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第七章 动词时态和语态 一.一般时

1. 现在一般时(The Simple Present Tense)

现在一般时由动词原形或当主语为第三人称单数时动词加-s或-es构成,主要用法有: 1) 现在一般时主要用于表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态、日常行为和习惯、说话时刻的状态以及客观性和真理性的事实,通常与always,often,usually,sometimes,every day等时间状语连用,其动作起始和状态存在的时间没有明确界定。 He walks to school every day. They enjoy surfing on the Internet. Hydrogen is the lightest element. The sun sets in the west. 2)现在一般时也可以用来表示说话时刻的瞬间动作,与说话时刻几乎同时发生且转瞬即逝,一般用于体育解说、演示说明、剧情介绍、图片说明等场合。

Hunt passes the ball to Harper; Harper shoots and the goal keeper leaps it but—yes, it’s a goal.(体育解说)

When the curtain rises, Sally sits beside the window. Suddenly the door opens and a man in uniform enters.(舞台说明)

The story concerns two like-minded, lonely singles who live in the same building but never meet because one turns right when going out and the other turns left. They finally have a chance encounter in a park, but then they lose contact again.(剧情介绍) 3)现在一般时有时也可用于表达过去发生的动作。


Alice tells me her team has won the championship in the finals. I hear her trip has been ruined by the bad weather.

(2)叙事文和新闻报道中,为了加强生动性和真实性,可用现在一般时表示经常发生的动作或情况。 Jordan bows out with grace. Journeys in space benefit us MBA studies hit a low point.


(1)一些表示转移的动词如go,come,arrive,leave,start,sail等可以用现在一般时来表示按规定、计划、时间表预计要发生的事,通常伴有一个表示将来时间的状语。 The train leaves at six in the morning. When do you start? The football match begins in a few minutes.

(2)在状语从句和宾语从句中,现在一般时也可以表示将来的时间。 If he comes, we will tell him. (条件状语从句) He will be a doctor when he grows up. (时间状语从句) I hope you have a good time. (宾语从句) I bet it rains tomorrow. (宾语从句) Make sure that you look after the baby while I am away. (宾语从句) 2.过去一般时(The Simple Past Tense)


1) 过去一般时主要用于表示过去某一特定的与现在没有联系的时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,也可以表示过去的习惯动作,通常与ago,yesterday,last year,in those days等表示时间的状语连用。

I came across an old friend on the street yesterday. He went to college last year.

Next morning Emile, Durand’s boy, bought us letters addressed to William Gray. Kitty tore one open. It contained no message, only an address.



I wondered if you could spare me a few minutes.(不知道我能否耽搁你几分钟。) I hoped you could give us some help.(我希望你能给我们一些帮助。)

(2)表示与现在事实相反的条件句,或者一些虚拟语气结构中,比如It’s time…that,I wish…that,I’d rather…that等,过去一般时可以表示对将来情况的设想。 It’s time you took a break. I’d rather you went now.

If I had the money now, I would buy a car. 3.将来一般时(The Simple Future Tense) 表示在将来的某个时间发生的某个非进行性、非完成性的行为或存在的某个状态的动词形式就是将来一般时。将来一般时的表现形式有好几种,这些形式往往具有某种情态意义。使用将来时时应注意以下几点。

1)表示从现在看将要发生的事实,通常与tomorrow,next day,next year等表示将来的时间状语连用:

We will meet again tomorrow.

2)用来提出请求、表示同意、做出承诺等: Will you give me a hand?

3)助动词shall用于第一人称构成疑问句时,表示询问听话人意图和愿望。 Where shall we go for our holiday? What time shall I go?

在回答Shall I …问句时,不可用Yes, you shall或No, you shall not,而应该说Yes, please (或Please do) 或No, please don’t (Please don’t)。 —Shall I open the window? —Yes, please.

—Shall I carry your suitcase? —No, thanks.

在回答Shall we…问句时,应该说Yes, let’s或No, I don’t think we shall. —Shall we go to the party together? —Yes, let’s.

—Let’s go swimming, shall we? —No, I don’t think we shall.

