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东华理工大学学年论文 Analysis of the Differences Between Chinese and Western Culture Based on the Translation of Brand Names


As the intangible asset of an enterprise,brand name has already became the core element and the effective weapon of the corporation.Chinese and foreign brand names are belong to two sorts of languages and cultures accordingly, thus, as the consequences of the similarity and distinction of two language sources the brand name represented by the two different symbols would emerge variety.Meanwhile the similarity and distinction between Chinese and western brand name can reveal the differences between Chinese and western culture.This dissertation is aimed at analyze the differences between Sino-western culture via translations of brand names to put forward the distinction then to avoid the cultural conflict and carry on culture heritage which based on the respection of the precious cultural origins on both side.

Key wards: brand name ; Chinese and Western ;differences ; culture

摘 要


关键词:品牌商标; 中西方; 差异; 文化

东华理工大学学年论 Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Culture Based on Translation of Brand names


The word “brand” was originated in the acient Norway “brandr” which means “sear”.Globalization and marketing competition is developing rapidly and even keenly, an enterprise couldn’t merely rely on their products and technical skills but also focus on the growing core element which to the succeed---brand name, which is the distinction of other competitors’ products or services realized in

names,terms,emblems,signs and special designs or the combination of them.It can increase its own value by the fair impression and good reputation in consumers’ minds.Thus,we can see the importance to analyze the differences between Chinese and Western culture to better know of the commodities snd learn to appriciate and respect the variety of cultures.

1. The comparation of Chinese and Western brand names

Chinese and foreign brand names are belong to two sorts of languages and cultures accordingly, thus, as the consequences of the similarity and distinction of two language sources the brand name represented by the two different symbols would emerge variety.Meanwhile the similarity and distinction between Chinese and western brand name can reveal the differences between Chinese and western culture.

1.1 The similarities between Chinese and Western brand names

1.1.1 Named after the Four Easy Principle----easy to read,easy to understand,easy to remember and easy to transmit

Brand names always including a large number of words which are delighted to see and hear by the masses. All these words have something in commen,that is they are all easy to read,easy to understand,easy to remember and easy to transmit.

Let us take Baidu ,the world’s largest Chinese search engine,as a good example. The brand name Baidu was drived from a famous ci poetry“众里寻她千百度,那人却在灯火阑珊处”which is written by Xin Qiji.The word Baidu in Chinese is readability and easy to remember because of it powerful tone and compact intonation. 1.1.2 Nominate in order to chase good-luck and avoid bad things No matter which way the compay adopted to nominate their products , both Chinese and Western brand names are in favour of elegent and auspicious Words.


东华理工大学学年论 Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Culture Based on Translation of Brand names

As we know most of the old and famous shops in China are side to use auspicious words which they believe could bring them good luck and fortune.Meanwhile, in western countries people also willing to chose some nice words to represent their enterprise.For example, in the western culture the number SEVEN is generally regarded as a lucky number.”Seven-up”is a popular drink’s brand name which is a unit of coca-cola.

1.1.3 The brand names are emboded with sybolic significance

The commercial market is always compared as a battle ,and brand name is a bridge which can link up commodities and comsumers, so it is not surprising to find all the companies take more and more attention on their brand name construction.No matter it is a well-known brand or even a world famous brand is being elaborated

designed.The designers put the corporation’s raputation on it , put the culture heritage on it ,put the good hope on it.As a consequence, the brand name can be a carrier of sybolic significance.

Reebok, is a famous sports goods manufacture.The word reebok itself is refers to a sort of antelope which has a light and graceful body and good at race rest in south Africa.Reebok,the company the antelope’s as a symbol to the buyer who can be running freely and delightly like a lovely antelope when the put on their sneakers.

1.2 The dissimilarities between Chinese and Western brand names

Chinese and English are oringnated from two totally different language system and they are differenciate from each other due to huge cultural varieties.Thus, the language and cultural differences will reflect on the brand names as follows I will list two major differences between them.

1.2.1 Chinese brand names emphasize on meaning while English brand

names focus on form

As Chinese is ideographic oriented syllabic script i.e. the symbol can convey meaning while English is alphbetic script which wuse letter to combine morpheme. Both Chinese and Westerners are frequently take some kind plant or animal as their brand name,Chinese tend to take the inner symbolic meaningof the object ,however, English is side on the out side form of the object.

Caterpillar, is the brand name of a Amrican tractor which named after the little worm is for the way is move just like a wriggling caterpillar.But in China, a manufactor will hardly use the worm’s name to represent their products for a worm


东华理工大学学年论 Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Culture Based on Translation of Brand names

can hardly possess any elegent or beautiful inner significance.Besidess,Greyhound,a long distance bus transportation company is another good example in point. 1.2.2 Chinese brand name focus on fame while English brand name on emotion

In Chinese traditional culture people tend to worship the famous people or things, so is the same in the Chinese brand name. Celebrities or well-known things can arise their quality reputation.Such as the famous white wine”杜康” and “孔家府宴酒”. On the contrast, in the western culture people usually prise the normal people and ordinary objects. NOKIA is a little town’s name while MARLBORO,the famous cigratte brand name is drived from a narrow street beside the factory.

