.

3. Have you read a book (call)Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? 4. We felt very tired and we wanted to stop (run) (rest). 5. —Have you entered a writing (compete)before? —Yes, I have. 6. I’m looking forward to (see)you again. 7. My father spends much time (finish)his work. 8. Jay Chou is one of (famous)singers in China. 9. My mother asked me (help)her with housework. 10. Most young people enjoy (listen)to rock music, but the old don’t. 11. Betty began (learn)playing the piano at the age of 5. 12. Mr. Brown (teach) Chinese in our school for about five years. 13. The boy has tried (west)food in a hotel in Tianjin. 14. — Sally ever (visit)China? —No, she hasn’t. 15. Is The Smurfs 2 《蓝精灵(2》)a very interesting film?I (not see)it before. 16. (build)an economized(节约的)society, many people have taken part in―Clean Plate Campaign(光盘行动)‖.

17. We had to stop (drive)as the traffic lights changed into red. 18.My parents want to invite some friends (have)dinner with us. 19.It can help you (study)your English well to make a pen friend from English-spoken countries.

20. My brother (win) two prizes so far .

21.Jack (not write)to his family since Thanksgiving Day, so

he decides to do it now.

22. —Kate, will you go to see the film Tiny Times 1. 0 this evening?

—No, I won’t. I (see) it already.

23. --- Tom (make)dumplings before? --- No, never. 24. Shanghai is one of (big) (city) in the world


25. I love (read) and my sister loves (travel). 26. Little Tom began (learn) (play) the piano last month. 27. We need (read) as often as possible. 28. Daming asked Tom (help) him with his English. 29. My grandma is (busy) in my big family. 30. I find it exciting (play) football.

31. Her dream was (study) at a good university one day. 九、句型转换(10分)

1. I hope I will win.(改为同义句)

2. Lily is ten years old.(改为同义句)

Lily is girl. 3. Mr. Brown began to live in China three years ago.(改为同义句)

Mr. Brown for three years. 4. Tom has been to the Great Wall twice.(对划线部分提问)

5. They have planted some trees on the mountain before.(改为否定句) 6. Mrs Green has already begun to run .(改为一般疑问句并进行否定回答)

7. I’ve had the mobile phone for a year.(对划线部分提问)

8. Jack finished his homework an hour ago. (把时间状语改为already) 9. English is not the same as Chinese.(改为同义句)

English Chinese.