4)表示将来情况的其它结构:be going to / be about to / be to+动词原形。 He is going to visit his old friend this afternoon.(表示最近的安排) I feel dizzy. I think I’m going to faint.(表预见,现在有迹象即将发生) It’s going to rain.(不受主观意志控制的将来动作)

We are about to start.(表示立即就要发生的事)

The President is to speak on television tonight.(表较重要的、已经安排好的事,常见报纸、广播,用于宣布计划、决定)

You are not to leave. You are to stay here till we return.(表示要求做的事,表示命令、禁止或可能性) 二.进行时

进行时表示动作在一个时段中处于进行之中,因此具有持续性、暂时性和未完成性。根据时间概念,进行时分为现在进行时、过去进行时、将来进行时和过去将来进行时四种。 1. 现在进行时(The Present Progressive Tense)

现在进行时由助动词be的现在时形式am/ is/ are + V-ing构成,主要用法有:

1)表示说话时正在进行的动作或发生的事情,常有now, at this moment等时间状语。 —What are you doing now, Jack? —I’m writing a letter.

He is watching TV at this moment.

The doorbell is ringing, would you answer it, please? 注:(1)表示状态和感觉的动词一般不用进行时,特别是love, hate, like, know, belong to等;如果用进行时,通常表示某种感情色彩或者突出动作的临时性和生动性。 While he talked I was liking him more and more.(表示感情发展过程) I was hating you all the time.(表示强烈的厌恶之情) Are you belonging to the college?(突出现在情况) How are you feeling today?(表生动亲切)

We are having a cold rain these days. (表示临时性)


He was always being angry about nothing. (带有批评色彩,他老是无端发怒。) He was only being kind for this moment. (他在此刻显得和蔼,也许他从来不和蔼。) Jenny is being a good girl today. (仅指今天的行为很好。) 2) 表示现阶段处于进行之中的动作,但说话时不一定正在进行。 Tom is studying medicine while his sister is doing ecology. He is working on a thesis these days.

Professor Wang is translating a book now.

3) 表示某种带有说话人感情色彩的现阶段经常发生的事情,一般与always, continually, constantly forever等频度状语连用。 My boss is continuously finding fault with me. Mary is constantly complaining that she is not properly paid. She is always making the same mistake.

4) 表示计划安排中即将发生的动作,动词一般为 go, come, leave, start, arrive 等。 —Are you doing anything special this afternoon? —Yes, I’m playing tennis with Jerry.

They are spending their holiday in mountains this summer. He is leaving Paris in a few weeks.

5) 表示离现在较近的过去,即刚刚过去的动作。 I don’t know what you are talking about.

Believe me, every word I’m telling you is true.

6) 表示委婉语气。

I’m wondering whether you would mind helping me. . I’m hoping that you will offer me another opportunity. I am expecting you to telephone me.

2. 过去进行时(The Past Progressive Tense)

过去进行时由助动词be的过去时形式was/ were + V-ing构成方式,主要用法有: 1) 表示过去某一时间正在进行的动作,常和表过去时间段的状语连用。 I was talking on the phone when John came in.

George was chatting online at ten o’clock yesterday evening. He was having a bath when the room was on fire last night.

2) 为一个或一系列动作的发生提供背景,在小说或故事中铺叙情节、描绘景象。

Let us think about adventure. You were walking along Broadway. You were looking into the shop windows and you were deciding which theater to go to. You were asking yourself. Did I want something to make me laugh, or something to make me feel sad?

3) 表示过去某时打算要做或者预计要发生的事,通常用于come, go, leave等动词。 He said he was coming to dinner this evening. He told me that he was leaving soon.

She said she was going to south after graduation. 4) 表达某种感情色彩。

He was constantly changing his mind. He was forever wearing a white T-shirt. The old lady was always talking of her past. 5) 表示比用现在进行时更委婉的语气。

I was hoping that you could reconsider my suggestion.

I was thinking that you could follow up a letter right after the interview. 3. 将来进行时(The Future Progressive Tense)

将来进行时由助动词will/shall + be + V-ing构成,主要用法有:

1) 表示在将来某一时间正在进行的动作,常与表将来的时间状语连用。

At the moment she is listening to Beethoven. At this time on Wednesday morning she will be listening to Mozart

Next Monday we’ll be taking our holiday in Hawaii. The train will be leaving in a second.