2. Culture analysis through brand name

2.1 Language and culture

Language is the carrier of culture while culture is the soil of language.Culture has made a great contribution to inherit and transmit the historical culture and effective commmunication among different cultures around the world.

Eugene A. Nida,the famous translation theoritist and practitioner of America has carried out the idea “ Although language is clearly a part of culture, it is also one of its most distinctive features” in his book Language and Culture—Contexts in Tranalating. Besides,the great linguist and phscho-anthropologist E. Sapir has made a accurate conculsion on the relationship between language and culture”language does not exist apart from culture.” In Language Race and Culture.

2.2 Culture analysis through Chinese brand name

Chinese brand name, especially the old and famous shops’ brand nameshave follow and carry on the pricious Chinese traditional culture heritage which possessed strong rigional features and historical traces invovle the following aspacts: gardening, artitecture,poem,drama,music and painting…etc

2.2.1 Brand name and Chinese name culture

Chinese culture put more emphasize on collectivism and Chinese people value their behivors based on how does it exert influence on the whole kindred, family and group rather the individual.As a consequence, many old and famous shops in favor of the first name of founder to be the brand name and represent the shop’s image,besides,that is the reason why people deeply trust on those old and famous shops through a long time.The ways which the Chinese old and famous shops adopt their brand names can be divided as


东华理工大学学年论 Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Culture Based on Translation of Brand names

follows: a.

Combine the trade term and the first name of the founder,such as 馄饨侯

(dumplin soup from Hou family,烤肉季(barbecue from Ji family)and 果仁张(nutlet from Zhang family). b. c.

Use the founder’s whole name directly.王致和(a food brand),张小泉(a knife Combine the first name of the founder and some auspicious words.For

maker brand)and 吴良材(a sepctacle brand)are some good examples. example,张一元茶楼(Zhang Yiyuan tea house), Yiyuan in Chinese means “in the first flace” which imply the good hope of the founder. d.

Add the brand mark word “记” after the founder’s first name. This formation

is common in China as we can see “王记xx” “张记xx” along the street.

2.2.2 Brand name and Chinese palce name culture

Owning to the massive land, many splendid human landscape and nature landscape are famous for the well-known mountains and great rivers while the five-thousand years history have gave them specific additional meanings.For instance,”Yellow River” is the mother river of Chinese people,”Wu Dang

Mountain”is the holy land of Taoism, and “Jing Gang Shan” and “Yan An” are both red revolution bases.The following factors can be generalized from the brand name which taken from place name.

a. The commodities which use the location name as the brand name are all the featured products.For example, Qing Dao and Ha Erbing are both famous around the country for their delicious beer;and “鄂尔多斯羊绒衫”(Erdos cashmere sweater) is from its origin place Erdos;”景德镇陶瓷”(Jing De Zhen chinaware)is also take the famous chinaware produce area Jing Dezhen into the brand name.

b. Strong sense of national pride is evoveled into brand name which taken from place name.Such splendid landscape as Yellow River,Yellow Mountain, Tai Mountain and great wall are frequently take as brand names. 2.2.3 Brand name and Chinese Plant and animal culture

When a language was inventede to record the plants and animals’ name must happened in some certain settings.Apparently,it would be added some extra national culture implication meaning.These kind of brand names have some meaningful implications.

The plant or animal which choosen be included in the brand names always owning nobel loft and possitive implications.In Chinese,dragon and phenix are the symbol of authority,crane turtle and pine tree means long life. That is why we would like give


东华理工大学学年论 Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Culture Based on Translation of Brand names

the present which invoive the theme of “crane” “turtle” or “pine tree” to old people and wish their good health.Flowers also possess different symbolic meanings,such as Peony is refers to elegent and regalia,Lotus means purity.While some other animals like tiger which is the symbol of brave and strength and bull represent honest and hard-woring spirit.As a consequence,we can see those brand names:金龙鱼(edible oil), 太子龙(adornment),彪马(sports shoes),凤凰(bycicle),芙蓉王(cigarette),红豆(adornment)and 红牛(drink).

2.2.4 Brand name and Chinese color culture

Color is a attrctive object to catch the customs’ eyes. Different colors used in brand name can effct varity impact on them. In Chinese traditional culture,people partialy choose red to show great pleasant ,yellow or golden express rich and fortune, green as vitality.A large amount of Chinese brands bring in “red”or “golden”,some good examples are:红旗(automobile),红双喜(cigarette),金锣(ham sausage),金山(software),金丝猴(candy).