2) 表示安排要做的事或预计会发生的事。 I’ll be meeting you tomorrow evening. He won’t be coming to the party.

3) 在口语中,将来进行时有时可与现在进行时或一般将来时互换。 When are they coming? / When will they be coming? Will you please bring the table in here? (请把桌子搬到这里好吗?) Will you be bringing the table in here? (你准备把桌子搬到这里来吗?) 4) 表示委婉、客气的语气。 Will you be having something more? You will be working here next week. 三.完成时



1. 现在完成时(The Present Perfect Tense)

现在完成时由have / has + V-ed构成,主要用法有:

1) 已完成,即表示动作或状态已经发生或存在并已结束但对现在产生了影响,常和just, already, yet, recently, before, this week, today, this year, always, so far, up to now等时间状语连用。

I have already read the novel at least three times. Have you been to Italy recently? He has turned off the gas.

Have you informed him of the result yet?

2) 未完成,即表示动作或状态从过去某时开始一直持续到现在,或刚刚结束,或进行之中并可能继续下去,常和for, since引导的状语或与 how long连用。 He has lived in the village all his life. He has taught me since I entered the college. I have waited her for a long time. He has never met her since she moved to another city. How long has he been ill?

3) 现在完成时在从句中表示将来。 When you have rested, I’ll show you around the campus. I will wait until you have finished the paper.

4) 现在完成时在口语中带有感情色彩,如“have been/gone and + V-ed”。 See what you have been and done.(看你干的事。) You have gone and broken my window.(你把我的窗子打碎了。) What have you done!(你干了些什么!) 2. 过去完成时(The Past Perfect Tense)

过去完成时由had + v-ed构成,与现在完成时用法相似,只是表示的时间是过去某时之前的行为或状态。主要用法有: 1) 已完成

The movie had already started when we got the theatre. I had read half of the book before 12 o’clock. 2)未完成 She said she had made great progress since she came here. He had worked three hours when I called him.

3) 表示未实现的愿望或想法,常用hope, intend, mean, think等动词表达。 I had hoped that I would be able to pass the exam this time, but I failed again. I had meant to tell you the truth.

4) 用于“It was the first/ second/third time (that)”结构中。 It was the first time that I had made such mistake. It was the second time he had visited the city. 3. 将来完成时(The Future Perfect Tense)

将来完成时由will/shall + have + V-ed构成,主要用法有: 1) 表示在将来某一时间之前完成的动作。 Tom will have had his exam by 20 December.

By the end of the year she will have worked for the company for ten years. By this winter, we will have lived here for five years. 2) 将来完成时可和时间或条件状语从句连用。

When I have done that, I shall have done all I was supposed to do. If you come before noon, I will not have finished book. The train will have left when we get to the station.

3) 用于 “be to +V-ed” 结构中表示本来打算做某事,但没有做成。 We were to have met in the park, but he didn’t turn up.

They were to have gone abroad that year, but then the war broke out. 四.语态

1. 语态的含义和种类

1) 语态(voice)是动词的一种形式,它用来表示句中主语同谓语动词之间的关系。英语动词有主动语态(active voice)和被动语态(passive voice)两种形式。主动语态表示主语是谓语动词动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是谓语动词动作的承受者。被动语态常用by介词短语来说明动作的执行者。不及物动词不能跟宾语,因而没有被动语态。如: The children ate the cookies.孩子们吃了饼干。

The cookies were eaten by the children.饼干被孩子们吃了。

2) 被动语态一般由助动词be (根据时间的不同而有不同形式) 加及物动词的过去分词构成。被动语态可以用于各种时态,但较常用的有十种,现列表如下: 时 态 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 一般过去将来时 现在完成时 过去完成时 将来完成时 过去将来完成时 现在进行时 过去进行时 主语 助 动 词 单 数 复 数 Are Were will be would be have been had been will have been are being were being 过去分词 designed. designed. designed. designed. designed. designed. designed. designed. designed. The car / cars is The car / cars was The car / cars will be The car / cars would be The car / cars Has been The car / cars Had been The car / cars will have been The car / cars is being The car / cars was being The car / cars would have been would have been designed. 被动语态的十种时态例句如下:

Most trade barriers are designed to restrict imports.(一般现在时)大多数贸易壁垒是用来限制进口的。

I was so impressed by these words. (一般过去时)我为这些话所深深感动。 I’m afraid that I shall be laughed at. (一般将来时)我怕人家会笑我。

They would be sent to the army when they finished the training. (一般过去将来时)他们结束训练时将被派往部队。

The project is being carried out.(现在进行时)这个计划正在执行中。

The case was being investigated then.(过去进行时)那时这案子正在调查中。

Most of the questions have been settled satisfactorily. (现在完成时)大多数问题已经圆满解决了。

By the end of the war 300 people had been saved by the organization. (过去完成时)战争结束


This class will have been taught by Prof. Wang for two years by next semester. (将来完成时)到下学期,王教授就教这个班两年了。

The teacher said the assignment would have been handed in before next week.(过去将来完成时)老师说作业在下周前交。

3)被动语态除be加及物动词的过去分词构成外,还可用“get+过去分词”结构。这种结构多用于口语中,强调动作的结果而非动作本身,常用于表示突发性的,出乎意料的偶然事件,一般不接by短语。如: Henry got hurt when climbing the mountain. 亨利登山时受伤了。 Five people got killed in the explosion. 五个人在这次爆炸中死亡。 注:“get + -ed分词”还可用于谈论由自己做的事,是主动的行为而不是被动的行为。如:get dressed 穿衣服 / get divorced 离婚 / get engaged 订婚 / get confused 迷惑不解 get lost 迷路 / get washed 洗脸 / get married 结婚

4)情态动词可用被动语态,结构是“情态动词 + be + 过去分词”。如: Smoking can be shown that it increases the possibility of lung cancer. 可以证明吸烟会增加患肺癌的可能性。 Wrongs should be collected, righted carefully when they are discovered.发现错误应该认真搜集和改正。

2. 主动语态变被动语态的其他变化

1) 除动词变化外,将主动语态的宾语移到句首做主语,其主语作by的宾语放到句尾,其人称和数等作相应变化。

主语 + 动词 + 宾语→ 主语(原句宾语)+ be + -ed分词 + by + 宾语(原句主语) by短语因多种原因,如不必说出,不好说出等,常常省略。

We will plant trees tomorrow. (主动) → Trees will be planted (by us) tomorrow. (被动) 2) 主动句中有直接宾语和间接宾语时,把其中一个变成主语,另一个保留在原位:

We gave the delegation a warm send-off at the airport. → The delegation was given a warm send-off at the airport.

主动句中有宾语和宾语补语时,把宾语变成被动句的主语,宾语补语保留在原位: They have painted the door white. → The door has painted white by them.

3) 如果主动语态中有情态动词(如:must, can, could, should, may, might, need等),变为被动语态时,在情态动词后加be的不同形式,把动词变为过去分词:

The debt must be paid off before next month. 那笔债务必须在下个月前付清。 You ought to be criticized for your carelessness. 你由于粗心大意应当受到批评。 The project might have been completed earlier. 这个工程本来可以早点完工的。 Such an accident could have been avoided. 这样的事故本来是可以避免的。 4) 不定式作主语的句子变被动语态时,要把不定式改为by+动名词结构。

It will make your mother sad to tell her the bad news. → Your mother will be made sad by being told the bad news. 5) 含有短语动词的主动结构变被动结构时,注意短语动词是一个整体,不要丢掉词组末尾的副词或介词。

She took good care of the children. → The children were taken good care of. 6) 在主动语态中,如果感官动词和使役动词后的宾语补足语是动词,这个动词前往往不带to,但在被动语态中要带to。 He was seen to steal the famous painting. 有人看见他偷了那幅名画。

The workers were made to work overtime by their boss. 老板让工人们超时工作。 3. 被动语态的使用 英语的被动语态常用于以下场合: 1) 当不知道谁是动作的执行者时。如:

We haven’t been informed of it. 还没有人通知我们这事儿。

The window in the classroom was broken yesterday. 昨天,教室的窗户被打破了。 The time-table has been changed. 时间表已变动了。