One thing valueble is worth to mention, the communication between two cultures with each other would both definitly improve and change through time.It is the same in color culture. Let’s take “white”as an example,traditionally, white is not a auspcious color in China but influenced by western culture more and more Chinese people,especially the younger generation,tend to regarded white as the symbol of purity and innocence.Some famous brands also take “whie”in their brand names like 大白兔(candy),白象(bettery),白猫(detergent). 2.2.5 Brand name and Chinese nubmer culture

The simple numbers have been emboded unlimited implications during a long period in historical changing.Due to differences in thinking pattern and traditional habbits,some certain numberss have be worshipped by people for the believed those number would bring them good luck and fortune, in the opposite, some other numbers would be rejected.In brand name, those number which have auspcious implications have been used frequently.Such as “one” “three” “six” “eight” “hundred” “thousand” and “ten thousand”.The reasons are:in chinese people’s conception “one” means unique and the first;the old saying”一生二,二生三,三生万物” which means all the things in the world are derived from three;”six”and”eight”in chinese sounds like”doing things smoothly”and”make a lot of money” and “thousan””ten thousand” refern to infinity and possibility.双汇(ham sausage),百度(search engine),万事达(credit card),万宝路(cigarette)are some good examples.

2.3 Culture analysis through Western brand name


东华理工大学学年论 Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Culture Based on Translation of Brand names

Foreign brand names are in the same situation with Chinese brand names,fulfilled with rich cultural depsits.NIKE(sports goods brand,USA) is derives from ancient Greece Godness name; MARS in MARS Bar(choclate brand,USA) is from God of War in Roman Mythology.This chapter is aiming to analyze the culture meaning inside the western brand names and to be a guide for our realization of different culture.The following four cultural features can be found in western brand names. 2.3.1 Named after the family’s first name to manifest the the historical an credit value

Just the same as Chinese Old and Famous Shops, most of the foreign enterprises which with long history would like to choose family first name as their brand name,especially the world’s famous brand. This method could killed two bird with one stone for family first name can show the history of the fundation of the company and implies the assurance for the quality and credit simultaneously.

Among the wrold’d top ten luxury brands, nine of them are taken from the founder’s name directly.We can see it through the table below: Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Brand Name Louis Vuitton Gucci Chanel Rolex Hermes Cartier Tiffany Prada Ferrari Bvlgari Founder Louis vuitton Guccio Gucci Gabrielle Chanel Hans Wilsdorf Thierry Hermes Louis Francois Cartier Charles Lewis Tiffany Mario Prada Enzo Ferrari Sotitrio Bvlgari 2.3.2 Use “loan words” to show unique characteristics

On account of English words are composed by letters which only have phonetic features it can not carry the deep cultural heritage as Chinese characters.But English can use “origin of the word”to show the unique feature of the company.For

example,English brand names usually borrow some France,Greek,Latin etc ,this is the same as the way Chinese brand name like to add English letters to it.Swiss world’s famous watch brand OMEGA is derives from the last letter in greek letter.And Clinique(倩碧) a unit brand of Estee lander(雅诗兰黛) is a German word which means clinc.What is more,VOLVO in Latin means “rolling forwar”which implies that


东华理工大学学年论 Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Culture Based on Translation of Brand names

VOLVO cars can push the company forward and developt. 2.3.3 With the help of pictorial trade mrak to show culture

Due to the lackness of meaning indicate function,western brands always via pictorial trade mraks to convey brand’s culture.The world’s well-known automobile all contain rich and deep indications.

The mark of BMW is contain blue and white to represent blue sky white clouds and incessant engine which imply the long history and vigorous of BMW automobile and the leading place in car-making technology.

ROLLS-ROYCE,the trade mark use two overlapped “R”s to symbolize the blief of one for all,all for one and harmonious relaptionship.

2.3.4 Use name of normal palces to represent special indicates Different from Chinese brand name western brand names take the name of famousless place like a narrow street or a remote town rathe than a big city.

The most famous perfume brand LANCOME is originated from a ancient castle in the middle Franch named Lancosme.

AVON is a name of a river in Shakespeare’s home town, and the founder took the name to show the appriciation of Shakespeare.

MARLBORO is also only a narrow street near the factory.


Culture and brand names are closely related.Brand name is an important carrier of culture while culture is the core spirit of brand name,without it brand name is just a few lieral words.

All the companie in the world are tring to find the best brand name to match their product no matter in the company is in which bussiness cope or in which cultural background.Thus, a brand name need to be brief---- easy to be remembered,easy to say,to be beautiful both sight and auditory and the most important is to be the suitable symbol of the company culture.Undoubtedly,different commodities have different properties and need different style of brand names.Also,different culture settings can effect great influence on the brand name.

This paper has compared between Chinese and Western culture through the brand name with many examples and anlyzed the differences out of it and aim to point the diversity in cultures and learn to respect and appriciate the art of beauty in two


东华理工大学学年论 Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Culture Based on Translation of Brand names

culture.This can do great contribution to avoid culture conflict and show the culture fruit of human being.


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