He was asked to go there once more. 他被要求再去那儿一次。 2) 当不必要说出动作的执行者时。如: She was born in Holland. 她出生于荷兰。

It is said that the government will raise the income tax. 据说政府要提高收入所得税。 The bag was put into the box. 袋子放在了箱子里。

This problem must be settled at once. 这个问题必须马上解决。 3) 当动词承受者是叙述对象或强调动作发出者时。如: The thief was arrested by the police. 这个贼被警察逮捕了。 The song was composed by a young worker. 这首歌是一位年青工人谱写的。 4) 当出于礼貌或客气不说出动作的执行者时。如: You’ll be contacted. 我们会和你联络的。 It’s hoped that you’ll join in our party. 希望你能加入我们的聚会。 You are asked to hand in your paper next Monday. 希望你下周星期一交论文。 You are expected to finish it in time. 希望你及时把它完成。

5) 为了避免说出动作执行者,常使用It is + V-ed + that-clause的句式。 It is said that she is going to be married to a foreigner. 据说她要嫁给一个外国人。 It is rumored that he has been appointed as successor to the president of our company. 据传闻,他已被任命为我们公司总裁的接班人了。

It is generally considered impolite to ask one's age, salary, marriage, etc. 问别人的年龄、工资、婚姻状况等通常被认为是不礼貌的。 6) 以下情况也宜用被动结构: (1)公告、通知。如:

Smoking is prohibited in this area. 本区域严禁吸烟。 (2)报纸标题和新闻报导。如:

Another Reporter Kidnapped! 又一个记者遭到绑架! (3)科技文章。如:

These radio signals were heard first in 1967. 1967年人们第一次听到这些无线电信号。 4. 含被动意义的主动语态 有些不及物动词的主动语态可以表示被动意义。这种不及物动词有以下几种:

1) 某些感官动词和系动词加形容词可以表示被动意义,如 look, smell, taste, sound, prove, feel, wear等。如:

The food tastes good. 食物很香。 It smells strange. 这有怪味。

The stone feels very cold. 石头摸起来很冷。

2) 有些行为动词后加副词可表示被动意义, 常与well, quite, easily, badly等副词连用,如lock, wash, sell, read, wear, blame, ride, clean, burn, draw, cook, write等。 The woman's clothes sell well. 女装卖的快。

Glass breaks easily. 玻璃容易破碎。

The car rides smoothly. 这车走起来很稳。 The case locks easily. 这箱子很好锁。

3) 某些与can’t, won’t等连用的不及物动词,如open, move, shut, lock等。 The door won’t lock. 这门锁不上。 It can’t move. 它动不了。

4) 某些可用于“主 + 谓 + 主补”结构中的不及物动词,如blow, wear等。 The window blew close. 窗户给风吹得关上了。

The heels of shoes have worn down. 鞋跟已经磨坏了。 5. 被动语态与系表结构的区别



The door was closed by my sister. 门是我姐姐关的。(被动) The door is now closed. 门是关着的。(系表)

They were crowded into one room. 他们被塞到一间屋子里。(被动) The room soon became crowded. 房间里很快挤满了人。(系表) He had been injured during the war. 他是在战争中受的伤。(被动) He was injured in the leg. 他腿部受了伤。(系表)

注:表示心理、感情、处所等动词的过去分词是系表结构。同样,be + 不及物动词的过去分词也是系表结构。如:

We were surprised at the news. 听到这个消息我们感到吃惊。 Everybody feels contented. 大家都感到满意。

She was looking so disappointed. 她显得那样失望。 The boy is grown up. 孩子长大了。 The moon is set. 月亮落下去了。


These agreements haven’t been signed by the president 这些协议还没有由校长签字。(被动,现在完成时)

The case will be looked into next week. 这个案件下周就要查明。(被动,一般将来时)


The bank is usually closed at six. 银行通常六点关门。(被动) The bank is now closed.银行关门了。(系表) 4)系表结构中的过去分词可被very, so, too修饰,被动语态中的过去分词可被much, too much, so much, very much修饰。试比较: He was very amazed. 他很惊奇。(系表)

He was much amazed by the remark. 他听到这个评论很惊奇。(被动)

